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I am thinking that a simple and inexpensive way to do our "random acts of kindness" Advent calendar thing would be to write or print all the things on strips of paper and then as they are done, the kids can link them together to make a chain garland for the Christmas tree.



When I was growing up we used to make construction paper chains for the tree every year.  I like this version.  

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I am at a writing point where I don't know if I will pull off winning NaNoWriMo this year.  I'm struggling to find it in me to get the writing done.  So I ordered my winner shirt today.  Now I HAVE to finish!

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I am thinking that a simple and inexpensive way to do our "random acts of kindness" Advent calendar thing would be to write or print all the things on strips of paper and then as they are done, the kids can link them together to make a chain garland for the Christmas tree.


This is such a lovely idea!

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I am at a writing point where I don't know if I will pull off winning NaNoWriMo this year.  I'm struggling to find it in me to get the writing done.  So I ordered my winner shirt today.  Now I HAVE to finish!


You know, I have never ordered a winner's shirt. I'm always broke! They had a coffee cup that I liked this year, but I don't drink coffee.

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Sadly, he is the 3yo. And if someone called him a baby he’d probably just start making baby animal noises and come curl up in my lap.

My DS was 4. It has to be a cool peer; some kid he’s friends with. I’d tried everything and all it took was one sneer from his new bff (bless that kid!).

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The bathtub is a great place to do schoolwork.  We do history here, though, not Greek.  To each his own.  :hat:


I don't do Greek - one of the recent Faces magazines was about Greece, and he liked the alphabet, so I put on a Greek alphabet song on YouTube, and he memorized it like instantaneously. 


Overachiever! :D





:) He also did art (or well, used a bunch of bathtub fingerpaints... he said he accidentally used too much. I only saw the very gross water at the end). 

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My parents are being helpful. I must have scared them with my mini melt down. And they may have noticed DH is not so helpful and took pity on me. He apparently can do nothing with a broken finger. (doc said it’s both broken and a torn muscle now) I nurse Baby alone in my room whenever I need a break so it’s not too bad.


My doctor also agreed I need to increase my thyroid meds so that should probably make me feel better too.


Now if only my nephew and niece will behave themselves when they get here everything will be great! My kids are mostly shy and quiet- my brother’s are handfuls. My dog and cats will be scared.

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Daddy read at 4 and big bro read at 3 so obviously she can do the same.



If I had to list all the things Broccoli and I could do at age x that Celery couldn't do at age x, I'd be busy for quite a while. 


Not all kids are the same, even in the same family. Which often doesn't mean anything. I couldn't read until I was 6. My reading is just fine now (and has been since I was about 6.5yo, at which point I started being ahead). 

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Imma go cook now. And finished laundry. It feels like I've been doing laundry all day!



I started laundry this morning, then made DD16 do hers.  When I got home from the grocery store (again today) I asked her to also run the towels from the girls' bathroom.





I need to go cook wild rice.  I couldn't find Mom's recipe, but Aunt Mary's wild rice stuffing is close, so I'm using that to keep me on track on proportions.  I'm making wild rice casserole ahead of time so I can just heat it up Thursday.  I'll make extra, and we can have that with our ready-made grocery store meatloaf for supper tonight.



I didn't have any lunch.  No wonder I'm hungry!  No wonder I bought so much at the store!

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Trigger Warning






Highlights from History!


Me: who becomes President if the President dies?

DS: the Vice-President

Me: and if he dies?

DS: his wife!


And if that’s not enough for you....

Me: I’ve never seen the Mississippi River. I’d love to go see it.

DD: oooh, I wouldn’t want to see it. Well.... maybe. Do they have a gift shop?

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Trigger Warning






Highlights from History!


Me: who becomes President if the President dies?

DS: the Vice-President

Me: and if he dies?

DS: his wife!


And if that’s not enough for you....

Me: I’ve never seen the Mississippi River. I’d love to go see it.

DD: oooh, I wouldn’t want to see it. Well.... maybe. Do they have a gift shop?



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I started laundry this morning, then made DD16 do hers.  When I got home from the grocery store (again today) I asked her to also run the towels from the girls' bathroom.





