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It is part of training as a corrections officer. He has hopes of it leading to becoming a police officer. Which I think it will eventually. He is a volunteer fireman too, and he is meeting a lot of people in the field.

Ds10 often talks about wanting to be a police officer. Not sure if he has the right temperment for it, but he's only 10 - could grow into it. :)

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I am sitting next to my daughter while she is done school work and I am trying not to laugh and I have tears in my eyes. I wish my body forgot to gain weight too.


Actually it couldn't have forgotten because my son was born first and I think it had to be back in place for my daughter to be conceived. Who knows though. Maybe I'm not up on womanly physical issues. :)


Well, you know, your body IS getting older and it could have forgotten...

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 It is when you join to complete sentences with a comma.  You can add a conjunction, separate the sentences into two, or use a semi-colon.  The semi-colon is my least favorite.  I advise a conjunction.


 I love semi-colons! Semi-colons are cooler than conjuctions.

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What a cool young man. :)

Thank you.. I think so too.


I just wonder how the next three are going to turn out.


Dh and I were just talking about this the other night. From our experiences, there is at least one child in a family that takes a while to mature and become established, aka the "black sheep".:D


My mom and dad were the black sheep of their families. Dh has a brother that has finally straightened up at 50, never married, but finally employed. Dh was a "bad boy" which is what attracted me.:D


It is a beautiful blessing watching children grow into young adults. However, I would love to wrap them in bubble wrap, and never let them out of the house.





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 I love semi-colons! Semi-colons are cooler than conjuctions.

For Renai:


Semi-colons are the best!

Better than any of the rest!

Punctuation should be fun!

Lots of fun for everyone!

Forget the comma

and conjunction!

Semi-colons are the

winning function!





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One time when one kid was little, like four, I told her we were having "special dinner", which meant that everyone got to choose their own frozen dinner!  (said with great excitement)


About halfway through the meal, she said, "This isn't special."


That's what your prizes reminded me of.

Edited by texasmama
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My chiropractor says his goal is to never see me again. Our appointments keep getting further and further apart. He gives me exercises to do at home so that I can strengthen myself without him.


My mom's too. She only went once in the last three years.

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Ikslo and Texasmama, believe me, I'm trying. I've already sent my second email to her to give me an incomplete so I can do a missing assignment I had started in week three. I also said I cannot work and do that program another 10 weeks. What I didn't say is I'd quit my job before I quit the program. It's in her hands now.

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I might be doing "The Leftovers" tomorrow (Tuesday). I submitted quite late, because two other background actors who are staying with me and arrived here around 9 p.m., said they were begging for more people. Tomorrow and Wednesday are the last two days of filming for Season 2. Waiting for an e-mail. Call time will probably be around o'dark hundred. o_0

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I might be doing "The Leftovers" tomorrow (Tuesday). I submitted quite late, because two other background actors who are staying with me and arrived here around 9 p.m., said they were begging for more people. Tomorrow and Wednesday are the last two days of filming for Season 2. Waiting for an e-mail. Call time will probably be around o'dark hundred. o_0


I haven't heard that turn of phrase in a long time.

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I made brats and kartofelpuree, home grown tomatoes on the side, for Oktoberfest and football watching and I had three young adolescents and two kids in the house and THE TEENS ATE MICROWAVE BURRITOS THEY BOUGHT AT 7-11! Now I have a bazillion brats left over.


Dear Step-Son, bless his heart, ate the bangers and mash on top of the burritos. He's going to be 6'4", mark my words. This kid is going to be a giant.

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Can you put it in the fridge until tomorrow?  And then assign it to your daughter to finish?  


I haven't even peeled the husk off the tomatillos. I was not happy with dd because I asked her to pick the remaining tomatillos that had fallen off the ... whatever it is called and then water the garden (raised bed). She did neither. Dh said that she told him there weren't any good ones left. So, while she was away singing, I, dh, and little dd went out to the garden with a flashlight and picked tomatillos. A nice, goodly amount. About 1/5 of a paper grocery bag worth. Which is a lot considering the size of tomatillos. So, I'll make salsa tomorrow. Er, later today.

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