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2 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I forgot that we need to make a carrot cake today.  I know it shouldn't be that difficult but it seems like an overwhelming project.  I'd rather play a round of rummy with Mike, Bill, and Lisa.

I know what you mean. I’ve been pretty overwhelmed myself lately.  Keep telling myself “do the next thing, do the next thing.”

And this is an Overwhelmed Booya/h. 

Edited by KrissiK
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Aldi had these caramel latte m&ms today and I brought some home.  Then I ate one.  So tasty.

The carrot cake and a half dozen cupcakes are done and frosted.  I hate baking.  Dd14 loves it so I was really just helping her.  I hate the feeling of getting batter and frosting all over the place.

Egg report: holding steady at $2.24/dozen at Aldi.

Dd20 found a ride to her thing tonight and ds27 said he'd drive dd16 to her thing so I will be able to go to orchestra rehearsal tonight.  

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Good Morning!!!



Baby comes home from science camp and oldest DD leaves for her choir trip to Disneyland this morning!! I have three families to visit in the Big City today. My drive out to the West Side was lovely yesterday. Farmland in the spring. Can’t be beat.

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I love margartitas but they have to be strawberry margaritas.   I also like daquiris, again strawberry.   And pina coladas.   Dh bought me some pre-mixed margarita mix a week or so ago.  I never even cracked it open because I got sick/allergy/crappy feeling.    Maybe this weekend I'll feel well enough.   I don't drink when I have to work the next day.   I don't drink much and don't really get hung-over, I mean one beer or one drink is plenty for me.  But alcohol keeps me awake.  And I like to sleep when I have to work the next day.   

I'm very weird.   Alcohol keeps me awake.  Nyquil keeps me awake.    CBD keeps me awake.  Melatonin gives me super weird dreams then keeps me awake.   Benedryl doesn't put me to sleep but doesn't keep me awake if I take half a dose.  A full dose sometimes keeps me awake.  

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Good Morning!

Happy Friday!! Yay!!

I didn't get to sleep until after 4:30.  At 4:00 I realized that I wasn't sleeping because I was in pain, so I got up, ate a quick snack and took some Aleve.  I fell asleep quickly after that.

I actually feel mostly rested, but I have a feeling that an early nap is coming.

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3 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I love margartitas but they have to be strawberry margaritas.   I also like daquiris, again strawberry.   And pina coladas.   Dh bought me some pre-mixed margarita mix a week or so ago.  I never even cracked it open because I got sick/allergy/crappy feeling.    Maybe this weekend I'll feel well enough.   I don't drink when I have to work the next day.   I don't drink much and don't really get hung-over, I mean one beer or one drink is plenty for me.  But alcohol keeps me awake.  And I like to sleep when I have to work the next day.   

I'm very weird.   Alcohol keeps me awake.  Nyquil keeps me awake.    CBD keeps me awake.  Melatonin gives me super weird dreams then keeps me awake.   Benedryl doesn't put me to sleep but doesn't keep me awake if I take half a dose.  A full dose sometimes keeps me awake.  

I don't drink, so I don't know how it would affect me, but 1/2 of a children's benadryl and I'm out like a light.  

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Good morning!

I am eating leftover soup for early lunch.  I took the Two Youngers to a consignment sale this morning and we found a few things.  Some Friends are coming over this afternoon and spending the night.  We are also having birthday cake for dd20's fiancé.  So many people.  
In the mean time we need to do some tidying up.


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So, apparently, I have a bacterial infection of some kind. Both eyes as well as nose? throat? Two scripts submitted but they haven't been ready yet; Mr. Ellie just went out for a drug run. 🙂 Also, he should come home with Throat Coat tea as well as Mucinex. Keep your fingers crossed that these will help me feel better; I am SO stir crazy--not sick enough to actually go to bed, not well enough to leave the house and enjoy our fine weather.

Edited by Ellie
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So…. Backtracked. Went on another side trail. Still the wrong one but it meets up with the right one. Apparently I was on the right one the other day (like the signs say) but it takes a super long way around through this mountain gorge and back up it. I actually hiked some of it last time but there’s no way I can do the entire loop at this point in time. I turned around and am hiking back to the car and my feet hurt. Anybody want to come to pick Juliet and I up?!

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My problem is that I am trying to use Alltrails and all the trail names are similar:  L Creek trail, L pond trail. L park trail; L creek park trail. And then there’s Peggy’s trail. Who’s Peggy and how did she get in the mix?  I think that I haven’t hit on exactly the right trail name for where I want to go so I just end up striking out on a promising trail and then see where it shows up on my all trails app. Which isn’t working out so well…

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My Garmin had trails and I used to "race" another user. I've never met her and her name was soccermom, but she would do a trail and leave it open for a race so when I got there I'd challenge it and she'd do it again and we'd go back and forth trying to one up each other. By the end I was leaving the kids behind so I could jog to the trailhead and then come back for them. We did this for like 3 years and then I just moved and vanished. I would have liked to have said goodbye.

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Morning, Happy Saturday.

I slept until after 10am this morning and it was wonderful.    

I have a touch of bronchitis.   

I have to go to work for a little while today and do some reorganizing.  

Tomorrow is oldest dd's birthday and we're meeting her and my mom at a restaurant for lunch. 

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Good afternoon!

I didn't sleep very well due to circumstances plus overnight guests.  But I got up and made sheet pan pancakes and we ate and dropped dd16 off at driving school, then drove overnight guests home, had short but necessary conversation with the dad (dd20's future FIL), and then drove dd14 to her tutorial friend's family farm store.  It was super cute and very instagram friendly.  Very sweet family.  There were Fancy People stopping by in their haute couture.  I bought some homemade kimchi and granola and seedlings.  
I need a nap.


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we had dinner al fresco tonight. it’s a beautiful evening. no mosquitoes. the mosquitoes were so bad last fall that we couldn’t eat out at all when the weather was nice.  It’s the first nice evening tonight, and it’s been too cold for mosquitoes yet this spring. i don’t quite know what to do later on. we don’t have standing water, so i think they come from elsewhere.

I need to get the dishes done. DS wants to watch “Smokey and the Bandit” for family movie night.

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