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We start school on Monday. I think I'm ready???


My computer is not, however. DH says it may be an indexing problem. Basically, the little secretary that runs around inside the computer filing stuff away pretty much stinks at her job and no one can find anything now when they need it.


I told DH that I think my brain has an indexing problem too.

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Keeping it to yourself, eh?


I was thinking of the pleasant morning greetings, punch time clock, get all serious and effective and aggressive when required at "work", punch time clock, pleasant evening greetings and walk hand in hand into the sunset, like in the video. Looks perfect for a homeschool routine! 

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Please tell me I am not crazy.

For what it is worth (and I am actually qualified to say), you present as the opposite of crazy.  What has likely occurred is that you have run into someone with a personality disorder, and that person has caused you to feel crazy.  It throws the scent off of them, like a red herring sort of thing.  Don't fall for it.   :hat:

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For what it is worth (and I am actually qualified to say), you present as the opposite of crazy. What has likely occurred is that you have run into someone with a personality disorder, and that person has caused you to feel crazy. It throws the scent off of them, like a red herring sort of thing. Don't fall for it. :hat:

Thank you. Dh also says I am not crazy. :)

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I took a kid to the store.  Now will take another kid somewhere because he needs away time from the sibs and alone time with me.  


Poor sick kid still has a terrible cough and doesn't sleep.  Day three of an antibiotic.  He has a headache much of the time, and his ears are clogged.  I feel sorry for him.  He barely eats.  He is a solid lad so no worries of him wasting away, but I do feel for the child.

Edited by texasmama
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I think we're ready to partay!  Going to see Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits fame tonight.  


I'm pretty proud of myself actually.  Today is a bad pain day.  Wrists and ankles hurt like billy-o.  But I tracked down and bought low chairs so we don't have to sit on the ground (I think they'd need a crane to get me back up. . . ) and we're on schedule to go.  Now to drop dd off at the Y since she doesn't want to rock out with us and then go on to grab a picnic lunch, pick dh up and go on to the winery where the concert will be held.  

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I think we're ready to partay!  Going to see Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits fame tonight.  


I'm pretty proud of myself actually.  Today is a bad pain day.  Wrists and ankles hurt like billy-o.  But I tracked down and bought low chairs so we don't have to sit on the ground (I think they'd need a crane to get me back up. . . ) and we're on schedule to go.  Now to drop dd off at the Y since she doesn't want to rock out with us and then go on to grab a picnic lunch, pick dh up and go on to the winery where the concert will be held.  


Yay for good chairs! Are they those spectator/sports chairs?

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Have fun, Jean! I used to love concerts! My favorite..... Simple Minds back in high school! Went with my BFF, had a blast!


My Friday experiment - chocolate chip-peanut butter homemade icecream! I melted some peanut butter, put it in the freezer with the icecream stuff and in a little while I'll throw in some chocolate chips!

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My Friday experiment - chocolate chip-peanut butter homemade icecream! I melted some peanut butter, put it in the freezer with the icecream stuff and in a little while I'll throw in some chocolate chips!

Points for quoting myself!


I just threw the chocolate chips in. 2 for the icecream freezer, 1 for me....2 for the ice cream freezer, 1 for me! I hope this turns out all right.

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High tea with cucumber sandwiches? 'Cause that would make sense.


Nope. It was a burrito. Sigh...


In other news, the other teacher in my grade level is about ready to quit. I told her it will get better.


In yet other news, I have a literature review matrix due tonight. 5-7 research articles. I've so far only ready through 2, and haven't written up a summary of either.


Oh, in more news, I told Dancer I wasn't taking her out of dance until she came up with a possible other interest to try or delve into. She wants to be a recluse, but I won't let her.

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I ate lunch at 4pm today.



Ok, I just have to tell you all that the icecream is peanut butter perfection. I wish I would have measured how much peanut butter I put in. Oh well. I think it was about ... 1/4 c.

This sounds great!


Nope. It was a burrito. Sigh...


In other news, the other teacher in my grade level is about ready to quit. I told her it will get better.


In yet other news, I have a literature review matrix due tonight. 5-7 research articles. I've so far only ready through 2, and haven't written up a summary of either.


Oh, in more news, I told Dancer I wasn't taking her out of dance until she came up with a possible other interest to try or delve into. She wants to be a recluse, but I won't let her.

