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Exercise Thread ~ May 31 - June 6


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More Ultimate Frisbee (they call it Disc now because of copyrights) tournament watching today.  I thought of y'all yesterday while there- 45 teams from around the country, my daughter's team was the only high school team there.  All the other teams were club college or grown women- many with gray hair.  At one point my 15 yo dd was guarding a pediatrician.  These women were stunning- fast, strong, aggressive and super fit, of all sizes and walks of life.  


It made me so happy to know that these are the kinds of women that my daughter is seeing and respects and thinks are the norm.  Not to mention she's found a sport that she can do for the rest of her life.  A relatively inexpensive and low tech one at that.  Her team lost all 4 games and she was still happy at the end:)  

Rant over.


Ended up grappling for 1 1/2 hours straight plus the open mat.  My neck muscles and inner thighs are screaming.  I drive through Texas tomorrow so I plan on a run today with kettle bell instead of my normal Sunday rest day.


Have a great week!  I'll be out of touch:) 

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Rieshy - I think Ultimate is so cool, we play frisbee a fair amount as a family and quite enjoy it but we're not hard core or anything but if there was a league around I'd like to check it out.


Have fun at the zoo AnnE!


Yesterday ended up being a lazy PMS kind of day except chin-up work.


Today 30 min Yin Yoga and 15 min Mutu core, planning a short easy walk this evening- 


the period has commenced so I'm not totally feeling it today.


Oh, and Tues I have an appt in the city and I think I'll be able to go check out an aerial fitness class for the first time and/or do some rock climbing (sure hope the worst of my period passes before then!!!!).

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Yvtas Standing Poses 20 min and Mutu 10 min this am.


No walk yesterday because I ended up visiting a friend with a new baby until way past my bedtime. Getting ready for a walk this am to enjoy the cooler temps.



I did maybe 50 mins of mat work? I did 15 min of arms/upper body and then some abs and then lower body.  My face was all red and I got so sweaty! I am always surprised at what a burn I can get from mostly body work

Yep, bodyweight work rocks!


Training at gym today, but I will not walk (storm potential plus dd's day-before prep, poor baby)

Still thinking of you guys.

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Took a rest day yesterday. Today has been 80 min of yoga. I'll probably do more later as I try to time my class. I hope it is a better week for those having a hard go right now. Reishy-as an aside my ds's girl friend plays college disc. Fun stuff ( He is in the fencing club. I can only imagine their arguments :p. )

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I took a rest day yesterday.  Today I ran 3 miles, then did an hour of yoga.  I did half of Primary with the full closing sequence.  It felt so good.  The run did not feel as good.  Each run has felt like it's getting harder.  I have a goal this week of running at least 5 days.  I need to be consistent in order to get back into shape.

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I took a rest day yesterday.  Today I ran 3 miles, then did an hour of yoga.  I did half of Primary with the full closing sequence.  It felt so good.  The run did not feel as good.  Each run has felt like it's getting harder.  I have a goal this week of running at least 5 days.  I need to be consistent in order to get back into shape.

Do you do the Primary Series on your own or do you have a video? I bought a video by MySore yoga and I just really dislike it. I guess I could do it on my own but I prefer to have someone to follow. 

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Do you do the Primary Series on your own or do you have a video? I bought a video by MySore yoga and I just really dislike it. I guess I could do it on my own but I prefer to have someone to follow. 


Today, I did my own.  I subscribe to YogaGlo and they have it to stream on their site, which I use.  I also own a DVD by Beryl Birch, which is ok.  I haven't used that in a long time.  


I don't always do Primary, I had been aiming to practice Primary at least once a week.  I may up that.  I also have been substituting a few things.  I do awkward pose (from Hot yoga) instead of chair.  I need to practice going up on my toes.  I also through in some side planks.  I really want to work on my core, and I think Primary is such a great way to do that.  Those jump throughs are great.


I would love someone to put of a Primary DVD with options.  You could do full Primary, have to boat pose, or maybe just the second half, plus the closing.  You could build it in sections, just like Shiva Rea's DVD Yoga Shakti. And also, it would show modified versions of some poses.  I learned some great modifications on both YogaGlo and YogaToday.  

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I did that arm portion of the Wedding Workout dvd I've been hoarding from the library. I have no problem keeping it until I can't renew it again or someone else puts a hold on it :-). And two miles of walking between school drop off and pickup. I need to walk more. DH was back from a three mile run with our dog by the time I woke up this morning, so the dog was not up for another walk with me. Maybe tomorrow.

