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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Good afternoon!

The Two Youngers and I played for services this morning.  Between services we walked around the main street festival - so many fun things and crafts and art to look at.  I dozed off a bit during second service.    
But now we're home having leftover enchiladas for lunch and I just found out that ds18's quartet rehearsal is at 4 and not at 3 like last week which messes up our whole transportation plan for the day. 🙄  the worst of which is that now I will have to drive through the main street festival traffic 4 times and not have that time at home to make a casserole for church fellowship tonight and take a nap and banish the goats.


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4 hours ago, Slache said:

This will be my second week in the new nursery. It's huge and separates walkers from non walkers. We also have pagers and other conveniences we didn't have before, including a real sized bathroom. It's all very nice.

We attended a church in Virginia Beach that had a whole room just for babies up to six months old. This was back in the day before pagers (!); each baby was given a number, and the parents were given a tag with the same number. In order to retrieve their babies, they had to present the tag with their baby's number on it. No excuses. Turns out that a few years before we were there, a young woman had gone to the nursery to pick up little Freddy for his parents, and then...his parents showed up to get their baby and they knew nothing about anyone else picking up up. Turns out that the young woman's husband was in the Navy and had been out to sea; she told him she had been pregnant and had a baby but, you know, she actually wasn't, so he was coming home and she needed a baby....That nursery instituted extreme safety measures, the required number tag being one of them. I tried to do the same thing at a nursery where I was the coordinator; the parents thought it was a good idea, but the two women who worked in there scoffed, saying they knew all the parents and babies and they might or might not require the person to present the number tag. I was very angry with them, but the pastoral staff wouldn't support me, even though other nursery coordinators at big nursery coordinator events agreed with me and had their own similar scary stories to share. I didn't stay in that position very long....

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31 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good afternoon!

The Two Youngers and I played for services this morning.  Between services we walked around the main street festival - so many fun things and crafts and art to look at.  I dozed off a bit during second service.    
But now we're home having leftover enchiladas for lunch and I just found out that ds18's quartet rehearsal is at 4 and not at 3 like last week which messes up our whole transportation plan for the day. 🙄  the worst of which is that now I will have to drive through the main street festival traffic 4 times and not have that time at home to make a casserole for church fellowship tonight and take a nap and banish the goats.


Can ds go an hour early and just hang out there until it starts?  

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Ellie, our nursery has the same policy. It's supposed to be like that all the way up throughout Children's Ministry, but the older the kids get, the more lax things become.  It is really hard to enforce for older kids. And especially for church members who you see picking their kids up every single week.

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2 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Can ds go an hour early and just hang out there until it starts?  

He couldn't because it's at someone's house.  And the girls' thing started and ended a half hour before the time they originally told me.  But.  I managed to get the foods made and the girls picked up from their thing because ds27 got a ride to his thing so we could use his car.  The girls called me just before I jumped into the shower to ask if I could pick them up right then but they had to wait.  Because goatiness.  So the casserole is now warming in the oven and as far as I can tell, all people have gotten to their places OK and I can use ds27's car again to get to church fellowship.

More coffee!

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8 hours ago, Ellie said:

We attended a church in Virginia Beach that had a whole room just for babies up to six months old. This was back in the day before pagers (!); each baby was given a number, and the parents were given a tag with the same number. In order to retrieve their babies, they had to present the tag with their baby's number on it. No excuses. Turns out that a few years before we were there, a young woman had gone to the nursery to pick up little Freddy for his parents, and then...his parents showed up to get their baby and they knew nothing about anyone else picking up up. Turns out that the young woman's husband was in the Navy and had been out to sea; she told him she had been pregnant and had a baby but, you know, she actually wasn't, so he was coming home and she needed a baby....That nursery instituted extreme safety measures, the required number tag being one of them. I tried to do the same thing at a nursery where I was the coordinator; the parents thought it was a good idea, but the two women who worked in there scoffed, saying they knew all the parents and babies and they might or might not require the person to present the number tag. I was very angry with them, but the pastoral staff wouldn't support me, even though other nursery coordinators at big nursery coordinator events agreed with me and had their own similar scary stories to share. I didn't stay in that position very long....

A lot of nurseries do it this way now, I think. I remember working in a daycare years ago and a noncustodial parent took the child out. The custodial parent came to pick up the child about an hour later. All heck broke loose. Apparently, the custody agreement had changed and that information didn't get shared with everyone who needed to know, even though it was on file. Since then, the strict on "who's allowed to pick up who" list with required ID became a thing in most daycares, as well as the importance of sharing information.

Another time, after the changes, a parent called and said someone on the list was going to pick up her child. We didn't recognize the person (1st time picking up), so the teacher asked to see the ID. They said they left it in the car or something, and couldn't they just get the child to the mother. The child didn't know the person either, and didn't want to leave with them, so I told the teacher not to let the child go (I was working admin at the time). I called the mother back, and she confessed it wasn't the person she originally said would be there and it was actually a co-worker of hers who was not on the list. We didn't let the child leave with that person because oral permission isn't enough. And, frankly, I'm not going to make a child go with someone they don't know and is scared of, regardless of what the parent says on the phone.

