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Exercise Thread ~ June 21st - June 27th


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I managed to get in some yoga!


I also fell going down my stairs (sweaty slippery polyester socks) and managed to arrange myself so that I did not land on my tail bone cause that would have had me cursing the gods. I would not be happy if I broke my tail bone again. Anyway, my butt muscle is mighty sore. I'm pretty sure it will be a lovely shade in a few days. Good thing no one other than dh sees my rear end. 

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I managed to get in some yoga!


I also fell going down my stairs (sweaty slippery polyester socks) and managed to arrange myself so that I did not land on my tail bone cause that would have had me cursing the gods. I would not be happy if I broke my tail bone again. Anyway, my butt muscle is mighty sore. I'm pretty sure it will be a lovely shade in a few days. Good thing no one other than dh sees my rear end. 


I'm glad it wasn't worse, M-N.


Raining today, so I just walked the dog.  10,000 steps.  Feeling a bit bleh - extended family issues, plus changing job and various complications coming up.  The walking helps.

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Will soon do a Bar Method workout & if I have time, I'll also do a Classical Stretch routine.


I also fell going down my stairs (sweaty slippery polyester socks) and managed to arrange myself so that I did not land on my tail bone cause that would have had me cursing the gods. I would not be happy if I broke my tail bone again. Anyway, my butt muscle is mighty sore. 

Hope you're not in too much pain.


Feeling a bit bleh - extended family issues, plus changing job and various complications coming up.  The walking helps.


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Sorry to hear that Mom-Ninja :( 



Yesterday I did get in my core work done and shoulder exercises done at PT. My neck is feeling better, still not right but better.


Kim, actually it is not headstand that is bothering me, but the things like plow. Any extreme torsion or flexion she said I should avoid, which I already have been as I know that is how I hurt myself. 


In 4 days I start my aerial silks class so nervous and excited about that!


today: yoga; core; walk; pt

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Today was supposed to be butt day, but mine is way too tender from m y fall. Figured I shouldn't specifically target a bruised muscle so I did Jillian's 6 Week Abs level 2 instead. It still had quite a bit of butt work, but I managed. Will try to get in some lower body stretching. 

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15 min of yoga- I tried out my Swenson video for the first time and I really like it, it has a 15, 30 and 45 min series. I then

did some Mutu but kept it lighter as I don't feel like going hard core when I'm on the heavy part of my cycle and most of my PT work. I took it a bit easier with my shoulders today though, I've been hitting them hard between PT and Ashtanga and they felt like they needed a rest. 

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I managed to get in some yoga!


I also fell going down my stairs (sweaty slippery polyester socks) and managed to arrange myself so that I did not land on my tail bone cause that would have had me cursing the gods. I would not be happy if I broke my tail bone again. Anyway, my butt muscle is mighty sore. I'm pretty sure it will be a lovely shade in a few days. Good thing no one other than dh sees my rear end. 

  Nooooo!  Throw the socks away!  Hope you are better today.


2 mile walk, 100 kb swings, katas, bo staff.


My arthritis is flaring up- had to put my hands in a bowl of ice this morning and my knees are creaky.  Stupid arthritis.

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Love seeing what everyone is working on!


I have managed to do my 30 min workouts everyday this week. I usually like to walk 30 min as well but it's just too darn hot around here!! I plan on getting up earlier next week to get in the walking.


I had done nothing for years so 17 days straight without stopping is huge for me. I'm feeling stronger.

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Did my MWF elliptical and weights. It took me 6 hours to convince myself to finally get up and go yesterday, but I did it!

I've started wearing a heart rate monitor so I'm less tempted to go easy, raised the weight on most exercises, and finally forced myself to work in some different machines/grips/reps/sets, etc.  Just say no to plateaus!

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Love seeing what everyone is working on!


I have managed to do my 30 min workouts everyday this week. I usually like to walk 30 min as well but it's just too darn hot around here!! I plan on getting up earlier next week to get in the walking.


I had done nothing for years so 17 days straight without stopping is huge for me. I'm feeling stronger.

Ya you, you can do it! I see it says you are on the 21 day Fix, in that case haven't you almost made it to the end of the program, that is a big accomplishment!




Walk yesterday evening for me, which was of course slow with the girls and a 2 y.o. on a tricycle but wonderful. Its my favorite time of the day.


Today: Short and Sweet Yoga I think. Walk and core later. I have a feeling that no matter how much prep I'm trying to do my Aerial Silks class is going to pommel my poor abs :)

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Yesterday I managed 11,000 steps between grocery shopping, activities with kids, and a family walk. Today I'm planning at least the breathing/core stability portion of Denise Austin before taking the kids to their training run for the kids' marathon they are doing this summer. If I didn't explain it before, they have the summer to run 25 miles, one mile at a time, then the final 1.2 miles the day before our local marathon, complete with medals, t-shirts, and fun racing atmosphere. Their running is one reason why I'm still trying to keep up with exercise as long as I can. DH can't always run with them with his actual marathon training, so I will run the one mile with them a few times a week. Not too strenuous, but something.

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