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Good Morning!!



School and work!!

Busy busy busy today!!

I teach two classes and in and amongst those I drive to the foothills to visit one family and then I drive out to the far reaches of the County to visit another family. Both of these families I’ve had for 5 years now on my roster and they are as dear as can be, so I enjoy the visits.


Oooh,  Booya/h!!

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Let the Wild Tuesdaying begin!

[British accent]

On this episode of Homeschoolers Gone Wild...

Feeling far behind and under the pressure of a chapter test, 7's clever teen gets all the steps of complicated chemistry problems right... using the wrong molar mass for some of the most essential molecules for life on Earth.



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This morning, with a live phone representative walking me through all the steps, I filed a formal complaint against a well-known seller on eBay. The seller gave out my personal information without my knowledge or consent. I have proof of this thanks to the receipt I have from the third party that the seller admitted to purchasing from after I bought the book. Yep, I have that admission in a saved email from the seller. I've also spoken to the third party where the physical book came from. The person who actually fulfilled my order had no idea I wasn't the person who ordered the book because all the info that was given to her was mine.

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Baby has new glasses! (Same prescription. Our wild morning was punctuated with frequent sounds of a polycarbonate lens hitting the floor, as the frames had had a structural failure.) I found a place that offers cheap frames and same-day service. We walked in at 2:25 PM with a printout of the prescription and no appointment. By 3:00, the glasses were in the works. I returned at 6:30 and picked them up, and they'd been ready for a while. And we had money left in the HSA to pay for them.

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Good Evening!

We were up at Dark O'Clock and headed out at dawn for the Giant Ark of Kentucky where we met up with dd15's long time penpal & family who were visiting there from the Seattle area.  Super sweet family.  From there we drove a couple hours NW to the Indianapolis area to visit David's mom, brother, and SIL.  We're at a hotel for the night and will visit more tomorrow morning and then head back home around lunch time.

No More Coffee Tonight!

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Good Evening!

We finally made it home.  It took 7-1/2 instead of 5 hours due to tornado thunderstorms crossing our path.  We had to keep stopping because of Very Scary Clouds ahead or because it started raining so hard I couldn't see out the windshield.  I just want to go to sleep.

There is something seriously wrong with the van which added an extra layer of stress to the trip.  Probably the brakes or alignment or maybe both.  Also the back door still won't open from the outside.  I'll have to see if we can all use ds28's car tomorrow so I can bring it to the shop.

Another dramatic storm is blowing through.


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Posted (edited)

Good Morning!

It's Thursday, right?  I woke up a bit after six and got ready quick so I could get the van to the shop right when it opened at 7.  I am not looking forward to the bill for this.  Really, though, I ask them every time to see how the brakes are looking and they always say they look good.  Even last month.  I don't see how they can go from "good" to scraping metal in a month.

I sent out a general text requesting that someone come and get me and eventually dd17 got there.  The boys were still sound asleep.

Ds19 has work and I have orchestra rehearsal tonight and at some point between those two things I need to go grocery shopping.


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Good morning!

I have to pick up dd15's retainer today and bring dd17 to the park to meet with the Eagle project ranger and tonight I have to go to a fancy dinner for SIL's graduation.  Dd15 is making all the meals today for a scout badge requirement.  
Dd17 needs another half credit in social studies so I think we'll do geography, which she has been doing in conjunction with history for many many years.  Since she likes to draw I'd like to add one of those programs where you learn geography by drawing the continents and countries.  Any recommendations?


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7 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Since she likes to draw I'd like to add one of those programs where you learn geography by drawing the continents and countries.  Any recommendations?


I thought Visualize World Geography was pretty good. It has you use associations to remember what countries are where and in what shapes. For example, Africa starts with flipping a hippo upside down (South Africa). She's wearing sunglasses: the left lens is Lesotho and the right lens Eswatini. The continent also features a dog (Mozambique), a snake (made of the countries along the West African coast), a clown with tufts of hair, a bouquet of flowers, a car that's out of gas (Madagascar), an eagle (Egypt and its southern neighbors), a singing bird (Cameroon) and its egg (Equatorial Guinea), a boy with a blanket, and more. I consider it pretty effective given that *I* remember that five years after learning it.

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Good Morning!!!



School and work. DD1 has senioritis badly. She was begging to come with me to the mountains today, which would have been wonderful. I could definitely use the company and she is good company. But, the mom in me insisted that she go to school because school is important. Plus, she has an appointment at 4:30 to get her nails done for prom and i won’t be getting home until 5:30.

Meeting with 5 families today! Busy busy. Three of them are mountain families. Next week things settle down a bit.