I need to go cook wild rice.  I couldn't find Mom's recipe, but Aunt Mary's wild rice stuffing is close, so I'm using that to keep me on track on proportions.  I'm making wild rice casserole ahead of time so I can just heat it up Thursday.  I'll make extra, and we can have that with our ready-made grocery store meatloaf for supper tonight.



I didn't have any lunch.  No wonder I'm hungry!  No wonder I bought so much at the store!


I'm the opposite of most people -- I have to shop hungry.


If I go to the grocery store and I'm not hungry, I will end up with virtually nothing in my cart.  I will look at the food on the shelves or in the coolers and nothing will look good, so I will leave it there.


I end up back at the grocery store a few days later to try again.


It is much easier for me to skip a meal and grocery shop and then make something for myself to eat when I get home.



ETA:  Grocery Strategy Booyah!!

Edited by Junie
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Trigger Warning






Highlights from History!


Me: who becomes President if the President dies?

DS: the Vice-President

Me: and if he dies?

DS: his wife!


And if that’s not enough for you....

Me: I’ve never seen the Mississippi River. I’d love to go see it.

DD: oooh, I wouldn’t want to see it. Well.... maybe. Do they have a gift shop?

It's kind of muddy most of the time.

There's a big silver pyramid at Memphis. 

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I'm feeding the kids pb & j for dinner. I'm not hungry, and see no reason why they should be. Yet they insist they are.


For me, pb & j is a cop out. For them, it's a treat. May it always be thus.


I almost never serve pb & j because some of my kids make themselves pb & j sandwiches every day for breakfast.  :)

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Celery just came into my room three times in a row to ask the same thing, to which the answer was "no", "no", and "do I need to send you to your room?". I mean, literally, not a second in between each time of him coming into my room to ask the same thing.  :banghead:


Recently I've been reminded of when he was a toddler/preschooler, and we wondered about absence seizures. Because for real... it's been crazy lately. I know people mention pre-teen brain fog, but he's only 10.25, and doesn't seem to have any signs of puberty being about to show up. 

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I just told my kids they're not allowed to talk. I hope they don't realize yet that I can't actually take away their power of speech.


Oh, wait, they're screaming again. They figured it out.


They're not being naughty, or anything, they're just REALLY. LOUD.

Tell them it's time for a whisper war. Whoever can be the quietest wins.

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Runner does this. I think he gets an idea in his head, then doesn't fully process that I said no, because he wants it to be yes. So he'll keep asking, until I alert him to the fact that he's asked already, and repeatedly, amd is on the verge of discipline.



Yeah, but Celery is 4 years older, and hasn't really done this in years. That, combined with other complete and utter inattention lately (as in, worse than his usual baseline inattention) is freaking me out a bit. 

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Note - there is a difference between beers made with no wheat or barley and beers with gluten removed.  The first kind is safe for celiac.  The second isn't.  I'm making beer battered fish per dd's request.  She's been craving it. 

I've cooked with sorghum beer but it's been a while. Never tried battering fish, though. DH is allergic to fish. So I don't cook it.

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Does he get spacier during growth spurts? Or is he showing any other growth spurt-y markers?



I have no idea. The last time he's grown is about 4 years ago. I mean, I think he's averaged at most an inch a year in the past 4 years (not entirely sure... but he's been wearing some of his clothes for 4 years). So, it's about time for him to grow, but I haven't noticed any actual signs that he's growing (no sudden increase in food consumption or sleep or w/e). 

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Note - there is a difference between beers made with no wheat or barley and beers with gluten removed.  The first kind is safe for celiac.  The second isn't.  I'm making beer battered fish per dd's request.  She's been craving it. 


I was just googling today for gf fried fish recipes.  I've been craving a really good battered fish sandwich.


Oh, and crab cakes.  I'm craving those, too.

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I forgot to tell them they could stop, so Reader finally tracked me down and whispered, "Who won? Is it over?"


Why isn't she this compliant with spelling?

Have you tried a spelling tickle? 

In this game, the child gets to spell a word aloud, and if they get it right, they get to take two steps toward you. If they don't spell it correctly, they take one step back. When they finally reach you, they get to tickle you all over.

My boys liked this game quite a lot. I was always tackling them and tickling. This was their chance to get me back.


We also used to run races around the middle wall (all houses need a middle wall for a racetrack) shouting Latin vocabulary words and meanings.

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