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Boys won the first game of the tourney last night and then were in a hot and heavy battle for the second game when ds15 rolled his ankle, went down and didn't come back up.  He was writhing around so dh (the coach), the assistant coach, and I all ran over.  He was able to get up after a couple of minutes, and he went back in the game, but the game momentum was lost, and we didn't have a replacement for him.  He hobbled up and down the court, the ref told dh that ds had to leave the court, dh refused on the grounds that ds is his kid so he can make that call, the ref told dh that the ref loves his kid more than dh, dh let loose, dh got a technical foul called on him, and the game went downhill from there.  I was across the court on the bleachers, standing up, yelling, and waving my arms because I wanted dh to pull ds off the court SINCE HE COULD NOT EVEN WALK.  I made a scene, but it was completely lost on dh.  


It's fun to be me.


Then, as I was leaving the gym after that game, I tripped over some bags and fell down right in front of the door.  Two of the dads from the team and dh ran over.  I just laid on the floor because it seemed best.  I was completely uninjured, as I fell on the bunches of bags.  Dh hauled me up.  Then we went to lunch and bought ds an ankle wrap and shoved him back in the last game, which we won.


My guys took third place.  I am hoarse from screaming.


Little known fact about me:  I'm pretty mild-mannered, but I can lose my mind a bit if my sense of justice is injured.  So that's what happened during the bad second game when ds got hurt and dh got T'ed up.  The ref made the assistant sit on the bench because he claimed that it is the rule after anyone gets a technical foul.  So I stood up and yelled that I was standing up and waved my arms.  I might have done this for a long time.


People seem to like me a lot in spite of this. :huh:


Also, a lady stopped me in the bathroom and told me I had the most gorgeous hair.


And the ref who T'ed up dh and told him he didn't love his kid found dh afterwards and apologized, stating he was completely in the wrong.  I kind of loved him after that because that is a real man right there.


This would make a great book!  

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Just emailed the Christmas lists to the family.  Phew.  I am so glad that's done.


It ended up being about 85 items.  No, I'm not going to list them all here, no matter how bored Slache is.


Legos make up most of ds's list.  American Girl is not as popular as it was a few years ago.  Because they didn't really need more bitty baby clothes.  Some of the girls asked for watches.  We have quite a few DVD's on the list this year.


Tomorrow's project: making the menu for Thanksgiving dinner.


I'm tired.

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I asked DS what he wanted for Christmas.


"I don't know."


Thanks, kid. That was helpful.


Dd13 was kind of the same way.  I eventually talked her into a few movies.  She also could use a new backpack, so she picked a few on Amazon that she liked that we could put on the Christmas list.  She likes to do cross stitch, so I put that on her list.


Ds15 had the same problem, except that he really likes Legos.  Legos make up about 75 percent of his list.


They asked me if it was good or bad that they didn't really want anything.


I told them that it's good, but frustrating for people who want to buy them things that they'll like.

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Dd13 was kind of the same way.  I eventually talked her into a few movies.  She also could use a new backpack, so she picked a few on Amazon that she liked that we could put on the Christmas list.  She likes to do cross stitch, so I put that on her list.


Ds15 had the same problem, except that he really likes Legos.  Legos make up about 75 percent of his list.


They asked me if it was good or bad that they didn't really want anything.


I told them that it's good, but frustrating for people who want to buy them things that they'll like.


Hmmm. Then perhaps we're asking the wrong question. Instead of asking what they want for Christmas, we should just ask what are some things they like.

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We have to make detailed Christmas lists every year because all of our relatives live out of state.  They don't know what the kids already have and they don't know what they no longer play with.

So, detailed lists are the only way to go.


If the relatives want to buy something not on the list, they are welcome to do so.  They are just doing so at the risk that we already have it or that the dc aren't into it.

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Junie, I just can't accept you as a person until you get a profile picture. Everyone that doesn't have a profile picture is the same person on the hive, except regenetrude.