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I had a good experience practicing self-advocacy this morning at the mechanic.   feel that my questions and concerns were taken seriously and the manager was really thorough in making sure I understood what had happened.  So that's done.  Still am going to need to be seriously looking at a new-to-me vehicle sooner than later as the van is showing serious signs of it's age and milage.  Still hoping we can get to a quarter million miles.


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Good Morning!!!



Slept in pretty good this morning!! Today we go to a lunch for the new youth pastor candidate and then DD1 has prom. Fortunately, everything is pretty much taken care of and while the venue is pretty far away, some kid that is sitting at their table rented a limo for their group. I am glad about that. Wasn’t looking forward to driving them, or having her drive.

It’s supposed to be hot today.

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Posted (edited)

Good for you, Susan. Way to self-advocate. Both our Sienna and Corolla just turned over 200,000 miles. The Corolla is running strong. The Sienna has had some issues, but DH still wants to drive it. I got a new Camry this spring, since I drive all over the place for my work and DD1 is driving the Corolla. She finally got her driver’s license and it has been a huge help for her to be able to drive herself and other people around. 


Did I happen to mention we love Toyotas? 😂 The new Camry is amazing. I took it to the mountains yesterday for the first time and it handles really well.

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Good morning!

I brought the girls to the Beautiful University for lesson scholarship auditions.  They have auditioned every year for the past, oh, 9 years maybe? And have never been offered a scholarship.  But it's a good experience for them and practice for the recital next week.  They puffy heart love their teacher.  She's awesome.

Now we are home for a bit until son-in-law's graduation which takes place 5 minutes from here, but also at the same time and general place as the Rodeo parade, so could be an exciting mile and a half.  I guess we could walk.  The weather is beautiful.

The Pups are having a barking-chase-wrestling match around the coffee table.  It's so funny.

I have been instructed to not look in the refrigerator.


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Graduation was very nice.  I think it's likely the only graduation where you can expect to sing 3-5 "Gregorian" chants.  There was a reception after but I did not get a mini cannoli, so skipped the food stuff.  No one was hungry for pizza dinner but I served it anyways and dd17 said the cheese pizza tasted wonky. 


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DD1 is off to prom.  We took pictures down by the river. The girls were absolutely gorgeous, The boys looked like high school boys in suits. 🤣 They all looked great.  I think they are having a great time,

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Good Morning!!



Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate.

We’re having Mother’s Day here. I’m doing all the work. Well, most of it. My mom is bring pies and my aunt a fruit salad. I am up at 5:00 this morning to put the pork shoulder in the crock pot for pulled pork sandwiches, I didn’t sleep well anyways, Too hot. 

DD1 made it home from prom, At least the car was in the garage this morning, so I am assuming she made it home.

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Update on eBay drama: 

The third party Amazon seller (a nonprofit organization that the eBay seller bought from after I paid eBay) asked me to keep the item rather than them paying return shipping and then processed a full refund to the eBay seller in hopes that doing so would trigger/expedite my own eBay refund. I offered to buy the item directly through the third party after the refund is processed, but the representative said no, please keep it after all that you have gone through with this eBay seller. It's just the cost of doing business and really not worth enough to them to pay return shipping. 

Well, eBay refused to refund me even with me providing proof that the third party has already refunded the eBay seller. The eBay rep actually got livid and accused me of trying to get something for nothing and told me she personally will make it her mission to not allow me to do such a thing. This eBay rep says I can either return the item so that it can be tracked by UPS or I can keep the item and not get a refund.

In addition to this, my negative feedback for the eBay seller has been removed for the first item I purchased (remember, I bought two separate items from this seller, so two negative feedbacks). I did not break any eBay policy in my feedback, but apparently the seller can have any negative feedback removed once the item has been refunded or partially refunded whether eBay feedback policy is violated or not.

I will contact the third party on Monday to let them know that eBay is still insisting on my returning the item. I feel bad that they will be the ones left paying the return shipping fee because of the return shipping label.

I am disgusted that this eBay seller will continue to get away with this type of selling practice and that eBay will support and protect them every step of the way. I will be closing my eBay account after this is resolved and I am refunded.

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Good afternoon!

ugh that's a mess, Servie!

I'm home after playing for services this morning.  Remind me to not be available next year on Mother's Day.  I put some oil in the van and am now having leftover potato soup for lunch.


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I churched and Costcoed and have all the owies. I need a massage. It's mother's day, so I might demand one. We have tools, so it's not hard.

Tired. Want carbs. Chocolate carbs.

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Happy Monday to you!
You live in a zoo.
You look like a keeper,
And you sound like one, too.


[pictured: students listening attentively for their morning assignments)


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Good Morning!!!



School and work!!

I don’t have quite the schedule as I did last week, but it’s still pretty busy. The Spring Choir Concert is tonight at the girls’ school. DD1 and Baby are both involved in that.

