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Question about GOP convention coverage vs. DNC convention coverage

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We have been amazed tonight at the main network commentators and their constant talking during the Republicans' speeches instead of showing the speaker and letting the audience listen to the speech. We ended up on PBS so we could actually hear the speeches. I think we watched the Democratic convention on PBS, too. Did the network commentators jabber so much during the Democrats' speeches, too?

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We have been amazed tonight at the main network commentators and their constant talking during the Republicans' speeches instead of showing the speaker and letting the audience listen to the speech. We ended up on PBS so we could actually hear the speeches. I think we watched the Democratic convention on PBS, too. Did the network commentators jabber so much during the Democrats' speeches, too?


I don't know what kind of cable service you have, but we have Dish Network and for both conventions there has been a nifty channel devoted entirely to coverage of the convention from inside the convention hall. No commentators at all! It's up high in the numbers--- 211 maybe? I'm sure your numbers are all different, but we seem to be getting more out of it on that channel, then switch to a network for the commentary after each speech was over.



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We have been amazed tonight at the main network commentators and their constant talking during the Republicans' speeches instead of showing the speaker and letting the audience listen to the speech. We ended up on PBS so we could actually hear the speeches. I think we watched the Democratic convention on PBS, too. Did the network commentators jabber so much during the Democrats' speeches, too?


Yes. I watched the DNC on C-Span? PBS? Yes, PBS, because I watched Charlie Rose afterward.


Of course, their impressions of what was just said, what might be said, and what is currently *being* said, and what they heard someone from the opposing party said about the person who is saying it currently is ever so much more important. (Sheesh. Did you not get the memo? :glare:)


Yak, yak, yak, yak, Blech!

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Watch it on C-SPAN...no broadcasters commenting on anything. Just straight convention!


Now, isn't that weird? When I submitted these thank-yous, I got a server busy message and I assumed the messages wouldn't be posted, so I tried again. Live and learn! Thanks again, everyone!

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Search for Fairness Doctrine. My quick search indicates that the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated under the Reagan administration. Attempts to reinstate it by the Congress were vetoed by Reagan. Further attempts to revive the Fairness Doctrine were foiled when Bush the first threatened to veto. Many Democrats would be delighted to see a return of the Fairness Doctrine. Just imagine how different things would be in this country if 1/2 of the radio shows had a liberal / democrat bias instead of right wing. Respectfully submitted. :001_smile:

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I don't know what kind of cable service you have, but we have Dish Network and for both conventions there has been a nifty channel devoted entirely to coverage of the convention from inside the convention hall. No commentators at all! It's up high in the numbers--- 211 maybe? I'm sure your numbers are all different, but we seem to be getting more out of it on that channel, then switch to a network for the commentary after each speech was over.




Yes! We don't even subscribe to DISH anymore and we were able to watch this channel tonight. Did they do the same thing for the DNC? I just happened to stumble on it tonight.

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*Did* anyone else watch the DNC on one of the major networks? I saw that one person here did, and said that the speeches went uninterrupted, whereas the RNC are being interrupted (and that I did see, as well as Sarah Palin's first speech last Friday, which was also cut off mid-point by commentators, on whichever channel George Stephanopolis works for)... can anyone else confirm whether or not the Democrats' speeches were cut off by commentary?


It's hard for me to imagine any of the major networks cutting off Obama or even Biden mid-speech, but if it did happen, I'd like to know.



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I watched the DNC on I think both NBC and ABC. They did not cut off Hillary, Michelle, or Barack. And they even showed their videos beforehand. I don't know if the RNC is running videos or not. I think they are b/c I thought I saw one last night on PBS.


I wasn't talking about the Fairness Doctrine. I thought for elections, if the air time is on a network, that they have to give equal time to both candidates? Or is that not accurate at all? I know I've heard people on tv make comments to that effect before, and even late night jokes about how 'we can't show an ad for Mr so-and-so or else we have to show everyone else's clips too'. I thought that unless the time is being paid for, the networks have to be fair on equal airtime???

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*Did* anyone else watch the DNC on one of the major networks? I saw that one person here did, and said that the speeches went uninterrupted, whereas the RNC are being interrupted (and that I did see, as well as Sarah Palin's first speech last Friday, which was also cut off mid-point by commentators, on whichever channel George Stephanopolis works for)... can anyone else confirm whether or not the Democrats' speeches were cut off by commentary?


It's hard for me to imagine any of the major networks cutting off Obama or even Biden mid-speech, but if it did happen, I'd like to know.




It's ABC. They are normally my favorite network coverage (we don't have cable), but honestly, I wanted to duct tape the commentators' mouths shut last night. I didn't see much of the DNC, but I don't recall any interruptions in what I saw. Or at least they didn't register with me if they did. I don't recall any interruptions during Hillary's speech.

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I watched the DNC on CNN (I turned to the networks at one point on Tuesday night, and they weren't even covering the convention yet). They cut off most of the speeches, but not the headliners. I don't think a comparison of cutting off Obama or Biden is apt here, since neither McCain nor Palin has spoken yet at the RNC. Did the networks cut off Joe Lieberman? Because that's the equivalent speech from last night to the ones shown in their entirety on CNN.

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Search for Fairness Doctrine. My quick search indicates that the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated under the Reagan administration. Attempts to reinstate it by the Congress were vetoed by Reagan. Further attempts to revive the Fairness Doctrine were foiled when Bush the first threatened to veto. Many Democrats would be delighted to see a return of the Fairness Doctrine. Just imagine how different things would be in this country if 1/2 of the radio shows had a liberal / democrat bias instead of right wing. Respectfully submitted. :001_smile:


There have been attempts at liberal talk radio, which have failed due to low audience numbers. Legislating what is available on the radio doesn't sound like a very democratic practice to me. As it stands now, anyone is welcome to produce a radio show, from any political perspective-- it's not limited to conservatives.


Talk radio and Fox News are the ONLY places where one can hear a conservative pov. If having every nearly other source of media in the US coming from a liberal perspective is not enough, I don't know what will be, unless it's eliminating conservative discussion in the public sphere altogether. :confused:



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no cable here.

dh is pissed cuz the networks covered the DNC but they aren't covering the RNC where we are.

so he's watching PBS.


conservative media, huh? ;)


I'm another that doesn't care to see any sort of "fairness" legislation either.


I don't mind the PBS coverage. No lame commercials to sneak in. :001_smile:

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