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I need ideas for robotics club on Thursday.  Something we can do with Hexbugs or with Sphero robots but 1/2 the number of robots than people.   

We've already done scribble robots, "golf" courses, habitrails... I need ideas.

ETA:  Ugh a robot ideas booya.

I guess it could be a STEM idea but we haven't done robots in a while so it's kind of time.

Edited by Wheres Toto
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Honey, I'm home!

For those who don't remember, I went to Disneyland for five days last week. (Tutorial: Disneyland is California, officially now called Disneyland Resort, which includes Disneyland and Disney California Adventure; Walt Disney World is Florida). Mr. Ellie and I had a great time. No, we absolutely did not take our dc, as they are all grown up and capable of taking themselves. 🙂

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2 hours ago, Ellie said:

Honey, I'm home!

For those who don't remember, I went to Disneyland for five days last week. (Tutorial: Disneyland is California, officially now called Disneyland Resort, which includes Disneyland and Disney California Adventure; Walt Disney World is Florida). Mr. Ellie and I had a great time. No, we absolutely did not take our dc, as they are all grown up and capable of taking themselves. 🙂

Gymnast and I were also in California last week for 5 days, although we did not go to Disneyland. We were in LA, where my middle sister took my younger sis and I to do ALL THE THINGS. Yes, Gymnast went with me (although this was a sister get together) because, contrary to HER belief, she is not yet grown and cannot take care of herself when hubby is at work. She had a great time with her cousins, though.

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8 hours ago, Ellie said:

Honey, I'm home!

For those who don't remember, I went to Disneyland for five days last week. (Tutorial: Disneyland is California, officially now called Disneyland Resort, which includes Disneyland and Disney California Adventure; Walt Disney World is Florida). Mr. Ellie and I had a great time. No, we absolutely did not take our dc, as they are all grown up and capable of taking themselves. 🙂

Fun, fun!! It’s been a while since we did Disneyland. We did Disney World in 2021 and had a wonderful time. We did take DC. Because they still live here, And it probably would have been illegal to leave them by themselves for that amount of time.

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I had to stop the video to count the fingers on the guitarist's hand. It looked like he had an extra but he didn't.  At church today, a girl played guitar and sang As the Deer Panteth for the Water. I hadn't heard her sing before and she had such a clear, lovely voice.

Crazy days here. Things are good. 

School is winding down. All the extra activities are done and we have camp at the beginning of June. Dd needs to finish math and ds needs to do more writing but otherwise are well situated.

Edited by Dianthus
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Good Morning!!!



Today is the last Monday of the school year. I give the final in my Home Ec class and then that’s done. Lots of other stuff to do. I need to call the restaurant and put in the order for DS’s graduation party.

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Good Morning!

Happy Monday!

First day of testing.  The girls are now old enough that basically this means that I sit in a quiet room with them and read a good book (or two, or three) while they do all of the work themselves. :)

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I woke up in quite a funk and am trying to calm my brain down enough to get it in gear.  
When I opened the dishwasher this morning, I discovered dd16's antibiotic stuck between a couple of plates, so I called the clinic to see if they will call in a replacement prescription for her.  Waiting for a call back on that.    

We are going through packing lists and checking them twice.  I need to bring my parents to the airport this afternoon and then we have a SeaBase meeting and scout court of honor and potluck dinner tonight.

Ds18 may have a couple job interviews today.  

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On 5/21/2023 at 9:12 AM, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Already this morning I've been to urgent care (dd16 UTI) and the pharmacy (which wasn't open yet) and am on my way out the door for church.


We didn't make it to church yesterday because on the way out the door, we noticed one of the dogs dragging her back legs. So, to the emergency vet clinic we go, half an hour away, because our local one closed years ago. We were there for almost 6 hours; some real doozies came in after us that needed to be seen before us. They kept thanking us for our patience. I said it was like any other emergency room: dangling legs and blood are probably higher priority. I had brought snacks and a power bank. I should have taken a book though.

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4 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

So, Renai.... how's the dog??

Oh, yeah, that part. They think she may have a T3-L3 spinal cord lesion which is usually caused by intervertebral disc disease, which can eventually worsen and need surgery. It cleared up on its own, so it will come and go. She is on strict crate rest for the next 4-6 weeks, only to be taken out by leash to go to the bathroom. She has pain and inflammation meds for the next week.

