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Exercise Thread ~ March 29 - April 4


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I had my doctor's appointment yesterday regarding my frequent migraines, and he gave me a new prescription. Much to my surprise, it's a beta-blocker. I didn't know that those were used to treat migraines but he said it's a very safe and effective prevention. He did warn me that the main side-effect is that they can make exercise a bit more challenging. But I'm not even thinking about speed and performance and things like that, I just want to be able to move again, and that's going to be a lot more likely with the drug than without it!


So I don't have any exercise to report yet, but I'm optimistic that I'm at least going to be able to do something today!

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Reaching deep and finding..... Nothing left in the tank. I think today is going to be a full rest day. Actually I feel good about it, I'll eat well and stretch and smile at my family and hit hard tomorrow:)


Blessings to all of you!

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So hard to WO with the kids bickering or getting into things.    Ugh. 


Sleep is a wonderful, wonderful thing.   Today is my first day caffeine free (feel my pain).  I've been weaning these last weeks.  Drinking herbal tea right now (not the same) and thinking of tonight's wonderful night of sleep.  



Today:   WO stretch roll and  laundry.     Wait, what?

I just finished 2 weeks of no caffeine. With my bum footie I wasn't active enough to sleep. Make sure you have pain killers on hand for headaches. Those videos you sent me were reminiscent of yoga, which just proves what I feared. I need more yoga. I hate yoga. If I were smart I'd do a month of just yoga for my injury, but I'm not that smart.

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Cannot give up caffeine. See avatar. I ran a quick 5K and did kettlebell but now have a headache. I'm giving other remedies an hour and then taking an I itrex. Easter weekend will not be ruined. We have dyed eggs and I got groceries. Hopefully my oldest dd will ge home tonight and my 18 yo on Sunday. I want my kids home. DD and I have planned yoga and Chinese food and thrift shopping around Easter egg hunts and ballet rehearsal. I hope you all have a lovely weekend whether you are celebrating Easter or just the arrival of Spring or time off.

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Not sure what to do in this thread, so I'll just babble what's new and exciting.  


I just signed up for a local race ..my 12 yr old son and I are going to run the 3 mile portion (odd how they don't offer as 5K).. So anyway, we've been using the C25K app and are now into week 6.  Yesterday I ran 2 miles without stopping.  OMG.  I used to run..or well, jog a few years back and loved the results and energy but my lower back pain forced me to stop.  Just last year I found an awesome chiropractor who urged me to address my tight hamstrings and periformis muscle (in my rear) as a reason why running gets to be too painful.  NOW I stretch both extensively before and after running and there has been NO BACK PAIN.  I'm still in disbelief.  I have tried to take up running 6 different times with the same painful results.  yeah!


So our race is the end of April.  My state is in the far north.so I'm wondering if it will be snowing or sleeting or zero degrees the day of the race.  But throwing all hesitancy to the wind, we are running a 3 mile that day.  


For now I run every other day according to the app.  Today is my day off, but I usually walk on those days.  I've also made many dietary changes (though we eat very clean anyway), including what I have about an hour before my run that keeps my energy level steady and high.  


I have been slacking on ANY exercise in recent years and have been pretty unhappy with the results so I'm thrilled at how quickly I have adapted and progressed to running again!  Starting to see results around the waist too.  WOOHOO



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candmforever- Welcome! That is fabulous that you have found a way to make running work and pain free.


fruit of the womb- Ya, see it is taking no time at all to get in the swing of it!




Total, total brag-----


So, last Easter I had to buy clothes because thanks to my thyroid and hormones I gained back all the pregnancy weight I lost. This Easter I had to go shopping because I didn't have any dress clothes that were small enough.


Last year I bought 9/10s, this year I bought.............





Same brand and all but the skinny cut this time!!!!!


I knew I had lost inches by the way my clothes were fitting but I am thrilled as can be. 


I'm still a bit bigger than my regular size, maybe an inch over my goal (we'll see tomorrow is weigh and measure day it has been 6 weeks) but I've put on a fair amount of muscle too so I'm not sure what the scale will say. Nevermind I'm determined to not let it rule me :) I'm holding my head high :)

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Not sure what to do in this thread, so I'll just babble what's new and exciting.  


I just signed up for a local race ..my 12 yr old son and I are going to run the 3 mile portion (odd how they don't offer as 5K).. So anyway, we've been using the C25K app and are now into week 6.  Yesterday I ran 2 miles without stopping.  OMG.  I used to run..or well, jog a few years back and loved the results and energy but my lower back pain forced me to stop.  Just last year I found an awesome chiropractor who urged me to address my tight hamstrings and periformis muscle (in my rear) as a reason why running gets to be too painful.  NOW I stretch both extensively before and after running and there has been NO BACK PAIN.  I'm still in disbelief.  I have tried to take up running 6 different times with the same painful results.  yeah!


