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Exercise Thread ~ April 5th - 11th


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I have a singles tennis match tonight. Normally I'd be thrilled to play my beloved tennis, but it's getting in the way of my also beloved Easter ham dinner. My plan is to eat a lightish Easter dinner and bring home a doggy bag, and enjoy "second Easter dinner" after the match. Who schedules tennis matches on Easter Sunday?!!! Obviously someone who doesn't love ham as much as I do! ;)   On the plus side, I can probably eat more ham in total with the break inbetween!

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Question: favorite killer core and lower body workouts I can do without the use of my right elbow.


It looks like 2 months, at least, of pretending I'm one armed so I have to change my workout plans and set some challenging goals quickly before I get depressed and curl up in a ball in the corner:).

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definitely sick, I've been vertical nearly all day, barely moving off the couch, hoping I wake up feeling better tomorrow :(

I'm sorry. Hugs.


Question: favorite killer core and lower body workouts I can do without the use of my right elbow.


It looks like 2 months, at least, of pretending I'm one armed so I have to change my workout plans and set some challenging goals quickly before I get depressed and curl up in a ball in the corner:).

Any plyo type stuff like cardio squats and lunges. Pilates is supposed to be great for your core. I've been doing these swiss ball crunches that involve my head nearly touching the floor before I curl back up. I'm toning muscles I didn't even know I had. One armed plank is an option. I'll try to think about you while I work out and come back with more.

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Question: favorite killer core and lower body workouts I can do without the use of my right elbow.


It looks like 2 months, at least, of pretending I'm one armed so I have to change my workout plans and set some challenging goals quickly before I get depressed and curl up in a ball in the corner:).


For a lower body workout I suggest you look into Tonique Premier. It is a DVD...I didn't ask if you like DVD workouts. This is a workout that is primarily squats and lunges. It has the option of using light handweights, but I mostly didn't. I did it when I was having a lot of pain from my "tennis elbow" aka knitting elbow.  I could keep my hands on my waist and do about 90% of the workout. It is a challenging lower body workout and a cardio workout. There is an end part tacked on where you are on all fours, but I never bothered with it. I don't know if I would bother with it even with a working elbow, lol.


Core...hmm... well, I personally did Tracy Anderson standing ab work. I really, really like it and it give my abs a very nice definition.  You can find lots of clips of her doing it. But, once you learn the basics, I strongly suggest you just put on a song and do a good 5 mins on your own.  If you really focus in and feel the work it is a great ab workout.


I can link you to some youtube clips in you are interested. And you don't have to use your arms even if she does. You can keep your hands on your hips...can you manage that or  are you in a sling?  I bet you could do it with one arm in a sling.

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rieshy- I don't have any special ideas, just various squats for the lower body, I think squats are underated. I was doing them on their own but I get enough of various types of squats (and lunges) through yoga now that I feel like I hit that sufficiently. One legged varieties are good too as they challenge your core and balance. I did an absolute kill yoga workout Sat and a lot of it was various types of squats and lunges held for.ev.er and then moving onto to just one leg- one after another. I felt like a beast when I finished it.

Interesting article on exercise & injuries. "We’re going to work out. We’re going to stay active and move our bodies and challenge our limits, but we don’t want to get injured. How do we limit these injuries? How do we make good choices?"

thanks for posting this, good info.


Feel much better here but not great, although at least I can walk without feeling like I'll pass out.


Been thinking about effort and intensity and realize it would probably do me good to back up a little bit. As I was laying and groaning, not sure if my body soreness was from working out or being sick I realized it had been 8 days since I took a day off, the last time which was when I was all achy too. I think I've been pushing myself a bit hard. I remembered back to p90x which has you really bring it for 3 weeks but then has an active recovery on the 4th week. In 2 weeks time I'm going to start another 6 weeks of pushing it so I think I might try to back up a bit until then, instead of continually pushing harder. I can't give up my yoga classes, well I just enjoy them so much, but I'm going to back off of my at home practice- doing more work on specific poses and preparation for them instead of hitting heavy vinyasa flows and pushing my muscles so hard, I'm dropping the body weight work because I want to and feel the yoga is sufficient, might continue kb swings or take a break. Hikes and walks will continue as is, getting as many as is allowed by time, weather and energy. I'll be putting more play back into my playground workouts and less pushing it. 


We'll see how this goes, I've been doing more because I enjoy it and it feels so good but one cannot just keep on and keep on increasing intensity and breaks are good here and there. 


planned for today yin yoga(relaxation and light stretching) and mutu, assuming I continue to feel ok, otherwise another day off to rest up for yoga class tomorrow

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Quick sweat fest this morning. I ate cookies for dinner last night. Every now and then that's a must, I think. 


