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Exercise Thread ~ March 29 - April 4


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I have to start the post with a WOOT! 7 hrs baby! I tried the lowered dose of progesterone last night and I fell asleep way faster(which had been an issue as of late) and when I inevitably got up to go pee I went right back to sleep. Awake for the day at 4am, which is about an hour early to me, but the best night I've had since last Friday!!!! So, I'm planning on a long yoga video here when I get more warmed up and alive, although I've taken over 2yo waking duty from poor dh- whom she is torturing(I love it with my new ear plugs I don't even hear her :) ), so we'll see what I'm able to do. 


eta- I'm doing my week in review now-

Last week I did:

5 days of yoga, 4 days of walking, 2 strength day (bodyweight work & 'gymnastic'/playground work)


1 total rest day with no activity

1 day 40 min

1 day 50 min

4 days with 1hr+ (although that wasn't all intense time- I would say of that my intense time would have been Bodyweight work-45 min Mon- Playground work-30 min Tues- and Yoga Class- 60 min Wed-  Short and Sweet is fairly intense and I did that most of my other yoga practices but I also did some low key Yoga with Adriene


I wanted to add at least one more strength day but due to fatigue and soreness decided I best break from it. I had a good yoga practice yesterday and that ought to certainly count some for strength, I am able to go so much deeper in my lunges and hold them and actually do some chatarangas, although not throughout any whole session yet, I think I'll have that within a month or so, which is amazing considering where I was when I started back this time.

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About to do Leslie's 4 Fast Miles. 


I have to start the post with a WOOT! 7 hrs baby! I tried the lowered dose of progesterone last night and I fell asleep way faster(which had been an issue as of late) and when I inevitably got up to go pee I went right back to sleep. Awake for the day at 4am, which is about an hour early to me, but the best night I've had since last Friday!!!! So, I'm planning on a long yoga video here when I get more warmed up and alive, although I've taken over 2yo waking duty from poor dh- whom she is torturing(I love it with my new ear plugs I don't even hear her :) ), so we'll see what I'm able to do. 

I'm so happy to see that you posted before I did! 

Also happy to hear that your progesterone worked. I use Emerita from time to time, but need to use it more consistently. I'm not sure if it's made any major difference. 

Which yoga DVD are you doing? 

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About to do Leslie's 4 Fast Miles. 


I'm so happy to see that you posted before I did! 

Also happy to hear that your progesterone worked. I use Emerita from time to time, but need to use it more consistently. I'm not sure if it's made any major difference. 

Which yoga DVD are you doing? 

I found some videos from Deepen Your Practice on Youtube so I was going to try that out to see if I like it. I've heard people compare it to the guy from Short and Sweet that I love so I'm considering buying it OR checking out the pay online for Udaya Yoga, which is home to both Short and Sweet (Ultimate Yogi) and Deepen Your Practice. 

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Ahhh, well I ended up going back to sleep and conked right out for another hour!!! Unreal. 8 hrs people, seriously. I haven't slept that good in ages.


So, I have a new yoga love, I tried one of the Vytas' video today on youtube, I can tell he is Iyengar trained, it seems that would be my preference (my new teacher is Ashtanga and I like her but I prefer Iyengar- which was the style of my first and favored teacher).  He gives very explicit instructions for alignment in postures, he uses props, his voice is like silk. This class starts nice and slow but really does a lot of wonderful work with opening your hips and strengthening your legs, moving towards splits, standing splits and handstand splits but he really has variations for everyone and stresses that we should just just go to where we can (I can't do the full splits or a handstand). He has a series called Deepen Your Practice that I was considering but I think for now I'll subscribe to Yoga Works as he has oodles of videos there and the financial commitment is a lot less to start. Highly recommend!!!

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I just got in a short run/walk with my ds 12. We're doing a 10k race together on July 1st (Canada Day) so this was day 1 of our training. My ears froze off and he had non-stop coughing fits. Not a wonderful start, but a start nonetheless!!  :hurray:


I need to defrost my ears quickly, though, as I'm going to see Joshua Bell tomorrow with dd and ds!!!!   :thumbup:   :nopity:

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Leah is using 1lb weights in that weighted section.  I tried it the first time with 3lb weights and it was just too difficult to do those moves and keep the speed.  I can' imagine using 5lbs.