Sounds like a good plan for Dancer and puts the burden on her to decide on another or stay in dance.  Less mom-intensive decision.  I like it.

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I think we're ready to partay!  Going to see Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits fame tonight.  


I'm pretty proud of myself actually.  Today is a bad pain day.  Wrists and ankles hurt like billy-o.  But I tracked down and bought low chairs so we don't have to sit on the ground (I think they'd need a crane to get me back up. . . ) and we're on schedule to go.  Now to drop dd off at the Y since she doesn't want to rock out with us and then go on to grab a picnic lunch, pick dh up and go on to the winery where the concert will be held.  


Woo hoo!! I really enjoy that band. Brings me back to my university days. "I love my MTVvvvvvvvvvvv"  Have an awesome time! Yay for new, comfy concert chairs!!  :hurray:

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I took one kid to Starbucks.  He had a decaf caramel frap, and I had a passion tea.  SB is great for people-watching.  So great that we moved outside because of the weirdos.   ;)  So we sat alone on the patio enjoying our drinks and talking, and he said, "This is very pleasant."  Then we walked around Hobby Lobby because he likes the decor there.  

Edited by texasmama
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(((Little Tex))))


Susan, you are not crazy.


Jean, text Tex to let her know you get outta there alive. And party hard. We want pics <grin>


Renai- how'd homework go? And I often eat lunch at 4. But that's because Im lucky if I get breakfast before 11. Because ducklings. And then I barely get dinner at all. It's a horrible way to live. Especially since it makes me prone to crave ice cream at 11pm. Which brings me to...


Krissi- yum. Don't tempt me.


Slache- drawing a Complete Blank on what I was going to say to you. So.....Hi. With an H. And I don't know why complete blank is capitalized. Stupid phone.

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(((Little Tex))))


Susan, you are not crazy.


Jean, text Tex to let her know you get outta there alive. And party hard. We want pics <grin>


Renai- how'd homework go? And I often eat lunch at 4. But that's because Im lucky if I get breakfast before 11. Because ducklings. And then I barely get dinner at all. It's a horrible way to live. Especially since it makes me prone to crave ice cream at 11pm. Which brings me to...


Krissi- yum. Don't tempt me.


Slache- drawing a Complete Blank on what I was going to say to you. So.....Hi. With an H. And I don't know why complete blank is capitalized. Stupid phone.


Homework is going...I keep getting distracted (by I don't know what) and reading other things except the research articles. Which is silly, because I can choose the articles to read, so they should be interesting. Yeah, food is sometimes overrated. I actually have alarms on my phone so I remember to eat. And feed my children.


LOL at the response to Slash.

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I took kid#3 to Starbucks. He had a decaf caramel frap, and I had a passion tea. SB is great for people-watching. So great that we moved outside because of the weirdos. ;) So we sat alone on the patio enjoying our drinks and talking, and he said, "This is very pleasant." Then we walked around Hobby Lobby because he likes the decor there. I forget how much I like this kid because he is sandwiched between two other needy ones. I told him to ask me to do it again next week. He is really great company and has been for a long time now.

I love SB. Ours around here tend to be a little less weird, at least if you are okay with Christian college/Seminary folk. :-). Glad you had a good bonding time!

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Homework is going...I keep getting distracted (by I don't know what) and reading other things except the research articles. Which is silly, because I can choose the articles to read, so they should be interesting. Yeah, food is sometimes overrated. I actually have alarms on my phone so I remember to eat. And feed my children.


LOL at the response to Slash.

It is very very good that I could not afford Internet until long after I finished all my degrees. This whole-wide-world-just-a-click-away thang would've done me in.

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It is very very good that I could not afford Internet until long after I finished all my degrees. This whole-wide-world-just-a-click-away thang would've done me in.


Problem is, without the internet, I never would have finished my bachelor's and would not be almost done with the master's. When I first moved here, the only options for a bachelors was online or an hour away. The university that's an hour away mostly had classes I needed in the evenings or weekends. That just would not work. I still dislike evening courses.

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Ugh. I completely get that. Post-kids, I absolutely would need online. And really, most of my degrees were in the infancy stages of the web, so online options then were limited anyway. Now, online work is expected even if you are taking courses IRL.


When I was a TA back in college, I was asked to train a professor on how to use the World Wide Web. I had to pay someone to find out what exactly that WAS. <grin>.


I'm old.

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