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I've never been a big Oprah fan....

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and now I'm even less so.


Of course, it's her show, and of course she can do as she wants, but she should at least get her stories straight.


"At the beginning of this presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates," Winfrey, who was an early backer of Barack Obama, says in a statement to TMZ.com.


He's been on twice. Does this not count as "using her show as a platform?"

I'd have a bit of respect for her if she had the conjones to just say "Yes, I'm backing Obama and Palin will not be appearing on my show."


And yes, I know I'm not supposed to assign motives, but I think she's scared of the good impression Palin would make.

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And yes, I know I'm not supposed to assign motives, but I think she's scared of the good impression Palin would make.


Perhaps Oprah is frightened of her skills, but the point is probably moot. I don't think they will be on shows like that where direct questions are put to the candidates.


I could be wrong. I hope I am, in fact. But I don't think it will happen.

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Wow, did she say she wouldn't have her on? I don't agree with that.


Say what you like about Jon Stewart, but one of the things I like about him is that he always has people from multiple parties on the show. McCain's been on a bunch of times. Who was on last night, Huckabee?

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She had Gore and Bush on her show even though she clearly preferred Gore. When Bush went to kiss her on the cheek in greeting, she looked as though he smelled of fish. So why can't she put Palin on?


Not putting on the first female VP candidate of the republican party, a historical event? Not clever considering her audience.

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She had Gore and Bush on her show even though she clearly preferred Gore. When Bush went to kiss her on the cheek in greeting, she looked as though he smelled of fish. So why can't she put Palin on?


Not putting on the first female VP candidate of the republican party, a historical event? Not clever considering her audience.


I agree. I truly do not understand the Oprah fascination.


This is from Michelle Malkin and it's pretty funny.

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I agree. I truly do not understand the Oprah fascination.


This is from Michelle Malkin and it's pretty funny.


I thought Oprah's reluctance was due to fear that Palin would show her up being that she's no shrinking violet and can have a caustic tongue. But an interview doesn't have to be like that. Oprah could just do her standard softball fare. Does Palin like fish tacos? or something like that

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He's been on twice. Does this not count as "using her show as a platform?"

I'd have a bit of respect for her if she had the conjones to just say "Yes, I'm backing Obama and Palin will not be appearing on my show."


And yes, I know I'm not supposed to assign motives, but I think she's scared of the good impression Palin would make.


Ok, wait. Time out here. She's been the pick for how long, exactly? Is it a full week yet?


I'm not an Oprah watcher, never have been. I've seen the show, but maybe one every three years or so.


But are we being quite fair to say that Sen. Obama has been on twice and Palin not at all?


And again, when Joe Biden goes on, then Sarah Palin should perhaps be asked. (Although, really, it's her show. Fair? *shrug*)


The question might be, rather, will Sen. McCain be on her show?

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Ok, wait. Time out here. She's been the pick for how long, exactly? Is it a full week yet?


I'm not an Oprah watcher, never have been. I've seen the show, but maybe one every three years or so.


But are we being quite fair to say that Sen. Obama has been on twice and Palin not at all?


And again, when Joe Biden goes on, then Sarah Palin should perhaps be asked. (Although, really, it's her show. Fair? *shrug*)


The question might be, rather, will Sen. McCain be on her show?


Oprah made the statement that Palin will not be invited to be on the show until AFTER the election is over.

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"At the beginning of this presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates," Winfrey, who was an early backer of Barack Obama, says in a statement to TMZ.com.


He's been on twice. Does this not count as "using her show as a platform?"

I'd have a bit of respect for her if she had the conjones to just say "Yes, I'm backing Obama and Palin will not be appearing on my show."


And yes, I know I'm not supposed to assign motives, but I think she's scared of the good impression Palin would make.


Actually, she said she will not use her show as a platform before Obama won the party nomination. Once in 05, once in '06. She is publicly supporting Barack Obama so she said she will not have any of the candidates on her show this time around. It's her show and while I'd like to see Palin on it, it is not a public service that she has to do that.


I don't think she's scared of the good impression Palin would make at all. I don't know what the motives are but I'm almost betting she would love to have her on (ratings!) but she made the decision before the primaries to not have any of the candidates on her show.


Oprah made the statement that Palin will not be invited to be on the show until AFTER the election is over.


She won't be having Biden, McCain, or Obama on but I do see what you are saying, she has had Obama on last year and the year before so she should give the other candidates a chance but in her defense, she is backing Obama and she said before the primaries that she wouldn't have the candidates on. At the time Obama was a guest on Oprah, Obama had not declared he was running yet and most people thought Hillary was going to get the nomination.

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that Michelle Obama will be on next week-- but that could be Ellen too. I am not surprised. They are both very liberal and clearly would never support a McCain/Palin ticket. Hey, their views, their show, whatever.


I thought McCain actually had been on Ellen. Not sure where I saw that, I've never seen the show. PBS is the only daytime channel around here! :lol:



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I thought McCain actually had been on Ellen. Not sure where I saw that, I've never seen the show. PBS is the only daytime channel around here! :lol:




Perhaps Palin should be on Seasame Street then. Better demographic.:lol::lol: I just realized I don't remember the PBS shows. My ds is getting too old. :001_huh:

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