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Good morning!

I'd like second sleep but it will have to wait until later.  I had foot/leg cramps quite a bit last night and then had a very bad headache and had to get up to take something. It's a bit better.  Ds27 is leaving for church/work and I need to wake everyone up for breakfast.  Nothing else on the calendar for today.


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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I'd like second sleep but it will have to wait until later.  I had foot/leg cramps quite a bit last night and then had a very bad headache and had to get up to take something. It's a bit better.  Ds27 is leaving for church/work and I need to wake everyone up for breakfast.  Nothing else on the calendar for today.


Pickle juice 

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1 hour ago, Dianthus said:


What kind of tour did you go on?what company?

It’s a touring Company called American Christian Tours. The girls’ school has been using them for like 30 years. They’ve been doing this trip for a long time. We left LAX on a red-eye on Friday night, March 24 and went to  Jamestown Island, Williamsburg, Washington DC, Gettysburg, Amish Country and Philadelphia. We got back to home at 4:30 am on Monday, April 3.

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We are having pork bahn mi for dinner. I tried yet another flat bread recipe. We’ll see how it goes. I need something soft and bendy, and this doesn’t seem that soft and bendy. Maybe it will be more so when it cools. i just got it out of the oven.

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54 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

It’s a touring Company called American Christian Tours. The girls’ school has been using them for like 30 years. They’ve been doing this trip for a long time. We left LAX on a red-eye on Friday night, March 24 and went to  Jamestown Island, Williamsburg, Washington DC, Gettysburg, Amish Country and Philadelphia. We got back to home at 4:30 am on Monday, April 3.

Thank you. They need a min group size of 10. I'm looking for something in the area for 3 people.

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

We are having pork bahn mi for dinner. I tried yet another flat bread recipe. We’ll see how it goes. I need something soft and bendy, and this doesn’t seem that soft and bendy. Maybe it will be more so when it cools. i just got it out of the oven.

Pork bahn mi was delicious as usual. The bread got a little bendy as it cooled. It was good. homemade fresh flat bread is so much better than store bought.

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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

We left LAX on a red-eye on Friday night, March 24 and went to  Jamestown Island, Williamsburg, Washington DC, Gettysburg, Amish Country and Philadelphia.

I have ancestors in Williamsburg; supposedly, a couple of them are buried in the grave yard at Bruton Parish Church in Colonial Williamsburg. Their grandson is one of my DAR Patriots. Also, one of my ancestors was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses pre-Revolutionary War (not the same ancestor as DAR). I'm hoping to go back there within the next year to check out the graveyard myself, as well as the pews in the church, as some Internet sites say that my ancestor's name is on one of them. How kewl is that?

Also, I haven't proven this, but Ancestry says I have an ancestor in Jamestown, Virginia. I would like to prove that one, but I don't know if it's possible. Interesting, though. 🙂

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Good Morning!!!



Technically, I am still on Spring Break, but i have a lot of catching up to do yet from being gone, so I will put at least half a day in on my laptop.

Baby leaves for Science camp this morning. Everyone else has school and work.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Got up at 4:30 this morning because the Pup was whining at my door.  So I threw on my shawl and sandals and took him out to potty.  Blueberry oatmeal for breakfast and then the three youngest and I all went out to walk puppy together.  Then I drove dd20 to classes and now I am proctoring physics tests.  We have a wedding to attend this afternoon, so we will be skipping all our usual afternoon and evening activities.

There's a mockingbird at my birdfeeder.


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It's bedtime.  We went to the wedding.  It was lovely.  There was a reception and mostly people I did not know and I was sorta wanting to get my brownie and escape but I promised the girls they could stay for a couple of dances and I managed to get ds18 to do the Virginia Reel with me. 🙂  Then we went home.  The brownies were tasty.

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Good Morning!

Happy Tuesday!

Not feeling great and I'm kinda grumpy.  

The girls were trying to get me to help them with their homeschool, but I just can't focus. (I took Benadryl a little while ago and I think I'm gonna just go back to bed.)

Major project I'm working on this week: wedding invitations. :) 

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I don't have any ancestors who were in the States before about 1870.

On both my parents' sides, I have ancestors in Virginia or North Carolina in the early 1600s. Joining DAR--that is, being eligible to join and doing the paperwork to do so--has really opened up a whole new realm to me, as neither of my parents ever talked about that, so I'm sure the didn't even know. Especially not my mother, even though there's a cemetery in Hatteras, NC, right next to Aunt Brittie's house, where an American Revolutionary War Patriot is buried, who happens to be our ancestor. In fact, there is a significant number of Patriots from the OBX, a fact which is never discussed, ever. I guess it was more fun to do pirates and pirate jamborees and whatnot than Patriots. 🙂

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1 hour ago, Junie said:


Major project I'm working on this week: wedding invitations. 🙂

I am not doing wedding invitations because Certain Engaged People do not yet have any viable housing options.  I am thinking the event will have to wait until next summer.  Other Engaged People fortunately are doing everything themselves (and they have housing).

Edited by Susan in TN
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Morning.  Another rainy day here.

