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There is no faster way to irritate me than to try the "one upping Mommy" game.  Fine, you win.  Your homeschool is more rigorous.  Your kids are more well rounded.  You eat healthier foods than we do.  You are sicker than me (this is a chronic illness one upping thing which I just don't understand).  Note:  this is different than people just sharing what they are doing.  I love to hear what others are doing.  It's when it's made into a competition that I get cranky. 


I get cranky a lot.  I'm working on it.  But just note:  I'm crankier than you.  ;)



That's debatable.  (jk)  


Sometimes I need a tantrumming Yosimite Sam icon.



One-uppers really get my goat, too.  I sometimes like to smile at them with that knowing, you-really-don't-have-a-clue version of Mona Lisa while I nod and make vague non-committal-but-sounds-like-I-might-be-impressed nonsense syllables.  They don't know how to take that.

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My brakes are easy. The pads just need to be replaced. He has a theory about why the tire is humming that actually has nothing to do with the tire. He thinks it's something to with something about something axle alignment transfer case something something.


I know nothing about cars.


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Sounds like an alignment problem.  When was the last time you had your tires rotated and aligned?  It might be time again.

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I am bored. I can't bake this afternoon. When I bake, I eat too much dough. Which I did yesterday. And I am supposed to be low-carbing. And as I sit here I feel my jeans pinch. And since they are not my "mom" jeans, and are a little lower cut, I really feel fat. I am very proud of myself for making ice-coffee for my snack this afternoon instead of getting into the lemon bars.

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But do you like flavored coffee?  ;)


The OB agreed to no checks on me so hopefully baby will stay put for a week or so. All my others have been early, though, so the time may be getting short unless this guy is doing his own thing. My last DD was induced when I showed up at my 38 week appt 6+ cm and no idea and no contractions.They wanted to make sure I had time for antibiotics and didn't end up with unassisted unexpected homebirth. I have been having unexpected unassisted homebirth nightmares!


I will be apologizing profusely to DD when she gets home from school for making her go to school this week. This cold is butt and AFSA and all the bad things mixed together. I'd make her cookies and her favorite meal except I don't feel like doing anything except whining. I felt fine until last night around 10pm. And stuffy and runny noses make me puke when I'm pregnant. I can't puke without peeing at this point. I am sad. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   Sounds like a nasty bug that doesn't bother to give you any forewarning, just starts walloping.  I hope baby stays put until you and yours can get through this.

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Truth. It's a strange day when a cold can kick my backside, and this one is totally got me down on the mat and yelling for mercy. I'm seldom down for more than a day. I still don't want to do anything and this is three days in.



Sounds like my ILs after their flu shots.  Maybe I should get the girls in for shots early this next week, so we can at least time the attack.  I sure hope the nasty bug hitting people is the same nasty bug in the flu vaccine.  If it's not we are all in for a rough winter, methinks.

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It's true. My broken bow was worth about $1000 - an adequate bow for my amateur needs, though my parents didn't pay that much for it 35 years ago. I am hoping to find something decent in the $350-400 range. :svengo: It won't be as nice, but should be workable without too much wrangling. Yeehaw!


(ETA: If I were a professional with, say, the Nashville Symphony or other organization on that level, a $5-10K bow would be the norm, or the minimum if I also had an active solo or small ensemble or guest clinician schedule along with it.)





Wow.  More hugs for that broken one.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


FIL and family paid more attention to the instruments themselves.  Eldest dear niece played violin for a while and was given some reasonably nice instruments, including an electric violin.  Shortly thereafter she quit playing violin in favor of marching band (flute, then piccolo), and hasn't played any of them since (as far as I know).  She was quite good, darn it.  I wish she would have continued.

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Also, I'm winning at homeschool today. We finally found Weapon X's motivation to read. He wants to learn computer coding and he can't do that without reading. And once he realized that, he has been rocking our phonics lessons!


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It's a Phonics Winning Booyah!


ITT presents: Math'n'Grammarville

*All Rights Reserved*


Except for those to the tune and original lyrics, which are obviously held by Jimmy Buffet or whatever company it is that owns him, LOL.


Livin' on twaddle,

I was happy to dawdle,

Until Mom told me my work must be done.

Now here it is sunset,

And she won't let me drop it,

I'll be here all night and I never had fun!



Wasting away again in Math‘n’Grammarville

Hoping that there's a whole hour of art

Some people say that there is knowledge to gain

But I know, of it I want no part


It sure isn't pleasin',

All this logic and reason,

Gettin' shoved down my throat with these dusty old books!

When I could be skatin'

Building forts and be playin'

So I'm giving my teacher these disgusted looks!



Wasting away again in Math‘n’Grammarville

Hoping that there's a whole hour of art

Some people say that there is knowledge to gain

But you can’t force me to take part!