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7 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Ellie, our nursery has the same policy. It's supposed to be like that all the way up throughout Children's Ministry, but the older the kids get, the more lax things become.  It is really hard to enforce for older kids. And especially for church members who you see picking their kids up every single week.

I reminded my grumbling workers that we really don't know what's happening at home. More than one nursery coordinator has a story about one parent picking up the children and the other coming after, saying that they are separated and she has custody, not the other, but now the children are gone, and the nursery workers didn't know anything about it because turns out not everyone tells all their personal family goings-on to everyone in the church.

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Morning, Happy Monday.   Still heading into work way too early since we still have just the one car for dh and I.   

On the bright side, it's going to be a beautiful week.  Nice mild Spring temperatures, only one day where it's supposed to rain.   I've already taken a walk and I'll probably take another one in a little while.   

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I woke up at dark o'clock and couldn't get back to sleep.  But in the mean time I think I put my finger on something that has been niggling at my brain for a couple days.

I need to deal with the mountain of clothes here and dd16 wants to practice driving a little (ds27 said she could use his car which is our oldest vehicle - almost 20yo! but is also the nicest to drive).  This afternoon we have the usual Monday afternoon and evening activities.  Last children's choir rehearsal of the year!


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37 minutes ago, Renai said:

1981 is VINTAGE???? 


They might also have been referring to the actual costumes, which were...vintage. Also, I haven't seen any halau using costumes like that in a long time, so in Merrie Monarch years, vintage. Also, 1981 was **40 years ago**, which could be considered vintage, don't ya think?

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5 minutes ago, Ellie said:

They might also have been referring to the actual costumes, which were...vintage. Also, I haven't seen any halau using costumes like that in a long time, so in Merrie Monarch years, vintage. Also, 1981 was **40 years ago**, which could be considered vintage, don't ya think?

My elementary school years are decidedly NOT vintage!

Yeah, I thought costumes after I posted, but then the female asked, "Wait, does that mean *I'm* vintage?!"

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3 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

40 years ago I was in college…,

40 years ago I was the mother of a 5yo and a 2yo, getting ready to take the 5yo to Disneyland for the first time, for her 5th birthday. 🙂

We started hsing about a year and a half later.

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Good Morning!!



School for some, work for others. I have colleagues coming over for a staff meeting this morning. Since i work for an independent study charter, we don’t have a physical school. There are offices for admin, but all the teachers have home offices, which is great, except when we need to get together, so we use each other’s homes. Which is fine. i enjoy hosting. Muffins are in the oven. And i got some good cheese, so i will slice that up, and make a big pot of COFFEE~D.  This afternoon i have some running around to do, visiting families.

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Good morning!

(((Junie))) hope things are better today.

I'm going to Krissi's for muffins and cheese.  And coffee.

We took pup on a walk and brought the trash bins to the curb.  Ds27 is having a new mattress delivered today, dd16 has her final driving lesson and probable driving test in a couple hours, ds18 has his annual doctor's checkup and a cello lesson later this afternoon.  
We've had a good drop in temperature this week but I think it might finally be safe to plant the seedlings I got.  There's a basil, rainbow chard, and two tomatoes - San Marzano and Striped German.



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Happy Tuesday.    

I slept in today, dh is going to come home at lunch to drive dd and I to class.    Hopefully his truck will be fixed one of these days, but ds also is done with school in two weeks and isn't taking summer courses so we'll have another car available shortly anyway.

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I just had to teach my youngest daughter how to put on a bra (clip in front, twist around, put arms through), because it was her first time wearing a "real" bra (not a sports bra/cami style).   She's 15, almost 16.   🤣😂🤣

I hate bras and since I'm basically barely a B cup, I tend to wear cami/tank style myself.   I don't need support, just coverage with tshirts.   

She's definitely my daughter.   

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Guess where I was 40 years ago.

Our dishwasher broke last week and they brought the new one in today. It had the same issue so they replaced the gasket and it was all fixed. I think we got a new dishwasher for no reason. It's bigger on the inside though, so I'm not complaining.

Still loving inductive Bible study. Did you know that Pharaoh was not warned were the 3rd, 6th and 9th plagues? If you read 9:22 it says that God wants Moses to stretch forth his hand and he will send hail, but in 23 he stretches forth his rod and God sends hail and fire. Hmmm...

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5 minutes ago, Slache said:

Guess where I was 40 years ago.

Our dishwasher broke last week and they brought the new one in today. It had the same issue so they replaced the gasket and it was all fixed. I think we got a new dishwasher for no reason. It's bigger on the inside though, so I'm not complaining.

Still loving inductive Bible study. Did you know that Pharaoh was not warned were the 3rd, 6th and 9th plagues? If you read 9:22 it says that God wants Moses to stretch forth his hand and he will send hail, but in 23 he stretches forth his rod and God sends hail and fire. Hmmm...

I think that you were just a twinkle in your parent's eye. . .

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