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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Let's see, I have a couple of conference calls, and I'm supposed to be prepared for them early, and I am supposed to review a bunch of tax returns before that.  And then I guess I could start working on my deadlines for next week.  If I weren't such a slug, I'd plan on getting up early....


Friday's list:

  • Get the kids up & out, including memory/spelling review, breakfast, lunches.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 3pm.  Need to go to the downtown office to work, ugh.  [change of plans, working at home, yay!]
  • Call 4H.  [i called, only to find out they are not open on Fridays.]
  • Be home when kids get home from school, work some more.  [done]
  • Maybe do a little exercise.  [done]
  • Kids have "Friday Fun Day" i.e. free-for-all until dinner.  [done]
  • Dinner out.  It's my turn to choose the restaurant.  I usually choose Olive Garden.  [done]
  • Buy birthday gift for niece.  [done]
  • Watch Kung Fu with the kids.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.  [done]
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To do - school project making a play doh earth and reading about it, (unfortunately DS wanted to make the playdoh so Yeah)

Reading, writing, math

Maybe meet up with neighbor kids or homeschool group? I'd really like to sleep though. I'm averaging 3-4 hours for the last 3? days now.

Food will be determined by which package of Lunchables we have :)

Housework will be bare bones, maybe picking up floor, dishes, and laundry.

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Off to work this morning


It's dh's birthday and his parents are coming tonight for the weekend.


Getting stove going before I leave for work


all morning chores done


also spending however many phonecalls it takes to get oldest's new iv protocol in place, we are running into issues with a monitored 1st dose.


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Happy birthday, Lizzie's dh! 




breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats

computer and coffee


To Do:


school (mostly reading Around the World in 80 Days with ds because we're behind)

final tidy before sister and nephew come back and me keep him tonight for her


take ds to a homeschool skate day

meet (for the first time) a homeschool mom who lives in my neighborhood and has boys 1 and 2 years younger than ds

avoid any Classical Conversations pressure which might be going on at the homeschool skate day LOL!

get nephew settled in before sister leaves to visit a friend nearby


play games and read with nephew



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Heading out this am to take my older two to a possible Eagle project location and meeting with the director.  It is an hour away, so it will take most of the morning.


Oldest is leaving for a backpacking trip at 1:30pm so we need to get him ready.


Later this afternoon I think I will need a nap.  It has been a long and stressful week and the stress isn't letting up.



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Blech. Snow started. I'm either suffering from spring allergies a month early or I'm coming down with something. Yay. We skipped the gym this morning.


For me:

--school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG

--exercise here, may or may not

--daily things

--Friday-specific tasks

--return library book due today which cannot be renewed

--some research

--supposed to go to dinner and a concert; we'll see if I'm up to joining dh and friends


Wish I could go back to bed!

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Morning all!! I've got another family filled day that I'm looking forward to.


- school

- clean downstairs

- laundry stuff, does it ever end?

- find time for my workout

- grocery store

- hang out with sister for a few hours after she gets off work

- kids clean their room

- clean computer room

- order pizzas

- have brother and his family over for dinner

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes- done

- laundry- not enough for a load in washer but do have a load in dryer

- go to dd1's school for popcorn- done

- gather up whatever was donated to burn out family- the truck is almost full and we don't even have our stuff in there :D

- bring dd1 home with me- done

- get a few things from the store- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw- pizza at BB gun club

- dd1 BB gun club- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine

- read

- put the things we have for family in truck

- get with dd1's friend's mom to see when we can drop off dd1 for sleep over- sent her a message, drop off around 12

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Good Morning...


It's a rainy morning here and I had to pry myself out of bed...coffee has helped.



  • school-finishing up for the week and chem test by tomorrow night at midnight
  • vacuum and dust main floor
  • clean bathrooms and vacuum and tidy upper floor
  • wash towels
  • go to WM for dh ingredients for tomorrow...he's smoking a pork butt for supper

Hope everyone has a good day! 

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TGIF, everyone!  


To do:

coffee, and lots of it

laundry is going, 3 more loads to go

get dog in to groomer, if possible

pick up container for tomatoes, potting soil, stakes


finish upstairs office area 

weed back planter, put down cardboard and weed block, put in plants, gravel


Did I mention lots of coffee today?  