I've stalled and I've grumbled

Dropped my pencil and fumbled

Lost my place and my temper and spilled all the glue,

But Mom isn't buying,

All these tricks that I'm trying,

And I'll just have it all tomorrow to do.



Wasting away again in Math‘n’Grammarville

Hoping that there's a whole hour of art

Some people say that there is knowledge to gain

And so I must play the part


Wasted away again in overplanningville

Lookin for my lost teacher's manual

Some people claim

That it's the Hive that's to blame

But I know (ba ba bum bum bum)

It's my own dang fault.


Wasting away again in Math'n'Grammarville

Looking for those lost hours of sleep

Some people say that there's no way it'll work

And I say, bleeep-ity-bleep-bleep-bleep

Edited by Susan in TN
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I have decision fatigue on what to do next.  There is too much undone around here.  So I sit here in a stupor and ITT. 

Make a list.


If she's allowed to walk, she should walk.  Up and down  halls.  Wherever.  With someone like her husband. 

I'll text mom. Thanks.

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I don't know, I've been pretty cranky lately.


I probably don't notice when people do this. Mine is people telling me I'm doing it wrong. Not rigorous enough/too rigorous with school, too strick or loose with behavior, not having a real job, not forcing the baby to walk just because he can ("Do you think there's something wrong with him?" :glare: )



"Real job" references carry a strong risk of setting me off every single time.   :cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:   "Listen, you nit-wit, this is a whole lot more real than your silly little paycheck occupation!  Just try it sometime.  There is a reason why stay-at-home parents are never downsized -- trying to replace the functionality would cost a MINT!  YOU are EXPENDABLE."

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Sounds like my ILs after their flu shots.  Maybe I should get the girls in for shots early this next week, so we can at least time the attack.  I sure hope the nasty bug hitting people is the same nasty bug in the flu vaccine.  If it's not we are all in for a rough winter, methinks.

I doubt it. This is just a typical head cold. Sore scratchy throat followed by stuffed sinuses and now I'm into the coughing phase.

I typically kick colds quickly, and seldom feel tired with them. So this one qualifies as a nasty cold for me since I've been at it for three days. My energy level is almost back to normal as long as I don't try to walk too far with the dogs.


ETA: As far as a rough winter--don't know. The persimmons aren't ready to check. :laugh:

Edited by Critterfixer
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I could be wrong but the one upping illness thing could be "I suffer more than you but I still put the same effort forth so I'm a better mom than you."



For some it is.  For others it's, "I'm more miserable than you so I should get to hog all of the attention."

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You can do it. Are they a group who talks easily?


Thanks for the encouragement.  They're still getting used to each other and unfortunately don't really talk a lot yet.  


I think you may be coming down with a very contagious plague.


Yes!  Could you arrange a press conference on my behalf?  


What are you going to discuss?



I'll be discussing briefly a couple of works of art from ancient Egypt (haven't prepared this part yet) and a chapter from the book Understanding the Faith (mostly about the attributes of God, but also the Trinity  :svengo:  and video on God's will) and several George Grant lectures - one on Abraham and several on Ancient Egypt.  (I did steal a wee bit from Tapestry of Grace's free 3-week sample on Egypt for my own notes......   :leaving: )  


I also listened to Diana Waring's CD related to Egypt and chronology which I love.  


I have notes that will either take 5 minutes or 5 hours to get through.   :leaving:

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"Real job" references carry a strong risk of setting me off every single time.   :cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:   "Listen, you nit-wit, this is a whole lot more real than your silly little paycheck occupation!  Just try it sometime.  There is a reason why stay-at-home parents are never downsized -- trying to replace the functionality would cost a MINT!  YOU are EXPENDABLE."


We're poor. I complain that we're poor. If I would just put them in daycare and get a job we would be less poor.

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I'm looking into a capsule wardrobe, but I desperately need to lose some weight first. I have to lose 50lbs before I'm allowing myself to buy more clothes. 


Mmm, it's even better when it's all rolled into one! 



Silly, a capsule wardrobe is just a smaller selection of the clothes you wear.  You don't actually dress in capsules!  No one is THAT small!

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So turns out I went to high school with the plumber who worked on our septic tank today. Not only did he not recognize me several remarks he made left the impression that he was yet another person who assumed I am an impoverished unwed mother based on how I look.


I cried on the phone to dh.


But I think Paige's week still sounds way worse. Prayers for speedy recovery!



:glare:  :glare:  :glare:   Maybe use a different plumber in the future.  This one doesn't sound like he's all that smart.

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I'm not being lazy. Just not taxing myself all that much. I must be improving because I started coughing today. That usually indicates I'm on my way to recovery.

I cleaned up my writing space, but my "homeschool books to put away" space looks a little bit bigger. Hmm.

Now I need to mop my room and make my bed. And edit another chapter. I got through a longish one--but only cut around 500 words because it was too good to cut too much!

Sigh. I may never see 125K. But at least every chapter, every scene and every sentence will be the best I can write, right?