When the doctor heard that Gymnast was considering being a vet, he took her on a tour in the back (we weren't allowed back with our animals) at the end of our visit. He was a very nice guy. I understands Spanish too. Although I never heard him speak it, I saw him taking notes when I was asking dh stuff by phone, and he clarified the things he heard me say to him. I told Gymnast about the notetaking, and he kind of was a bit surprised because I never actually looked at him when I was talking on the phone. I said I'm a teacher and I notice things. 😁😅

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Well, my day has just been getting better and better.  The good news is that my phone may be OK with a few hours to dry out and the van still seems to be driving despite the loud clunking engine noise and the police eventually seemed to think it was a good idea to open the exit lanes out of the airport.  And Kroger was out of all regular grapes but had fancy ones that cost $8 a package.

The girls are anxious to leave but I am. going. to. finish. my. coffee!

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Dh locked us out on our walk so I let Juliet and I in through the back gate. By doing so we accidentally trapped a squirrel on our deck who didn’t know what to do. He took a heroic leap for our shed which was way too far away so he fell splat on the ground. He was ok though. I blocked Juliet just long enough for Squirrel to shake himself off and get to safety. 

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Good morning!

On second thought, I do wish I were at Junie's taking tests.  I've got a pencil all ready to go!

Ds27 left extra early to get to an ENT appointment so I overslept and then went outside in my PJs to put the lawn waste bags and trash bins at the curb.

My living room is a disaster of SeaBase packing.  I need to do some laundry.


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1 mile loop -- Day 1!!

Yay me!

Nobody as fun as Juliet to walk with.  Just me, my cane, and my inhaler.

I forgot -- my kids have named my cane "Persuasion" :)

So, Loop Day 1 with Persuasion!

I'm not planning to walk every day, but my pulmonologist suggested that I make walking a habit.  So this is me being a good patient. :)

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Good morning!

I woke up at dark o'clock and couldn't get back to sleep so eventually I got up and made coffee and egg and cheese sandwiches for breakfast.  I might have string quartet today.  Not sure if the viola is available.  We are getting very low on some grocery supplies and Some People are getting nervous, lol.  We still have cheese, though, so all is not lost.


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Good Morning!!


Humph Day!!

I slept horribly last night. Tossed and turned, bad dreams.

Busy day today. 

Baby’s Spring Concert for school was very nice last night. Lots and lots of kids up on stage, but the music selections were very nice and the kids sang them well.

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We decided to do Rube Goldberg machines for 4H, but the Hexbugs are one of the options they can use.   I bought these really neat Picasso magnetic tile marble run tubes to go with our off-brand magnetic tiles at the science center, and they are super cool.   The Hexbugs will go through them like a hamster in a Habitrail.    But a few kids in my 4H club are in my robotics class and just did the Hexbug Habitrail in class, so I couldn't just do that again.    Doing Robe Goldberg takes it a step farther.    This week they will plan it out and test sections, next meeting they will put together their final machine, and then we have one more meeting that will be our end of year party.  

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On 5/23/2023 at 6:18 AM, KrissiK said:


Me, either. I don’t have a deep fat fryer.

Neither do I; I would just fry in a frying pan.

In other news, Gymnast did not move up to the next level orchestra. She cried and was really bummed and talked about quitting. But, then her cousins called (they've been calling almost daily since we left Cali) and I told them to tell her not to quit. They know all about doing auditions and getting some and losing some. If the oldest cousin had quit due to rejection, she wouldn't have made it to the point of being in the new Wonka movie. And if the other one had quit, she wouldn't be plastered on abercrombie kids as a model. So they told her not to quit. So Gymnast isn't quitting (I wasn't going to let her, but I wanted her head in it, and for her to make the decision).

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Had the AC repair guy come out to work today to check out our system.   It's super duper old but everything works, except it has a leak and needed freon.    It would cost about $2000 to fill it and it may or may not last depending on how fast the leak is.  Or they can replace it for $6000.  Except replacing it is not my responsibility, it's the responsibility of the owner.  Who as of today is a new person.   

I'm giving the new guy until tomorrow, then saying Congratulations, replace my air conditioning.   

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