Is she? I thought she was using 2 or 3 lbs. Anyway, she says you can use up to 5 lbs and so stupidly I tried. The next day I could not lift my arm. Or the next or the next. Took at least 3 weeks before I could lift my arm past shoulder height.





As for yesterday and today.....nothing to report. I made more strawberry related food items, and ate lots of it. That about sums up my weekend. 

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30 minutes on the elliptical and then one armed swings with just good arm and then some snatches and presses, stretching and katas with one arm.


Mom-ninja, you and your strawberries are cracking me up- I'm that way about peaches and watermelon.


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Lots of slow walking for the last week - getting over a cold, then accompanying Husband, who is walking out a bad back. Hoping to add back in some panting up and down hills this week, plus back to yoga on Tuesday.


I forgot to mention - yesterday I took Hobbes to the optician. While he was being taught how to deal with contact lenses, I hid behind a display and stretched for half an hour.


And of course I worked in the garden.

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So I was going to get the Booty Boot Camp from FB, but have decided to wait. I feel like doing a ballet/barre inspired plan. I found a playlist on youtube I want to work through. This morning was Ballet Boot Camp


I have a big glass door in my workout room, and I can see my transparent reflection which I like because it helps me check form. All I can say is that I am not quite as prettily graceful as the two ladies in the video. ;) 


Fun and different, and I was surprised how it got my breathing rate up. Obviously not like a level 5 HIIT or anything. This was good for practicing coordination. 

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My head is clear and I've stopped coughing. However, the headache persists. I'm keeping my session with the trainer this morning for my mental health ;)


I'm worried about my left shoulder/bicep because it is soooooo tight and I'm having pain at times. He told dh that he'd evaulate my issue to see if I need to go to PT. Blech.

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I'm sipping coffee and mentally preparing for Capoeira sequences with more handstands and backbends.  I was going to start working on a series of six new sequences but the idea of deciphering each step and move seems beyond me at the moment.  Maybe coffee will make me change my mind.

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Wow, take a day off and you guys post tons of links to check out. Yesterday it sleeted and hailed and Saturday was busy so I did nothing. Nothing. Today I did a half hour of yoga and took a 4 mile run. The sun is shining and though I still needed hat&gloves, etc it is far better than yesterday when I was strongly considering getting in my car and driving straight to Phoenix.
Have a lovely day all. I'm off to inflate bike tires for my youngest.

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I've never participated in these exercise threads before, but I was wondering if I could join you. I've had a rough time lately with tons of migraines, so my exercise routine and my diet have both suffered terribly. I've regained some of the weight that I'd successfully lost and kept off for years, and now I'm weak as a kitten from sitting/laying around so much because of feeling so awful most of the time. I really need to turn this thing around!


So I gather this is just general workout motivation/support -- everyone just posts whatever type of exercise they do?


I didn't do any exercise yesterday, but the fact that I didn't have a migraine and was able to function normally (went to church, did some chores, didn't sit on my butt all day!) was a huge success! So here's hoping I'll be able to top that today. :) I'm not sure yet whether I will try to do something aerobic or do weights, but I will make every effort to do SOMETHING.

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So I was going to get the Booty Boot Camp from FB, but have decided to wait. I feel like doing a ballet/barre inspired plan. I found a playlist on youtube I want to work through. This morning was

I'm not familiar with those, but I wanted to mention that I have a couple of Leah Sarago's downloadable videos and they are really good. I don't know if this is true of all of hers, but the ones that I bought are really quick/concentrated/intense workouts. I like that because it's soon done and over, and yet I feel like I really accomplished something.



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I've never participated in these exercise threads before, but I was wondering if I could join you. I've had a rough time lately with tons of migraines, so my exercise routine and my diet have both suffered terribly. I've regained some of the weight that I'd successfully lost and kept off for years, and now I'm weak as a kitten from sitting/laying around so much because of feeling so awful most of the time. I really need to turn this thing around!


