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Sorry, but YES. As long as we are watching under MY roof, Missie, we are skipping the futuristic nekkid tribal dancing scene.   It doesn't do anything to move the plot forward anyway.  


I thought I saw this movie, but I don't recall the scene you mention.  Might have to go watch it again at some point, or ask DH about it.  Maybe.

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Hey, what are the ingredients, please?  I have a friend with some pretty restrictive dietary needs, and this might, just might, be something she can eat....



I have no idea. I just stole that pic from a google search, lol!

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I just took a picture of my cat in a box. On my phone or I'd post it.


DH needs to finish cooking supper so I can eat.  I clearly need it.  I read this as you took a picture of your cat in the catbox, and was glad you didn't share.

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And I love how photobucket immediately asks if I want a framed print, canvas wrap, or metal print.



It didn't ask me that.  It simply told me the picture wasn't there, in a slightly snooty fashion, as if I didn't measure up by not knowing the picture's CURRENT location....

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That is terrible, Ellie!  We continue to have ridonkulous amounts of rain, as well.  It is the rain that never ends...


Basically, it will have rained the entire month of May.  Also, it rained some of April.


Good Gawd, yes.  Please don't let the promise of dry days this week prove to be fallacious!  PLEASE, I WANT TO DRY OUT!!!!

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Texas friends:


Please buy water wings for you and all your loved ones. Now. :scared:


Already have life jackets, properly sized so no one slips out the bottom if they are unconscious in the water.


Luckily our street didn't flood, but there is WAY too much wet around right now.

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It was fresh, thankyouverymuch.


Also, Chicken Express has the very best sweet tea in town.  They sell it by the gallon, and dh has a gallon in the fridge at all times.


Notable:  When little dd was littler, she called it "Sicken Afess Feet Tea".  I still call it that and plan to for the forseeable future.


Duckie, you really need to come to Texas.  You are missing out on so much!


I am going to have to start calling sweet tea that every time DD13 asks for it from now on!  Just to see if I can gross her out....

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We will get more rain today with a 10% chance of tornado.  


Nan is going to respite soon.  A transport will come to pick her up.  She did not pee for 48 hours and needed a nurse to come and attempt a catheterization, which was unsuccessful after three attempts, but it did stir things up enough to get her to pee.  I think she has a UTI and will need to communicate with hospice today about this.  She was very restless all night, per the nighttime caregiver.


Dh is smoking a brisket today.


How is she now?  (I hope she's okay, and not dead and my timing quite poor)

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Seems a bit unwieldy.  He'd have to hold it two handed.  And what about second hand smoke?  I bet it gives off a lot of that!  And I bet there is a huge Surgeon's Warning on that thing. . . 


:lol: :lol:

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I don't have a kindle.   :D


I have a first generation Nook, and apps on my phone and tablet.  I have ebooks in Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and Goot eBooks (Project Gutenberg).


I still prefer hardcopy, but the ebooks are quite handy at times!

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Check one out next time you're at best buy. They're neat.


If you have a smart phone just try downloading the app.  Also, ask your library what you need to check out ebooks from them.  Likely the free apps will suffice for that, too.  Goot eBooks (Project Gutenberg) is very basic format, but everything is free.  They are all books in the public domain, transcribed to ebook format by volunteers.

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I am very technologically resistant.  I have no desire for one.  I like books.  Old books are great.  I heart the way them smell.


I have a special bookcase you can come sniff any time you want!  Lots of old books, passed down over the years.

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true dat.


I do amuse myself by tormenting my ds when he's sitting on his duff doing nothing before dinner. I approach obsequiously "Oh sir, dinner  is just about to be served on the promenade deck. Shall I make a setting for you, sir? We'd be delighted if you'd grace us with your presence."


then he gets all snippy & I'm all "this ends when you get off your *ss while dinner is being made & actually help with stuff. Keep acting like a passenger, & I'll keep treating you like a passenger. Also there's a bill for this cruise...." 


Several months of this & he's mostly cured...


I might have to try this, but I'm afraid DD13 will enjoy her passenger role too much!


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You should see the roads in Santa Fe. I drove around with a map on the steering wheel for two months.


I am pretty sure it's the same type of plan. I have been to Santa Fe once. It's like they took a map, got it wet, and swirled it all around.


