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If I never hear ___________ again, it will be too soon.

Miss Peregrine

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"Am I done?" as in done with schoolwork for the day. No, child, look at the pile of stuff you haven't gotten to yet. You are definitely not done!! I've had to start adding more work to prevent the question. 


The school song of the local elementary school being loudly sung in my presence. Ever. Again. Why oh why must neighborhood kids insist on teaching my girls their school song?!! Every school song is annoying. It's like all the schools in the universe got together and said, "We should put this to the tune of Yankee Doodle!! Brilliant!"

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"So what are we eating for dinner?" This question usually comes while I am making dinner and they can SEE what I'm making very clearly. It's also asked at least four times, once by each kid. I've started saying, "Go ask ______, I just told him." :lol:


All the voices that my kids insist on creating around here are also on the list. Some have been banned, like the Gwibble, spelled GWBL, and stands for "guy with bad luck." They made him up and he has the most annoying voice. Now they have taken to calling him "The Doofus." The Doofus has been banished to the basement. They were under the impression that I couldn't tell that it was the same guy, different voice. Sigh...

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The phrase, "What the --" spoken by children. They leave the phrase hanging but I hate it just the same. It sounds terrible but it's pretty popular here. I've had to correct my kids quite a few times.

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"So what are we eating for dinner?" This question usually comes while I am making dinner and they can SEE what I'm making very clearly. It's also asked at least four times, once by each kid. I've started saying, "Go ask ______, I just told him." :lol:


All the voices that my kids insist on creating around here are also on the list. Some have been banned, like the Gwibble, spelled GWBL, and stands for "guy with bad luck." They made him up and he has the most annoying voice. Now they have taken to calling him "The Doofus." The Doofus has been banished to the basement. They were under the impression that I couldn't tell that it was the same guy, different voice. Sigh...

We had a "guy" like that here. He was called Fred Kit. Fred Kit did all the things nobody would cop to.

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For me, it is DH practicing drums. (mid-life crisis material; not like he's good at it.)

Also on the list, never-ending squabble between two sons.

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"Mommy, what time is it?" (In the car when he can SEE the clock!)


"Mommy, please can I watch a movie?" (Is it toddler's nap time yet? No? Then you know the answer is no!)


"Mommy, please can I roll down my window?" (Not at 65 mph.)


"Is it past my bedtime? Can I stay up past my bedtime?"

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Another one, from today: Happy Mother's Day, to mom's (notice the apostrophe!) of fur kids! Um, no. Those aren't kids, and you aren't their mom. And learn to spell while you're at it!

My MIL's only FB post on mother's day was about how much she misses her dogs That have died.

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