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Language Arts are easier. She's now humming to herself as she underlines the vowels. I like listening to her hum. I am not a hummer.


Extra points for quoting myself.


Yes, for my kid, too.  4 sentence analysis?  No problem.  Caesar's English vocabulary?  Easy.  Math?   :willy_nilly:  :eek:  :zombie:

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Rocky might have Cushings Disease. Another $180 will tell us for sure. 

:grouphug: I wondered about that when you said he was wetting all over the place with no current infection. There is medication to treat Cushing's disease in dogs. I imagine they will test to localize the process to the pituitary or the adrenal glands--the prognosis is different depending on whether the issue is with the brain or with the adrenal gland.

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In my mind, I see them as a tiny herd of velociraptors.


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They are! When my mom and I lived in a trailer on our friend's property (because I'm totally classy like that) their chickens would attack us. My mom would send me out first so I could run to the house and they would give up and go away. I was 4. She was a really bad mom, the more I think about it.


It's a vilocichicky Booya!

Edited by Slache
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In my mind, I see them as a tiny herd of velociraptors.

These birds have not forgotten their reptilian roots. :D I call them the Vultureines because they have that turkey vulture head, just covered in feathers. And long necks and red eyes. 

My boys have named them all: Butterscotch, Toffee, Sugar, Honey and Candy. Sweet they are not.

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These birds have not forgotten their reptilian roots. :D I call them the Vultureines because they have that turkey vulture head, just covered in feathers. And long necks and red eyes. 

My boys have named them all: Butterscotch, Toffee, Sugar, Honey and Candy. Sweet they are not.


Tell them to rename them with dinosaur names!

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:grouphug: I wondered about that when you said he was wetting all over the place with no current infection. There is medication to treat Cushing's disease in dogs. I imagine they will test to localize the process to the pituitary or the adrenal glands--the prognosis is different depending on whether the issue is with the brain or with the adrenal gland.


What happens if I do nothing?  I'm not trying to neglect my old 14 year old dog but I want to know so that I can make the best decision. 

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I'm afraid of chickens. Not like terrified, but definitely wary.

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In my mind, I see them as a tiny herd of velociraptors.

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The funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life is watching a flock of chickens run (not terrified run, but just kind of run) from the rear. It is just a riot, it really is. You just have to stop and laugh.
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What happens if I do nothing?  I'm not trying to neglect my old 14 year old dog but I want to know so that I can make the best decision. 


Typically symptoms get worse with time. And there are things like chronic infections and some funky mess with the skin that can happen with untreated Cushing's. It's nice if you can figure out if the root cause is a pituitary issue or an adrenal issue. Adrenal tumors causing Cushing's do not always respond well to the medication. Pituitary Cushing's does better. 

And it's always a good idea to ask your veterinarian what you should expect with the course of a disease should it not respond to treatment, what you should look for, be aware of and so forth.

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Tell me something to try, to help my dog's iitchiness. She's just overall itchy sometimes. Like now. More so here in Texas, so I figure it's our grass. Food changes don't make much difference. She had some spots she was biting, that had become sores. Vinegar/water poured on twice daily is clearing that right up. I used hydrocortisone cream a couple times, too. I also started giving her coconut oil, but forgot the last few days. Now she's scratching like where a collar would be. No fleas. Any other ideas?

Missing Link. You can buy it at any pet store.

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There is a lot of tree pollen going right now. Probably not grass allergy. Given that she has had some sores already, she might have a secondary skin infection that is making her extra itchy, or it might just be inhalant allergies. Benedryl is usually not strong enough, so I would recommend you get her checked for infection and then see about getting her some antihistamines or something a little stronger to see if that helps. Topically, oatmeal based shampoos sometimes help, but you have to use them every two to three days. There are also shampoos and cream rinses just for allergy dogs that can provide topical relief.

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My fitbit says one mile is about 2400 steps. I must take small steps.


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 I may be 5' 6", but I have a short torso and LONG legs.  And I like to stretch my legs out when I get going.  I'm a better analog for people taller than me than people my height because of this.

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Rocky might have Cushings Disease. Another $180 will tell us for sure.



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:grouphug:  :grouphug:   What can be done about it?






I'm pretty sure that FIL's dog has cushions disease.  He gives you the most woeful looks if you try to kick him out of certain cushy furniture.

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We are making brittle stars today out of string and super-saturated salt solution. I swear these kids won't stop fussing with each other. Now they're fighting over the food coloring.


Obligatory educational post of the day!



I want to play at Krissi's house!

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I vacuumed.  I'm worn out.  I blame lack of sugar.  Maybe I'll make some decaf a little later.  No creamer.   :crying:


(Just by way of clarification, I'm not one who can do a little bit of sweet, or I'll want all the sweets.  And the reason I'm trying to make a drastic change is all the late night, after kids' activities fast food stops were starting to add up!  10 lbs since August!!!)  I really like the Lose It app.  So easy to find calorie counts for various foods and add them and know what you have left for the day, etc.  



Yeah, due to eating fast food last night, leftovers of it for breakfast this morning, and more at lunch I had passed my caloric goal for the day before I even got supper.  Good thing we don't do this very often.

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I wrote out my thoughts from last night's council meeting.  I think I will speechify again at the next meeting.  And a political monster is born. . .  



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:   Go, Jeannie, go!  And then come here and speechify at our city meetings!

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Jeannie for President! Can I be your campaign manager? We can get a big bus and travel all over the country and you can give speeches.