Had a pretty good Mother’s Day yesterday. Lunch went well. 

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

It's a new day.  I think I can I think I can...

I'm driving dd17 to a volunteer thing because she's "pretty sure" I'll need to sign a consent form despite the fact that I did it online.  Really I suspect she just doesn't want to drive there herself.  7 minutes from the house, lol.

Music lessons and scouts tonight.  With a chemistry test in between.  Once dd is done with the volunteer hours this morning she will have all her Eagle rank requirements completed.


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I think I have all my end-of-year books ordered.  I gained a student to buy for, though son-in-law has just graduated this year so this is it for him, lol.

Dd17 was awarded a scholarship for her violin lessons next year. 🙂  

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Good mornigne!

All the tabs on my ipad have disappeared.  It seems I created a new tab screen with just this forum on it, but I can't find the screen that has this plus the library and all my other usual tabs.  Oh well.  This is the important one, anyways.

I was hoping to go to a glasses shop this morning and see if I can find new frames.  I dread the process because my eyes are so bad that I really can't see anything unless it's 4 inches from my face and that makes it difficult to see if I like the glasses frames or not.  I can take selfies but the process is so tedious.  Gonna need plenty of



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Posted (edited)

Median home sale price here in the Triangle of NC is nearly $400k.
A used Toyota minivan (2 years old) is $44k.
Sweet potatoes, to my consternation, have now crossed the $1/lb. mark.

*I* think it's a little high, but I bought my house a number of years ago and only have one kid. It says it's for two kids. Might still be pretty generous, but it's not wild.


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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Slache said:

Does this seem wildly inaccurate to y'all? Krissi, shush.


I think people have different ideas of "comfortable".  If we had that income here in TN I would consider us quite wealthy.  Probably it would mean we would hire people to clean the house and do the yardwork and eat out rather than make meals at home and have new cars and go on a family vacation or two each year.  Especially with a smaller family, it would mean more expensive activities for the kids and clothes purchased at stores in a mall rather than thrift stores.

As it is, I think we really have it quite comfortable, and I'm not a stickler for a spotless house, so that helps, lol.

Also in NY and CA, those numbers seem woefully small if you are living in the Manhattan or San Francisco or other major metropolitan areas.

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4 hours ago, Slache said:

Does this seem wildly inaccurate to y'all? Krissi, shush.


Yes, I think this is widely inaccurate, although I agree that there are different opinions of "comfortable". 

It lists $251K for NJ.   We don't make nearly that as a household and we are definitely what I would consider "comfortable".   And we are in one of the higher COL areas of this very HCOL state.    

These estimates seem way too high.

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Hello All, Happy Tuesday Night.

I've been kind of crazy busy lately.   Plus I hurt my back (again! but different muscle this time), so I haven't been sleeping well so I've been super tired and going to bed early.  

We booked our Alaskan Cruise without the kids because we knew ds wouldn't want to go, and we didn't think dd would be interested.  Neither has ever been on a plane and neither particularly likes to travel.  Turns out dd DOES want to go, but also basically had an anxiety attack over us being away for a week that far away.  So, we ended up adding her to our trip.   I'm sure she'll have an amazing time, although we may need to sedate her for the flight.  

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That map was shared on Facebook and a ton of people were like "I know" and "It's so bad." Don't get me wrong, I think it's bad, but I could make half that and be beyond comfortable. 

I saw another post about someone complaining about how horrendous summer camp has become and they're sending their kid to a week of something for $200. I was like $200 for a week of shelter, food and activities and you're complaining? I think that's really good.

I have no idea what's going on the world. 

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So, loads of excitement at the girls’ school today. There was a bomb scare. The device looked genuine, but it wasn’t. Lockdown, Sheriff, police, fire department…. everyone was there. I was getting a play by play from all three of the girls. Then, it was all over, and tons of parents flocked to get their kids. I’m like, why would I do that? They’re safe now.🤣 And DD1 knows me so well. She’s like, “I told my friend, ‘My mom’s not going to come and get me.” 

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9 hours ago, Slache said:

I saw another post about someone complaining about how horrendous summer camp has become and they're sending their kid to a week of something for $200. I was like $200 for a week of shelter, food and activities and you're complaining? I think that's really good.

$200 for an overnight camp is an amazing deal. It's $300 for a week of day camp (BYO water, lunch, and snacks) at the YMCA here.

I wonder about the methodology behind the map. If most people live in the cities, it might be that they built the state figures based on that. In NC, half the population lives in either the Raleigh or Charlotte metro areas, and real estate figures they used may be inflated by beach houses. But you can live (for now) more cheaply in the counties between the cities--especially if you wanted to buy a small parcel and build the house.

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