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Help! Terrible allergies: advice?


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We just moved to Georgia and in the last month or more my eyes have become puffy, super teary/watery -- and lately my lips are puffy (almost like excema is encircling them; I'm not sure). I often wake up with crusty eyes that are crusted shut.


I went to a respected allergy dr. who gave me the full skin test -- back and arms -- and it came up with nothing. Nothing at all. So, the young dr. who didn't seem to make any attempt to connect w/ me suggested I see an opthomologist for my eyes.


I ended up going to a very nice optometrist who diagnosed me w/ dry eyes and put me on $35 of TEARS products. A week later, my eyes were still red, itchy and teary. Went to his colleague who put me on an antihistimine eye drop (just one drop per eye once a day).


She suggested I go to a new allergy dr. which I am doing this week.


I'm taking the eye drop (antihistimine), the TEARS products, and a Zyrtec at night (the Zyrtec eliminated the crusty eyes in the a.m. problem).


This is really bad -- any advice. (And, yes, I sit w/ a cold compress on at least once a day. The coolness helps the burning/itchy eye problem for the moment.)


Thanks for reading!



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You may have something that is  not technically an "allergy" hence nothing found via the allergy testing.  I have reactions to chemicals of many sorts that I often refer to as "allergies" because people can understand that better, but they are not immune mediated in the same way as an allergy is. You could be having something like that going on. Also people are increasingly reporting electro-magnetic frequency related problems which can have all sorts of strange symptoms. 


See if you can identify things in your new environment that are different than in the old one and maybe you can get some clues as to what could be causing your problems. If you have an alternate place to sleep in your new home, you might see if there is any difference even from one part of the house to another.  If you want an environmental medicine specialist not limited to allergy, I have been to an excellent one in Texas--I travelled farther than you would have to in order to go to him. PM me if you want his contact info.

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Ouch.  Glad you are going to a new allergist.  When you had your original skin test were you completely off *all* antihistamines for two weeks prior to the test?  Antihistamines will skew the results.  Make absolutely sure you are off antihistmines, and ask ask the allergist's office about any other allergy meds.  


Terrible allergies here (not me, DS).  Obviously we follow the doc's recommendations and he takes his Rx meds.   But we do a lot of other stuff that might give you some relief while you wait - an indoor air purifier with a charcoal filter.  We use a Blue Air, and it's pretty pricey, there might be other options.  It is automated so it kicks up to a higher level when necessary.  We have large units on each floor of our house, but definitely in DS's bedroom.  We wash all lines, bedding, curtains, etc on hot once weekly.  DS doesn't do the dusting or vacuuming, but we are diligent about making sure that it happens twice weekly (dusting and vacuuming stir up the allergens in the house and make him have a flare of symptoms).  A shower every night, and after/or after coming inside from being outdoors (rinse off those allergens!).  Dogs are wiped down with a wet paper towel when they come inside, every time.  We don't wear shoes in the house.  


Good luck.  Allergies are miserable.

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Another allergy sufferer here. I am so sorry.


Keep your windows closed as much as possible. Don't hang laundry out to dry. Change your sheets often. And the suggestion to shower before bedtime is a good one.


I take OTC once a day allergy medication. There are a couple different brands. I find the best price is at Target but YMMV. They differ very little, but people's body chemistry interacts with them differently, so you might need to try more than one. Be sure to read the instructions. DS2 takes one that needs to be taken on an empty stomach. It really does work a lot better if he takes it before breakfast.

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Have you tried another antihistamine? Cetirizine does not help me much. I use desloratadine (aerius in Canada) from March to Oct. I ditto the house AC/furnace filters and showering off allergens. also consider changing your bedding to new and non allergenic materials and def wash it very frequently. Perfumes are a big trigger for me so swap out for unscented things. Sometimes it seems like my allergies are cumulative- individual things don't bother me but if I'm exposed to a bunch at once, I get miserable.

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Another thought...have you changed makeup or other personal care products? Laundry detergent?


I recommend (very good quality--maybe Nordic Naturals) fish oil. It helps with inflammation from allergies. My dad's optometrist says it also helps with dry eyes. And dry eyes are often an ongoing problem.


Allergy tests are usually for light pollens that travel on the air. Those are the ones that are most likely to be spread all over, such as ragweed from a field a couple of miles away. Heavier pollens, like those from flowers, are not usually things they test or give shots for because they stay closer to home. I find that lilies just about put me over the edge. So, you might be reacting to something in your neighborhood that is not usually in an allergy panel. Some of the contents of the test are regional as well--my dad was tested for things I was not. I was tested for a lot of animals, but I think he was tested for more varieties of livestock because he lives in farm country.


I'm so sorry. This sounds miserable.


I agree with much of the other advice for helping with pollen and second trying a different allergy med--most of the good ones are available OTC, and it really varies from person to person how much each one helps. 

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Everything is blooming down there probably...maybe try Zyrtec once daily....if it's really bad take another one during the day to ease off the symptoms.  I use Patanol eye drops everyday in the spring for the symptoms you are describing.  


Keep the house closed up, change your air filters monthly and take a shower and wash your hair before bed.  These are they things I've done to help with my allergies...hope you feel better soon!


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Allergy Queen Dd takes a 24 hour otc medicine in the morning and Benadryl at night. (Doctors rec.) She is also on (now) otc allergy nasal spray.


Thanks, Lolly! What 24-hr otc does she take in the a.m.?


I don't have much nasal discharge -- it's all in my eyes.


Thank you everyone!!


I think the change has been moving. I'm definitely going to shower at night, get an air purifier and a sheet to cover my bed.


Such a drag. . .



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Shower morning and night to rinse off pollen


Claritin-D 24 hour (cheapest at Costco in the Kirkland brand) and a nasal spray such as Flonase


Get rid of carpets


Windows closed, run A/C, change air filters frequently


Pollen season here sucks, but it will be over in a few weeks.

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Thanks, Lolly! What 24-hr otc does she take in the a.m.?


I don't have much nasal discharge -- it's all in my eyes.


Thank you everyone!!


I think the change has been moving. I'm definitely going to shower at night, get an air purifier and a sheet to cover my bed.


Such a drag. . .



She is all grown up, so I'm not completely in the loop. I know she has to switch up because she seems to build a tolerance over time. I think her favorite is Claritin with Zyrtec as backup, but that might be backwards. For brief times when things get really nasty in the spring and fall, she has to switch over to real Sudafed (driver's license kind) every 6 hours. You might want to try that to start with to get things under control.

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