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9 hours ago, Junie said:

About the balance beam:

A long time ago several of our girls took gymnastics classes.  They were fun, no-competition classes.  

Dd12 was very timid on the balance beam, especially the one at regular height. 

We found out much later that she needed a glasses with a very strong prescription.  It occurred to me one day to ask her if her eyesight caused her problems when she was doing the beam.  She told me that she couldn't see the floor!  No wonder she was timid!

I've done this a few times with younger dd.  When she was trying to do TKD by Zoom, it didn't occur to me for way too long that she was having trouble because she couldn't see what was going on.   I also tend to forget to tell her to get her glasses during class until I see her squinting to see the screen.   She doesn't need them most of the time but when she's trying to see details far away, she definitely does. 

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Morning.  It's an extremely windy day today.  I can hear stuff blowing around outside and the wrap on the house keeps billowing.   It's somewhat disturbing.  

Every Monday I'm glad that it's my easiest day of the week.  All teenagers, relatively easy classes to teach.  

Dd comes in with me today.  I forgot to tell her to take a shower yesterday so I just woke her up and told her to wake up a little then get in the shower.  She said she doesn't have time.   We don't leave for almost 90 minutes.   I think she has time.   I think my kids are spoiled from not having to get out the door every day.

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This is my last week of the current session so in addition to class stuff, house stuff, homeschool stuff, I'm trying to coordinate registration stuff.   Always a fun time but in past years I took a week off between sessions.  Didn't do that this year because of timing with holidays.  I didn't want to be off a week, on a week, off for Thanksgiving, back on for three weeks, on again.   Same thing would have happened with Presidents Day, back for one week off again.   But it's making it more work for me.  I think I may need to rethink for next year. 

Edited by DorothyNJ
ETA: A too much to do and I did it to myself booya.
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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

We have the usual Monday Things going on today.  Except scout meetings are changing a little.  The boys' troop is now meeting on Saturdays and the girls' troop is meeting at the normal time inside.  I need to finalize the very short lesson plans for Wed. night children's choir.


Edited by Susan in TN
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24 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Gaming, cello, scouts, food. 😁 

Does he enjoy cooking or just food? Oldest loved when we had a couple meals delivered from Hello Fresh that he cooked for the family.

New game

scouting equipment

musicbook or extra strings or maybe one of those automatic digital tuners that clip on? 

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Morning, btw!

Snow. Coffee. Sounds cozy, right?

Nope. We discovered this morning that SOMEHOW, Middle did some serious problem solving yesterday. He must've combined his love of pressing buttons with his desire to climb because he managed to "problem solve" our thermostat into turning off the furnace. We woke up freezing!

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11 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Morning, btw!

Snow. Coffee. Sounds cozy, right?

Nope. We discovered this morning that SOMEHOW, Middle did some serious problem solving yesterday. He must've combined his love of pressing buttons with his desire to climb because he managed to "problem solve" our thermostat into turning off the furnace. We woke up freezing!


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17 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Does he enjoy cooking or just food? Oldest loved when we had a couple meals delivered from Hello Fresh that he cooked for the family.


This is an interesting idea - he might really love that!  (I was thinking mainly "eating of food" but he does enjoy cooking as well.)

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1 minute ago, Servant4Christ said:

Oldest has read the entire box of books, some 3-4 times! I just bought 7 more on Amazon and eBay. We may have to go back to using a traditional reading curriculum next year before we go broke. 😂

We have never used a traditional reading curriculum.  I just turned our house into a library. :)

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1 minute ago, Junie said:

Personally, I am not a fan.  My kids read a few of them and then later balked at reading the real works because they had "already read them".

I hadn't thought of that. I just know he loves to read but isn't old enough to really understand the full unabridged versions yet. He has a couple books from the Reader's Digest Best Loved series from when DH was a kid and has literally worn out the Tom Sawyer book so it has me wondering which of the 2 series he might like best. I was also thinking as the younger boys get a little older, Oldest could read to them aloud to his little brothers.

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33 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I ran to The Lobby of Hobbies this morning to look at materials for a possible Christmas project.  Then stopped by the library and ended up buying two books from their book sale corner - a book of Poe tales illustrated by Arthur Rackham and the Metaxas biography of Bonhoeffer.

I'm reading this right now.  I don't read a lot of non-fiction -- especially long non-fiction -- but this is really good.

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

I'm reading this right now.  I don't read a lot of non-fiction -- especially long non-fiction -- but this is really good.

I loved it - I read it years ago, and I think one of my high schoolers is supposed to read it this year.  I felt like it gave me a better understanding of what it was like to be a German in that era.

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30 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

I loved it - I read it years ago, and I think one of my high schoolers is supposed to read it this year.  I felt like it gave me a better understanding of what it was like to be a German in that era.

I imagine that ds20 will enjoy it.  He really enjoys reading about war history -- and there's much in here about Hitler and his plans.

For a while I was getting concerned about ds20's reading choices.  When he was about 14 or 15 he started checking out library books about criminals, gangsters, dictators.  I joked that I was going to create a high school class for him called Bad Guys in History.  In the end, he just read them for "fun".

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Morning.   Today is going to be a typical Tuesday for me since I dropped my ballot in a box weeks ago.   I didn't meet dd for yoga today since she had to be at work early for some kind of inventory thing.   I'm doing an escape room for the last CSI class so spent last night setting that all up.  

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Morning! We woke up to normal indoor temp this morning which felt great. Middle was so exhausted last night (still adjusting to the time change) that he actually WANTED to go to bed. At 7:30! And he slept through the night and didn't wake until just after 7 this morning. This is so unusual since he typically fights sleep like it's the worst form of torture imaginable and then semi-wakes at least once during the night.


Edited by Servant4Christ
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Good Morning!!!!



School and work!!!

I slept great last night. Everyone had been up so late on Sunday night/Monday morning that half of us were wiped out and the other half were completely ramped up.Baby was running around at 10:00 and I’m like, “Get to bed.” “I’m not tired, Mommy.” I knew the minute her head actually hit the pillow she’s be out like a light. 

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