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Yesterday I didn't do much besides grocery shopping. Today I did 32 minutes of cardio (alternating heavy rope waves and medicine ball slams) with strength training in between each 8 minutes of cardio. How do log that into myfitnesspal?

I gave up trying to log exercise into my fitnesspal.



Today was yoga with Adriene. 


I'm not as sore as I thought I would be. Maybe it was due to the extra stretch yesterday evening. 

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I just did the leg portion of the Wedding Workout, and I'm going to be sore later. Soooo many squats! We'll be walking DS to the school for his specials, then DD again for afternoon K, so I should get at least three miles of walking in too, possibly more if DD and I walk to baseball later. I try not to go early with DH and DS so I'm less likely to need to use the port-a-potty at the field. This may get more difficult later in the season as the baby gets bigger and puts more pressure on my bladder.

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scratch that....


I'm signed up for the Aerial Silks class this evening :) May or may not rock climb as my friend that is coming with is not feeling up to it today.


Told dh I'm thinking of 6 wk Aerial Silk training course this summer :)

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Tidied the house crossly on Sunday morning; worked in the garden all afternoon.  Got my 10,000 steps without leaving home, plus some digging time and lots of stretches.


The weather was horrid on Monday - dog and I went for a grumpy walk in the driving rain.  Didn't quite make 10,000 but didn't care.


Today it's windy but not too wet.  I walked a bit at lunchtime, but it was slippery with fallen leaves on the track, so I didn't pick up speed.


I won't make it to yoga this evening - Husband is away and Hobbes' doesn't have Karate because his (elderly) Sensei is in hospital having a pacemaker fitted, so the evening doesn't work for me to run away and do yoga.  I'll probably take Hobbes home, mulch for an hour or so, then take the dog for a walk before bedtime.


Thinking of you and yours, Luckymama.

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Did my aerial fitness/silks class yesterday  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


So cool. Your going to be able to bounce pennies off of my abs. I'm thinking about doing a 6 wk course, I would say for sure yes if it wasn't 2 hrs away.


Today I want to do some light yoga and mutu and then adult gymnastics this evening (my first time :) )

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Thinking of you Luckymama! 


I went for a 40 min walk/run, it was sort of pathetic but I did it.  I have such a difficult time accessing my energy these days. But I didn't collapse and get stuck away from home, which is what I was worried about. I'm not even particularly sore today, which is why I think this is an energy issue.



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Thinking of you Luckymama! 


I went for a 40 min walk/run, it was sort of pathetic but I did it.  I have such a difficult time accessing my energy these days. But I didn't collapse and get stuck away from home, which is what I was worried about. I'm not even particularly sore today, which is why I think this is an energy issue.



:grouphug: That just s*cks.  Really, it does.  I hope you are able to soon figure out why you have less energy.  It stinks not knowing, and I know how frustrating it is to not be able to do what you want or what you should be able to do.  I hope you are able, somehow, to find a doctor who really listens and who helps you figure this out.  

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Soror, there's an aerial class in Knoxville, which is an hour from me, but so far, I've never been tempted to try it. :)  You go girl!




Yesterday, I ran 3 miles.  It wasn't as bad as the day before, but still, it was a struggle.  Every muscle has been sore.  I then walked 3 miles last night after dropping my son off at swimming.  It was harder than I thought it would be, but it was a pleasant evening for a walk and the town's park was full of people, so it was nice.  


This morning I did 90 minutes of yoga, full Primary, though I did skip some of the chatarangas.  It felt great, and my legs and hips feel so good, despite hurting so much yesterday.  I need more yoga.  Now to find the time.  I have a busy day ahead, but I would love to find time to run just even 1 mile.  I think my body is just so out of it when it comes to running.  I need to make it practice without stressing it too much.  

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Thinking of you Luckymama!


I went for a 40 min walk/run, it was sort of pathetic but I did it. I have such a difficult time accessing my energy these days. But I didn't collapse and get stuck away from home, which is what I was worried about. I'm not even particularly sore today, which is why I think this is an energy issue.

Good job sticking with it! Having little to no energy is awful. I experienced that a lot the last two years. I hope you overcome it/find the cause.


Yesterday I got awful sleep, so I took the day off. Today I worked out with the trainer for 50-60 minutes. It was pretty much all calisthenics with little to no rest. I'll probably stretch tonight and do cardio tomorrow hopefully. Has anyone done fasted cardio? My trainer recommended that I go for a run as soon as I wake up in the morning on off days. I'm probably going to try it once and see how I feel. If I'm too weak, I won't do it again.

