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Good morning!
Dd16 won't drive me to Aldi so I guess I have to go by myself.  It's going to be a sweaty one today!  It was getting a bit much on Chester's walk, but we survived, lol.  

It's a Sweaty July Boohay!  


And this is the best Booya/h in the whole world because it is a COFFEE Booya/h!! (Imagine, if you will, yours truly planting a flag that says "Booya/h" in big, bold letters and a cup of COFFEE under it! on the Rocky summit of.... The tall craggy mountain in the middle of the ITT Island, where we have our lodge. This lodge is in the middle of a forest with hardwood floors and throw rugs and huge stone fireplaces and wrap around porches with comfy Adirondack chairs. This is what I'm talking about.) (I think my imagination is getting the better of me).  

KrissiK Documentation of the ITT Flag 5/1/2017


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I’m back. I went to the farm this morning and picked 3 cucumbers, a gazillion tomatoes and two huge bouquets of zinnias. Appointment went well. Costco is…. Costco. I’m having lunch now. A salad I got from Costco and I cut up a huge tomato on top of it. It’s yummy.

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

I think I forgot to say good morning yesterday...

Things are kind of crazy at our house right now (good crazy) so my posting is likely going to be very sporadic for the rest of the month.  Maybe the rest of the summer.

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Morning, Happy Thursday.

Taking the kids to lunch at Panera (dd's request), then to the Newark Museum today.   We've been in the past but it's been years, and since we've switched our field trips to indoor ones thanks to crappy weather and air quality issues, that seems like a good bet.

I am going to try and make a trip to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.  Despite living my entire life in NJ, I've never been to either.  I was sick for whatever year that was our class trip in school. 

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Good Morning!!


Friday Eve!!


Not much going on today. DD1 is working this morning!! I’m not going anywhere. I need to start reformulating my Home Ec class, so I may work on that.

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I was up at dark o'clock to teach English to kids on the other side of the world.

I have four Spanish immersion prek classes to teach throughout the day - two in the morning, one in the afternoon, one late afternoon. 

Since my classroom is brand new, I'm reading up on what materials are needed in an upper elementary classroom and writing out a list. I'm pretty sure I have some things and books still in storage that I can use, and the principal wants a wishlist. As a private school, it's quite different depending on the generosity of others, vs a government check...

Gymnast has some math and other stuff to do, not much as far as school. We're trying to catch up on math, though.

It's hot outside, and there is a heat advisory for 12pm to 8pm. Our fan is blowing 24/7, and we have a portable ac that I'll turn on at around 11am. And I'll let the dogs into their indoor kennel.

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Good morning!

My brain is on overload considering the possibility of a December wedding for dd20.  Oy.  Still have to get the OK from fiancee's family and then see if the church is available.  Then find a place for a reception.  Then get people who will help put everything together.  I may not sleep for the next 5 months.

Dd16 did some more practice driving this morning and I had her learn to put gas in the car.  Now ds28 is helping me set up the new laptop.


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So.Many.Things. (Yes, it's Reorganize the Living Room/School Room Week.)

DS returns on Saturday. It's ridiculously quiet in the house. Except that today, Guy Next Door is having more trees removed, so it's a bit of chain saw, then a bit of shredding trees, and then a bit of gas leafblower, and then they start over.

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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Ok, wait, Susan....two weddings now??


Yes, quite possibly.  Insert willy_nilly.  With any luck, the construction/remodeling in the church will be done by then and we can possibly use the space downstairs for a reception.  But it's also possible that the church won't be available and they'll wait until spring.

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11 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Costco had really good dill salad last year but I haven't seen it lately.

@Slache where do you buy art supplies? I subscribed to an art program but have to buy all the supplies for all the different projects and my Blick cart is over $400.

Usually Amazon. $400 would make me cry.

8 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Ok, wait, Susan....two weddings now??


And two grandbabies next year!

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I did nothing except the Morning Things (get up, get dressed-ish, feed the outside birds, wash my hair and face, have breakfast). I'm feeling a teeny tiny bit better, but not enough to brave the hear; I just don't have enough spoons for that. Tomorrow, I'm meeting a friend for lunch; I agreed because (1) I loves her biggie bunches, and (2) I figured I would have enough spoons for that, and (3) since I was out, I could call in an order to Sam's, which isn't too far away, and go pick it up after we have lunch.. Friday is laundry day, so I'll get one load washed before I go and can work on the rest when I get back. By then I'll be absolutely out of spoons, but I can crash between washer/dryer swaps.

Mr. Ellie will be gone for part of the day on Saturday, so I can always do some laundry then.

I added 30 more units to my thyroid meds today, so that makes 180 units that I'll be up to. Not enough yet, but at least I'm moving in the right direction. And Monday I have a telephone appt with a thyroid clinic, so we'll see what happens with that.

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Go 73349, Go!!

I forgot to tell you all that I finally got the egg ribbons right in the Hot & Sour soup last night!  I accomplished this by ignoring all the instructions from recipes and youtube chefs.  Instead of keeping the soup at a low simmer and creating a gentle whirlpool in which to pour the eggs, I turned the stove off and just poured the eggs in.  Perfect!

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I hate waking up with headaches. However, it went away last night with ibuprofen so I'm confident the same will happen with ibuprofen and caffeine this morning.

I'm trying to figure out what to bake for a new neighbor. Is bread too boring? Should I make cinnamon rolls? Or a cake? Maybe sweets isn't the best idea? I could make a loaf of wheat bread and a loaf of cinnamon swirl, or does that sound boring? And weird to present. Walk up with 2 bags of bread instead of a dish or tray. I don't know if they would fit in a foil pan. I could make muffins. 


