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I love wake me up when September ends. I can play it on guitar. Not well.

My kids realized today that their dearly beloved deceased grandfather looks exactly like Jeffery Dahmer. 

My house is very clean because we took the week off to clean. I love it when that happens. 

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Good Morning!!!



I slept 10 h8rs last night. This past week really did me in. The girls all went to the football game last night and DH amd I went to the AFSA. We got home, i put the stuff away and laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Woke up around 10:00, went to bed and slept till nearly 8:00. Now I can barely wake up. 🤣

I guess I will do housework today. Gotta go out to the farm and feed the cats and pick things from my mom’s garden.  I would like to channel Susan this weekend and get some freezer meals done so I can not be quite so stressed this fall.

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Good morning!

Bon Voyage, Toto!

I just go back from dropping off dds at an Eagle project and will go pick them up in a little while.  I slept until nearly 7, so that was pretty nice.  Now having late breakfast and thinking about the day.
 I'd like to see if I can find a way to pull back a willow tree that has started leaning out into the street.  It's not technically on my property but growing out of the stream bank and over the bridge.  I'm worried that the city will just come and cut it down.  I think the black walnut branch that is sagging down into my front yard will have to be cut off.  But not having a chain saw, I'll have to get someone else to cut it.  I don't know why these trees are drooping so much.  Maybe too much rain.


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I made some Leftover Rice Pudding with leftover basmati rice.  It's not too bad, though I think basic long grained rice works better.  I have not done anything with the willow tree, though I did look up good knots for attaching a carabiner to a rope and think I pulled of a fairly decent anchor hitch.

Also I cut down some dead branches - some of the aggressive and invasive grape vine and some of the overgrown juniper.  I noticed that the juniper had some leeeetle tiny green sprouts along some of the inner branches, so I left those.  Maybe they'll make something of themselves.  I have read that junipers are not the kind of tree you can do much pruning on and expect them to grow back.

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I went to the farm, fed the cats, picked tomatoes and a whole bunch of zinnias. I cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom. Now I am icing my foot, it's all black and blue and swollen from when I kicked the door in Thursday. And watching Texas annihilate Rice on my new kitchen tv. My kids thought it was unbelievable that I would get a kitchen tv, but I love watching sportsball.

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Hello, Happy Sunday!

We left 6:22am Saturday morning, made lots of quick stops and one longer stop for lunch and made it to our rental house around 4pm.     My knee was very sore by the end but otherwise it wasn't too bad.   Couldn't cruise control much due to traffic.  I drove the whole way since we took two cars and dh was driving our other car.   My mother wouldn't be comfortable driving my car.  

The house has gorgeous views and we've been watching seals out in the water this morning, but it is a very old house.  Lamps with cloth covered wires instead of rubber old.   Antique type cabinets.   Which is quaint and cute, but the pots and pans here matched and dh was frustrated making breakfast this morning.   Plus the lighting is dim at night.   But the wifi works so the kids are happy. 

We're actually staying in Hancock so about 30 minutes from Bar Harbor.  We can actually see Bar Harbor over the water but the drive is longer.    We're going to walk over to a local beach later this afternoon and then have dinner out locally.  We want to give the kids a day to adapt to being awake during the day before we make them do long hikes.   Plus the rest of us could use a day to relax.  


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Good Morning!!!





Last night we went to the football game Baby cheers for. it’s a city league type of situation. The age group she cheers for is junior high and I actually enjoy watching them. They are good. They have a good quarterback who can pass and a receiver who can catch and they ran that play with good success all night. Unfortunately, the other team’s QB got hurt, so we are hoping he is all right.

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13 hours ago, KrissiK said:





Speaking of which, our church is having a "field trip" to go watch the state(?) baseball team - the Isotopes - play in two weeks. I've never watched baseball live, so we're going to go. There's a bus and everything!

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59 minutes ago, Renai said:

Speaking of which, our church is having a "field trip" to go watch the state(?) baseball team - the Isotopes - play in two weeks. I've never watched baseball live, so we're going to go. There's a bus and everything!

oh, you’re going to have a great time. I love love sportsball games.

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14 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I am loafing in bed.  Not sick sick, but throat hurts so I decided to stay home this morning and suck on some cold-eeze.  Not much else going on today.


Take care! Thank you for staying home and not spreading it around. 🙂 This is what I started with a couple of weeks ago. I'm fine now. 


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15 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

Hello, Happy Sunday!