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Exercise consisted of cleaning my house before my kids had a play date this afternoon and walking for school pickup. I might take the dog for a walk this evening if I don't fall asleep first.


That aerial class sounds way cooler than any exercise I've done lately, or ever. I'm jealous!

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Luckymama- :grouphug:

Soror-coolness. I loved gymnastics when I was a kid. I can still muster a cartwheel and round off but that's probably it. I wish there was something cool here to try. Spinning is still exotic.

Redsquirrel-I'm so sorry they can't figure this out.


I ran yesterday.mi taught my first yoga class this morning. I think it went pretty well. Whew! I took a walk with dh later. On a side note I dip dyed my hair purple on Saturday. It is not a good thing for me to be bored.

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I enjoyed it, she worked our butts off, all my parts were sweaty, all of them smile.png I did really well on the conditioning and strength work and was able to do all she asked on the bars, nailed a beautiful headstand and came down great into crow and back to plank. On the bars they asked me if I had ever done gymnastics before (NEVER EVER) but I do like to play on the monkey bars. I kept up with this fit little Crossfit gal, which of course made me feel good. I still had/have a perception that I'm not in great shape but am quickly realized I'm in pretty good shape. We did 20 in box jumps for conditioning and I owned them. 



On flips I have a fear, I can't even do a cartwheel, even the rolls are a bit hard for me to do. So, it was great to work on that, maybe I'll get to be able to do a cartwheel and I'm really hopeful I'll get a handstand (I'm starting to think I might get it by doing a pushup from tripod headstand but that seems like the hard way to go around it!)



YOGA! Not sure if I'm doing Short and Sweet or something new from Vytas on Udaya. I've been going light on yoga the past few days because I wasn't sure what work I'd be doing in silks and gymnastics and I didn't want to be too sore to do it but today I'm good to go(plus I finally got to bed and slept a bit better, the last several days have not been great, too many late bedtimes).

Luckymama- :grouphug:
Soror-coolness. I loved gymnastics when I was a kid. I can still muster a cartwheel and round off but that's probably it. I wish there was something cool here to try. Spinning is still exotic.
Redsquirrel-I'm so sorry they can't figure this out.

I ran yesterday.mi taught my first yoga class this morning. I think it went pretty well. Whew! I took a walk with dh later. On a side note I dip dyed my hair purple on Saturday. It is not a good thing for me to be bored.

I want to hear more about your class. What was your focus and what kind of class did you teach? When do you teach again? The purple hair goes great with being a yoga teacher :)


I would LOVE to do adult gymnastics.



Exercise consisted of cleaning my house before my kids had a play date this afternoon and walking for school pickup. I might take the dog for a walk this evening if I don't fall asleep first.

That aerial class sounds way cooler than any exercise I've done lately, or ever. I'm jealous!


So, I told my dh that my motto for this year is "Do ALL the fun stuff!"


We don't have a lot of "exotic" stuff where I'm at either, this adult gymnastics class just started last September, I just heard about it in May myself. This is really just rec level put on by the gymnastics center for kids, but that is well and good with me. 


On the silks they are 2 hrs away but I've been wanting to do it every time we're in the city but I've never been up there during the right time, lo and behold my appointment was on a Tuesday this time and the timing was right so I went for it. 


Something about the silks just really excites me and I have this somewhat crazy dream of bringing them to my little town. Which is insane if I think about the fact that I've went to 1 class ever now. Anyway, but whatever. I'm going to talk to my mom about helping with the kids while I do this 6 wk course and I started brainstorming with dh how to set some up here for practice.  I turn 36 this month, which is not old but old enough to realize that if I want to do something I should do it now because I will never be any younger and I very well might not have the opportunity again. 


I watched this little video the other day of this  injured army vet who couldn't walk without assistance, he started DDP Yoga but had to use a chair beside him. He kept falling but he kept getting up and going again. Now, he has lost 140lbs(he was 300) and can not only walk but RUN. I told dh that I bet he runs every day just because he can. I kind of have that feeling. My body hasn't been my own and I haven't been able to do so much I wanted due to lack of strength and energy these past few years, I'm just beyond excited to have it back.


