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Exercise Thread ~ April 5th - 11th


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I did a 30 min mat workout and 30 min leslie sansonne walking workout. The snow has stopped and left a never ending downpour, complete with thunder and lighting all day.  So, today I am glad for walking videos, but I do consider them the 'mom jeans' of fitness


I liked this walking workout better than most. She held 2lb hand weights and it was more challenging than a typical Leslie.




It is called 'walk it off in 30 days' and I guess it is a 30 day challenge. It has 2 workouts and you alternate. One is 30 mins of cardio and the other is 30 mins of weights.

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The doctor suspects the pain and nausea are due to ovulation. Poor dd :( I guess we'll see (1) in a day or so and (2) in four weeks!


No exercise for me, other than my usual walking and stair-climbing. I stress-ate some chocolate.


Trainer tomorrow!

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Recovering in inches here but I can see the light I think. I could actually sleep last night. It is still a challenge to get my basics done so no major exercise, still hopeful for some stretches but we'll see, I've been overly optimistic all week so I'm changing my tune. 



The doctor suspects the pain and nausea are due to ovulation. Poor dd :( I guess we'll see (1) in a day or so and (2) in four weeks!

No exercise for me, other than my usual walking and stair-climbing. I stress-ate some chocolate.

Trainer tomorrow!

Poor thing!

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Interesting article on exercise & injuries. "We’re going to work out. We’re going to stay active and move our bodies and challenge our limits, but we don’t want to get injured. How do we limit these injuries? How do we make good choices?"


I need to read this. Thanks.



This morning I walked to and from the gym for my training session. Rotator cuff muscular issue is progressing nicely (my range of pain-free motion increases every day), thought the trainer called me out on favoring the owie shoulder. He says thst corresponding trap is overcompensating. I need to roll it well before each stretching session and have dh give me a massage each night. I can get behind that :D


Glad to hear you are getting better.


It means you crank up the oldies music, flap and dance around the house while your children stare at you with mixed facial expressions. :D You can also dare them to match your awesome dance moves. 


Yes, it means all the friends want to come over, lol.


Sunday's Easter feast and chocolate has left me in withdrawals.  More coffee pronto!


Caffeine!  Why am I doing this again?



I haven't been able to do much for the past week because of company, but today I got in a 3 mile run and then this afternoon I did 45 mins of yoga.  Tomorrow I'm having my gallbladder tested, so not food or drink till I'm done (apt at 11:00!) I'm not going to be a happy person.  If I recover from it all I go for a run in the afternoon.  



How did the test go?  When will you find out?


2 mile walk with dh.  But no time for anything else- these pesky adult responsibilities of life do take time...


Went to ortho about my elbow- just 3 more weeks of stretching only and then I can slowly work back into building strength and my normal craziness as it tolerates.  I am SOOO relieved!  I almost kissed the poor man.  I also had to laugh because he looked so bewildered when he asked how it happened and I said, "arm-bar and then body-weight work".  My gray hair confounded expectations again:)


Lucky you!  THat's great news.




I'm still here but I haven't WO since Monday.   I need to figure out what's wrong with my shoulder and started the ball rolling with that.    :(

I think I will take a break till next week, where I will start again everything that doesn't require my shoulder which for me... free-cool-smileys-268.gif

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I'm still here but I haven't WO since Monday.   I need to figure out what's wrong with my shoulder and started the ball rolling with that.    :(

I think I will take a break till next week, where I will start again everything that doesn't require my shoulder which for me... free-cool-smileys-268.gif

You know better right, take care of yourself, you would be telling us the same!


You, me and Uffda! are break buddies this week, Luckymama had her "turn" already, here's hoping we're all well next week.

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Snickerdoodle- Get it checked out!  I can't tell you the relief it was to hear that, yes it is sprained, but no- ligaments did not tear any bone fragments off.  The new and extra pain was all my arthritis flaring just from keeping it held still. 


I'll pray for good news of any sort for you....


Practiced grappling one armed with my 7 yo. this a.m.  He is awesome!  I now know I'll be able to wrap down my right arm against my body and grapple in class this week. WHOOOOOOhooOOOO.


Tonight: martial arts class followed by kettle bell class.


Other than that this continues to be an easy week without much working out .  I stayed in bed till 7:00 a.m. this morning dozing. 8 hours of sleep.... As a result I feel like a super hero this morning.  

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Snickerdoodle- Get it checked out!  I can't tell you the relief it was to hear that, yes it is sprained, but no- ligaments did not tear any bone fragments off.  The new and extra pain was all my arthritis flaring just from keeping it held still. 


