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9/3 masochists--er, exercisers

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Peeled myself out of the bed this AM for 25 minutes of intervals on the treadmill and then planks and shoulder/tricep exercises. Yawn! But hey--I got to watch Larry King talking to Jesse Ventura, DeeDee Myers, and DL Hughley about the Republican National Convention. Now THAT'S something I didn't think I'd ever see. Very colorful! :001_smile:

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But I had it for breakfast this morning and it's more than a bloated feeling today. I almost didn't run. But then I was fine for 15 minutes, so I went anyway. 3.13 miles. 32:52. 10:29 pace. 364 calories. Now it's back. yuck! I have a meeting this morning so hopefully it will clear up soon.

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Peeled myself out of the bed this AM for 25 minutes of intervals on the treadmill and then planks and shoulder/tricep exercises. Yawn! But hey--I got to watch Larry King talking to Jesse Ventura, DeeDee Myers, and DL Hughley about the Republican National Convention. Now THAT'S something I didn't think I'd ever see. Very colorful! :001_smile:


Good job this morning Leila!

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Yes I love my husband , Yes I love my husband...sorry I think I have to keep repeating that today. Just kidding. I am really enjoying our walks in the early AM This morning we decided we know who we want to vote for (amazing we agree on the same ticket too) and that we are no longer going to listen to the "spins" as it irritates us. Life is grand! Now back to school.

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Yes I love my husband , Yes I love my husband...sorry I think I have to keep repeating that today. Just kidding. I am really enjoying our walks in the early AM This morning we decided we know who we want to vote for (amazing we agree on the same ticket too) and that we are no longer going to listen to the "spins" as it irritates us. Life is grand! Now back to school.


You love your husband, you love your husband. You've got me doing it too! Good job this morning!


It's wonderful when we agree! Even agreeing to disagree is good.

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Peeled myself out of the bed this AM for 25 minutes of intervals on the treadmill and then planks and shoulder/tricep exercises. Yawn! But hey--I got to watch Larry King talking to Jesse Ventura, DeeDee Myers, and DL Hughley about the Republican National Convention. Now THAT'S something I didn't think I'd ever see. Very colorful! :001_smile:


DL Hughley?? That guy is so funny! :D (I just wish he'd ease up on the eff bombs;))


I am gearing up for a six miler tonight. I'll check back later.

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Finally I can join your stupid thread that makes me feel guilty every morning when I skip exercising!!! ;) I went to a 20,20,20 aerobics class this morning at 5:30. I'm back into my early morning classes after taking the summer off. 20 minutes (really closer to 30) cardio, 20 minutes of strength, 20 minutes of core. It was good and I'm going to be sore tomorrow!!

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Finally I can join your stupid thread that makes me feel guilty every morning when I skip exercising!!! ;)


Just remember, girlfriend: Forrest's mom taught us all that "Stupid is as stupid does." So with your 20/20/20 class...that makes you stupid, too, right? :D You go, Mindy!

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Finally I can join your stupid thread that makes me feel guilty every morning when I skip exercising!!! ;) I went to a 20,20,20 aerobics class this morning at 5:30. I'm back into my early morning classes after taking the summer off. 20 minutes (really closer to 30) cardio, 20 minutes of strength, 20 minutes of core. It was good and I'm going to be sore tomorrow!!


Good job Mindy!

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Urgh- I woke up with the beginnings of another headache. So I just did the Bowflex strength training (pretty low resistance) and skipped the cardio for now. If I feel better later, I'll jump on the bike and get the cardio in.


For now, lots and lots of water!


((Shel)) Headaches are hard. Sometimes you can work through them and other times you can't. Good for you for doing your weights!

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It is still raining here. Our evacuees left this morning so I'm getting my exercise vacuuming, washing sheets and towels, etc. I have tkd this afternoon.


Whew. If you feel like cleaning YOUR house isn't enough of a workout, c'mon over here and get your sweat on, sister. :D

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Did 2 mi. in 30 min.


Yay! I am so excited that the kids have kind of switched up their napping schedule a bit so now I have a chance to walk in the afternoon instead of the crack of dawn. DS walks with me during the warm up. We hold hands until things speed up and then I tell him to go outside and run around. :001_smile:


Feelin' good!

