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Rising 8th grader tested at 2nd grade level for Spelling


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Ok. This embarrasses me. But (deep breath) my rising 8th grader took the DORA (reading comprehenion and spelling) test yesterday and scored at level or way above level in all the categories...except for spelling. He tested as a mid-year 2nd grader. ??!?


We have used AAS (All About Spelling) for a few years now and I thought things were ok. We were at level 6 at the end of this year. He liked it and always (I mean ALWAYS) got all the words right in the book.


I don't know if he was just racing through the test without trying or what, but I was floored that the result was THAT low. I mean, I know spelling isn't his strong suit, but I expected he'd be at the 5th or 6th grade level. I really did. I knew he was a bit "behind" his grade level, but...2nd grade??


Does anyone have a recommendation for a spelling program? I have no idea what we even need now.


NOTE: He's never been a big reader. I'm going to have him read more than usual in the hopes that the more he sees words the more he'll remember how to spell them. He likes reading ok, but he'd rather run around and do things. I'm going to carve out some mandatory reading time for him each day.

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How is his spelling in his writing?  Do the lessons from AAS seem to be transferring?  If so, I wouldn't worry.  If not, you might want to take a run through Sequential Spelling for Adults.


I haven't used the DORA in several years, but I seem to remember that my sons both scored much lower on it than expected (one has dyslexia and one is a natural speller).  

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I would never change things I do as a result of one (and only one) test result, especially if you don't have any details (and didn't watch him take the DORA).


If you want to check his "spelling level" with another test, try something like the Morrison-McCall spelling test. (There are others out there if that one doesn't fit your needs.)


If you are looking for something less teacher intensive, there is Megawords. (For the record, I didn't like Megawords. But many people on this board have used it and loved it.) It is definitely geared toward older kids and 7th grade is a great grade to start the series in.

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I would also try some other tests first! That you administer and can see that he is focused and trying.


In the end I think I have one child who will never get spelling. We will finish Apples and Pears and then she will have to carry a pocket dictionary and use spellcheck. She is so smart and amazing in so many ways I just have other fish to fry.

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Thank you for all the responses. I'm going to take the advice to do more spelling testing. I didn't want to hang over his shoulder during the testing and make him nervous, so I'm not sure exactly what was going on in the DORA test. I'm going to use the resources about testing and placement given above. He knows he did great on the test except for spelling. I told him that we need to make sure that test result wasn't a mistake and try another test just to be sure. He agreed he'd rather take a few more tests than have to re-do all his spelling lessons if it turns out the test results were wonky.


Thanks for not making me feel like a failure at teaching spelling.


As far as in his work: yes he makes errors, but not all over the place. Maybe 2 or 3 errors per side of a loose leaf piece of paper. Honestly I haven't been tracking exactly what the errors are. I tell him to ask Siri for the correct spelling and he fixes them. He was doing fine in his spelling program so I wasn't too worried about it. I expected a few errors and wasn't monitoring exactly what they were. I will flip back through his work to see the errors.

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If he typically only makes 2-3 spelling errors on a page of writing--he's doing pretty well I'd say. Level 6 of AAS is way beyond 2nd grade level words, and he'd have way more errors than that on a side of notebook paper if it wasn't transferring. Most standardized tests are multiple choice, which are geared for the natural speller, and can be very troublesome for students who struggle with spelling. They see the multiple possibilities, and suddenly each one looks like a good possibility, and it gets confusing. Their mind tells them that logically “fusible†and “fusable†can both say the same thing. Without having the visual picture that the natural speller has, it is very difficult. Some kids just chose the first option that looks halfway decent without putting much thought into it. Others look at the test like it's an "unwinnable" game and just want to get it done.

I would encourage you not to get hung up on the testing. What you are looking for is every day spelling improvement.
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I don't know how they test on the DORA but I know that my DD has trouble picking out the correct spelling when the other spellings are wrong but close to the correct spelling.  However, in her everyday writing she makes very few errors and mostly on words we haven't actually covered yet.  Occasionally she makes a lazy error, but overall she is a good speller.  It's when they all look the same that she second guesses herself.  Maybe something like this happened to your son. 

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Two or three words wrong, provided his handwriting is normal sized, is average in my opinion, provided the content of the text is at grade level.


I agree with the others: test again, ask him to take it seriously as you were a little concerned about the last results, and see how he does.

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