I'll pray for good news of any sort for you....


Practiced grappling one armed with my 7 yo. this a.m.  He is awesome!  I now know I'll be able to wrap down my right arm against my body and grapple in class this week. WHOOOOOOhooOOOO.


Tonight: martial arts class followed by kettle bell class.


Other than that this continues to be an easy week without much working out .  I stayed in bed till 7:00 a.m. this morning dozing. 8 hours of sleep.... As a result I feel like a super hero this morning.  


Yes, I saw my primary who referred me out to an orthopedist but I'm also worried about a tear.   I'm hoping it's just tendinitis.  Thanks for your thoughts.  It's hard not to feel low about it.

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Nice workout with the trainer this morning :) I squatted holding 20 lb dumbbells :D That's almost to the limit of what my small hands will hold, but I'm not able to squat with a bar because of my shoulder.


I did 30 min on the elliptical after my session. It was too cold and wet to walk to/from the gym.

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To all the injured, ill and taking care of kids mamas I'm sending healing vibes. This morning was so foggy I expected to hear a hound on the moors. I got back from the run just in time for a total downpour. Soccer fields have standing water so practice cancelled means if ballet is over soon enough I can catch yoga at 7:45. I have been mourning all the things I'm not going to have time for now that soccer, track and softball have started, not to mention end of year ballet rehearsal and performance. And yes I know that is selfish and I won't say it to the kids but there you have it. I'd rather play than watch them. :blush:

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To all the injured, ill and taking care of kids mamas I'm sending healing vibes. This morning was so foggy I expected to hear a hound on the moors. I got back from the run just in time for a total downpour. Soccer fields have standing water so practice cancelled means if ballet is over soon enough I can catch yoga at 7:45. I have been mourning all the things I'm not going to have time for now that soccer, track and softball have started, not to mention end of year ballet rehearsal and performance. And yes I know that is selfish and I won't say it to the kids but there you have it. I'd rather play than watch them. :blush:

I'll join you in the selfish mom club, whatevs, we're people too and I'm taking back the time one way or another, something will give and it won't be me anymore.

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I'm going to start posting here again because it's good motivation for me. I lost 6 pounds in the first 8 weeks of the year, but have been sidelined since with influenza, pneumonia, and some medical stuff for DH and my oldest DS. Unfortunately, I have gained 5 lbs. back, but I am getting back on the case again.


So, with all that, I walked 95 minutes on the treadmill this morning, and did a lot of crunches and some arm stuff. I'm also stating for the record that I am NOT going to eat the leftover Reece's peanut butter egg that is calling to me from the kitchen counter!

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Welcome, Pink Tulip!  Good luck with that peanut butter egg.


I did 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of mat work. Get used to that because that is about all I feel like doing these days.


And FWIW, I am LOVING the Emerita Pro-Gest. Loving.It.


I am sleeping like I used to sleep before I had kids. It is amazing! I am sleeping every night and not waking up and I am sleeping very heavily. I wake up rested and clear headed. I woke up the other day because I had to pee and it was about 5:45. I was bummed because there was no way I was going to fall back to sleep. I got back in bed and figured I would just do what I usually do when that happens and just lay there for an hour until dh's alarm went off. So I closed my eyes and didn't open them again until ds2 came in to wake me up at 9am.  That hasn't happened in a decade.


I am being very conscientious in using it. It is hormones after all, and I don't want to mess with that. I use it twice a day every day, according to the instructions, and I haven't missed a dose yet. I put it out next to the coffee in the morning and then next to my bed for night.  I bought a box that is individual doses b/c that was what was on Prime on Amazon, but I also figured it would be good to use a measured dose at first, and it it comes from the company in doses then I know I am using enough. I am glad I did b/c the individual doses are bigger than I would have expected. I am using more than I would have thought was recommended. Next time I will buy a tube, but I am going to get a measuring spoon just for that purpose.


This week is the big test. I am due to get my period in 4 days. Usually, that means right around today I would be getting my worst sleep. It would not be uncommon for me to be awake at 4 am tomorrow and/or Saturday nights.  I am not expecting to sleep as well as the past few days, but getting some sleep would be wonderful.


But I am so, so happy I tried this.

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Snickerdoodle- Get it checked out!  I can't tell you the relief it was to hear that, yes it is sprained, but no- ligaments did not tear any bone fragments off.  The new and extra pain was all my arthritis flaring just from keeping it held still. 


I'll pray for good news of any sort for you....