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Up and out before seven this morning. The 20mph howling edge of Gustav is blowing through. Clouds and wind is all we will get probably. Darn, cause I really wanted a couple of inches of rain.


Well....the wind is blowing from the north, the temps are in the low sixties and I'm pretty darn cool. Took a bit to warm up and be comfy. We walked for 45 minutes.


The first cool breath of fall tells me that you gals will have to encourage and nag me as it gets colder. I hate being cold, but I really hate being fat more. I will learn to layer and work out in the cold. And be cheerful about it. :glare:


It feels good to be ACTIVE!

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Can I join in?


I walked 20 min. as a warm-up before lifting weights for about 20 min. or so. Then I jumped on the Wii Fit to see where I am at. I am almost in the normal range! Yay!

I try to vary between walking on the treadmill, yoga, weights and a bit of Wii Fit. I mostly use the Wii Fit to keep track of my progress, but some days I spend a bit more time and do some workouts with it. My dc are mad because I have all or almost all the records in many of the activities, so I am backing off a bit so they can work their way up.


Anyway, I am working towards losing another 15 lbs by the end of the year (I have lost about 8lbs so far).


Great job to all of you!! :)

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Did 2 mi. in 30 min.


Yay! I am so excited that the kids have kind of switched up their napping schedule a bit so now I have a chance to walk in the afternoon instead of the crack of dawn. DS walks with me during the warm up. We hold hands until things speed up and then I tell him to go outside and run around. :001_smile:


Feelin' good!


Great job Monica!

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Up and out before seven this morning. The 20mph howling edge of Gustav is blowing through. Clouds and wind is all we will get probably. Darn, cause I really wanted a couple of inches of rain.


Well....the wind is blowing from the north, the temps are in the low sixties and I'm pretty darn cool. Took a bit to warm up and be comfy. We walked for 45 minutes.


The first cool breath of fall tells me that you gals will have to encourage and nag me as it gets colder. I hate being cold, but I really hate being fat more. I will learn to layer and work out in the cold. And be cheerful about it. :glare:


It feels good to be ACTIVE!


Good job Happy!


You just need to find the right combination of layers. I know that I can wear shorts and tshirt down to 50 degrees. I also know that much more than a long sleeve shirt and running tights at 29 and I'll get hot. But I run so I may build up more heat than you do.

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Can I join in?


I walked 20 min. as a warm-up before lifting weights for about 20 min. or so. Then I jumped on the Wii Fit to see where I am at. I am almost in the normal range! Yay!

I try to vary between walking on the treadmill, yoga, weights and a bit of Wii Fit. I mostly use the Wii Fit to keep track of my progress, but some days I spend a bit more time and do some workouts with it. My dc are mad because I have all or almost all the records in many of the activities, so I am backing off a bit so they can work their way up.


Anyway, I am working towards losing another 15 lbs by the end of the year (I have lost about 8lbs so far).


Great job to all of you!! :)


Great job Deece! And wonderful for you getting the records on the Wii!

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I did three "Leslie" miles, 40 minutes.


Yesterday I walked an additional 35 minutes outside, for a total of 55 for the day. My walk tracker flaked out on me, so I don't know how long it was ... it SAID 1.4 miles, but since earlier in the day I did 1.2 in 19 minutes, I don't believe it. It runs off GPS, and sometimes gets confused.


I was hoping to walk oustide tonight, too, but don't think DH is up for it and don't feel like going alone.


The weights are still packed somewhere ;-)

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I did three "Leslie" miles, 40 minutes.


Yesterday I walked an additional 35 minutes outside, for a total of 55 for the day. My walk tracker flaked out on me, so I don't know how long it was ... it SAID 1.4 miles, but since earlier in the day I did 1.2 in 19 minutes, I don't believe it. It runs off GPS, and sometimes gets confused.


I was hoping to walk oustide tonight, too, but don't think DH is up for it and don't feel like going alone.


The weights are still packed somewhere ;-)


I had to really think to figure out "Leslie" miles. Good job! I was reading today that GPS can be off on cloudy days and depending on tree cover as well. Maybe one of those threw it off?

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Sorry took so long to post. School started yesterday and now I cannot just pop over here when I want to. :glare: Anyway, did Taebo today and managed to work up a sweat. Yesterday I couldn't with my other video. Plus I just don't have the energy at 6am to do anything. Today I did my workout after school and it went much better.:)

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