Eta: And OhElizabeth


Sigh.  As if I don't have anything else to do.


I'll work on it.  

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Yeah, well we just pretty much stopped exchanging with out of state family. Too darn expensive. The kids exchange names so each only has to buy for one cousin.


Last year, I did family gifts. So, my parents and both sets of sister families got Pentatonix cds (the same one). We all like music though, so it worked. :)

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Yeah, well we just pretty much stopped exchanging with out of state family. Too darn expensive. The kids exchange names so each only has to buy for one cousin.


Almost everyone ends up here for Christmas, so they just bring the gifts with them. 


My DFIL just sends money and lets me shop for the gifts.


My kids have no cousins, so we don't have to worry about that.


One year my sister was coming for Christmas directly from a business trip, so she had all of the gifts shipped to my house ahead of time.  I was so glad when Christmas came so that I could use my closet again!

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I'm writing lesson plans. The principal is doing an official observation on Monday. I'm also entering assessment data in the state database. I switch between the two because entering data is boring. Just thought ya'll might want to know.


I will sleep better tonight because you told me.  

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I want to know what everyone wants or is getting everyone else for Christmas.




Quote from Tex:

Even more is expected from me???





bah humbug.



I've decided that everyone will get a throat punch for Christmas because that is just what it has come to.


<Contented Sigh>  I have found my people. 

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I like Christmas music (well, not all of it, but most). I like candles. I like certain foods and smells. I don't like the excess. But I seem to be in the minority on that, so it's easier to dislike the whole thing than swim upstream the whole time.


I agree. There are just too many celebrations: Homeschool, work, public school, in-laws, family, and so on. Once is enough, I think.

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A couple skeleton (body) books:


We have this one.  More than skeleton, but each page shows a separate body system.  http://www.amazon.com/Uncover-Human-Body-Book/dp/1571457895/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1447596433&sr=8-10&keywords=skeleton+book


This is one we have from my own childhood.  Of course, it is only available used, but I still really like it because of the question/answer format and the pictures:  http://www.amazon.com/Question-Answer-Book-About-Human/dp/0394807804/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447596520&sr=8-1&keywords=question+and+answer+book+about+the+human+body


I'm completely ignorant about foldable exercise bikes. 

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I like Christmas music (well, not all of it, but most). I like candles. I like certain foods and smells. I don't like the excess. But I seem to be in the minority on that, so it's easier to dislike the whole thing than swim upstream the whole time.


I like Christmas music, too. And I like the lights and candles. But a couple years ago I about had a Christmas overload nervous breakdown. In-law Christmas in the morning, 4:00 Christmas Eve Service at Church that afternoon and then Christmas at my Aunt and Uncle's that night. Kids tired and falling asleep in my lap at church, sil calling me en route from Church to Aunt's asking me why we weren't there yet. And I remember thinking,"if this is the Season of Joy, why do I hate it?" Last year I made a few changes, concentrated more on the spiritual side of Christmas. Got an Advent calendar and focused on that, limiting our activities. It was much better!
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This would never fly with my family.  My mom has always done Christmas big.  My sister does Christmas even bigger.


My kids are the only kids and they get spoiled.


My sister has a good job and no dependents.  She almost died a few years ago from a traumatic brain injury.  And so, she completely spoils the kids.


Last year, she said that she opened the email with the list, opened Amazon, and was done in a few minutes.  Everything on the list.  


Ds15 is afraid to make a Christmas list this year because he doesn't want her to spend that much money.


Oh, you have a Nana clone in your family!  Two!  Now, if you will just knock off that "H" hooey, we could be besties!


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Lynn, yes! Totally! Too much to do, too much food, too much money spent, too much much. Christmas was always my favorite holiday as a kid (not Christian), but now it's so overwhelming. This is why we aren't skyping or making Christmas cookies.


Booya, #noh, song, miscellaneous thing.

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