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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning! My sinuses are a little better, so hopefully I'll be able to get everything done today.



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats


To Do:

coffee and breakfast



tidy whole house

clean guest bath

dust and vacuum

sweep and mop kitchen

wash sheets

change bed


take and pick up dd (practice)

make an agenda for co-op planning meeting tomorrow



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Good morning

- dishes- done

- laundry- in dryer

- tidy house- round 2 done

- read

- transfer $- done

- gather books and put by door- done

- get money- done

- library- done

- get diapers (ugh can't believe I forgot them yesterday) and milk- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- done

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Morning all! I'm determined to be at least somewhat productive today. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day.


- pay bills

- put cloth diapers away

- start laundry

- start chicken broth

- fold and put away laundry

- school

- pick up mail for client

- drop stuff off at goodwill

- finish organizing computer room

- call about random medical bill I shouldn't have gotten

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The sinus pain is now on one side of my face. That's progress, right? :lol:


Canceled my training session :(



--school w dd: chem, math, history, APHG

--continue working on this week's project: cleaning up my iPad bookmarks :eek:


--daily things

--work on APHG review ideas if I can think clearly

--Dh Chinese class, dd ballet

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Really need to stay focused today in order to be able to take the kids to scouts tonight.  It's an important meeting so I hope I have enough motivation.


Update - decided to skip the piano lessons.

Update 2 - skipping scouts too.


The list:

  • Work an hour before kids get up.  [done]
  • Get the kids up & out, including breakfast & lunches.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 4pm 5:45pm 9:15pm.  [done]
  • Work breaks for:
    • Monthly maids say they are coming today, which means they will be banging around and interrupting me  for several hours.  [done]
    • Clean the kids' play area so the maids can get at the dirt.  [done]
    • Print out photo evidence of the kids planting trees (for scout badge).
    • Get the kids' bags ready for AHG and piano lesson.  Include some cash for collections for scout leaders.
    • A little exercise.  [done]
    • A little reading.  [done]
  • Go thru kids' school bags and pack for homework to get done between activities.  Also bring kids' dinner.
  • Kids to piano lessons (work on computer and supervise homework during the lessons).
  • Dinner in car.
  • Kids to scouts (work on computer at scouts meeting).
  • Review spelling and memory work.  [done]
  • Prepare kids' school bags and clothes for Friday.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until ... whenever.  Boss wants to complete a big memo overnight.
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My dd is home from her mission in Denmark!  Yay!  Hip Hip Hooray!!  She has been home for just over a week.  And it has been great to have her here.  But it has also thrown off my days.  We have been going and doing something fun each day - which is super fun!  But also exhausting...  I went to bed early last night, and I'm planning on a stay-at-home-and-catch-up day.  Aaaaaaaa.


Here's my list for today:




garbage out

tidy up



veggies to school

take dd to dr to have tb test read



passport (print paperwork, make appointment)

baked ziti for dinner

7pm youth night at church


healthy habits:

run x

track water x x x x x

no sugar/bread  (save some ziti sauce to have on veggies)

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All right, it's tackle or be tackled--I've accumulated so many little things to catch up on.




Piano lesson

Kitty litter

Make dinner


Prep coupons and shop

Print & read

Text mom & sis

Pay bill



Ugh. Deferred to Friday:


Clean bathroom floor

Emails (neighborhood-2; hs group-1)

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Morning, all!  




laundry, two loads

lesson planning


sprayed shower, letting it soak



To do:

work out


find/call an acupuncturist/chiropractor?  I have a pinched nerve in my neck, and my right arm is numb.  An injury from long ago.  This sucks.  My body and my car are falling apart at a rapid rate.  


Not sure about the rest of the day...supposed to visit with my mom.  

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Yesterday sucked.  My debit card was apparently stolen through criminal means and this person made a new card and went shopping and wiped out my checking account.  Overdraft is the stupidest thing ever.  


Today I am stalking the bank to see if this charge goes through so I can then get it flagged as fraud.  I called the police and store yesterday for that round of details.  Today is just getting my bank to do something.  I plan on changing banks tomorrow. 


Today is school, stalk my bank, go for a walk, stalk the bank, take DS to his Trail Life group, look at my bank online for the 100th time, and maybe cook out.  


I am sure there are household chores needing attention, but my mind is elsewhere, so no chores for us!

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Yesterday sucked.  My debit card was apparently stolen through criminal means and this person made a new card and went shopping and wiped out my checking account.  Overdraft is the stupidest thing ever.  


Today I am stalking the bank to see if this charge goes through so I can then get it flagged as fraud.  I called the police and store yesterday for that round of details.  Today is just getting my bank to do something.  I plan on changing banks tomorrow. 


Today is school, stalk my bank, go for a walk, stalk the bank, take DS to his Trail Life group, look at my bank online for the 100th time, and maybe cook out.  


I am sure there are household chores needing attention, but my mind is elsewhere, so no chores for us!


Oh man, that stinks.  :(


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My nephew didn't show up again and my mood changed the second I found out he wasn't coming. His presence in my home is really weighing me down, which makes me sad but I now know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and its called June. Once this school year is over I'll be in a much better place.


Today I've been super productive so far. Last load of laundry is in dryer, chicken broth is simmering in crock pot, I cleaned the living room which wasn't even on my radar this morning, the kids and I had fun writing stories, and we read another chapter of narnia.


