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No bribe necessary, Renai. He couldn't wait to get home and see Harry. He was examining it for like an hour, and I just snapped the first picture, after he went and got the flashlight on his own.
The second picture I suggested one of all three, but the smile was all his.

He's handsome. It's in his genes. :laugh:

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Ay, pobrecita. What did you tell her?

I first did the "But Mom, you're retired!" shtick.  But I quickly realized that she had no idea where she is living or what her age is now.  So I just made encouraging noises.  She won't remember what she's planning and she's on a locked ward.  It isn't like she can really follow through, you know?  

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I could *kill* my husband right now. John has been excited about the baby for like a year and a half. He's talked about how he's going to hold the baby, how he's going to feed the baby, how he's going to sing the baby to sleep, how he's going to read to the baby before bed, how he's going to share Mickey with the baby... this is like an everyday thing. Well, Matt is now concerned that if he talks about it that people will figure out that I'm pregnant (95% sure on that) so he tells John that there is no baby, but there will be some day. John cried for like 20 minutes. Mommy fixed it. I was so pissed. There was absolutely no reason to bum him out like that.


I swear to god what. is. wrong. with. men. sometimes. I'm the least empathetic woman I know and even I wouldn't say that.

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Good Morning ITTers.


Slache, thanks for the encouragement, but I don't run in the dark. (Need a chicken emoticon) Because bats. (Do bats hibernate?)

Yes. Bats are absolutely amazing creatures with phenomenal echo location. A car cannot go fast enough to confuse a bat and hit it. Brilliant, elegant, brave, enduring, hideous creatures.


If you know someone who owns Apologia Flying Creatures ask if you can borrow it and read the section on bats. You can do it in a day. It really just scratches the surface of the awesomeness that is bats, but it's a good read.

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Yes. Bats are absolutely amazing creatures with phenomenal echo location. A car cannot go fast enough to confuse a bat and hit it. Brilliant, elegant, brave, enduring, hideous creatures.


If you know someone who owns Apologia Flying Creatures ask if you can borrow it and read the section on bats. You can do it in a day. It really just scratches the surface of the awesomeness that is bats, but it's a good read.


Then I don't think I can go fast enough either.  :hat:   I wonder what time of year I can safely count on them being in hibernation? 

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Good Morning!!!!!


When we went to a cave on a field trip last winter, there was a bat hibernating. It was very small. It was hanging from the top of the cave upside down.


I hope Texasmama got some sleep.

You're supposed to be very quiet when you encounter hibernating bats. They only have a small amount of energy and it takes a lot to wake up so if you wake them up too many times they'll die in their sleep.

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::drums fingers, hums tunelessly while waiting for Child Protective Services on the West Coast to open::




All I've been doing is getting called out by teenagers and young twenty somethings in political threads on Facebook because they're so much more world weary and knowledgeable than I am. LOL.

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Have been on the phone for a few minutes. Waiting for a call-back.


ETA: Texting some with the sil who did receive the letter about the situation. She says that possibly the baby's father's half-sister might have taken him. Also, he will be 3yo in November.

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Just read that October 13th is No Bra Day.


Will not be participating.  What the heck?


I slept last night.  :D  Dh came in at 3 am and woke me up, but I was able to go back to sleep.  I am now in the market for some good ear plugs.  Please tell me what these might be or I will be forced to post on the Chat Board and involve the general public.

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