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Why do I get so many wrong number calls?!


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Not that anyone can answer this.  They aren't all from the same places.  Most are automated.  Most are impossible to reach a real person who will freaking take your name off their list.  I've had my number long enough where I can't blame this on a new to me number.


The latest is from a temp agency letting me know about available shifts.  I did get a hold of someone who told me they'd take my number off the list.  That was a week ago.  I get called several times a day. 


It's so frustrating. 

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Maybe you're just popular. :D


Or perhaps there is a certain special traveling salesman from your past who wants to reconnect but hasn't worked up the nerve to use his real name when he calls. But he loves hearing your voice so he keeps calling you as he travels all over the country. :001_wub:


Let's go with the salesman thing. But in a sweet, unrequited love kind of way and not in the crazy lunatic stalker way. ;)

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Can't you sign up for the "do not call list"?  Most of the calls should stop if you do that.  (There is a delay before they have to stop calling.)


I used to get a lot of calls for a dude who gave out my work ph# as his.  (I assume his is very similar.)  Recently I haven't gotten any of those calls.  But now I get a call frequently from the same number, and they hang up before it finishes ringing.  Sometimes this happens multiple times in the same day.  I have no idea what that's about.  I have no intention of answering it.

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Sorry, but getting that many calls tells me that your phone number has been sold to a marketing group.  You will continue to get calls for.ev.er.   I would get a new number if you can.


But what does a temp agency have to do with marketing?  And what does a service calling me to tell me that the medical taxi will pick me up have to do with marketing?  None of these calls are about selling me anything. 

Plus I'm on 2 do not call lists.  The only telemarketing calls I get are from absolute scams.

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People sometimes write down incorrect numbers, transpose numbers, or simply give fake numbers.


My mother gives out my number to creditors because we've had the number for a long time and it is the only one she remembers. It's delightful.


I'm sorry for the frustration.


Based on how many times this agency calls a day I can't say I blame someone for lying about their number.  Holy cow it is ridiculous.  I assume this is for nursing jobs.

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Years ago I kept getting automated calls about "your child's low lunch account balance" from the school system in my hometown. I was not even living in the state (though I kept that cell #) and had not had children yet!




I remember once at work someone put in my desk's phone number into the fax machine and set it to try 100 times.  HOLY COW.  I went running through this huge building looking for the person so the phone would stop ringing!

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I remember once at work someone put in my desk's phone number into the fax machine and set it to try 100 times. HOLY COW. I went running through this huge building looking for the person so the phone would stop ringing!

I had that happen at one job, but from outside the company. It used to fill up my voicemail. I finally got clever and forwarded it to the fax when the call came in, tracked the person down and told her she needed to change it.


When I worked for a doctor, we'd get calls from a guy demanding to talk to our mortgage dept regularly. And then he'd get mad when I told him (again) he had reached Dr ----'s office. Finally, I suggested he correct the number in his speed dial and he never called again. (I wasn't the receptionist. I can't imagine how often she talked to him.)


And we had the fog delay, school closing, low lunch balance and "you're kid is not in school today" automated calls at the Y until I mentioned it to one of administrators.


My guess is that the temp agency has automated call and somebody fat-fingered the phone number for one of the nurses on the call list.

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I have a Voice over internet phone plan.  I have found that if I dial my husband's cell phone number too quickly, I get the same wrong number (thankfully for an after hours answering machine for a company).  Maybe you have that happening.

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The local court system has put my number as one of the legal aid lawyers. I keep getting texts from people looking for lawyers. I had a lengthy exchange with the last one and he contacted them so maybe it will get fixed. Things get entered incorrectly all the time.

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