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Headache mornings (sigh)


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Just killing time waiting/hoping for ibuprofen to work to lessen a nasty headache-type feeling in about 3/4ths of my head.  What a way to wake up (actually, it was bugging me all night too, but I got cat naps in).


There are certain days when one really appreciates drugs - or hopes to anyway.


Anyone else want to use this as an "ugh" thread and utilize the misery loves company effect?


I suppose I should head out and start chores and hope the activity or mental distractions help.  Really glad I'm not working (at school) today!  But boys are home and I'd love to feel better to be chipper with them...

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I'm sorry. I hate waking up with a headache and also going all night partially sleeping and partially thinking my head hurts.


If I'd have been slightly more intelligent, I'd have gotten up, trudged the few feet to the bathroom, and tried the ibuprofen to take the edge off overnight, but instead, my warped brain seemed to think "let's try this position to sleep" would work.  It didn't, but I did find some that were more WRONG than others.   :glare:


One has to wonder why the brain can't work correctly once one is in bed...


Ugh...I hate those mornings!  Hope the meds kick in soon.


I'm having a gut-issue morning that kept me up half the night (pain).  A kid needs to be at the dentist at 8AM though, so I am up  :glare:


It's way too difficult to "like" your thread with your gut issue keeping you up.  I hope you feel better now and can get a nap in later!

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If I'd have been slightly more intelligent, I'd have gotten up, trudged the few feet to the bathroom, and tried the ibuprofen to take the edge off overnight, but instead, my warped brain seemed to think "let's try this position to sleep" would work.  It didn't, but I did find some that were more WRONG than others.   :glare:


One has to wonder why the brain can't work correctly once one is in bed...





Like last night when I woke up needing to pee at 12:30 and thought if I just rolled over it would go away. :huh: I could barely walk to the bathroom by the time 4:30 rolled around... Hope you feel better soon.

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Like last night when I woke up needing to pee at 12:30 and thought if I just rolled over it would go away. :huh: I could barely walk to the bathroom by the time 4:30 rolled around... Hope you feel better soon.


I've had those nights too.  I really wonder what our brain thinks is going to happen...


If I want to be totally honest about my, um, lack of brainpower... I woke up sweating at one point from one of those "wrong" positions (or maybe "luck" and "age" - who knows), so I did get up... I turned on the ceiling fan.  Then went back to bed. :glare: 


I just looked at it.  Where we keep the ibuprofen is approx 10 feet farther than the switch to turn on the ceiling fan.  WHY couldn't the brain be even slightly more functioning???


I am on day 3 of a migraine. I can feel it leaving, so I am hopeful!


I think waking up with a headache is code for take it easy. Hope you feel better soon.


3 Days of a migraine!  You have my  :grouphug: !  My college roomie used to get migraines and I always felt so sorry for her.


Part of this has been around for 3 days or a little more, but the worst part came on last night and now has been dulled just a tad by the drugs - enough of a tad to get some things done.


It's a good thing too.  Hubby's birthday was Wednesday, but due to being on the road and our boys having things they were doing yesterday, we're celebrating it today - with an opening showing of San Andreas and a restaurant BBQ meal from what I'm hearing (plans made just a little bit ago).  I'm thinking a reload of the drugs would be a good idea prior to tackling a movie.


If this had been a migraine (light/sound sensitive) there's no way I'd be able to even politely handle a movie.  I guess I'll see how the more basic version of a headache handles it.  It can't be worse than trying to sleep last night - or so I think BEFORE we get there.


Off to get more chores done...

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Just killing time waiting/hoping for ibuprofen to work to lessen a nasty headache-type feeling in about 3/4ths of my head. What a way to wake up (actually, it was bugging me all night too, but I got cat naps in).


There are certain days when one really appreciates drugs - or hopes to anyway.


Anyone else want to use this as an "ugh" thread and utilize the misery loves company effect?


I suppose I should head out and start chores and hope the activity or mental distractions help. Really glad I'm not working (at school) today! But boys are home and I'd love to feel better to be chipper with them...

Oh, I feel for you! I hope you are feeling better!


I get these weird headaches that I wake up with that are so painful I want to cry. But the weird thing is, they start to ease if I sit up or stand up. The problem is the pain is about an 8 or 9 out of 10 and the last thing I want to do is move, let alone sit or stand. So I struggle to get up and take some excedrin and stay upright for a few hours until the pain gets down to a 3 or 4.

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I'm sorry. I hate waking up with a headache and also going all night partially sleeping and partially thinking my head hurts.


I thought I was the only one who did that.


It's an awful way to wake up.  I wish I'd actually be kind of aware enough to get up and take the meds in the night, but I'm so out of it, I never do that.

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Have you just recently turned on central air or a room air conditioner? I can get headaches from these as they circulate mold if I dont take the right precautions before starting them up.


Are you hydrated?


Fortunately, we haven't needed AC yet this year.


I think I'm hydrated enough.  I hadn't really thought about it.  It was a warmer day yesterday and I spent a bit of it outside getting some yard work done.


Oh, I feel for you! I hope you are feeling better!


I get these weird headaches that I wake up with that are so painful I want to cry. But the weird thing is, they start to ease if I sit up or stand up. The problem is the pain is about an 8 or 9 out of 10 and the last thing I want to do is move, let alone sit or stand. So I struggle to get up and take some excedrin and stay upright for a few hours until the pain gets down to a 3 or 4.