So our race is the end of April.  My state is in the far north.so I'm wondering if it will be snowing or sleeting or zero degrees the day of the race.  But throwing all hesitancy to the wind, we are running a 3 mile that day.  


For now I run every other day according to the app.  Today is my day off, but I usually walk on those days.  I've also made many dietary changes (though we eat very clean anyway), including what I have about an hour before my run that keeps my energy level steady and high.  


I have been slacking on ANY exercise in recent years and have been pretty unhappy with the results so I'm thrilled at how quickly I have adapted and progressed to running again!  Starting to see results around the waist too.  WOOHOO


I'm having a similiar experience as I injured my knees running a marathon years ago (before I knew I needed those professionally fitted prosthetic inserts in my shoes).  So far, running is going well.  Dh said he would run another marathon with me if I wanted to try again but eek... he runs about an hour faster than I do.


I'm under the weather today and had planned to do an intensive stretching/capoiera day.  We will see what happens now.

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Posting to say that it seems quite unlikely that I'll get to exercise today. I'll consider it a day of rest. It'll be a lazy day of marathon Turkish soap opera watching with dh and my mom. The three of us are seriously hooked on this particular series that's based on a true story. I spent all day yesterday cooking, so I need this break!

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Soror-yea for smaller clothes! I bet you will feel great wearing items that actually fit! Your others must be swimming on you!


Negin-Turkish soap opera marathon sounds fun!!


I did Jessica Smith's Cardio Ballet this morning. I was not very excited to workout & the video didn't help. Not sure why. But I did it-heavily modified.


Tomorrow will be rest day & then I plan to start Jessica Smith's Fit in 15 series. I will sub my Miracle Mile DVD for her walking stuff though. I feel like I need to try to get my $9 out of the thing. Lol.


I am also eyeing Blogilates beginner 2.0 calendar. Maybe after the Fit in 15.


I have lost 10 lbs as of today. I am really proud of myself for sticking with the exercise. I normally do 2 days & quit. So yea for me!

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I forgot to update with my actual exercise as I was busy and so stinking excited-


Yesterday- Yoga (shoulder opening preparing for handstand(fabulous) and balance postures(need to strengthen my ankles)+ squats and kettlebell swings+ Mutu= 45 -50 min or so- I don't do it all at once so it is hard to keep track


Today- Short and Sweet Yoga #3, hadn't done this one since sometime last year but I remembered it being challenging, um yeah, it was, totally worked my whole body until I just was at the edge of what I could do and exceeded my strength in the arm work (chataranga dandansanas- holding a tricep pushup a few inches off the ground) are KILLER!, Mutu Core 2 as well- 40 min total- Planning a walk this afternoon- weather is much improved from yesterday 


I have been slacking on ANY exercise in recent years and have been pretty unhappy with the results so I'm thrilled at how quickly I have adapted and progressed to running again!  Starting to see results around the waist too.  WOOHOO

Ya for results and muscle memory is a fabulous thing!

I finally made it back to the gym after a loooooong haitus!

Did nearly an hour of weight machines yesterday, hitting every possible muscle.

Feeling sore and loving it!  :D


Welcome! I love the good sore feeling, it makes you feel proud.

I'm having a similiar experience as I injured my knees running a marathon years ago (before I knew I needed those professionally fitted prosthetic inserts in my shoes).  So far, running is going well.  Dh said he would run another marathon with me if I wanted to try again but eek... he runs about an hour faster than I do.


I'm under the weather today and had planned to do an intensive stretching/capoiera day.  We will see what happens now.


Take care and get better!

Posting to say that it seems quite unlikely that I'll get to exercise today. I'll consider it a day of rest. It'll be a lazy day of marathon Turkish soap opera watching with dh and my mom. The three of us are seriously hooked on this particular series that's based on a true story. I spent all day yesterday cooking, so I need this break!


Have fun, we all need lazy days!

Soror-yea for smaller clothes! I bet you will feel great wearing items that actually fit! Your others must be swimming on you!
I had regular clothes that are close to my size but my one pair of dress pants from last year I could get on and off without unzipping or buttoning or even wiggling my hips!

I have lost 10 lbs as of today. I am really proud of myself for sticking with the exercise. I normally do 2 days & quit. So yea for me!

:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray: Huzzah! Many, many kudos! Now comes the fun part, it gets easier and funner and you can see the results!


NROL things. I tracked down some ballet resources for my ankles, so hopefully that will be fun.

Good luck on your ankle- !

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Low on steps yesterday - worked in the morning, spent the afternoon doing slow shopping and then went to Compline in the evening, so slow overall.


A good walk with Husband today - took off our sweaters and enjoyed the sun on our necks.  It will be 12,000 steps by bedtime.  


Weighed myself yesterday and I've lost my Christmas weight gain.  Onwards to Easter chocolate and home-made biscuits.

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