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How do you pronounce your username?


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In my head, mine is mil-oh-VON-ee, however, the place where I got this name* had an accent over the y so it maybe is better pronounced mil-oh-von-EE. I used to have the accent on the y here at WTM, but it apparently caused something in the PM feature to glitch so I removed it.


*I had done a search for the meaning of my given name -- beloved -- and came up with a web page that showed the words for "beloved" in numerous other languages. It said milovany was the Romanian version. I chose that and have been using it ever since, although I've been completely unable to find that same information again, LOL. So hopefully I'm not named after something, well, un-beloved. :D

No, the Romanian version would be spelled differently. Spelled with the accent on the 'y' makes it Czech. The accent mark isn't for syllabic stress but it is like a slight lengthening of that syllable. In Czech every word has its stress on the first syllable so it would be pronounced MEELovahneee.

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Thank you for that correction.  I bet I exchanged Czech for Romanian in the numerous years since I first did that search. One lovely poster here calls me "Mila" (MEE-la) sometimes, so that fits well. I'd add the accented y back in, but I'm an admin of a social group and some people weren't able to PM me because of it for some reason.

I'll try to adjust the pronunciation in my head. :)

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