Practiced grappling one armed with my 7 yo. this a.m.  He is awesome!  I now know I'll be able to wrap down my right arm against my body and grapple in class this week. WHOOOOOOhooOOOO.


Tonight: martial arts class followed by kettle bell class.


Other than that this continues to be an easy week without much working out .  I stayed in bed till 7:00 a.m. this morning dozing. 8 hours of sleep.... As a result I feel like a super hero this morning.  

Woohoo sleep! Ya for grappling and being the kick butt lady with the gray hair, you need to get you a training to be awesome t-shirt too :)


Nice workout with the trainer this morning :) I squatted holding 20 lb dumbbells :D That's almost to the limit of what my small hands will hold, but I'm not able to squat with a bar because of my shoulder.


I did 30 min on the elliptical after my session. It was too cold and wet to walk to/from the gym.

You'll have to go to kettlebells for your wee hands, lots of weights, small handles :)


Welcome, Pink Tulip!  Good luck with that peanut butter egg.


I did 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of mat work. Get used to that because that is about all I feel like doing these days.


And FWIW, I am LOVING the Emerita Pro-Gest. Loving.It.


I am sleeping like I used to sleep before I had kids. It is amazing! I am sleeping every night and not waking up and I am sleeping very heavily. I wake up rested and clear headed. I woke up the other day because I had to pee and it was about 5:45. I was bummed because there was no way I was going to fall back to sleep. I got back in bed and figured I would just do what I usually do when that happens and just lay there for an hour until dh's alarm went off. So I closed my eyes and didn't open them again until ds2 came in to wake me up at 9am.  That hasn't happened in a decade.


I am being very conscientious in using it. It is hormones after all, and I don't want to mess with that. I use it twice a day every day, according to the instructions, and I haven't missed a dose yet. I put it out next to the coffee in the morning and then next to my bed for night.  I bought a box that is individual doses b/c that was what was on Prime on Amazon, but I also figured it would be good to use a measured dose at first, and it it comes from the company in doses then I know I am using enough. I am glad I did b/c the individual doses are bigger than I would have expected. I am using more than I would have thought was recommended. Next time I will buy a tube, but I am going to get a measuring spoon just for that purpose.


This week is the big test. I am due to get my period in 4 days. Usually, that means right around today I would be getting my worst sleep. It would not be uncommon for me to be awake at 4 am tomorrow and/or Saturday nights.  I am not expecting to sleep as well as the past few days, but getting some sleep would be wonderful.


But I am so, so happy I tried this.

AWESOME!!!!! So, thrilled to read this!!! I know I've not been able to sleep in, well I cannot even remember it and I had some days like that, it was crazy. No telling how much sleep debt we all need to make up! Have you noticed an uptick in energy, how about mood?


My sleep got messed up with my period coming and I went off/on/lowered the dose because your supposed to stop 2 days before you start and I wasn't sure when that would be as I knew my period would likely come early because I ovulated very early this cycle. Well, I also had this cold too, which meant I couldn't breath, still I slept better than usual before my period (this is also usually my worst time). I've finally started now but I haven't started back with the progesterone because I did better this go around and I wanted to see if I needed it at least during this phase(1) and (2) after my period starts my sleep is usually decent, it is just usually the second half (ovulation forward) when it gets worse, so I am going to wait until ovulation- or I stop sleeping- to see how I do. I'm still fairly young so I'm thinking it won't be a forever thing but until I line up from weaning.


I've noticed something, before when I'd wake up at night I would get up for awhile if I couldn't sleep and it would be fine, well not anymore, I need to stay in bed otherwise I'll have to make that sleep up later and I do fall asleep, usually fairly quickly but sometimes a bit longer (like last night I woke up and the house was too hot as soon as I turned on the air I went back to sleep). 


Still inching forward here, even made it outside a bit and did some raking and then realized that was probably the world's stupidest idea with sinus funk. Feeling even better today, not turning cartwheels here but I'm hoping I'll make it through without having to lie down any, or just once would be an improvement. Still looking like a solid week to recover.


I've got a lock-in tonight with a bunch of girls so I'll be trying to preserve energy as I know I won't be able to help myself when we're playing games. So, glad I seem to be on the mend.

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My multi quote isn't available so I will just say I really enjoy reading everyone's posts. It's really encouraging.

Last night the conditioning portion of martial arts was wonderfully brutal. In one section we had to plank for a minute then pop up and sprint 30 yards, repeated a few times... I could only plank with one arm so the popping up part was quite fun:)

Today- work through all katas, Thai combos, jujitsu drills, stretch.
Tonight- up late chaperoning a formal.