We left 6:22am Saturday morning, made lots of quick stops and one longer stop for lunch and made it to our rental house around 4pm.     My knee was very sore by the end but otherwise it wasn't too bad.   Couldn't cruise control much due to traffic.  I drove the whole way since we took two cars and dh was driving our other car.   My mother wouldn't be comfortable driving my car.  

The house has gorgeous views and we've been watching seals out in the water this morning, but it is a very old house.  Lamps with cloth covered wires instead of rubber old.   Antique type cabinets.   Which is quaint and cute, but the pots and pans here matched and dh was frustrated making breakfast this morning.   Plus the lighting is dim at night.   But the wifi works so the kids are happy. 

We're actually staying in Hancock so about 30 minutes from Bar Harbor.  We can actually see Bar Harbor over the water but the drive is longer.    We're going to walk over to a local beach later this afternoon and then have dinner out locally.  We want to give the kids a day to adapt to being awake during the day before we make them do long hikes.   Plus the rest of us could use a day to relax.  


what a gorgeous picture! 

okay, so I picked/cut lots of zinnias today out of my garden for an arrangement. But then I got ambitious and made a run to Trader Joe's for more fresh blooms to balance the color palate. Such is life for a semi-retired home school mom. I'm loving it. 

Background: I have 4 kids. My first born are identical twins. One is fully launched--a graphic design degree from Auburn U. She has her dream job working for a gov contractor designing video game software for the military (for training). Twin 2 is in her 4th year of grad school--audiology. 3rd child (middle child) is a senior in college at Auburn University (where we ALL went to school). She is an English major--minor in dance/theatre. My "baby" is a senior in high school. (((cries)))

Thanks for letting me brag on my kiddos. Will y'all be my friend? 😉 

Y'all are pretty chill on this thread, so... I'm enjoying your company. 🙂

Edited by popmom
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Audiology is such a smart field. Was parked by a booming vehicle 2 days ago and explaining to the kids why audiology is a good choice and why blasting that bass is a bad choice.

I bought a clearanced and not returnable super comfy high thread count cotton duvet cover. The color is not quite right . It's very pale green with swirls of white and very faint blue. The white isn't great with my ivory sheets. I'm thinking of dyeing it.  I've never dyed fabric and have been wanting to try. I just want to cover the white, not make it super dark. Would love to keep the swirls, not turn it a solid color. The fabric is really amazing, so is a good buy even in this color.

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32 minutes ago, Dianthus said:

Audiology is such a smart field. Was parked by a booming vehicle 2 days ago and explaining to the kids why audiology is a good choice and why blasting that bass is a bad choice.

I bought a clearanced and not returnable super comfy high thread count cotton duvet cover. The color is not quite right . It's very pale green with swirls of white and very faint blue. The white isn't great with my ivory sheets. I'm thinking of dyeing it.  I've never dyed fabric and have been wanting to try. I just want to cover the white, not make it super dark. Would love to keep the swirls, not turn it a solid color. The fabric is really amazing, so is a good buy even in this color.

Yep. Y’all all remind your sons—friends’ sons, too, about audiology. Men are really needed in this field. Because the undergrad is usually speech language path, there aren’t many males going into that. But it’s a really lucrative career and men are needed. Especially among military vets. So many vets—even young vets— have hearing loss due to their training.

I am excited about my Labor Day. My youngest has been staying with her older sis at Auburn for the first football game of the season. It’s been so quiet here that I’ll be happy to have her back home again tomorrow. 

Our weather will be nice, too. Hot, but sunny.
Happy Labor Day!

Edited by popmom
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Good morning!  Happy Labor Day!  May you all rest from your labors.  Also, it's The Queen's favorite day!

Hey popmom!  It looks like you and I will be having about the same weather today 😊  I love zinnias, though the only flowers I have on the table right now are garden mums.  I might go out and pick a couple daisies.

I finally got to sleep last night/this morning after texting with a GriefShare friend who just left for Ireland.  I'm feeling better, just sneezy.  I heard dd20 leave a little while ago for the annual 5K race that goes through town - she is not a runner but participates with her school to get house points, lol.  
Sir Pups-a-lot is politely growling outside my door.  He knows I'm awake.  I think I will try grilling burgers on the little charcoal grill for dinner tonight.    

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!!


Labor Day!!

I slept in this morning. I think I am finally feeling rested up from last week. The girls want to do something today. I offered the zoo, because we have a zoo pass and I don’t want to do anything that costs money. Of course they want to go shopping, on my dime. So, we’ll see what happens. I do have quite a bit of other stuff to do today.