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3 minutes ago, Dianthus said:

I hate waking up with headaches. However, it went away last night with ibuprofen so I'm confident the same will happen with ibuprofen and caffeine this morning.

I'm trying to figure out what to bake for a new neighbor. Is bread too boring? Should I make cinnamon rolls? Or a cake? Maybe sweets isn't the best idea? I could make a loaf of wheat bread and a loaf of cinnamon swirl, or does that sound boring? And weird to present. Walk up with 2 bags of bread instead of a dish or tray. I don't know if they would fit in a foil pan. I could make muffins. 


Homemade bread of any kind would be an amazing gift!

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I have no good ideas for the neighbors but I want to get this welcoming finished. They aren't near neighbors. They are far down the road in a rural neighborhood where no one really talks to each other. I accidentally called and reported their loose dog. It was cute and little and had no collar and I was afraid it would be hurt AND I'd never seen it before. Didn't occur to me that it might be the new neighbor's dog until after I drove by their house.  So I stopped and asked, sure enough... 🤦🏻‍♀️ so I had to call and unreport the dog. Anyway, I feel I definitely need to take them something now.

A monster moth just flew by and I can't figure out where but I now have a freshly washed peanut butter jar by my side. Hopefully, I can catch it. Fun to chase bugs with a headache.

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I make all our jam, but we were completely out of jam about a month ago, and I restocked but don't really want to part with it. 😳  Maybe I could give them a small jar of jam since I reported their dog. 😒

I made 2 loaves of whole wheat, fresh ground. And 2 loaves of cinnamon swirl, with mostly white but some wheat. Waiting for 2nd batch to cool before delivery. They'll get one of each. Hope they aren't gluten intolerant.

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Greetings!! I am out of town this weekend. I'm withy college roommates. One of the gal's husband and son are out of town this weekend so the 4 of us are staying at her house. It's been fun. She's a great cook and a great hostess. We went wine tasting this afternoon and visited a nursery. It's quite hot out, so we got tired pretty quickly.

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I took dd16 shoe shopping today and I actually found two pairs of shoes for me!  (She found shoes, too.)  But me finding shoes was an unexpected blessing.  My feet are very wide and sort of misshapen because of the arthritis, so finding shoes is usually very, very difficult.  I almost cried in the store.

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And I made an apple cake with my dehydrated diced apples. That was very experimental since my apple cake recipe has no water or milk, just moisture from the apples. I presoaked for about 5 min in boiling and put apples and water in and it worked.

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Morning, Happy Sunday.

Woke up to a tornado warning alert at 5:30am.  Then came again around 6am.  Not very conducive to sleep.  

I don't remember ever getting tornado warnings around here until the past year or so and they seem to be increasing, coming along with the big thunderstorms.   We don't have a basement or even a fully internal room, but we do live on the side of a mountain so I think tornados are unlikely to touch down here.  

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Good morning!

Yay shoes for Junie!  

Yikes, Toto!  Early morning tornados seem pretty unusual - especially up North!

We got to church early enough to sit in the chapel today!  With the renovations going on, they discovered gorgeous hardwood floors under the purple carpet, so now it's all hardwood.  Beautiful but noisy, lol.  Dd16 stayed home because her headache is now on day 3 and I'm not sure what else to do for her.  
After service we stopped by the grocery store to pick up some frozen pizzas and found fresh blackberries and BOGO pork shoulder roasts (I'll use these for fall freezer meals: carnitas tacos and pulled pork bbq sandwiches).  And also we were almost out of cheese.  Horrors.  At the self checkout I discovered that the 12oz blackberries were ringing up at the same sale price as the 6oz blackberries, so I had dd14 run back and get more packages.  She is going to work on a cobbler recipe for dd24's wedding.  Also, I dealt with the blackberries at home wearing white pants and didn't get anything on them, so I am feeling quite proud. 😁


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I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I mopped the kitchen, dining room and bathrooms, scoured the kitchen sink, cleaned the bathrooms, took out trash, started a load of towels, gave dh a haircut, and showered and fixed my hair before the kids were up. Feeling like the best day ever. Church next!

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On 7/17/2023 at 2:36 AM, Dianthus said:

What is the plan?

Monday - health: I'm going to give blood, and I'll donate money to a rural clinic in Nicaragua.

Tuesday - gift card for school clothes and supplies for the family we help through The Box Project

Wednesday - Fill the Little Free Pantry at my church.

Thursday - Support two local organizations, one that helps people experiencing homelessness and the other preventing homelessness by helping "launch" youth aging out of foster care. Probably things from the Amazon wish list for the former and cash to the latter, since they help with first month's rent, utility deposits, etc.

Friday - caring for the environment, probably picking up litter and reviewing any bills at the state or federal level we can encourage an elected representative to support.

Saturday - Kiva (microloans to small business owners in developing countries)

Sunday - Camfed (helps teen girls in developing countries complete high school instead of having to be married off & start having kids)

I'll be spending all day Saturday and Sunday in training.

Any unspent money at the end of the week--e.g., change from shopping for the food--goes into my Box Project budget for next month.

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Good Morning!!!




We got 100 degree + temps in the foreseeable future. Yuck. I hate this part of summer.

Fairly busy day today. Baby has therapy, then I gotta take her back to the optometrist for some measurements they forgot to do. I’ve gotta start getting stuff thought about for the upcoming school year.

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