I had to force myself from the computer to work out. I'm studying for a test tonight and currently researching (aka obsessing) college options for my oldest. I tend to let things like that consume me so a good sweat brings me back to the present. 


Now off to teach co-op classes and then take my exam tonight. 

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Negin- great article.  


Thanks!  Tonique sounds good.  I also just remembered FB 2 month challenge schedule of fat burning cardio that I have and never finished.  Plus, I could work on pistol squats.  I cannot do them without support.  I'll just have to switch my schedule up a bit so I can do "screen" exercising without a room full of kiddos.


Monday a.m. - 2 mile walk with dh

Monday p.m.- back to back martial arts classes


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This morning I walked to and from the gym for my training session. Rotator cuff muscular issue is progressing nicely (my range of pain-free motion increases every day), thought the trainer called me out on favoring the owie shoulder. He says thst corresponding trap is overcompensating. I need to roll it well before each stretching session and have dh give me a massage each night. I can get behind that :D

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wo stretch roll.   The school kids are out this week and you know what that means....

It means you crank up the oldies music, flap and dance around the house while your children stare at you with mixed facial expressions. :D You can also dare them to match your awesome dance moves. 

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Easter was a sugar fest :blush:. Yesterday was yoga and 5 miles. Today and tomorrow are busy mornings so today I'll do Zip and yoga tonight and maybe a jog this afternoon. It's raining though so who knows. Tomorrow we shall have to wait and see.

Soror-hope you feel better

Redsquirrel- I was upset with the predicted3 days of rain but then you said the s word

Candm- yeah! Keep going

Myblessing-lots of steps

Mom-ninja-when I dance the kids offer me anti-convulsants

Everyone else hang on while you heal

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Thanks for the well wishes, still sick but better yesterday, although I couldn't stand too long without getting dizzy so no exercise. Even better this am, although not 100%, I'm contemplating if I'm up to Yoga class this am right now, I really, really, really want to go but I'm trying to discern if my desire to go is obscuring my better judgement, thankfully I have about an hour or so to decide.

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Thanks for the well wishes, still sick but better yesterday, although I couldn't stand too long without getting dizzy so no exercise. Even better this am, although not 100%, I'm contemplating if I'm up to Yoga class this am right now, I really, really, really want to go but I'm trying to discern if my desire to go is obscuring my better judgement, thankfully I have about an hour or so to decide.

Stay home Soror- stretch a little and get 100% better.  That way your yoga mates won't be worried about catching your crud and you won't be tempted to overdo it.


Tuesday is co-op day.  Tonight just one martial arts class.  


Sunday's Easter feast and chocolate has left me in withdrawals.  More coffee pronto!

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Stay home Soror- stretch a little and get 100% better.  That way your yoga mates won't be worried about catching your crud and you won't be tempted to overdo it.


Tuesday is co-op day.  Tonight just one martial arts class.  


Sunday's Easter feast and chocolate has left me in withdrawals.  More coffee pronto!

Thanks, yes I believe I do have to stay home, I cannot put my head upside down right now without getting way dizzy, passing out in public is bad. Planning a yin workout today, my whole body has been sore since this started (evidently it wasn't workout soreness as dh has it now too). Still hopeful for tomorrow evening's class. I don't think I should pass anything, we don't make any contact and I'm no longer feverish or coughing anything and I bring my own mat and supplies.


Going in this am for some blood tests, thankfully nothing that this should effect, will be happy to see what my thyroid is doing.

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Thanks for the well wishes, still sick but better yesterday, although I couldn't stand too long without getting dizzy so no exercise. Even better this am, although not 100%, I'm contemplating if I'm up to Yoga class this am right now, I really, really, really want to go but I'm trying to discern if my desire to go is obscuring my better judgement, thankfully I have about an hour or so to decide.

Stay home. I think sometimes we don't allow ourselves enough time to recover from illness. It's hard to rest. 



Quick kickboxing cardio this morning. 


Leaving early tomorrow for a 5 day camping trip. See ya'll next week. 

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just went to get blood drawn and some groceries, as it was mission critical, very good I didn't attempt yoga, blood draw took too long and my currently extra low bp combined with fasting for the blood draw made shopping a bit, um, adventurous. I had to eat an orange before driving home. Finally took a mucinex when I got home, should have already done that but I hate taking meds. I am improving however, so that's good, hopefully another day or two rest and I'll be as good as new.

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4 easy miles today after a couple days off due to illness and holiday.


I'm swamped with work so will have to catch up on how you all are doing later.  Hoping this is a lovely spring day for everyone.

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I haven't been able to do much for the past week because of company, but today I got in a 3 mile run and then this afternoon I did 45 mins of yoga.  Tomorrow I'm having my gallbladder tested, so not food or drink till I'm done (apt at 11:00!) I'm not going to be a happy person.  If I recover from it all I go for a run in the afternoon.  