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Here is the recipe for baked oatmeal:

1 cup oil

3/4 cup sugar

4 eggs

6 cups rolled oats

4 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 cups milk.

Mix  and pour into a greased 9x13 pan. I usually sprinkle brown sugar over it before baking. I also make it the night before, put it in the fridge and bake it the next morning. bake at 375 degrees for 35-40 minutes. My kids eat it plain from a bowl, but I like to break it up a little and pour milk over it. It makes great leftovers, too.

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Dd2 got up crying twice last night. Not sure why. I hope she's not getting sick. I'm too old for this. I'm tired. Dh is comes back today from camping with ds11. So I will have to make dinner. I am going to church for a couple hours to help with a remodeling project. I need to workout. I've taken about 4 days off, but I slept in today so need to make it fit somewhere. I want to paint my kitchen. I want to make pretzels. Too much to do and too little time. Hey! I did get all schoolwork graded and sorted into binders on Friday. That was a big deal. It's been piling up. Our weather is rainy and gray.

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7 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Here is the recipe for baked oatmeal:

1 cup oil

3/4 cup sugar

4 eggs

6 cups rolled oats

4 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 cups milk.

Mix  and pour into a greased 9x13 pan. I usually sprinkle brown sugar over it before baking. I also make it the night before, put it in the fridge and bake it the next morning. bake at 375 degrees for 35-40 minutes. My kids eat it plain from a bowl, but I like to break it up a little and pour milk over it. It makes great leftovers, too.

The ITT recipe archive now has 32 pages on the drive. 😄 


7 hours ago, Dianthus said:

 Hey! I did get all schoolwork graded and sorted into binders on Friday. That was a big deal. It's been piling up. Our weather is rainy and gray.

This is a big deal! I'm still grading kids' papers. I want to give all the papers back tomorrow so they can show their parents that they are actually doing work. I'm hoping to streamline this process beginning this week.

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Well I finally did it.  I got my kids to have an old time jam with me on the front porch.  Ds28 even brought out his bass.  In the end Dd17 said it was kinda fun (she played guitar) even though she was fairly unenthusiastic.  My fingertips hurt now from the mandolin strings.  They are much rougher on the skin than violin strings which means I really need to play a little every day to build up the callouses.  

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29 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Well I finally did it.  I got my kids to have an old time jam with me on the front porch.  Ds28 even brought out his bass.  In the end Dd17 said it was kinda fun (she played guitar) even though she was fairly unenthusiastic.  My fingertips hurt now from the mandolin strings.  They are much rougher on the skin than violin strings which means I really need to play a little every day to build up the callouses.  

That sounds like fun, Susan.

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I didn't paint or make pretzels.  I made moraccan stew and moraccan bread (Harira and Khobz) for dinner and 2 pumpkin pies. I did do strength training for 20 min earlier, but i don't think it cancelled the bread i ate for dinner. I did help at church for 2 hrs.  I mean, i was there for 2 hrs but some of that time was herding my kids into the playroom because they wanted to see the action. I think i helped. I bought a couple fall decor items. I folded a load of laundry.  I'm tired and feel like i really accomplished nothing. Hey, I also got a bottle of dye to try on my duvet cover if I get brave.

Edited by Dianthus
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5 minutes ago, Dianthus said:

I didn't paint or make pretzels.  I made moraccan stew and moraccan bread (Harira and Khobz) for dinner and 2 pumpkin pies. I did do strength training for 20 min earlier, but i don't think it cancelled the bread i ate for dinner. I did help at church for 2 hrs.  I mean, i was there for 2 hrs but some of that time was herding my kids into the playroom because they wanted to see the action. I think i helped. I bought a couple fall decor items. I folded a load of laundry.  I'm tired and feel like i really accomplished nothing. Hey, I also got a bottle of dye to try on my duvet cover if I get brave.

Recipes??? Sounds yummy!

I poked around in my garden today--pulling weeds and picking okra. And one eggplant. I am prepping two beds for fall planting. I'll finish tomorrow. I ran a couple of errands. I was alone most of the day in my own house. That is rare. And weirdly so enjoyable.

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6 minutes ago, Dianthus said:

I love eggplant.

It's not something I would typically buy at the store, but I have so enjoyed growing it. I have fried it, roasted it, sauteed it... One was really bitter--inedible--and I'm not sure why because I didn't let it get too big. But otherwise they have been delish.

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