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Jean is SUPER bossy.


She's trying to make me take the hamster to the vet








And speaking of bossy Jean, I thought of you today.  The singing guy at the fair today sang a song about a unicorn dedicated to my kids.  The song was dedicated, not the unicorn.  




Edited to correct foul hashtag language:  I am a good little duck and don't use bad words (except in the crawlspace)

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I am a little sad today and trying to ignore it. Because teenager angst.

Don't worry, be happy. Do do doo do do do do do.


It is stinky to be sad.


Tex does get a medal. Are you feeling tiger blood yet, lol?


Everyone is still sleeping, and you know what? I think I am going to let them have a wee bit more time in bed this morning. The house is deliciously quiet.


I am seriously looking forward to give mom a nap day. I fully intend to take one, too.


Bueno Viernes

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Well, rats, I guess I had better get something done.


I'm on my second cup of (for you ikslo) coffee. I don't feel like doing anything. Everyone is still asleep. Today is shoe shopping day.


I think I am going to need some Metallica to get motivated this morning.:D



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The office ladies are mocking my coughing fits by feigning their own and then making faux-derogatory comments to each other about how they all sound sick and should go home.


Welcome to Middle School, ladies.

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I used to take Magnesium supplements after reading lots of compelling arguments that the average American is deficient in Mg and that people with digestive issues like mine in particular are.


I seemed to have TONS more energy than before. I felt so much less tired!


Then after about a year my seizures, which I had gone without for 24 years, suddenly came back and almost killed me twice.


So, I stopped taking Magnesium.


Probably a coincidence... ;-)


In my case what seems to be helping me get lots more done recently is trying to get more sleep, and also taking my anti-epileptics which seem to have a sort of concentration-boosting side effect, but of course that's almost definitely not relevant for you. Please don't take somebody else's Keppra... LOL.

I definitely need more sleep but it just doesn't seem there are enough hours in the day to get the sleep I truly need.
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What is wrong with Mr. Hamster?

He has suddenly developed largish black fleshy growths on his skin.  I looked it up, and only 4% of such things are cancerous.  He is probably 18 months old or more.   We don't know because he was a Humane Society adoptee.  We've had him almost a year.  He could be older.  Or younger.  He seems perfectly normal as far as behavior and eating.  It seems that the Petsmart vet place sees hamsters.  I don't know about biopsies and surgeries for hamsters.  I told little dd that it is a job to see that he is cared for and does not suffer, but from all I can see, he is fine.  


I'm trying to get out of my big girl panties.  



I am a little sad today and trying to ignore it.  Because teenager angst. 

(((hugs)))  Teen stuff pushes all of my buttons about my own teen stuff and also mom stuff.  It's all the feels.

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My dh said we should take a day off of school since it was his day off for the week. I vetoed that because he doesn't realize I only have so many home schooling hours in the day since my dc go back to their father today once school is finished. Then it's work work work from Friday through Sunday and a few hours early Tuesday morning.


On the plus side I cut my ds's and dh's hair and then I cleaned my entire house yesterday including vacuuming and mopping. Plus everyone cleaned their own bedrooms and vacuumed them.


Feels good to know I woke up and only had to focus on home schooling.

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Sorry Tex. :(


My wife has been struggling with sleep lately, too. I think mostly it's her crazy work hours, which thankfully are changing soon (even though that's gonna introduce a new challenge with homeschooling the Little One.)

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Hugs ((((Lynn)))


Hugs ((((Tex))) I had hamsters all my life as a child. I never had any health issues with them. Oh, that might be because my brothers let them all out of the cages while I was on vacation and I never got them back. Sorry I can't be of any help. You definitely need to get some sleep if it's at all possible.

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50 mg of Trazodone is not the answer.   I fell asleep at 4 am and had to get up at 7 am to go get bloodwork, which I was motivated to do because the faster the cause of my problems is determined, the faster I can get help.  And I need help.  


Tonight I will take 100 mg.  If that doesn't work, I will check myself into the funny farm proactively and wait to become psychotic, which is what happens from prolonged sleep deprivation.

Or you could go to a sleep specialist.  

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I was liking all the things and then ran out of likes..  


I'm super tired..  Ds has today off from work today so I got to sleep in an extra half hour.  Dh just left so technically I could go back to sleep but I only have 1/2 hour until dd gets up.  She has a half day babysitting gig  They wanted a full day but I put my foot down.  Just cause we homeschool doesn't mean that we don't do school.  And just because the public schools have today off doesn't mean that we do either.  


ETA:  Booyah!  

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