So I gather this is just general workout motivation/support -- everyone just posts whatever type of exercise they do?


I didn't do any exercise yesterday, but the fact that I didn't have a migraine and was able to function normally (went to church, did some chores, didn't sit on my butt all day!) was a huge success! So here's hoping I'll be able to top that today. :) I'm not sure yet whether I will try to do something aerobic or do weights, but I will make every effort to do SOMETHING.

I am new to these threads & don't know exactly how it works either! So we can learn together :)

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Welcome Greta and fruitof thewomb!


My youngest is now 2, so it is sooo much easier, I try to work out before she wakes up but just finished and had them take her downstairs today!


Just did hip openers (20 min) and Shoulder Press and Firefly Pose (5 min tutorial) both with Yvtes on Yoga Works, now I'm shaking all over. My legs were shaking about 1 minute into the hip openers, super deep lunge held forever (just when I thought hey I'm really gaining strength!). I had never done shoulder press before or else its been so long I can't remember it, did better than I expected on that and Firefly, although both need lots of work.


Still planning strength work today.

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I have been super busy with no time to jump into the thread, or even do much in the way of exercise.  I did run on Saturday, but nothing Sunday or today.  


I wanted to post that my dh ran his marathon yesterday and he made his goal time. He wanted under 4 hrs, and did it in 3:56:24 (??I forget the seconds).  He was very happy with his run, though his said the last 3 miles were rough.  I walked a lot yesterday. I walked all over down town and around UT.  I proabably walked close to 4 miles.  


We have a lot of company this week, and I'm trying to figure out how to get some running and anything else in.


Welcome to the new posters!

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Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome!  I'm glad to have another beginner buddy, fruitofthewomb.  :)


So . . . I DID IT!   :party:


I went for a run!  It was my formerly "usual" run, but this was the first time I had done it in awhile.  Full disclosure:  it's a very wimpy run.  There's an open space area 0.4 miles from my house.  I walk there, and then I walk/run/walk/run the 1.8 mile loop, then walk home again.  So it's only 2.6 miles altogether and I walk a lot more of it than I run.  But it's something!  


It's a beautiful, bright, sunny day here as usual, but not hot yet (it won't be long until I have to do these runs first thing when I wake up, before it is sweltering).  I saw several jackrabbits and a couple of roadrunners.  It's so nice to get outside after being cooped up indoors so much recently.

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My trainer thinks it's my rotator cuff.






He wants me to do the same stretches and rolling at home 3x a day as he just did with me. If my range of motion is better on Thursday when I see home next, he's pretty confident it is just a muscular issue and can be worked on at the gym and home. If my range of motion does not improve, it's PT for me.


I sure hope it's a muscular issue.

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Hoping for good news luckymama!


Woot Greta! You'll get back that endurance in no time!


Finished bodyweight exercises, took it easier this time, only did 3 rounds- push, pulls, squats and swings.


Setting up for Mutu now, had to rewatch the video as I'm ready to move onto the next phase of core, or rather I was supposed to last week and I forgot.


I still feel it a bit in my mid back, not real bad, not sure if that is a muscle soreness or something I'm doing. I've been taking it easier on the twists these days. I don't know I tend to want to overdo it so I'm trying to be a good girl. 


Finally got around to asking the in-laws to watch the kids during the day so I could do another yoga class this week, so now I'm scheduled for Wed and Thurs, I'm a bit nervous to be trying it at a new time with new people but I think one of the ladies I know takes it at that time.




Any thoughts on periods and exercise? I was rereading my fertility tracking info and they recommend no more than 30 min vigorous exercise a day so it doesn't interfere with fertility. I had some issues many years ago when I hit sub 20% body fat (I think I was around 17-18%) my periods didn't stop but they weren't quite right either. I can't remember how much I was exercising then. Has anyone noticed any change at different levels of exercise? I'm still trying to line out my cycle so I don't want to mess with that but I'm loving my exercise lately.

