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Good morning!

It's so cold and damp out!  Nevertheless, I've taken Little Pup out to potty 4 times and walk along the sidewalk for a few minutes and took Sir Pups-a-lot on his morning constitutional.  I'm trying to teach Little Pup to paw at the door when he wants to go out and he did once this morning.

It's quiet here now.  The boys have gone to work and dd17 is somewhere in Wisconsin and pups are napping and dd14 is reading.


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Car is back from the mechanic.

Dinner has been consumed.  Roast chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn. Now, I'm making broth for chicken noodles soup for tomorrow. 

I am in my Jammie with a cup of peppermint tea and the second book of the two-part Elisabeth Elliot biography by Ellen Vaughn.

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Good Morning, Happy Friday!

I went for my massage yesterday.  Dh had gotten me a gift card for a local spa for Christmas.  It was amazing.   So relaxing, and I'm someone introverted enough to hate the beauty parlor enough to cut my own hair.   The masseuse was very sweet, the table was heated, hot moist towels on my back, it was just so wonderful.   I need to do it more often but it was fairly $$$ so probably not. 

Today I go to my new NP for my first visit.   I've been having a few issues lately that I'm hoping can be addressed.  I'm getting a pain in the side of my leg, and cramping in my stomach and back fairly frequently in the past few months.    

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Good evening!

That massage sounds amazing, Toto, though I am also loathe to participate in those kinds of services.  Hope you find a solution to your pain and cramping!

I spent the morning and afternoon at an Old Time Music weekend - played in a jam session and took a mandolin class and participated in a Traditional Song Circle.  I will go back tomorrow for more classes and jam sessions.  It was fun despite the fact that I was familiar with maybe only 10% of the songs played. There were lots of young people which was awesome plus older people like me.  
Today is the third day in a row with no puppy accidents in the house!  

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NP visit went okay. (side note an MD is called a Dr. is there a title for a NP?)  Slight sinus arrhythmia on EKG so she wants me to see a cardiologist just to make sure its not something to be worried about.  Going for a CT scan for stomach pain/cramping.  Prednisone for a pain in leg that's likely inflamed/pinched nerve.   Monday I'm going in for bloodwork because she noticed my thyroid levels have been increasing in the past few years.  Plus the usual checks like cholesterol.

Evidently my previous doctor wasn't following up on things that should have been followed up on, like the thyroid, cholesterol, glucose, etc.   My previous doctor refused to check AIC and insisted insurance wouldn't cover it, which isn't true.   

We're getting a bunch of snow tomorrow.   We're on the border between a 3-5 and a 6-8 inch band.

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Random question. Where is Prometheus? Because he wasn't buried like the rest of them, right? I thought he was spared, but I've not seen him and I think we would have noticed him wandering about by now.

Sincerely, in Greek mythology, where is Prometheus? 

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19 minutes ago, Slache said:

Random question. Where is Prometheus? Because he wasn't buried like the rest of them, right? I thought he was spared, but I've not seen him and I think we would have noticed him wandering about by now.

Sincerely, in Greek mythology, where is Prometheus? 

Hercules/Heracles freed him from getting his liver eaten every day but I don't remember any myths going into what happened to him after that.

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1 hour ago, Wheres Toto said:

Hercules/Heracles freed him from getting his liver eaten every day but I don't remember any myths going into what happened to him after that.

I don't think there is one. I googled a bit, but he just kinda fades away. 

We're watching Percy Jackson, so my interest is peaked.

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Park day went well. It was pretty dreary when we started, but then the sun came out.

Went to the AFSA this evening. They completely redid the whole thing. Now I hate it even worse than before.

Right now I am finally in jammies with my fuzzy Christmas throw. 

I have no idea what happened to Prometheus. 

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Good Morning!!



I slept till 8:00 this morning!! it felt so good.

I don’t know what I’m going to do today.  Look for Prometheus, I guess. It wasn’t my turn to watch him, either, but I’ll go look for him.

Edited by KrissiK
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2 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

I know he didn't wind up in Tartarus with the other Titans, but yeah he seems to just fade away.   He was hanging with the Gods on Olympus so maybe he still wherever they are.   They didn't really go anywhere either.  

That's where I think he is.

42 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!



I slept till 8:00 this morning!! it felt so good.

I don’t know what I’m going to do today.  Look for Prometheus, I guess. It wasn’t my turn to watch him, either, but I’ll go look for him.

Thank you.



I'm now on an Othello rabbit hole.

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Good evening!

I went to day 2 of the Old Time Music Festival.  I decided not to stay for the potluck dinner and closing jam session, though.  I think I got homesick even though I was only a 1/2 hour from home.  I'm pretty proud of myself for having attended both days.

Have not heard from dd17 in the Frozen Tundra in a couple days.  I expect that they might not have cell service and/or are hopefully having too much fun to remember to text home.  But I'm sure their trek guide has emergency communications equipment so I am not too worried.  
Now I will let my overloaded brain rest.  I wonder if there's any chocolate around here.


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Good Morning!!



I need the grumpy pants this morning. Combine a lack of consideration from DS by inviting people over for lunch without even asking me, though expecting that there will be lunch provided ( DS does struggle with many things, so I am not considering his lack of consideration rudeness, but rather just cluelessness) with major menopause difficulties in sleeping and I am not really happy this morning.

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Good morning!

I brought Little Pup out into the freezing drizzle around 3am and then around 6:30 and at that point decided that going to church this morning was not going to be a thing for me.  Ds28 got up and made coffee and eggs and after pup had his breakfast and play time I put him in his crate and went back to bed.  I got a bit more sleep.

