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It says "Comfortable was defined as the annual income required to cover a 50/30/20 budget, allocating 50% to necessities, 30% to discretionary spending, and 20% to savings".

I guess what they consider necessities and discretionary spending would be key.  How much square footage per person?  Steak and lobster every week?  A new car every few years?  Private school?

We live in one of the top 20 wealthiest counties in the country and can be comfortable on half of what is listed.  There are many areas, in my state, where the COL is much cheaper.   

ETA:  Now I have a booya.  I definitely didn't have the booya this morning when I originally posted.  I don't think.

I'm so confused booya.


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2 hours ago, 73349 said:

$200 for an overnight camp is an amazing deal. It's $300 for a week of day camp (BYO water, lunch, and snacks) at the YMCA here.

I wonder about the methodology behind the map. If most people live in the cities, it might be that they built the state figures based on that. In NC, half the population lives in either the Raleigh or Charlotte metro areas, and real estate figures they used may be inflated by beach houses. But you can live (for now) more cheaply in the counties between the cities--especially if you wanted to buy a small parcel and build the house.

Our church camp is $195. It's overnight, but it's church camp and it's in the middle of nowhere. I was expecting more. I have no idea what camp was for me.

1 hour ago, Wheres Toto said:

It says "Comfortable was defined as the annual income required to cover a 50/30/20 budget, allocating 50% to necessities, 30% to discretionary spending, and 20% to savings".

I guess what they consider necessities and discretionary spending would be key.  How much square footage per person?  Steak and lobster every week?  A new car every few years?  Private school?

We live in one of the top 20 wealthiest counties in the country and can be comfortable on half of what is listed.  There are many areas, in my state, where the COL is much cheaper.   


I think the whole map is just garbage. I was just surprised so many people thought it was accurate and needed validation. 

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6 hours ago, 73349 said:

$200 for an overnight camp is an amazing deal. It's $300 for a week of day camp (BYO water, lunch, and snacks) at the YMCA here.


IKR?  I've never heard of anything that low.  Scout camp costs almost twice that!  The girls got full scholarships to a week-long music camp that would have normally run nearly $1000 each.  I think $600 would be about average around here.

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I've been to the optical shop in a van with no name.  Three places today.  I didn't get any glasses.  I don't have vision coverage so I have to pay out of pocket for very strong (high index) progressive lenses.  And the progressives may not be what I need and I don't want to pay $600 for glasses with meh frames that are not helpful.  I think imma go with Zenni for now.  I can handle meh frames at their prices.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

IKR?  I've never heard of anything that low.  Scout camp costs almost twice that!  The girls got full scholarships to a week-long music camp that would have normally run nearly $1000 each.  I think $600 would be about average around here.

I feel like $600 is too much. I imagine music camp would be a fortune. I like the idea of LARPing camp. We have one here for like the 1600s.

For those who don't know, LARPing (usually not a camp) is Live Action Role Playing. So, in this case you're wearing a costume, jousting, going on quests. Foods and locations are themed, all immersive. Our Renaissance festival has a weekly camp. Our police are considering the same. Cop camp?

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I ordered glasses from Zenni.  They were expensive for Zenni, but 1/4 of what they'd have been at the glasses shop.  I hope I like them.  I did the photo try-on thing that they have, but even that is difficult when you can hardly see what is happening on the screen and you can't read what the button says.  My eyes are REALLY bad.

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I think I could see those incomes being more in line if your mortgage or rent was running 30% of your income and you also had 2 car payments.  If both parents are working full time, then children might be in daycare and you are probably not cooking at home much.

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I called my local library today and learned that they can process an interlibrary loan for me! I've never done one before and have no clue how or even if the library has to be the one to make the request or if I can request books on my own. But they will do it for me! Soooo COOL!

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We went to the Mandatory Meeting for dd17's upcoming scout leadership training camp (since we're on the topic, the camp cost is $300 for 6 days/5 nights; dd got a scholarship through her troop).  It was exactly what I expected - a review of the information packet we were emailed a couple weeks ago.  At least it was short.  Dd is really excited about it - she has a few buddies who are also going and she just loves everything about scouting.

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12 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

I called my local library today and learned that they can process an interlibrary loan for me! I've never done one before and have no clue how or even if the library has to be the one to make the request or if I can request books on my own. But they will do it for me! Soooo COOL!

The only downside is that I pointed out this book's existence on WorldCat to someone else who knew he could request it via interlibrary loan before I realized I could even request it. I didn't understand what WorldCat is or how to request items through interlibrary loans until after he requested it first so I'll be waiting longer to actually see this book. I sure hope it's worth the wait.

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Good Morning!!


Friday Eve!!

School and work!!

I am absolutely drowning in paperwork!! I have no idea how I got so far behind, but I did!! Ugh!! Here’s hoping I can get some real progress made today.

Camp prices?? Around here our church’s summer camp is running about $650 for a 6 day camp. Horribly expensive. My kids aren’t going this year. DD1 aged out. DD2 just isn’t going and our cruise is at the time DD3 would go to camp,

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Camp prices?? Around here our church’s summer camp is running about $650 for a 6 day camp. Horribly expensive. My kids aren’t going this year. DD1 aged out. DD2 just isn’t going and our cruise is at the time DD3 would go to camp,

I don't even spend that per year on curriculum for 3 kids. Yes, I am at that stage where I consider the cost of everything in terms of how much curriculum that would buy. 😂

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Good morning!

