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I didn't make it to UPS but we did watch the first X-Men movie.  I puffy heart love Patrick Stewart.

Awesome!  It's a Patrick Stewart Booyah!

ITT Fight Song

We are ITT  
a happy lucky posting family  
We are ITT    
Get up everybody and sing!

Jean, 10/2020

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!

(Playin with the queen of hearts....still have that song stuck in my head, lol)

The Great Black Walnut Branch of Droopiness was down to the ground today so I trimmed off a bunch of branches in hopes that it would spring back up but no luck so far.  We will probably have to get someone to come and cut the big branch down.

The original plan for the day was to leave early for the DMV but dd16 woke up with another severe headache (have you been taking your allergy medicine?  No?  Sigh.) so the new plan is to go later this morning if the head is feeling better.

So until then I can go to UPS and give other People various instructions and tasks for the day.  I've already brought trash bins out and the branches to the curb for the city to pick up - hopefully they will come by today.


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Good Morning!!




Staying home today. I’ve been working on lessons for my home ec class. I will also try to finish the first semester curriculum for our Wednesday night program at church. I was going to try to finish the whole year, but the. it occurred to me that it might be good to just do one semester in case I need to make changes. I am not actually writing the curriculum, but adapting a curriculum to make part of it in small group format. It’s petty straightforward and doesn’t take too much time.

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In this 4th/5th grade combo class, the Bible, history, and science will be taught together. Math and Language Arts is taught to each grade separately.

I've so far figured out I will have a math block and reading block. If lessons topics lineup, the group will start off together. There will be centers and small groups.

That's all I've got. No procedures, no routines, nothing. 🤣 I have a lot of reading to do.

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17 minutes ago, Renai said:

In this 4th/5th grade combo class, the Bible, history, and science will be taught together. Math and Language Arts is taught to each grade separately.

I've so far figured out I will have a math block and reading block. If lessons topics lineup, the group will start off together. There will be centers and small groups.

That's all I've got. No procedures, no routines, nothing. 🤣 I have a lot of reading to do.

 A long time ago I taught a combined 4th through 6th grade class. This is how I divided the subjects, too.

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59 minutes ago, Renai said:

In this 4th/5th grade combo class, the Bible, history, and science will be taught together. Math and Language Arts is taught to each grade separately.

I've so far figured out I will have a math block and reading block. If lessons topics lineup, the group will start off together. There will be centers and small groups.

That's all I've got. No procedures, no routines, nothing. 🤣 I have a lot of reading to do.

you’re going to do great!!

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Why can't I figure out how to change the margins on a libre office document?  It's driving me nuts.  I hate new laptops. I have no patience for learning things that look like they should be the same as what I used before except they're just different enough that it's like learning it all over again.  I better go drink some water.

In other news, it's gotten hot enough outside that the ants are taking refuge in the house.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!

More tea for Toto!  Rocco!  Bring the chocolate covered strawberries!

I have Shut Up and Dance With Me in my head because dd16 is trying to learn it on guitar.  But Queen of Hearts was in there earlier, lol.

Dd20 is currently in my room trying on a wedding dress.

Sir Pups-a-lot started barking at 4:30 this morning - I didn't see anything, though found out at breakfast that the loud thump was ds28 bumping the ceiling with his water bottle.  That might have woken up the pup and then maybe he saw our neighborhood fox or something outside.  But he settled down after a few minutes and I finally dozed off right before my alarm went off, lol.

I think I'll have time for Aldi this morning.  It seems that Wednesday morning is a good morning for finding discounted meats, lol.



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Good morning!


Today was Part 3 of working with ds18's hair, lol.  He didn't want to go back to the salon, so I am doing the best I can.  I hope the long, unkempt look is in style these days. 😂

I'm heading out on a couple errands and then maybe put away laundry and start on preliminary packing.  

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Good Morning!!


Friday Eve!!


DD1 goes to another short camp today with her boyfriend’s church. So, I gotta get her ready for that and taken to the pick-up spot by 2:00 this afternoon.

My summer vacation is rapidly dwindling. I’m not liking the looks of that.

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Went to the cardiologist today and he wants me to wear a Holter monitor for the next 48 hours to make sure my shortness of breath issues are only asthma and not cardio.  I'm also scheduled for a cardiac echo next month.  Sigh.

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12 hours ago, KrissiK said:

My cat Cleo snores.

Our dog Luna snores. Loudly. Thankfully, she usually sleeps outside.

I'm reading a book called "What Every 5th Grade Teacher Needs to Know (About Setting Up and Running a Classroom."

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Good morning!

My dog does not snore.  But he WILL thump his tail loudly in his sleep.

Today will be checking into flights and packing and repacking and banishing goats and etc.  Ds28 and I are taking ds18 on his "happy graduation/senior trip" and we have to leave for the airport at dark o'clock tomorrow.  I will try to check in but there is not likely to be much cell service.  (Tomorrow is Toto's birthday, fyi in case I don't check in due to the hubbub of travel).  We'll be back Saturday, Aug. 5.


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8 hours ago, Renai said:

Our dog Luna snores. Loudly. Thankfully, she usually sleeps outside.

I'm reading a book called "What Every 5th Grade Teacher Needs to Know (About Setting Up and Running a Classroom."

Go, Renai!!

The best piece of advice I ever got was when I was student teaching. it was just before I taught my very first lesson. He said, “Somebody is going to be in charge in that classroom.  Either you or them. And it better be you!” I remind myself of that piece of advice every time I get in front of kids. It is advice that has served me well over the years.

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I found a used copy of the previous edition of the Western Civ book at Better World books, ordered it, and am pocketing the $50 difference. Amazon can kiss my pretty wooden bookmark.

School is going pretty well.

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