Rieshy, so sorry about your elbow.  


Redsquirrel, snow is now a bad, 4 letter word.  No more snow! We've been getting tons of rain, like every day.  Parts of our park are flooded and my son hasn't had a ball game in a couple of weeks.  It's depressing.  

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It seems this week is just off for a lot of us.  I hope everyone recovers well and can get back into the swing of things.


Today is a gentle stretching day for me and some kicking.  No bending over backwards for a couple more days I think.


I found out yesterday that Hal Higdon has some training schedules (including a marathon schedule) that are three days of running with three days of cross training.  For me, this is nice as it means I wouldn't need to drop capoeira to train for a race. Here's the link if any of you runners are interested:



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Yesterday I did a leslie sansonne cardio video..3 fast miles I think it is called. It's on youtube. It was 45 mins long and a better workout than I expected.  Then I did a 30 min mat workout.


I will try for something comparable today but my day is nuts.  At one point I have two kids having to be in two different places at opposite sides of town at the same time. It's just town, so each is a 7 min drive, but it's all at once, lol. Thank goodness I live in town!


Soror, I hope you are feeling better very soon. This bug has really been a butt kicker, yes?


Uff Da have you done a marathon before? My sister runs them (or ran, now she has toddlers) and loves it. She was always trying to get my dh to run one with her because she says he is a great runner.  But, dh has NO interest, lol.


Kim: now we have rain...pouring pouring rain.  No one is complaining because it isn't frozen, lol.  The frost free date here is memorial day weekend, so snow in April isn't unheard of. Good luck with you gall bladder test. sounds horrible.



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Soror, I hope you are feeling better very soon. This bug has really been a butt kicker, yes?


Yes, I'm still toast, and I'm not sleeping good right now- it is hard when you cannot breath and then the house was WAY too hot too last night, it is compounding the problem. To be honest at this point I think I'm hoping to be back to normal by this weekend. Yesterday's blood draw seemed to have really set me back again and I have a full-fledged sinus infection. I had this happen last June and I remember it kicked my butt for a good while, I really hope it is not as rough as long this time.

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I had trouble getting on the forums yesterday & early this AM. I was about to panic lol!


Yesterday I did Miracle Mile but did it twice in a row-It ended up being a good level for me.


Today I did say 3 of Fit in 15-body weight basics. It was great to help me with form & names of exercises.


I feel more sore this week than I have so far. Guess the workouts are working.

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Sorry I got you sick, soror.


;) :lol:


I was all set to go to the gym early this morning, but then dh convinced me that we should stay in the warm bed instead ;)


I hope to get a workout in later today. I have to run dd to the doctor to get some abdominal pain checked out. Kinda concerned.

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week 7, day 1 of C25K.  Running (or technically slow jogging?) 2.5 miles w/o stopping or even feeling winded.   :hurray:     Starting to feel some positive body changes!  

That's AWESOME! I'm jealous.


Rieshy- I liked this lower body workout. I was not impressed with this core workout, but maybe it's better than it looks.



I spent most of *my* weekend (SMT) doing housework and got little else done, but today was NROL stuffs.

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2.5 miles no stopping (so huge for me). Week 7, day 3, C25k. On to my final week on Friday! That will give me a full week of running 3 miles before the race!


Today was a huuuge struggle though. Muscles wouldn't loosen no matter the stretch, every step my body felt super heavy, stomach hurt... After the run, I've been super shaky and weak feeling. Glad its over!

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Uff Da have you done a marathon before? My sister runs them (or ran, now she has toddlers) and loves it. She was always trying to get my dh to run one with her because she says he is a great runner.  But, dh has NO interest, lol.


I've run only two marathons before.  The first one I took seriously, trained well and injured my knees.  The second one I wasn't able to train properly for so I partied the whole way through, talked to a ton of people, sampled all the food, didn't worry about how much walking I did and I got a better time.  Go figure.


Dh has run one marathon before so we will see how this year goes and maybe try together next year.  I think city marathons are fun to both run and cheer for.  The one "scenic" marathon I did was boring after awhile.



I hope to get a workout in later today. I have to run dd to the doctor to get some abdominal pain checked out. Kinda concerned.

Hope your daughter is OK.

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2 mile walk with dh.  But no time for anything else- these pesky adult responsibilities of life do take time...


Went to ortho about my elbow- just 3 more weeks of stretching only and then I can slowly work back into building strength and my normal craziness as it tolerates.  I am SOOO relieved!  I almost kissed the poor man.  I also had to laugh because he looked so bewildered when he asked how it happened and I said, "arm-bar and then body-weight work".  My gray hair confounded expectations again:)

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