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At what age did you/will you start teaching typing/computer skills?


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We're mainly classical homeschoolers, but I have do have a soft spot for many "Waldorf-y" things, such as lots of handwork and limiting kids' exposure to electronic media. (Thus far, my girls have not used iPads or computers in any capacity for school, and I like it that way.) That said, the post about typing programs got me thinking and I am wondering when most people start introducing basic computer and typing skills? I had initially planned to wait until middle school, but I'm wondering if others tend to start earlier? (Context: My oldest will be starting third grade in the fall; since she has just finished learning cursive--and will use it from here on out for all of her writing assignments--it occurred to me that beginning typing skills might be a good next thing to add to her schedule in the fall. If we did it, though, I'm pretty sure we would be doing it just to teach her HOW to type; I'd still require her to handwrite all her writing at this stage.)


In short, what are your thoughts on age and computer skills? When did you/when do you plan to introduce typing and computer skills? How much, if any, of your schoolwork is done on the computer? Very interested to hear what others have done/plan to do! Thanks!

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My DS is 8 starting third grade in the fall, and we will be doing typing and intro to coding this year.  We also just finished cursive this past year.  He can use either printing or cursive for his writing assignments, as long as it is neat.  He has requested the typing.  I won't require assignments to be typed, though, until middle school, probably.


My boss has a daughter in PS who just finished 3rd who had a typing class this past year.

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My 3rd and 4th grader did some Dance Mat typing this spring and those skills are starting to take. They like to make up stories and type them up on the computer but so far all of their school work they do by hand. They have been doing some simple coding using Scratch for a year or so--it is drag and drop so doesn't require typing skills. They pick up computer stuff so quickly at this age that I am glad they've started but to each his own!

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My rising third-grader just started a typing program for his summer goal, since he's eager to start learning to code. We're using the program "Typing Instructor for Kids" which was recommended by people on here and cost me less than a dollar on amazon. 

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DS12 will start typing this fall. I erred on the side of late; he also doesn't do coding yet. Not sure when we will add that in.


He has, however, used a number of apps on an iPad to supplement his school work, as well as CAP's Headventureland for Spanish and Latin.

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My oldest started typing and making PowerPoint slides in public school in kindergarten. They have a technology period once a week at the school's computer lab. This was part of California's K-8 state standards for technology. My youngest just watched his brother and learned before K.

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We've on and off dabbled with Scratch, but typing is an important skill. I think revision is an important part of the writing process, and I think revision becomes torture when you have to rewrite your work to revise it. So, we started typing as soon as print skills were well-established, which for us was in first grade.

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Although ds has used a computer since birth, he started typing lessons in grade 1. He has played around with coding for a couple of years, but we formally incorporate computer programming into our curriculum in grade 2.

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Ds taught himself to type from playing computer games.  He was probably 5 or 6 when he got really good.  He types about 75 wpm now using all finger but probably not exactly correct technique.  I tried to do Dance Mat Typing with him at one point and he was already faster and hated it.


He tried Scratch but wasn't that interested in it.  He's doing the Java class at Kahn Academy now.

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My DD just turned 8, and I'm thinking about introducing typing in the fall.  She does use the computer for fun and school but just hunts and pecks.  Her hands are now big enough that I don't think she will be to frustrated learning to type.  Now it's just deciding which program to use.

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