Hope you all have a lovely and productive day.   :)



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Good morning! I have a bunch of things to do today.


To do:

Post office

Drop off bags at goodwill

IKEA trip

School for all (last day before break, so conferences with all the kids)

Chores for all

Dust downstairs

Sports administration (getting ready for meet next week)

PM practice/aikido

Errands during practice


Have a great day!

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Well, this is even better - my Outlook calendars disappeared.  Are you kidding me?  All my deadlines and kids' activities and birthdays - poof?  With my memory the way it is?


Speaking of birthdays, I should go to Walmart tonight (we'll be in the neighborhood anyway) to buy my niece's birthday present, and while there, I might as well buy my kids those bikes I promised them.  :)  That should make for a fun evening.

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I hope you get things figured out, SKL.  


Thanks.  I do have a personal email account which is more reliable than my work email.  It is a pain but I can work around the email issue until it gets resolved.


We have people in India who are in charge of our server stuff and made me do this changeover.  Hopefully they will know what to do about it, but I have not heard back from them, which is unusual, even though they are on a different time zone.  I did back up before I did the switch.


Going forward I need to find a more fool-proof method somehow.  It's hard to find the right balance between task efficiency and reliability.


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I haven't taken my meds yet so I'm feeling great.


I have too many clothes this morning!  I went down to the laundry room this morning and picked out some clothes from the clean pile (and brought the whole pile up to fold and put away).  Then when I went into the bathroom to change I discovered the set I had picked out last night and put in there!  I like this morning's choices more so that's what I'm wearing.


I am rewashing the load that was in the washer all day yesterday and overnight.  


Breakfast is done.  And now (sigh) I have to take my meds.  

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To do - school project making a play doh earth and reading about it, (unfortunately DS wanted to make the playdoh so Yeah) -- maybe...

Reading, writing, math -- done

Maybe meet up with neighbor kids or homeschool group? I'd really like to sleep though. I'm averaging 3-4 hours for the last 3? days now. -- no way I'm going to a meetup

Food will be determined by which package of Lunchables we have :) -- done

Housework will be bare bones, maybe picking up floor, dishes, and laundry. -- maybe housework tonight?

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1 load washed and now in the dryer

1 load all folded and waiting to be put away once dh is up and out of the bedroom

dd exercised.  I sat and played Hay Day.  Slacker (on purpose until I can get this infection under control)

Dishwasher ready to run once we totally fill it with lunch dishes.


I need to figure out lunch.  I don't want to figure out lunch.  I want to sleep or do nothing.  Bah.  I wonder if I have enough leftovers that will allow me to do that?

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Whew, got through those 2 conference calls.  I snuck a little nap.  My kids should be home any minute.  I still have to review a pile of tax returns, but it should be do-able.  Then I can look forward to a weekend of relaxing ... work!  :P

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Teamwork is great.  Ds tackled the kitchen floor.  I tackled the kitchen garbage and compost.  Dd made lunch.  Dh slept (he's swingshift).  He'll have something to eat when he gets up.  


The dishwasher is a bit fuller now but still has room.  


I think I need to snort baby shampoo and vinegar again (ENT prescribed regimen).  Triple Bah!  (This hurts like blazes.)

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Kids are picking up toys down stairs so I can sweep before brother and his family get here. When they leave tonight I'm going to spend 30 minutes decluttering computer room and call it a night. Never got my workout in so its the first thing I'm doing tomorrow

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--school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG

--exercise here, may or may not

--daily things

--Friday-specific tasks

--return library book due today which cannot be renewed

--some research

--supposed to go to dinner and a concert; we'll see if I'm up to joining dh and friends


Went to dinner but am skipping the concert. I was afraid I'd either fall asleep or cough/sneeze through it. Am home with a nice cup of hot cocoa and a book :)

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Kids got new bikes today.  I still remember how exciting that felt as a kid.  :P  I know my kids are spoiled, but they can still find a new bike exciting.  :)  Also bought birthday gifts for two people.  Made various arrangements for Saturday.  Watched Kung Fu.  Now need to go to bed.

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