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Finished week 3 of Couch25k and then walked for an hour on the treadmill. I really didn't want to keep walking for that long, but now that I'm done, I'm really glad I did. Isn't that how it always works?!


I'm also happy to report that my kids ate the rest of the peanut butter eggs so they are no longer calling to me. Such helpful kids!


Also, FYI, I am not going to stop and buy a Coke this afternoon when I am so exhausted that I think I can't function without it. I think I'll stick some baby carrots in my car to munch on instead. (It helps me to stick with it when I put things in writing - thanks for humoring me!)

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AWESOME!!!!! So, thrilled to read this!!! I know I've not been able to sleep in, well I cannot even remember it and I had some days like that, it was crazy. No telling how much sleep debt we all need to make up! Have you noticed an uptick in energy, how about mood?


My sleep got messed up with my period coming and I went off/on/lowered the dose because your supposed to stop 2 days before you start and I wasn't sure when that would be as I knew my period would likely come early because I ovulated very early this cycle.


Yes, my mood is much better, as is my overall functioning, very much so.


But, my instructions, the ones that came with the box tells me to keep using until my period actually starts, not to stop a couple days before it starts.  Progesterone will bring on a period and stopping, or lowering a dose, will only postpone it. Your progesterone naturally rises just before you get your period, it doesn't fall off suddenly just before.


My instructions from the box say to apply 1/4 tsp twice a day on days 8-21 of your cycle, so two weeks. Then on days 22-28 (or whenever your period starts) to apply 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp (so double the dose if needed) twice a day. There is an increase in dosage in the week before your period and you don't stop until you start to bleed. Then, when you start, that is day 1 and you don't start again until day 8.


If your period is really late or unpredictable it says to use for 3 weeks, then take a week off, then 3 weeks on again. If it comes early, then count that as day 1 and go from there.


So, maybe try not stopping a couple days before you get your period in order to avoid that hormonal insomnia? 

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I did Jessica Smiths Fit in 15 Cardio Party. I like her but title is misleading-I was expecting fun music & I don't know what. Nothing like a party haha! I am going to finish the series out but I haven't enjoyed it like I thought I would. I am not coordinated enough to do some of her moves & while she shows the low impact version she actually does the higher impact. Hard for me to stay motivated when the person I am following is doing something pretty different from me. I may get a few more Leslie Sansone videos. She is more my pace right now.


I am so exhausted & stressed today. I was hoping workout would help but I think I will go drink some coffee. Or turn on movie for kids & nap.

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Yes, my mood is much better, as is my overall functioning, very much so.


But, my instructions, the ones that came with the box tells me to keep using until my period actually starts, not to stop a couple days before it starts.  Progesterone will bring on a period and stopping, or lowering a dose, will only postpone it. Your progesterone naturally rises just before you get your period, it doesn't fall off suddenly just before.


My instructions from the box say to apply 1/4 tsp twice a day on days 8-21 of your cycle, so two weeks. Then on days 22-28 (or whenever your period starts) to apply 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp (so double the dose if needed) twice a day. There is an increase in dosage in the week before your period and you don't stop until you start to bleed. Then, when you start, that is day 1 and you don't start again until day 8.


If your period is really late or unpredictable it says to use for 3 weeks, then take a week off, then 3 weeks on again. If it comes early, then count that as day 1 and go from there.


So, maybe try not stopping a couple days before you get your period in order to avoid that hormonal insomnia? 

That is awesome, all around, I hope it continues for you.


My instructions were from the original dr that prescribed it. You know I can't remember what it said on Dr. Lee's site though, as his dosing instructions seemed to work better for me, as it was my brain was not working very well with that stupid cold/sinus stuff. *I just looked it up and he recommends stopping a day or so before your period too and just dosing the 2 weeks before your period (for those who are pre menopausal and 25 days a month for those who are post menopausal). My original instructions were to just do half the dose for the first half of my cycle and then double it after ovulation. I just double checked in my NFP books(we've taken 3 different courses- we're Catholic!) Progesterone is supposed to drop right before your period, that is what is supposed to bring it on. My cycle was wonky anyway, before I even started the progesterone though, I'm sure because of the weaning. I also do have progesterone I'm just off balance, it's going to be different depending on your age and where your at with your hormones. 

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So my gallbladder test came back ok.  No stones, just "sludge".  I'll probably end up with a second test, but I have to talk to my doc about it.  My dh thinks I have IBS, not a gallbladder problem.


Yoga yesterday was great.  I am loving hot yoga so much, and I never thought I'd say that.  If I lived in Knoxville I might even give up running or just run a little in oder to do yoga at the studio more often.  Oh well.