Time for lunch before heading out to run errands

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Ds is home from work.

Dd is volunteering extra this week though she's still responsible for her schoolwork.  Anyway - dropped her off at volunteering.

I got some marinated kalbi chicken thighs from our butcher.  The dog is very interested in that package!  


Did I mention that I feel so much better on the new antibiotic?  The old one was a broad spectrum one that killed everything and I was barely functional.  This new one is more specific and I feel like I'm actually human!  I hope it is killing the right things though - we'll see in a few days if my throat pain comes back or not.  


OK - I cannot procrastinate on that laundry  one more minute.  Time to fold and put away.  

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Good Afternoon...


Dh had to work 12am-6am and so help slept some today...I did manage to vacuum and tidy before he hit the hay, so I'm working through laundry right now.

The weather is beautiful at this moment, so I'm on the screened in porch reading.


Have a good day everyone!


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I cancelled the girls' piano lessons for today.  It's just unrealistic that we could do that without me getting myself in trouble with my boss / clients.


My kids have been bad about practicing recently anyway.  I was thinking of canceling for that reason anyway.  I should have done it yesterday.


Maids just left.  Now I have about 2.5 hours to get stuff done before we leave for scouts.  I hope I focus really well during this time and move some mountains of stress.

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Regretfully I decided not to go to scouts today.  It isn't worth getting a heart attack.

This work deadline is just too big, and being sick and having computer problems last week set me back worse.  Now today new stuff has come up and I'm still not done with what I promised to send yesterday morning.  I feel like dirt.

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Good afternoon. So far today I sent DH and DMom ( my mom lives with us) off to a church meeting, had breakfast, school, and lunch. These kids get hungry so often ;). Doing laundry now. I contemplated taking our comforters, blankets, and rugs to the laundry mat, but it's raining and I don't want to leave the house when everybody else is gone. I savor the days just me and the kiddos are home.


School work was great today. DS is over whatever was holding up progress with reading/phonics. We flew through 3 lessons in OPGTR. DD can do whatever I ask her of her easily But her attention span is short. And she's only 5. They are both doing great. >insert happy dance emoji<


I'm off to do what I want for a while before the time suckers get back. Lol.

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Well, my bank is waiting for the charge to go through.  THEN I can filed fraud.  And then they will consider putting the money back into my account.  I need to change banks.  As their customer I don't think they handled this well.   The police are trying to get video of the event.  The police said they used some device or app to get my card just by being near me somewhere and most likely put that info onto a stolen gift card which would have a magnetic stripe to hold the info.  So it looks like a gift card but it has my debit card info on it.  So we are still waiting on this to process so we can start getting our money put back into our account.  I cancelled my weekend plans that involved money....


still doing school...I am getting ready to go lay in the hammock and enjoy the sunshine.  Will go for a walk later.  

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I gave up. She'll do double Potions chemistry tomorrow.


The sun came out and it's lovely and warm. Alas, I do not feel up to either playing in my yard (read: gardening) or going for a walk. Sigh.


(Please excuse my crankiness. I'd have some cheese with my whine (or wine!) if only I could taste something.)

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Well, my bank is waiting for the charge to go through.  THEN I can filed fraud.  And then they will consider putting the money back into my account.  I need to change banks.  As their customer I don't think they handled this well.   The police are trying to get video of the event.  The police said they used some device or app to get my card just by being near me somewhere and most likely put that info onto a stolen gift card which would have a magnetic stripe to hold the info.  So it looks like a gift card but it has my debit card info on it.  So we are still waiting on this to process so we can start getting our money put back into our account.  I cancelled my weekend plans that involved money....


Wow, that's scary and annoying.  I hope you get your money back ASAP.

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Hjffkj, you really can't talk to your sister about the situation so they can make other arrangements?

Normally I would but my mom disclosed some personal issues my sis is going through that stopped me. Her mental health is more fragile than mine right now so I won't pile that onto her right now. His spring break is next week so I'll have a week to decompress and then after that my mom will be home from her final cruise of the season and will take him for a day or 2 a week if I need it. She helped home school his older brother when he was younger and can't wait to help with all the younger grandkids education.

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Today was a wonderful day! We didn't get everything done but we did spend a lot of time playing outside in this gorgeous spring weather! Time to get kids settled into bed and fold laundry and organize computer room before dh gets home.



Highlight of day: we're reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader and they reference Midsummer's Nights Dream, we've been listening to Shakespeare in the car, and both older kids caught it. Of course what kid is going to miss talking about turning a man's head into an ass's head.

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I feel bad posting this when others are having a hard time but I wish I could bottle today and repeat it over (or days like it) over and over.  Other than some tummy upset which I'm dealing with, I'm feeling so much better on this new med.  Because of that:


I got to the chiropractor for the first time in over a month - something I needed to do but did not have the energy to do.


Schooled my "wayward" daughter when she got home from being out with friends.


Have so far folded 3 loads of laundry and still have the energy to do some more.


Did a bit of shopping with ds.


Had dinner.  


Been taking my bloodsugars.  They have been stellar partly due to me eating so much better today.  It is so much easier to eat right when I feel good.  

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Wow, hugs and prayers for everyone who had a rough day!  


Jean, I am so happy to hear about you feeling better! You deserve it!


Some cleaning has happened, but the rest will have to happen tonight and in the morning. Ds and I got caught up reading Around the World in 80 Days. We're almost finished. 

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