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I did bring home some work to do yesterday so I have lots to do today.    I'm going to finish setting up my math files where I have extra practice based on chapters in the books I'm using so I can grab them easily.   I'm going to finish planning/printing lessons for the one kid who is farther along than everyone else.   I'm also going to update my planner and maybe start on the planner for next year that will begin in late June.  

I should also do laundry since none got done over the weekend but we did just lose power for a few minutes so I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

ETA:  A keeping busy in the snow booya.

Edited by Wheres Toto
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Dh has been helping older dd figure out what to do about her car.  Looks like they settled on buying a used/rebuilt engine and having it installed.  They can get a 6 month guarantee and pay additional for an 18 month guarantee, and it will still be about half of what a new, certified engine would be even installed.   And that's about 1/5 (or less) of the cost for a used car that is the exact same year and model as hers.  Her exact car is still selling for quite a bit and since it's only the engine, everything else is still in good shape, this seems the best way to go to get her something reasonably affordable but still fairly reliable.  

Younger dd is recovering from her weekend.   She's excited about doing more bread baking - the only activity at camp that she really enjoyed.  Dh bought her stuff so she can make bread.  We told her she can do the prep while she's home during the day and just wait to put it in the oven until we get home.  Since she's doing yeast breads that needs to rise (at least to start) that seems like it would work well.  

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Ww had sheet pan pancakes for dinner - I added some lemon juice to the batter so they were extra fluffy.  Then with the help of YouTube I changed the strings on my mandolin - it is much more difficult than changing a violin string for sure!  
The Christmas decorations are all down and boxed up. I'm hoping the boys will get all the boxes put into the attic tomorrow before I lose my mind.  It's starting to feel claustrophobic in here, lol.

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Morning, Happy Wednesday.

Back to work today.   I did not sleep well last night and my back and shoulders are killing me.   I think I'm still recovering from the weekend.  I did do some yoga this morning to try and stretch things out.  

The rest of this week is going to be long.  Four classes today and then a 4H meeting, 4 classes tomorrow, a 4H meeting, and a 4H Board meeting.   Then a robotics class late Friday afternoon, but I can sleep in Friday morning.  Then I'm off for a week, with my usual long to-do list.   Extra long this time since I have to build next years schedule on the website, finally clean up my upstairs storage room, and I would like to finalize all my plans for the rest of this year.  

Plus maybe some housework.  

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Good morning!

Happy Valentine's Day and a Blessed Ash Wednesday to you all!

Work, lessons, and CC class are all going on this morning.  I probably have string quartet this afternoon but haven't heard from the others yet.  I vacuumed a bit and repacked a couple boxes and bins and got everything staged to go upstairs.


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Good Morning!

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Had a weird homeschool day trying to do last semester planning with dd17 and doing some trouble shooting with one of my other dds who is having vision issues.  We have a vision therapy evaluation in a few weeks.

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I am back from String Quartet.  We played the Ravel (difficult but so gorgeous!) and the Bartok (difficult and somewhat incomprehensible) and a couple short pieces by Bloch (not too difficult) and then restored our brains with a fun Mozart.  

The most challenging thing was my eyesight.  I need better/different glasses for reading music - the regular distance lens is too strong and the bifocal is not strong enough.  I might have a pair of super old glasses that would work.

We are having KrissiK's Famous Loaded Potato Soup for dinner.

Edited by Susan in TN
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10 hours ago, Junie said:

Enjoyed some time outside walking around the neighborhood.  🙂

Thursday is my Field Trip day, so today I put some stuff in a box for my dd (who is having hip surgery next week) and actually went to the post office and mailed it, then I drove up to Bucc-ee's, which is about an hour away, chatting with the dd while I drove; and on my way home got the car washed. #MomFieldTrips

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Good Morning!!



Three-day Weekend!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

School and work. I have families to meet with today. Five of them. That always wears me out. I love them all. but talking so much is exhausting.

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Good morning!

Long Weekend Ahead!

My orchestra concert last night was very nice.  The music went much better than at the rehearsal, though right before the Tchaikovsky the principal clarinet player walked off stage with his clarinets and due to his sometimes cranky nature we were a little worried that he wouldn't come back.  But he did come back a couple minutes later and played beautifully.

Dd17 came into my room near midnight and said she was shaky but not cold and her skin felt tingly-scratchy.  I suggested she take her temp and it was 102.  She rotated some tylenol and ibuprofen through the night and doesn't have much of a fever at the moment but I am making her stay in bed.

I need to take dd15 to the choir tour bus meetup in a couple hours.  They will be singing at the Biltmore tomorrow morning and in a few other places in the Asheville area over the weekend.  I'm so happy she has this opportunity. 
Boys are still in bed.  I expect they'll be up before long.


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38 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

What is Buc-ee’s.

It's a highway travel stop.  You can get gas and lunch at the deli counter and coffee and all sorts of stuff that nobody really needs or wants.  They have in recent years opened stores outside of Texas which caused a bit of a Stir.