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Any thoughts on periods and exercise? I was rereading my fertility tracking info and they recommend no more than 30 min vigorous exercise a day so it doesn't interfere with fertility. I had some issues many years ago when I hit sub 20% body fat (I think I was around 17-18%) my periods didn't stop but they weren't quite right either. I can't remember how much I was exercising then. Has anyone noticed any change at different levels of exercise? I'm still trying to line out my cycle so I don't want to mess with that but I'm loving my exercise lately.


I was a month pregnant (and didn't know it) and was at 21% body fat with baby #5.  


According to Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler, a sub 18% body fat can lower fertility but: "The women most affected are runners, swimmers and ballet dancers.  But what is somewhat inconclusive about studies of these athletes is that they have been unable to separate the effects of fat ratio from physical and emotional stress, diet, and even changes in thyroid metabolism."

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I was a month pregnant (and didn't know it) and was at 21% body fat with baby #5.  


According to Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler, a sub 18% body fat can lower fertility but: "The women most affected are runners, swimmers and ballet dancers.  But what is somewhat inconclusive about studies of these athletes is that they have been unable to separate the effects of fat ratio from physical and emotional stress, diet, and even changes in thyroid metabolism."

I guess I was just on the bubble with my bodyfat level, for me anyway, my thyroid function has always been a bit low so I'd guess I'm more susceptible than some.


Mind you I wouldn't mind a loss of fertility, I just don't want menopause:)

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After the rolling and stretching of my shoulder this morning, I didn't have any pain at all for four hours :) My fingers are crossed that it's a muscular issue.


Dh and I went on an hour walk (almost 4 miles) before dinner. In the sunshine :party: Poor guy had to walk slower than we normally do to accommodate my recovering head :lol:


Soooooo nice to have that time together :)

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I'm not familiar with those, but I wanted to mention that I have a couple of Leah Sarago's downloadable videos and they are really good. I don't know if this is true of all of hers, but the ones that I bought are really quick/concentrated/intense workouts. I like that because it's soon done and over, and yet I feel like I really accomplished something.




I'm leery with Leah. I now tiptoe around her videos. I recently injured myself doing one of her videos. I know all about her and how deceptively difficult her moves can be. 

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Ok, I have posted TWICE to this thread and it isn't showing up or (more likely) I messed up in some way and didn't actually post? 


So: I did 30 mins dance cardio and 30 min Tracy Anderson mat workout. It was a new to me mat workout and it was really hard.


That is all for now. Let's see if this actually posts, lol

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Ok, I have posted TWICE to this thread and it isn't showing up or (more likely) I messed up in some way and didn't actually post? 


So: I did 30 mins dance cardio and 30 min Tracy Anderson mat workout. It was a new to me mat workout and it was really hard.


That is all for now. Let's see if this actually posts, lol


I see it :)

After the rolling and stretching of my shoulder this morning, I didn't have any pain at all for four hours :)

 Dh and I went on an hour walk (almost 4 miles) before dinner

Oh, I LOVE walks with dh and the kids, can't seem to manage many these days(I have to settle with just the kids) but they are blissful. Ya for no pain!



I intentionally walked extra at work, and ended up over 12,000 steps.



I did another Yvtas video in the afternoon(if I was responsible I would have cleaned house but I decided against it :) ), this one working on push backs and jump throughs, which was fab because that is on the list of skills I want to get back and I was making no progress on the push backs at all but with his progression I can see where I can get there. I recently was able to do the jump through (plank pose to seated in one graceful *cough* move. We also took an hour walk, well an hour total, interspersed with ample time at the creek, beautiful day. 


edited to update:

Yin Yoga and Mutu done 35 ish minutes


upcoming this afternoon:

playground workout: 20-30 min

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I wanted to post that my dh ran his marathon yesterday and he made his goal time. He wanted under 4 hrs, and did it in 3:56:24 (??I forget the seconds).  


We have a lot of company this week, and I'm trying to figure out how to get some running and anything else in.


Enjoy your company!


Woohoo for your dh!

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Oh, sorry you got hurt! :(

It was my own fault. My ego said to use 5 lb weights when my body responded by telling me how stupid that was. I like Leah's workouts. They are tough and challenge me. My shoulder is just not quite up to doing a bunch of her videos. Yet. 