We'll make our own ITT party, and it will become so popular it will win by a landslide over the other parties combined!  Because they will all say "what a great party" and join us.   :D

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I need to clean chicken pens. This should be interesting, given how fun these birds were to catch in the first place.



Maybe you could just give them pencils?   :smilielol5:  :leaving:

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These birds have not forgotten their reptilian roots. :D I call them the Vultureines because they have that turkey vulture head, just covered in feathers. And long necks and red eyes. 

My boys have named them all: Butterscotch, Toffee, Sugar, Honey and Candy. Sweet they are not.



Tell them to rename them with dinosaur names!



Butterscotchicus Rex, Toffesaurus, Sugarthomimus, Honeyteryx, and Candyphysis.



Oooo, they REALLY need to name one Bambiraptor!  There really was a Bambiraptor!

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   The funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life is watching a flock of chickens run (not terrified run, but just kind of run) from the rear. It is just a riot, it really is. You just have to stop and laugh.



I agree -- the view is quite amusing!  And so much better than them flocking right at you.

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Typically symptoms get worse with time. And there are things like chronic infections and some funky mess with the skin that can happen with untreated Cushing's. It's nice if you can figure out if the root cause is a pituitary issue or an adrenal issue. Adrenal tumors causing Cushing's do not always respond well to the medication. Pituitary Cushing's does better. 

And it's always a good idea to ask your veterinarian what you should expect with the course of a disease should it not respond to treatment, what you should look for, be aware of and so forth.



Here's hoping it's either pituitary, then, or they discover he doesn't have that after all and has something else a lot cheaper to fix.

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Quoting myself to say that after all that DRAMA, she did just fine on both assignments.  I'm so glad that I didn't cave. 



Good for you!  



When DD15 was a toddler she wouldn't stop crying once (not hungry, not needing to be changed, not tired, not gassy, just not sure what she wanted). I was at my wit's end and started crying out loud with her.  She stopped very quickly, and patted my arm with her hand.


Sigh.  Too bad that doesn't keep working once they are teens.

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I just won the best mommy award for pulling out my sewing machine and stitching up that rag he calls a blanket. He's so happy. "My magic blanket is all fixed now! Look brother, is all better!"


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Yes, you did!  Magic blankets are special things that cannot be replaced.  They can be refueled, though, by loving repairs performed by Mommy.

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I made an executive decision earlier this evening without hesitation and without checking with ANY other family that will be involved.  I so rarely do this and it might seem silly to say this (given it was a decision about something we will do while on our road trip visiting people), but it was really really important that we not only do this, but that I commit us to it right that instant.


My dearest, bestest friend from college and I are going to revisit some very old haunts and try to resurrect some old memories.  So I have committed my family to camping at Chaco Canyon and hiking around a bunch of ruins.



DH is wonderful.  I texted him this news at his conference earlier this weekend.  He simply started asking about gear, and texted me a picture of a tent that fits in the bed of a pickup truck.  Complete acceptance, no complaints.


My kids are pretty spiffy, too.  I explained to them what we will be doing and how it actually is really important to Auntie and me, and they are ready and willing, even knowing I'll make them hike around archaeological sites again.




Sometimes it's not just the elderly who need help remembering old good times.  I can't get over the appropriateness of the timing of my going through that box and finding what I did.  Now I need to go through more to see what else I can find before we see my friend.  She lost most everything in a flood just after I moved away a couple of decades ago, and doesn't have her writings and pictures (or one amazing hand-drawn map) from back then.  Anything I can find to take along will help.


New priority project has popped to the top of my list.



"earlier this weekend"  should have been "earlier this afternoon".  *sigh*

Edited by AMJ
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Wow, my brain is weird.  I needed to blow my nose, so I started looking around for a box of tissues.  As I searched near DD15 I found myself singing:


I need a Kleenex

I'm holding out for a Kleenex sometime tonight

And it's gotta be soft and it's gotta be strong

And it's gotta hold plenty tonight....


Then I found a box on DD15's desk, so that put a stop to the song.

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I just won the best mommy award for pulling out my sewing machine and stitching up that rag he calls a blanket. He's so happy. "My magic blanket is all fixed now! Look brother, is all better!"


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Awww, cute!  :001_tt1:

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I made an executive decision earlier this evening without hesitation and without checking with ANY other family that will be involved.  I so rarely do this and it might seem silly to say this (given it was a decision about something we will do while on our road trip visiting people), but it was really really important that we not only do this, but that I commit us to it right that instant.


My dearest, bestest friend from college and I are going to revisit some very old haunts and try to resurrect some old memories.  So I have committed my family to camping at Chaco Canyon and hiking around a bunch of ruins.



DH is wonderful.  I texted him this news at his conference earlier this weekend.  He simply started asking about gear, and texted me a picture of a tent that fits in the bed of a pickup truck.  Complete acceptance, no complaints.


My kids are pretty spiffy, too.  I explained to them what we will be doing and how it actually is really important to Auntie and me, and they are ready and willing, even knowing I'll make them hike around archaeological sites again.




Sometimes it's not just the elderly who need help remembering old good times.  I can't get over the appropriateness of the timing of my going through that box and finding what I did.  Now I need to go through more to see what else I can find before we see my friend.  She lost most everything in a flood just after I moved away a couple of decades ago, and doesn't have her writings and pictures (or one amazing hand-drawn map) from back then.  Anything I can find to take along will help.


New priority project has popped to the top of my list.


Ooh, you'll be tromping around in my backyard!

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