My phone broke. My free pay-as-you-go phone. :( It was a $600-new smartphone that I got for free and I paid $25/month for two years on it to get unlimited text and a ton of minutes. It was SUCH a great deal. I loved having that phone. I felt so frugal. I think it cost me $600 for about $3000 worth of goods and services.


So I bought a new-to-me phone, which still cost money. And a case so I don't break it. Now I need to figure out... data plan (for when I get lost) or no data plan? The prices went up and I need a new SIM because my old phone had an obsolete SIM. So the question is, given that I need to keep my # or update a million things (plus I have a good number), should I up my plan and get data for $20/more per month?


Or stick to the $30/month plan and continue getting lost at random?

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Also, I think that this thread should have its own forum.  It should be the "Ignore Thread Forum", and you have to know the secret handshake to get in.


Arghety argh!

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Ds17 loves those calls.  He uses nonsense language back.  Eventually they give up and hang up.  


I love it!  Someone else who likes to mess with them!


Once we get into rhetoric in a few years I might have to let the girls practice on the next telemarketer that calls.  That could be fun!

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Okay, I was dutiful and researched/bought some of the coming year's curricula.  Texas history for DD10, MCT LA for both.  Now I need to figure out what I want to cover for Good Citizenship.  We covered how and why the U.S. has the government it does this year.  So for next I need to decide whether to do World Geography and Governments of Other Countries, or instead go through the Texas state government and smaller levels of government.


I also need to decide what to use for DD13's history (early modern era).  As usual I need to take choosing/buying in bits and pieces, so I don't over purchase and over plan.


DH is heating up the grill to cook salmon and corn on the cob.  I get to read another page or two, provided the robot vacuum lets me.  It tends to get hung up a lot.  Honestly, our Neato isn't as hands-off as our Roombas.  It's like having another child, though one who is at least willing to try.


Well that's better than me.  I'm looking at stuff I bought a month ago and thinking I shouldn't have gotten it.  <sigh>


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Rocky just led us on a glorious chase through the neighborhood.  We chased him past four houses before I got a clue and started to run back toward my house and our open car.  He thought that it was even more fun to chase me and hopped into the car.  Then I had to drive him around the neighborhood so that the lure of the open car door will still work next time.  Stupid dog.  Fortunately we still have about five minutes before we have to leave for the wedding.  


And now you have a fun topic of discussion for derailing any conversation you don't like!

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If you have a smart phone just try downloading the app. Also, ask your library what you need to check out ebooks from them. Likely the free apps will suffice for that, too. Goot eBooks (Project Gutenberg) is very basic format, but everything is free. They are all books in the public domain, transcribed to ebook format by volunteers.

Dude. So not the same thing.

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Unfortunately I post all about my relationship with my ex issues and he is a legitimate ass so then I get embarrassed to meet people IRL.


I should probably get over it and have you all over to a metope. Hi, Chrome? Which do you think is more likely to be a word I would use, meetup (granted, needs a hyphen, but still) or metope? What the heck is a metope?



  1. In classical architecture, a metope (μετόπη) is a rectangular architectural element that fills the space between two triglyphs in a Doric frieze, which is a decorative band of alternating triglyphs and metopes above the architrave of a building of the Doric order.
  2. Ah yes. Let's have a metope.




:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Confession:  When I last taught in 2007, I used an overhead projector.  The students thought it was weird, but cool. 



The world did a lot of changing all those years I was broke and in seminary.  I still don't have the energy to catch up.  


I wish I HAD an overhead projector.  There are some things that are just so much easier to share with the kids if I can project the image bigger onto the wall or whiteboard.

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I am finally sort of almost done my research project.  But I have to take a break.  My brain hurts too much with a migraine coming on.  My last 2 cats leave for their new home in the next 30 minutes or so (ds11 is allergic, we found this out when we had 5 adult cats and 5 kittens in the house, these are the last 2 of them all and they are going together).  Dinner is cooking and when I finally hit the submit key on this assignment to my teacher I am going to go right to bed.  Well maybe after snooping around timberdoodle for a bit lol

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I occasionally hand the phone over to my three year-old.  That's entertaining.  