I actually do feel mostly better now that I've gotten up and moved around a bit.  I definitely think the meds helped too.  I'm feeling more positive about the movie - as long as I don't sit back in the chair.  Using a headrest won't be a good idea, but that's pretty common in my life now.


I thought I was the only one who did that.


It's an awful way to wake up.  I wish I'd actually be kind of aware enough to get up and take the meds in the night, but I'm so out of it, I never do that.


So I'm not alone in being totally out of it thinking-wise at night!  That, in its own way, is quite comforting!  I love the Hive!!!  I was calling myself all sorts of names under my breath this morning.

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Ooooh, ouch. I hope it goes away soon.


Is it a cluster headache? Those tend to start in the night. Painful. :(


I'll have to google cluster headache to even know what one of those is.


In general, 2/3rds of it is mostly gone.  The other 1/3rd comes from something else and isn't going to leave (most likely), but I'm used to dealing with that.  Adding so much more on TOP of that was giving me a mental shove down.


I wonder how we can start thinking during the night and being more preemptive when these things start... for those of us whose brains shut off after a certain hour.

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Hope your headache is getting better:(


A funny story to cheer you up: this morning I have a headache and am exhausted from being up feeding a miserable 6-week-old. Hubby decides to do something lovely and made me a nice cup of herbal tea. In the process he discovers we are out of sugar. Inspiration strikes, however, and he raids the camping supplies for some.

So nice of him:) when my tea is just the right temp I take the biggest gulp...to discover that my tea tastes like flowery brineðŸ˜

I now get to razz him about how his PhD in chemistry failed him in determining the difference between salt and sugar:). Not to mention the fact that he used a random Baggie of u identified white substance in my food, lol. I asked him if he had recently increased life insurance:)

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I wonder how we can start thinking during the night and being more preemptive when these things start... for those of us whose brains shut off after a certain hour.

I don't know. I'm one of those people who wakes up needing to pee, but can't wake up enough to go. Then I wake up 30 minutes later, and 30 minutes after that. I usually have to wake up 3-4 times before I actually get up and go.


It's the same way when I get chilly at night. Too groggy to get up and get a blanket, but I keep waking up cold.

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I get a lot of headaches.  In fact I have one right now.  I always think that they will magically disappear without medication.  


I'm going to go take something for my headache right now -- and I won't hit "post' until I do -- to make sure I actually do it.  Be right back.... :)




OK, mission accomplished!


OP, hope you're feeling better soon.

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Hope your headache is getting better:(


A funny story to cheer you up: this morning I have a headache and am exhausted from being up feeding a miserable 6-week-old. Hubby decides to do something lovely and made me a nice cup of herbal tea. In the process he discovers we are out of sugar. Inspiration strikes, however, and he raids the camping supplies for some.

So nice of him:) when my tea is just the right temp I take the biggest gulp...to discover that my tea tastes like flowery brineðŸ˜

I now get to razz him about how his PhD in chemistry failed him in determining the difference between salt and sugar:). Not to mention the fact that he used a random Baggie of u identified white substance in my food, lol. I asked him if he had recently increased life insurance:)


I could really see my hubby doing this - except I don't like sweet tea - but with pretty much anything else!


The part of my headache that can get better has for the time being.  I'm soon to find out how it can handle the movie theater.  I may be back on venting in a couple of hours... hopefully the special effects in the movie are decent.  With this being a "special effect" movie, I'm not counting on there being much of a plot.


I don't know. I'm one of those people who wakes up needing to pee, but can't wake up enough to go. Then I wake up 30 minutes later, and 30 minutes after that. I usually have to wake up 3-4 times before I actually get up and go.


It's the same way when I get chilly at night. Too groggy to get up and get a blanket, but I keep waking up cold.


I'm wondering if we need a support group.


I get a lot of headaches.  In fact I have one right now.  I always think that they will magically disappear without medication.  


I'm going to go take something for my headache right now -- and I won't hit "post' until I do -- to make sure I actually do it.  Be right back.... :)




OK, mission accomplished!


OP, hope you're feeling better soon.


Would you like to join our "Brain Off at Night" support group?


During the day I know what to do and can do it.  At night the thoughts never cross my mind, or if they do, they get vetoed for some unknown reason.

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Sure, I'll join the support group.  However, I'll warn you -- my brain isn't only off at night. ;)


Ok, now that's scary.  It's not contagious is it?


There may or may not be a few other times my brain is off.  I'm not confessing it here though!   :coolgleamA:


I will say the part of my headache that can get better definitely did. (How's yours?)  It was fine during the movie.  I would have never guessed it would have been if I'd had to make a decision this morning.  Gotta love what ibuprofen can do!  (MUST remember to take at night when needed even if it means shuffling off to the bathroom!!!)


For anyone interested in the movie itself, thumbs up for most of the special effects!  Keep any science knowledge in the "brain turned off" section during the duration.  There were probably at least 1000 Mythbuster moments for both science and probability, but what, exactly, does one expect in a Special Effects movie anyway?  It was also predictably predictable - all in all - a very good movie for those wanting mindless entertainment.


I think I was one of only two females in the movie too... wonder what that says about me...

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