I woke up at 6am, started to get breakfast then it occurred to me that I didn't actually teach until 1pm today and there was really no need for me to go in at 8am when dh could come home at lunch and take dd and me in at that time.   So I went back to bed.  

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3 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I am not doing wedding invitations because Certain Engaged People do not yet have any viable housing options.  I am thinking the event will have to wait until next summer.  Other Engaged People fortunately are doing everything themselves.

My Engaged People are doing almost everything themselves.  Dd20 is still in school and the invitations need to be sent out soon.  Not a good idea if she wants to do well on finals.

Her fiance once complimented my handwriting, and I guess I fell for it. :)  j/k He was sincere when he complimented my handwriting, not looking for me to do the invitations. 😉

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16 minutes ago, Renai said:

7 HOURS??????? (svengo)

We went to listen to dd20's keynote speech and then stopped by UPS then came home and I made coleslaw and then went back to the school to pick up dd20 and after waiting for a half hour and texting her twice she finally answered her phone and lo and behold she had already gotten a ride home. 😡 So I came back home, took the little car to the gas station for gas and now back home again.

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

School for some, work for others. This afternoon I have a parent meeting in the Big City. I will take oldest DD and she will sit in the car for an hour while I do the meeting and then we will go look for a prom dress for her. Not exactly my idea of a good time, but has to be done.

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Good morning!

For the past couple days I've had this little cloud of anxiety looming over me and I have not been able to figure out what it stems from.  Maybe just anticipation of all the year-end stuff coming up.  Anyways.  I don't have much going on today.  Have to walk the pup and then the kids have general lessons and youth group tonight.  I am hoping to get my garden mums planted today.


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2 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I am cold. DH turned off the heater.

I'm the mean one here. I turned the heaters all the way down. In the old place, they would be turned off by now and we'd wear sweaters if it happened to be cold on the random day. Here, dh doesn't see the pain of paying for electric, but since the landlord does, I'm weaning the family off of the heater. They can handle it. (or maybe they're spoiled babies. Dh turned the heat back up to 85 the other night!) 

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Trying my long term hike (which I keep adding onto) from the opposite direction. 

The biggest question has been answered. There are bathrooms on this end!

Phew!  I was turned around and got on a trail going the opposite direction from where I wanted to go. Down (and then up again) in a beautiful ravine. A much higher difficulty hike than my normal. Juliet was very timid on steep grated steps but followed my lead. So Day 214 hike with Juliet that actually didn’t kill me and was beautiful. 

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well, we got the prom dress. I don’t know. I have nothing to say. She likes it and i wouldn’t say it’s inappropriate, but I don’t like it. But, it’s her dress. We got it at Macy’s. Which is supposed to be a nice department store, but I couldn’t find a salesclerk to save my life, and when I did i practically had to wrangle her to the cash register and then she forgot to take the theft control thingie off, so we set the alarm off. And the store just had that “uncared for” feel to it. We went to a mall that used to be nice, but it was gross. There were security guards everywhere and the shoppers all looked like AFSA shoppers. And the Big City had too much traffic and potholes everywhere and I am just grumpy. 

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I'm still under the weather. One eye keeps watering; both eyes are not quite black, but still making me look worse than I feel. Some mild head congestion, a little sore throat. I've been feeling funky since Sunday. No fever. I didn't teach hula yesterday, didn't go to my line dance class today. Tryina decide if I should go to the doctor tomorrow; guess I'll wait and see how I feel tomorrow. And it's my field trip day; I don't want to waste it going to the doctor.

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I still feel crappy too.  But I do think it's at least 50% allergies.  There is pollen everywhere.   

Results of my endo biopsy came back.  Everything clear but hard to get sample because of too much lining.   Dr has me taking progesterone for two weeks to induce a period to shed the lining.   What fun.  Can't wait for the bloating, cramps, crankiness to begin.  

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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!~D is not ready yet because i got up early because I couldn’t sleep due to….temperature control issues, bad dreams, work and home stress. 

Friday Eve!

Work for some, school for others. Baby is still up at science camp. She called yesterday. I think she is homesick. Today I have a driving day. One meeting with a very sweet family, but it’s all the way out on the west side of the county. It is a nice drive, though, mostly country driving. Then another family about an hour away from the first family. 

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Good morning!

(((Ellie))) and (((Toto))) Who has the bunny slippers?  I’ll send Hannah the Traveling Nurse to pamper sick people and make some nourishing soup.

I’m currently in the Aldi parking lot.  It doesn’t open for a while but I was already out the door bringing Sir Pups-a-lot to the groomer.  So here I am.  The bank isn’t even open yet.

There are too many people who need to be at places tonight and not enough vehicles.  We’re working on it but I suspect that I will have to miss orchestra rehearsal again.


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I was hoping to feel better today, but...no. Sore throat, stuffy head, even my eyes are runny. ::heavy sigh:: I wanted to check in here, then I'm off for some quick breakfast and then a snuggle under my favorite blankie, maybe to watch a movie or two while I doze off. I pondered going to the doctor, but...it's a lot of work to get there, and he'll probably tell me to go home, rest, and drink lots of fluids, which I can do without his advice.

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