I'd be tempted to do this with my 2-year-old nephew, but the last time someone let him have a phone (saying, "Don't worry, that's a LifeProof case.  He can't hurt the phone.") DN promptly drowned it repeatedly and with great glee in the dogs' water bowl.  Turns out that case wasn't one of their waterproof ones....

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Oh, and my violin and cello students love it when I pull out my tuning fork. It is the most awesome thing ever! Works on old fashioned vibrations, costs $4, lasts indefinitely, and doesn't need batteries or an iAnything!



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At an antique store, I showed two young girls how to use a manual typewriter that was in one of the booths. They were totally stunned.


Did you tell them that the writing process is a lot more visceral on those things?

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Every morning I read the threads that look interesting from the past 24 hours and take notes on anything good. I've got some real gems saved up.


Hey, maybe to celebrate post #10,000 you should do a recap!

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My dh is an early adopter of all technology.  He is way into his Iphone 6.  I think it is big and clunky.  Ain't nobody got time for that.


DH and I spend our time laughing at all of the "major developments" that get credited to the iPhone line.  The Android line has had all of them for a few years now.  It's why we switched -- we needed the bigger screen size sooner than Apple bothered to provide it.  My aging eyes just couldn't handle all of the tiny print on a tiny screen.  I love my phablet.  I can actually read the screen and use it!


It's also my main line of communication now, especially the texting.  SOOOOO handy to have asynchronous yet timely communication, especially with my worsening hearing.

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I'm only annoying if I've had too much coffee. Then I can't seem to stop talking.


Also, I'm bringing back the sexy.  (Because I just like the sound of that.)


In unrelated, actual homeschooling news, I planned a kick butt summer of the first ten chapters of my BFF's book History of the Ancient World combined with The Greenleaf Guide to Ancient Literature (covering Gilgamesh, Genesis, and Daniel, and The Odyssey) and supplemented with The Great Courses lectures on The Odyssey.  Boom.  I sound so intellectual.  The boys will hate me.


My kids can join your kids is parentteacher hating!  That reminds me, I need to order a copy of SWB's Medieval history book.

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Well that's better than me.  I'm looking at stuff I bought a month ago and thinking I shouldn't have gotten it.  <sigh>



I almost ordered a Teaching Co course I already own. "Oooh, that looks good, I need that! Wait, didn't  have this thought already a while back?"  Toddles off to the bookshelves. "Yup, here it is."


Kid helpfully points out "we did that last year, remember?"


:confused1:   "Um, no..."

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It's not there anymore!


I have a bad habit of going through and deleting duplicate pics.  If I deleted the dupe of the one I posted, it's all over.  Ya gotta be quick!

How is she now?  (I hope she's okay, and not dead and my timing quite poor)

Nan came back from respite looking like hell!  But, for her, that means closer to the pearly gates, and that is not bad.  I am current staring at her, and she is still breathing in and out.  :)


I almost ordered a Teaching Co course I already own. "Oooh, that looks good, I need that! Wait, didn't  have this thought already a while back?"  Toddles off to the bookshelves. "Yup, here it is."


Kid helpfully points out "we did that last year, remember?"


:confused1:   "Um, no..."

Welcome to my life.  I have to clean out every few months and give away the books I have 2-3 copies of.  Ugh.

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phew, assignment submitted, discussion post related to it done.  It is not my best work, and I am kicking myself for being behind, because at the bottom of the rubric it shows I could have gotten 5 bonus points just for submitting my goals part of the assignment a week ago for feedback.  So that was 5 points down the drain.  I am hoping I still did well, but I am not happy with the work.  Which sucks because now I will lose the 100% I have in the course.

Oh well 3 weeks left of this term and then 2 month break.  Now I can focus on what my own kids need for schooling.

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The American Holmes show is called Elementary.  I like it, too, as well as Sherlock, because it does a decent job and I like Lucy Liu.  It is NOT canon, however, and anyone who is a stickler for canon Holmes won't like it.  It can be silly, however, and in a good way that is still different from the BBC version.



Yes! That's the one.  Dh likes it too, but I vetoed it.  (I hold veto power in our marriage.)  I'm a loyal purist, I guess.  If you can call the BBC version pure (which really you can't, but the writing is phenomenal.)  


The wait is killing me, though.  The next special airs Christmas (in the UK) and who knows… the next 3-episode season may not be airing for at least a year after that.


But Heinz ketchup.  


I will wait.  

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