Right!  If you work that hard and don't get the word count down then you know you have a quality work of enough length your readers will have to stay up 3 nights running just to finish!  Quality AND quantity -- a reader's dream!

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Right!  If you work that hard and don't get the word count down then you know you have a quality work of enough length your readers will have to stay up 3 nights running just to finish!  Quality AND quantity -- a reader's dream!

I'll have to hope I find an agent that thinks the same way.

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Why would anyone want to write a novel in a month? Is it fun? Is it good for your brain? Or do you just finalize it in a month? I would like to be smart enough to understand this writing thing some day, but it just sounds like it would make my hand hurt to do this.



It's fun because it's rather insane, from what the budding novelists I have met tell me.  I'm a cheater or a rebel, from the way some look at it.  I haven't tried to write a novel yet at all.  I simply use NaNoWriMo as dedicated time in which I get to try to write 50K words about something(s).


This October I'm going to dive into a certain box of my Mom's old papers and see what is in there.  I suspect there will be good writing prompts aplenty.

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It's fun because it's rather insane, from what the budding novelists I have met tell me.  I'm a cheater or a rebel, from the way some look at it.  I haven't tried to write a novel yet at all.  I simply use NaNoWriMo as dedicated time in which I get to try to write 50K words about something(s).


This October I'm going to dive into a certain box of my Mom's old papers and see what is in there.  I suspect there will be good writing prompts aplenty.

Rebel. There are no cheaters in NaNoWriMo if you are writing.


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Oh! I thought you were supposed to go from blank page to perfect, complete novel and that just sounded horrible. How much time per day would you like to spend on it?


I'm looking at short story curricula for me. Because, you know, I have all this free time.



No no.  The original idea is to start on a new story, one you haven't started writing yet, and start dumping down onto the page.  It's about cranking out some volume, with no editing for the month.  Editing comes later, as does determining whether to keep the story or trash it.  Many people tend to get sidetracked as they write, trying to go back to fix something while they are thinking about it, and they then lose whatever other bits of story were right there on the tips of their brains, just waiting to come out.  Instead of allowing yourself to get sidetracked like this you are supposed to just write and write and write during NaNoWriMo, and worry about all the rest of that later.  Ofttimes the stories take on lives of their own when they are allowed time to run.

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No, just a first draft. And for me, 50K is about half of a novel. Or a third.

I'd love to spend close to eight hours a day writing. During a break, I can almost manage that. More commonly, I get two to four hours to write every day. 

Editing takes longer. :D


Bear in mind that I don't outline, I just sit down and go where the story takes me every day. So I'm not a terribly efficient writer. I can write around 1000 words in an hour on an average day.



Efficiency is for bulk volume and filler.  Let the story flow.

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I'm making pork loin for dinner. It was supposed to be maple-apple pork loin. Sadly, the maple syrup is missing. Might or might not have eaten it up the last time I made pancakes. So I did apple juice, apple butter and honey for the glaze. We'll see how that turns out. 



It sounds yummy.  I made stuffed peppers for DH and the girls to take to ILs' house this evening.  I've got a weather headache, so I will cook my peppers here (I held back just a few) and binge-watch New Tricks.



I have been waiting for a plot development I remembered to appear, and it hasn't.  I am very clearly into episodes I have never seen before.  Now I'm a little sad over a certain plot development that did happen, while wondering like crazy what that show was that did have the plot development I remember.  Oh, well.

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Have I told y'all that it's my turn to lead the humanities discussion next week?  (14yo dd's humanities group - about 9 kids ages 14 - 15).   :svengo: Where is JJM.  Please.  Shoot me now.  



JJM will not shoot you.  JJM will bring her bazooka to the discussion as a teaching aide.  It will be the most awesome discussion with attentive and actively participating kids!

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I called dd14 "Critter" the other day when she was gleefully telling me how one of her characters just does not see what is coming his way, and she can't wait to see how he handles it. :D



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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"Real job" references carry a strong risk of setting me off every single time. :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: "Listen, you nit-wit, this is a whole lot more real than your silly little paycheck occupation! Just try it sometime. There is a reason why stay-at-home parents are never downsized -- trying to replace the functionality would cost a MINT! YOU are EXPENDABLE."

Yep. My day job is where my brain sleeps. :LOL:

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I'm outta likes.   :glare:


:glare:  :glare:  :glare:   Maybe use a different plumber in the future.  This one doesn't sound like he's all that smart.




The pork is yummy.




I am sipping my very yummy almond milk chocolate.  Made with Theo's drinking chocolate (shaved dark chocolate bits).  And I handwashed the knives. 




JJM will not shoot you.  JJM will bring her bazooka to the discussion as a teaching aide.  It will be the most awesome discussion with attentive and actively participating kids!




I'm glad I could confuse y'all.


I wasn't confused.  I paid attention.  


They will when JJM shows up!




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