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 I just finished Everything Sad Is Untrue (A True Story) by Daniel Nayeri.  It's one of those remarkable stories that compelled me to read little portions aloud to whomever was in the vicinity and then also try to explain some of the background and then finally just resolve to read it aloud for storytime.

We're having baked bbq ribs, noodles, and salad for dinner.

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Scratch the noodles.  I thought I had some but don't.  I found some dinner rolls in the freezer.

I have a sewing project to start on which is just hemming a large piece of cloth into a travel scarf/wrap/towel but I am not sure how big I want it to be.

My new 1000 piece puzzles are finally here.  They're beautiful.  I got them from an online shop called "mideer" and have been tracking their long journey from Yanwen, China for the past two weeks.

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54 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:


My new 1000 piece puzzles are finally here.  They're beautiful.  I got them from an online shop called "mideer" and have been tracking their long journey from Yanwen, China for the past two weeks.

I am working on another 1000 piece puzzle. It is hard, but I am making progress. It's the inside of a barn with a bunch of chickens. It's very cute. But hard.

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I am home. Had delightful visits with all of my families. Got pizza for dinner and went to the AFSA. I truly hate that place with my entire being.

But, I am home now, in jammies, under a fuzzy blanket, getting ready to read a new book. “Agnes Grey” by Anne Brontë.

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Good morning!

I got a phone call from Greece around 5am - forgot to turn off my ringer before bed.  So eventually gave up on going back to sleep and took Little Pup out to potty and gave him breakfast.  It's COLD out there!  Been spoiled the last week with warmer temps.  
There's a lot of transition going on around our house - the rental house across the street has been empty for a while and they've been doing some work on it but it hasn't been put on the market.  The house kitty-corner from us that was an airbnb has been sold, and the family in the other rental house across the street are moving out.

Dd17 is feeling a little better - still a low fever.  Haven't heard from choir tour girl or her chaperone.  Hopefully they got settled in and avoided major teenage girl drama.

Not much else going on today.  Might work more on the puzzle and play through some mandolin music and start the book club book - The Women's Hour - about the suffragist movement in TN that eventually led to the passing of the 19th amendment.


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Good Morning!!!



I slept 10 hours last night. Of course Benadryl helped. 

Not much going on today. The atmospheric river is due to arrive this afternoon.  I guess I will do some housework. The house is a mess.

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Hello Happy Saturday.

We got more snow last night, about another 3-4 inches.   Much of it is melted already except on the grassy areas in shade.  

We lost power this morning for a few hours.  I've basically spent today sitting on the couch under a fuzzy blanket reading online message boards.  I am doing laundry now that the power is back on.   It's been too long since we were away last weekend, so there's lots and lots. 

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Today's hula. Not the costumes y'all might have expected:

Also, an object lesson in how to record a dance performance: do NOT pan to the musicians, because it is about the dancers. We can hear the musicians and appreciate them while we watch every move the dancers make. /rant

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2 hours ago, Ellie said:

Today's hula. Not the costumes y'all might have expected:Also, an object lesson in how to record a dance performance: do NOT pan to the musicians, because it is about the dancers. We can hear the musicians and appreciate them while we watch every move the dancers make. /rant

If I ever go to Hawaii, I'd like to attend a conference or festival or something where you can take ukulele classes to learn traditional and/or hula music.

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Good Morning!

Happy Sunday!

Church and Iglesia!

Last night was fun.  The four girls had to be in four different locations for activities, starting between 4 and 6:30.  It was kinda a carousel driving around town and dropping people off.  Then the same thing in reverse to pick them all up.

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I think I'm sick.   I'm sneezing, stuffy, wheezing, and just plain ugh.  Allergies are bad with the screwy weather but this definitely feels like something more.  

I didn't sleep well again, definitely was grinding my teeth for some reason from the way my jaw aches.  

I still need to do some work today but at least I'm off for the next week and don't need to be around people except family.

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Good afternoon!

(((sick / allergy people)))

Dd17 is on day 4 of running a fever.  She was supposed to play in services this morning, having traded with me last week, but due to fever I played again with nursery duty between services.  3 of the 10 babies/toddlers were fairly unhappy but (unlike Slachey's experience) we had 4 adults helping so we were able to cover the crying children plus an extra hand.

Now finally home again and ate a bit of leftover ribs and have a little headache which may just be from tiredness and hopefully not from developing a fever so imma take a little nap.


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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Happy President's Day!

Local schools are closed for the holiday but colleges and universities are not so everyone has their usual classes and activities except Scouts, and ds29 has the day off work.  Dd15 will be back later tonight.


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Good Morning!!!


Happy President’s Day!! I think George Washington was definitely my favorite president. I learned a lot about him when we visited Mt. Vernon last year. I also liked Theodore Roosevelt.

I don’t know what we’re going to do today. I know I need to clean the bathroom. Oldest DD needs track shoes because she’s going out for track, apparently. It is also supposed to rain.

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