The girls had their yearly physical this morning and we are back from that.  No shots today.  Dd15 is now 5'10" and solidly taller than dd17 who is only 5'8.5".  Nothing much else going on so maybe I will get to cleaning my bathroom.  I have an orchestra concert tonight.


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Came back from the Senior Academic Awards Night at the girls’ school. DD will have a stole and a respectable amount of pins to graduate with. It was a nice evening. Of course there were some kids there who I’d never even heard of before. And I think her class has less than 100 students.

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Good Morning!!!



School and work!!

I am meeting with a student in Zoom for an hour, my supervisor for a half an hour, we have our last park day and I have a family meeting in the Big City. And somewhere in there I have to finish work samples (due a week ago) and check high school and middle school grades. Svengo.

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Good morning!

I am back from AFSA (svengo) and Aldi (sigh of relief).  It's been drizzling all morning so my groceries and I are all damp and gross.  Most of them are put away.  The girls are going to a scout crew bbq for dinner tonight, so I bought some yummy looking artichoke-stuffed chicken for the boys and I.  Dd15 is making her delicious cookies for the bbq (by request) so I may be coerced into consuming some of them tonight.

Have you checked out rolls of paper towels lately?  The ones marked as double rolls are the size of a single roll and the "triple" rolls are the size of a double roll.  A single now looks about the size of a roll of gift wrap.


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40 minutes ago, Slache said:

I just saw Michael Jackson's Thriller for the first time. What is wrong with y'all's generation? 

That’s an awesome video. Michael Jackson was amazing. Until he got weird.

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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I need this kitty.  Unfortunately kitties and dd17 and breathing don't go together.

you really do. he is the sweetest little thing. I think he is going to DD1’s boyfriend’s little sister this weekend.

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I planted a hydrangia in the Giant Pot out front.  And some cute pansies in the wishing well planter.  I think that's it for today.  I have more petunias and some yellow marigolds that need a home still, but they can wait until tomorrow.

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Posted (edited)

Good Morning!



I slept in till almost 8:00. That felt good. 

DH and DS left a couple hours ago to some big Minster Jam thing in SoCal. They are coming home tomorrow.

Today I don’t have too much going on, thank goodness. Hopefully I can just catch up on my doing nothing. Things have been so busy the last several months, I’ve really neglected doing nothing.

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I'm being lazy again.    

I've been tired and blah lately between my back hurting and not sleeping well (which sleeping constantly on my one side, especially on the heated mattress pad is making my BooK on that side itchy and achy to add to the fun), plus having to actually go out and be social the past two weekends in a row, plus the year is starting to wind down so I have a lot of work stuff around that and summer camp starting, plus our trip to Alaska is now in just 4 weeks so.....

I was kind of lazy yesterday, just doing some computer work (minimal) and a single load of laundry.  I was going to go into work today but I needed to wait until my cleaning person went in since I didn't want to get in her way and I can't do anything in my storage room, which would be out of her way, since my back hurts and I don't want to make it worse, so I just decided to stay home and be a bit lazy again today.  

I am doing some laundry.  

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Good afternoon!

Toto, hope your back settles down!

I left the house at 6:30 this morning with dd15 to help with a mobile food pantry and got home with just enough time to shower and take dd17 to help setup with the tutorial graduation ceremony.  I think we were more felpful than anything but oh well.  Now home and getting some lunch.  Ds29 fortunately carpooled to a movie with a friend so his car is still here for the girls to take rock climbing with their troop.  Then they'll get home and change and we'll all leave for their violin/viola recital.  Right after that is a swing dance.  We are hoping to coordinate vehicles in such a way that the girls can stay and drive themselves home from the dance while the rest of us go home.  I may step into the dance for a minute and see if the weird gentleman is there.

There's a mosquito being pesky here.


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18 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Well, Slashie, you missed your chance. Grey is on his way to his new home. There were tears here, that’s for sure.

Update on Grey: he is happy in his new home. Eating well and there's another kitten, so he has a friend now, too. All is well. Though I do miss that little stinker.

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I cleaned out the fridge, did some laundry and made banana bread. We have enough ripe bananas for at least 2 more loaves.

Batches, not loaves. Each recipe makes 2 loaves.

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13 hours ago, Slache said:

Help me understand this. 

Solomon built the first temple. Ezra built a second temple. Herod built a third temple. 


There were only two temples.

I don't understand. 

Herod's temple doesn't count because he was a poopoohead.

I just made that up.  I have no idea.

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Good morning!

The recital went well last night.  The girls played their pieces well and one pianist performed his own composition which was pretty impressive.

I did not get up from church due to major head throbbings.  It's getting a little better now after some tylenol.  I was hoping to stop by a grocery store at some point and this afternoon is The Ladies of Grief Book Club.  We read The Secret Life of Sunflowers and it was pretty good - interesting information about Van Gogh's life and art after his death.  There were a couple of major baby-animal murdering comma-related editing errors, but definitely better written than the Jackie book we read last time.


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