Today I ran 4 miles (I had planned 3, but felt so good I went for 4), then I followed it up with about 50 minutes of yoga.  I just did my own thing. Full disclosure, yesterday I started steroids for a problem I've been having (allergy related), so I'm feeling  good. :)  I wish I had this kind of energy every day. 

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Everyone is doing so well. Yeah us! My day went nuts so I am writing this while doing elliptical ( just warming up I swear). I am completely alone which proves other people do cool stuff on Friday night. After an hour of this and some weights I hope to get home about the time dh does and sit with him while he eats. I might too. We'll see if I have an appetite. Have a marvelous weekend everyone.

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I saw this link today: yoga for Brazilian jujitsu. He has a series of free videos and am curious what you women of yoga think of it.  

Not a yogi hear, but... I love him. His directions are clear and detailed. I've never seen yoga that well explained before. Plus he's in fantastic shape so he's able to go slowly, hold a pose, and really show you.


The free account only gives you nine videos.  :sad:

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I've been sick so I didn't do anything yesterday.  Today, I ran on the treadmill and was shocked at my pace  Usually, I have a decent slope on that thing and hang on for dear life for a 12 minute mile.  Because of the illness, I decided to nix the slope and just try to run on it and did four 9 minute miles.  Not amazing but I had no idea I had progressed beyond the sloth phase.


Editing to add:  Maybe I figured the time wrong or our ancient and free treadmill measured something wrong.  IDK-  I really can't believe I've progressed beyond sloth.

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I saw this link today: yoga for Brazilian jujitsu. He has a series of free videos and am curious what you women of yoga think of it.

I don't know if I'm a woman of yoga but he seems to have good explanations and technique. I just thought it was funny a Nordic guy with an accent is teaching an ancient Indian practice for a Brazilian defense form that stole the jujitsu from Japan. That's multicultural right there. :)
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I played doubles tennis for 2.5 hours yesterday evening. It was great fun! The wine and chatting with friends afterwards was great, too! 


I got my first bike ride in of the season on Wednesday! Not too surprisingly, it snowed that night and the next day.  :crying:  When will it ever end?

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Not a yogi hear, but... I love him. His directions are clear and detailed. I've never seen yoga that well explained before. Plus he's in fantastic shape do he's able to go, slowly, hold a pose, and really show you.


The free account only gives you nine videos.  :sad:

Yes, good explanation.


I'm not an expert but I think that is just the difference between different yogi's, it seems that the Iyengar tends to explain more where Ashtanga seems to not. My current teacher doesn't give a lot of cues, my most favorite teacher always did, she would let you know where every part of your body was supposed to be and feel. I actually will ask my new teacher about things at times. Of course if you've done a pose 100 times you don't need all the cues, so I think it is a balance as well for them because you don't always want to hear the same cues.


Feeling much better today, was able to handle the lock-in without too much fatigue, still not 100% but a mile better. I will be doing something today, I'll be going low-key to see where I'm at and so I don't knock myself back down, hopeful that by Monday I will be entirely back.

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I'm going to do some of the multicultural dude's beginning videos and work on perfecting the basics. After watching some of his I've learned that I do a lot incorrectly which could be why I can't stand it. We'll see.

IIRC you've been doing p90x yoga right? The routine is ok (although boring to me) but of course he doesn't do very good cueing alignment in postures because he isn't a real yoga teacher. Having that proper alignment makes a big difference.

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IIRC you've been doing p90x yoga right? The routine is ok (although boring to me) but of course he doesn't do very good cueing alignment in postures because he isn't a real yoga teacher. Having that proper alignment makes a big difference.

Yes. I was doing extreme fitness for about 3 years because I was so fat I figured slower progress would be discouraging. I'm now taking the time to learn how to do things properly.

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I'm going to do some of the multicultural dude's beginning videos and work on perfecting the basics. After watching some of his I've learned that I do a lot incorrectly which could be why I can't stand it. We'll see.


O.k. laughing now at the title "multicultural dude".  I think I like the videos because as a typical American I'm always charmed by accents.  Thanks for the input everyone, btw. 


Open mat today.  Great workout and I got to grapple with one arm.  It was a blast.  I got tapped out every time of course but I found a use for my chin that I didn't know existed that I will use even after I  have my right arm back.  Plus, I got my coach in a headlock with my legs!  Of course he got out but it took him a small minute.


It's beautiful outside and it's a good running day.   Buuuut, I might clean and then nap instead.

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