So much for Little Pup's "no accident" streak - he pooped twice and pee'd 3 times in the house within the first hour I was home last night.  Might have been the change in routine and excitement to see me again, lol.


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We learned the prettiest little tune in one of my classes yesterday and I was worried for a while that I had forgotten to write down the name of the tune but I finally found it.  It's a lovely waltz called "Midnight on the Water".

Edited to replace with a mandolin version.  Sharon Gilchrist is amazing.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning! Awoke at about 4 raging hot again, even after removing our lightweight comforter and just using duvet cover. My body is making me unhappy. The good thing is that I was awake and realized what the coughing meant from dd3. I was able to get to her with a towel before the vomiting mess went everywhere. Then I had a genius idea. Why do the genius ideas come at kid #4?? I got a fresh towel and lined our bathtub in our bedroom, folded a towel for a pillow and gave her another as a blanket. She's right here, and I can just change the towels as she gets sick right into them. So much better.

She hasn't been anywhere?? How could she be sick. Then I realize she went to the library on Friday. Since the boys also went to the library, we are all staying home from church today. Dh will go with dd, who is happy they won't be late.

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9 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

We learned the prettiest little tune in one of my classes yesterday and I was worried for a while that I had forgotten to write down the name of the tune but I finally found it.  It's a lovely waltz called "Midnight on the Water".


Reminds me of a strathspey

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I should be too young for menopause but I'm concerned about these nights waking up blazing hot. It's odd that it improved over spring and summer and now is back again this winter. Makes me think it's Vit D related, which I read can cause a drop in estrogen. I've been taking vitamins for about a month now and it's not yet improving.

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Just now, Dianthus said:

I should be too young for menopause but I'm concerned about these nights waking up blazing hot. It's odd that it improved over spring and summer and now is back again this winter. Makes me think it's Vit D related, which I read can cause a drop in estrogen. I've been taking vitamins for about a month now and it's not yet improving.

When I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism I started taking a large dose of vitamin D and that "functionally" put me into menopause.  The few times I stopped taking it (like when I had surgery), I "came out of menopause" until I started taking the vitamin D again.  

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Morning Happy Sunday.

I woke up with really bad acid reflux at 3am, probably due to the prednisone I'm on, and sat on the couch trying to doze until 5am when I went back to bed and slept until almost 10am.   Then one little twist and I pulled that darn muscle in my back again so I'm sitting with a heatpad again.  

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I'm back to work tomorrow so this weekend is all about getting ready for classes.  I'm hoping  to have everything set up for the next three weeks, which is when we have another break.    But right now we have registration for our next session going, plus getting summer camp schedules set up, plus working on next year's schedule, plus we're doing an open house in a couple weeks, plus I have all these doctor appointments.   

This is easily my busiest time of year.  

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1 minute ago, Susan in TN said:

When I was diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism I started taking a large dose of vitamin D and that "functionally" put me into menopause.  The few times I stopped taking it (like when I had surgery), I "came out of menopause" until I started taking the vitamin D again.  

My thyroid levels were normal last year when this started. Going to annual physical next week. Never heard that vit d could do that.

My symptoms are this; wake up blazing hot in night and when I finally douse myself in water and fan to cool down, I'm comfortable then get chills and can't sleep again. 2nd symptom: My periods were really wonky last winter, recovered in speing and I thought it was all due to covid which I'd had around Thanksgiving. But now, things are just getting wonky again. Last time was 9 days long. Now it's been 31 days since last start, which is 6 days longer than my like clockwork 25 day cycle for the past 8 months. I'm not sure if it's been last time was so long or what. Really weird.


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3 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Toto, How is your Snow Situation up there?

We currently have about 5-6 inches.  It was actually still coming down pretty well.  An hour or so ago it was a bunch of large fluffy flakes, now it's finer and misty but still coming down pretty steady.   I would say we'll finish up with 7-8 inches.   It doesn't seem icy at all, temperatures are around 34 degrees so not super cold.   It looks really pretty for right now.  

Tomorrow it will be in the 40's so will melt, just to freeze when it's in the 20's overnight, just to all melt into mud on Tuesday when we get massive amounts of rain.   Super fun.

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1 minute ago, Dianthus said:

My thyroid levels were normal last year when this started. Going to annual physical next week. Never heard that vit d could do that.



Just an fyi - a parathyroid is completely unrelated to the functioning of your thyroid except it has the word in it and they sit on your thyroid.  The parathyroid hormone meticulously controls the amount of calcium in your blood.  If your parathyroid has gone wacky, you will have abnormally high levels of calcium and abnormally low levels of vitamin D - it's something that your doctor would likely see in routine blood tests.  I had never heard of a parathyroid until 4 years ago. 🤷‍♀️ And then I had surgery to remove the malfunctioning one and Bob's your uncle, everything is hunky dory. 😂

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Ah yes, why my sil has to take calcium because her parathyroid was damaged in thyroid surgery. Forgot.

Well, I think my calcium is on the low side. I'm supposed to take calcium supplements because I have some bone loss (i dont remember why, but my dr did a dexa scan and it was noticed), but I sort of forgot a lot since i fell out of routine after having this last baby... I've been more conscientious in taking my multi vitamins in morning and calcium/vit d at night again for the past month.

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2 hours ago, Dianthus said:

I've been more conscientious in taking my multi vitamins in morning and calcium/vit d at night again for the past month.

So is this a better way to take calcium/D than just together with the multi?   I take them all together in the morning.   I keep trying to look up things about best timing but it's hard to get a straight answer.

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