Now it keeps blowing my mind that not only am I not still sickly but I'm in pretty good shape. My abs that were like jello, I mean I couldn't feel any muscles at all but now I'm they're firm (still room to improve of course but I've came so far) all over and I can do all of these moves that I wondered if I would ever be able to even attempt again. We were doing work on the big exercise balls last night and a lady made a comment about how my core must be strong, it still amazes me and to be honest I did tougher moves the previous nights in silks. I can do endurance work too, like that class last night and be ok when I leave, not exhausted in a heap. 

Thinking of you Luckymama! 


I went for a 40 min walk/run, it was sort of pathetic but I did it.  I have such a difficult time accessing my energy these days. But I didn't collapse and get stuck away from home, which is what I was worried about. I'm not even particularly sore today, which is why I think this is an energy issue.

(Hugs) I well understand energy issues, it really sucks, one thing that helped me, aside from getting my thyroid straightened out was iron, my ferritin levels were rock bottom(which evidently goes hand in hand with Hashi's quite often). 


Today, I did my own.  I subscribe to YogaGlo and they have it to stream on their site, which I use.  I also own a DVD by Beryl Birch, which is ok.  I haven't used that in a long time.  


I don't always do Primary, I had been aiming to practice Primary at least once a week.  I may up that.  I also have been substituting a few things.  I do awkward pose (from Hot yoga) instead of chair.  I need to practice going up on my toes.  I also through in some side planks.  I really want to work on my core, and I think Primary is such a great way to do that.  Those jump throughs are great.


I would love someone to put of a Primary DVD with options.  You could do full Primary, have to boat pose, or maybe just the second half, plus the closing.  You could build it in sections, just like Shiva Rea's DVD Yoga Shakti. And also, it would show modified versions of some poses.  I learned some great modifications on both YogaGlo and YogaToday.  

I've looked at the Primary DVDs out there but there aren't many on the one I have she does talk about doing just parts of it but doesn't have it set up like that, although the other disc is a tutorial on the other disc that breaks it down I just can't stand her voice and cues though. Last time I did Primary (besides in class) I broke or badly sprained my toes doing a jump through, so I've not done one since then! I need to add them back but just go slow, I did too many in a row and my body got tired and I didn't get up high enough. 

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Today I have training at the gym. I hope the clouds don't leak so I can walk to/from. The walking really helps with my stress.


The worst medical options were ruled out Tuesday. Now we still have to find the cause of dd's pain and weight loss. Dd20, home for the summer, saw the dr yesterday about her GI and other issues, had bloodwork, and has a referral to a GI (she's the kid w food allergies but has some non-GI symptoms that concern me). I've been telling dh for decades what he experiences is Not Normal; he is going to call the same GI today for an appointment.


And I have to figure out how to feed these people without clear guidelines :eek:


Whoa, I didn't mean to vent here lol

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Dancing and cleaning, cleaning and dancing this morning. I'm definitely breaking a sweat. On another note, I came across a group of ladies working out at the park in our neighborhood. They said they meet m-f from 9-10, and the monthly rate is $40. That's 1/3 of what I'm paying for only two days a week. I've committed through the end of the month with our group, and we are taking July off for vacations, so I'm going to try out this group on one of my off days. Hopefully it will give me another option. I like/need to be told what to do. Self motivation is very low at this point.

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Today I have training at the gym. I hope the clouds don't leak so I can walk to/from. The walking really helps with my stress.


The worst medical options were ruled out Tuesday. Now we still have to find the cause of dd's pain and weight loss. Dd20, home for the summer, saw the dr yesterday about her GI and other issues, had bloodwork, and has a referral to a GI (she's the kid w food allergies but has some non-GI symptoms that concern me). I've been telling dh for decades what he experiences is Not Normal; he is going to call the same GI today for an appointment.


And I have to figure out how to feed these people without clear guidelines :eek:


Whoa, I didn't mean to vent here lol


Vent away.  I hope that the walk helped with the stress.  Best wishes.

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Luckymama-really glad the super scary stuff was ruled out. As for cooking, I'm hoping for a Star Trek replicator.

Soror- it's just a very basic yoga flow class. My training is yogafit so I use their template. I'm trying to keep it " gentle" to entice the middle aged ladies ( though I had an older gentleman too). Me being a middle aged lady doesn't hurt :)


I ran this morning. For some reason I was a little slow but it felt good. I went to my mom's group this morning and we then took our kids to the splash pad. Dh is working evenings so dinner doesn't need to be a " real" meal. Yeah! More sitting at the softball field tonight. I need to sit far away from the popcorn. The smell makes me cave every time.

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