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Dh built some shelves yesterday and ds got to “help.†He was so excited he wouldn’t come in the house for a snack all afternoon and then he ate 3.5 bowls of soup for dinner! :wub:


Aaaaaaand since dh was in such a good mood about the shelves turning out well I went ahead and told him I’d be going out Friday nights bc I joined a schola and he just said, “ok, write it down on a post-it so I don’t forget.†ðŸ˜


Spudz & Co. are knocking it out of the park!



I’m no success story in those areas, but the most helpful principle I’ve come across is, “If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly.†So if you have to stop exercising after ten minutes bc the kids are revolting, don’t think “what the heck is the point?!†Think “yay for me, I exercised ten minutes!â€


G.K. Chesterton. Love love love the Chesterton.



You are beautiful people. I'm glad you exist.

🌼🌼🌼 You aren't too shabby yourself! 🌼🌼🌼

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Critter's household is going down. I'm not feeling good and I'm dizzy whenever I stand up. Teenage Turtle one hasn't left his shell on the couch. Current temperature 102. Turtle two rallied and is helping me get through the laundry. DH is worn out taking care of us and is terrified he'll go down before he cuts enough firewood to get us through the cold spell. 


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Critter's household is going down. I'm not feeling good and I'm dizzy whenever I stand up. Teenage Turtle one hasn't left his shell on the couch. Current temperature 102. Turtle two rallied and is helping me get through the laundry. DH is worn out taking care of us and is terrified he'll go down before he cuts enough firewood to get us through the cold spell. 



Oh no!  hugs for all!  Rest!  liquids!  EmergenC!  Hoping your dh doesn't get it!  

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People behind us in the grocery line probably think we have a survivalist bunker somewhere.




We don't.  We just really really really dislike food shopping for our family of seven, and go as infrequently as possible!  It usually involves two carts.  :leaving:  



My SIL has 5 kids, 4 of them bottomless pits.  She grocery shops nearly every day because most days she doesn't have someone to help handle a second cart.  When she does have someone to handle a second cart she sometimes (but not always) gets to not grocery shop the next day.

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So do I!  But I'm told by someone who had one as a kid that mopping out the water and dust from under them is a nightmare. 


True?  Anyone have one?  


Because I do not want to kill my Pinterest-Inspired-Clawfoot-Tub-Dream unless I really have to. 



Grandpa's bathroom had a floor drain.  I never heard him or Mom complain of trouble cleaning under his tub.

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Who are you for in this game - Vikings vs. Saints?  



Can I root for the ball?


Go, ball, go!

Wriggle out of his grip!

Bounce outside of bounds!

Fall over on the kick stand!



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Critter's household is going down. I'm not feeling good and I'm dizzy whenever I stand up. Teenage Turtle one hasn't left his shell on the couch. Current temperature 102. Turtle two rallied and is helping me get through the laundry. DH is worn out taking care of us and is terrified he'll go down before he cuts enough firewood to get us through the cold spell. 




:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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John: What's for dinner?

Daddy: Taco salad.

John: But regular salad is healthier.

Daddy: Do you want regular salad instead?

John: Yeah.





I will reiterate: I do not understand this "taco salad" thing. What about a taco can be turned into a salad? What about a salad can be made into a taco (other than putting lettuce and tomato on it)?


This takes me back to the uncomfortable time at Bible study when they were deciding who was bringing what to the potluck. They said I could bring "taco chips" for the taco salad. I asked what are taco chips, and what is a taco salad. I got the strangest looks. They were like, just regular taco chips. And I was like, there's a bag that says "taco chips" on it? I've never seen that. And one lady was like, you can just get some corn chips and we'll break them up and put them on top of the salad. And I was like, wait. You want me to buy a big bag of Tostitos or something so you can break up a handful to put on top of the salad? Is that what makes it a taco? And they were giving me weird looks and were like, you've never had a taco salad? And I was like, I'm married to a MEXICAN and never heard of one. Except from a couple of gringos in passing. But, I've never seen one. So I went home and googled it. And I still don't get why it's called a taco salad.


So explain it to me. Keeping in mind that our tacos are soft-shelled.

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I will reiterate: I do not understand this "taco salad" thing. What about a taco can be turned into a salad? What about a salad can be made into a taco (other than putting lettuce and tomato on it)?


This takes me back to the uncomfortable time at Bible study when they were deciding who was bringing what to the potluck. They said I could bring "taco chips" for the taco salad. I asked what are taco chips, and what is a taco salad. I got the strangest looks. They were like, just regular taco chips. And I was like, there's a bag that says "taco chips" on it? I've never seen that. And one lady was like, you can just get some corn chips and we'll break them up and put them on top of the salad. And I was like, wait. You want me to buy a big bag of Tostitos or something so you can break up a handful to put on top of the salad? Is that what makes it a taco? And they were giving me weird looks and were like, you've never had a taco salad? And I was like, I'm married to a MEXICAN and never heard of one. Except from a couple of gringos in passing. But, I've never seen one. So I went home and googled it. And I still don't get why it's called a taco salad.


So explain it to me. Keeping in mind that our tacos are soft-shelled.



It's a gringo thing.  Like calling a hamburger hotdish "Hungarian Goulash" (they couldn't even spell the word right).

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I will reiterate: I do not understand this "taco salad" thing. What about a taco can be turned into a salad? What about a salad can be made into a taco (other than putting lettuce and tomato on it)?


This takes me back to the uncomfortable time at Bible study when they were deciding who was bringing what to the potluck. They said I could bring "taco chips" for the taco salad. I asked what are taco chips, and what is a taco salad. I got the strangest looks. They were like, just regular taco chips. And I was like, there's a bag that says "taco chips" on it? I've never seen that. And one lady was like, you can just get some corn chips and we'll break them up and put them on top of the salad. And I was like, wait. You want me to buy a big bag of Tostitos or something so you can break up a handful to put on top of the salad? Is that what makes it a taco? And they were giving me weird looks and were like, you've never had a taco salad? And I was like, I'm married to a MEXICAN and never heard of one. Except from a couple of gringos in passing. But, I've never seen one. So I went home and googled it. And I still don't get why it's called a taco salad.


So explain it to me. Keeping in mind that our tacos are soft-shelled.


It's definitely a gringo thing. Our tacos are made with soft corn tortillas, but taco salads are not really tacos. Tonight was the following in a bowl:


Ground beef with cumin, paprika, red pepper, pepper salt, oregano, garlic powder...

Corn chips

Bell peppers

Iceberg lettuce


Sour cream

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I'm tired.  I still have to get a few more things gathered, but I think I'll do that first thing in the morning.  Imma going to bed.


We'll be leaving as soon as it's light, if we are ready.  I'll try to check in periodically this time, though I don't know how that will work out.


Everyone stay safe, and I'll see you later.

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St. Cow is a thing?

It's the closest thing to holy cow I could come up with when I was like 6 and everyone thought it was funny.


Like, inteliburro is a thing in our house. But, it's not really what's said. I just don't want unknowing ITTers to go out and use that phrase and think they're cool or something.  :tongue_smilie:  :smilielol5:

Why not?

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