Ok, I have posted TWICE to this thread and it isn't showing up or (more likely) I messed up in some way and didn't actually post? 


So: I did 30 mins dance cardio and 30 min Tracy Anderson mat workout. It was a new to me mat workout and it was really hard.


That is all for now. Let's see if this actually posts, lol


I've done quite a bit of Tracy's stuff. I have to say that my all time favorite is her post baby DVD. I just feel it's a really well rounded one and her instruction is the best in that one as well. I also like her rebounding video on youtube. 



This morning was video 2 from the ballet/barre playlist. Jessica Smith and it was my first time I've heard of her. I love Peanut! 

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It was my own fault. My ego said to use 5 lb weights when my body responded by telling me how stupid that was. I like Leah's workouts. They are tough and challenge me. My shoulder is just not quite up to doing a bunch of her videos. Yet.

I hope your shoulder continues to improve!

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Just finished Jessica Smith's Cardio Dance from a set I bought. It was my first time to do it but moves were easy to understand. I had to modify a few times bc I just don't have the strength & endurance yet. The baby slept a little later so I was able to focus today.


I wish I had unlimited data so I could stream videos.


Does anyone know which Jessica Smith workout would be considered 'for beginners'? I really liked her but I think most of the workouts on these discs will be too hard for me now. I get discouraged easily when I can't keep up.

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I got in a 30 min., good paced run. It was sunny and almost warm outside!!  I wore my ear warmers anyway, because even though it's 10 days into "spring" the weather is still COLD. 


Joshua Bell was fabulous!! Great energy, and amazing sound and technique (and he's pretty cute, too.  :001_wub: ) 

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Joshua Bell was fabulous!! Great energy, and amazing sound and technique (and he's pretty cute, too. :001_wub: )

Oh fun! We are seeing Hilary Hahn this next month as a late birthday present for me.

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It was my own fault. My ego said to use 5 lb weights when my body responded by telling me how stupid that was. I like Leah's workouts. They are tough and challenge me. My shoulder is just not quite up to doing a bunch of her videos. Yet. 




I've done quite a bit of Tracy's stuff. I have to say that my all time favorite is her post baby DVD. I just feel it's a really well rounded one and her instruction is the best in that one as well. I also like her rebounding video on youtube. 



This morning was video 2 from the ballet/barre playlist. Jessica Smith and it was my first time I've heard of her. I love Peanut! 


Which post-baby workout do you like? The original one, or the most recent one?  I have seen both on youtube but haven't done either.  Well I think I tried the first one years ago, but there were parts that seemed not good for my back. There was a part with a bunch of straight legs pike lifts (lifting your body from flat on your back into a V) that just wasn't going to happen.


I did 30 mins dance cardio and 30 min mat work.


So, after some stuff posted here and some stuff said by people I know, I think I am having some  hormonal problems. I think I am what is called 'estrogen dominant', which is really low progesterone. That makes sense b/c I was treated for low progesterone after having a bunch of miscarriages. That is how I finally carried ds2 to term..maybe. There are lots of studies that show that progesterone doesn't do anything for miscarriages, so who knows. But the lots and lots and LOTS of bloodwork that I had at the infertility center all those years ago did determine that I had low progesterone. That was the only thing they could find and man oh man did they look, lol. When you go big medicine, it's really...big.


But I am just not right. Even these 30 min dance cardio workouts are so hard for me, I just want to fall over and stop. I have no energy. I keep going though and that has to count for something right?  My thyroid tests all come back just fine so the doctor doesn't know what to say. I could push it with them, but I am not sure it is worth it. I haven't felt heard the last two times I have gone, but I might not have been direct enough. I guess I could have said "I feel like shit, I look like shit, I keep gaining weight and I used to be able to run 5k four times a week and now I can't imagine running a quarter mile"


So, I am trying the progesterone cream that I found on Amazon and I'll give it three months. If I don't feel any better at all I guess I'll go raise hell at the doctor's office?  My old midwife is now doing accupuncture and I respond really well to that. I might give that a try as well..it's just so expensive. It's like 50$ a visit and they want weekly visits. Who has that?


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