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  • Slache


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So, in the past 24 hours I have learned that:


I am thankful that I do not have blood pressure and thyroid issues.

I have found a good place to come when I want to complain about my gluten problems or my arthritis.

Slache maybe should change her child's name to Jon -- because #noh.

Baby #3 will have #noh is his/her/their name(s).

I do not want to start my master's degree yet.  Because student loans.

Now I know where everybody's likes go.


But I do have some questions.  And I don't have time to read the other 400 pages.


What happened with the friend with uterine/cervical cancer?

Will Ellie take in her nephew's child and homeschool again?

What food is Slache craving today?




Well, you also know that we'll love you and accept you.  Because you're not as :wacko: as me. :001_smile:


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Yep. This one's a keeper.


1. She's going to get a second opinion, I believe. We don't have an update on that yet.

2. Ellie is being kept in the know, but child is going ... wait, I might not be remembering correctly, because of other foster/adopt threads going on at the same time.

3. Slash updates us daily, so you just have to wait until the next installment of "As the Stomach Turns."


The keeper thing: I totally agree.


Slash updates us daily, so you just have to wait until the next installment of "As the Stomach Turns."  Oh, dear Lord.  I just about spewed!

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Welcome, Junie!


ETA: I'm glad your headache is better. :)


No kidding about the headache.  I'm going to have to go to a neurologist or something.  I went to one about 11 years ago when I had Bell's Palsy.  His name must be around here somewhere...


I've been getting these headaches for several days in a row every month for the last several months.  They almost have to be hormone related.  Joy.


My kids have learned that sometimes homeschool lessons get cancelled, they're on their own for lunch, and that they had better be quiet.

My dh has learned that sometimes he has to make dinner and that even he can't sleep through me crying in pain at night.


I tried everything with this last headache that I had:  tylenol, advil, hot showers, ice packs, peppermints, naps, chocolate, green tea.


The ITT at least gave me something to think about.  (I read in the dark, wearing sunglasses, at the computer in my bedroom.  The door was closed.  The dc thought I was asleep.)


So, time to make a doctor's appointment so nobody goes bossypants on me.  ;)


I guess I'll need to get some higher-powered meds.  Or some essential oils.   :leaving:

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No kidding about the headache.  I'm going to have to go to a neurologist or something.  I went to one about 11 years ago when I had Bell's Palsy.  His name must be around here somewhere...


I've been getting these headaches for several days in a row every month for the last several months.  They almost have to be hormone related.  Joy.


My kids have learned that sometimes homeschool lessons get cancelled, they're on their own for lunch, and that they had better be quiet.

My dh has learned that sometimes he has to make dinner and that even he can't sleep through me crying in pain at night.


I tried everything with this last headache that I had:  tylenol, advil, hot showers, ice packs, peppermints, naps, chocolate, green tea.


The ITT at least gave me something to think about.  (I read in the dark, wearing sunglasses, at the computer in my bedroom.  The door was closed.  The dc thought I was asleep.)


So, time to make a doctor's appointment so nobody goes bossypants on me.   ;)


I guess I'll need to get some higher-powered meds.  Or some essential oils.   :leaving:


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



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Ironically, if she does not live, it will be directly as a result of the Hodgkins treatment.

This exact same thing happened to my cousin. She had Hodgkins treatment 20-30 years ago, and a few years we lost her to the long-term complications from the treatment. Cancer came from the treatment, basically. She was still very young the second time, but we were very glad that we had the time with her and she did get to see her only son grow up.


Right before she passed, I went to see her in the hospital. I remember reading the passage to her in the Bible about the pit. Whatever pit we are in, it is never so deep or so dark that He can't reach us. Never. His arms are long enough, strong enough, and He always brings the light. Always.


I hope this helps you, Tex.

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This exact same thing happened to my cousin. She had Hodgkins treatment 20-30 years ago, and a few years we lost her to the long-term complications from the treatment. Cancer came from the treatment, basically. She was still very young the second time, but we were very glad that we had the time with her and she did get to see her only son grow up.


Right before she passed, I went to see her in the hospital. I remember reading the passage to her in the Bible about the pit. Whatever pit we are in, it is never so deep or so dark that He can't reach us. Never. His arms are long enough, strong enough, and He always brings the light. Always.


I hope this helps you, Tex.



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#noh means no H on the Booya(h).  She says the baby doesn't the H, but we all know it's her. :001_rolleyes:



I just read a bunch of older pages.  Slache has been complaining #noh since before the + post.


It's ok, though, Slache.  I also read a bunch of posts proving how much everyone  :001_wub: you.

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Things happening in my life:


I sold a dining room table today. I tried to give it away last month, to an organization that was helping flood victims. The man I talked to never showed up. Multiple times. So the table and six chairs have been parked in the family room and entry way for two weeks? three weeks? So I put an ad in craigslist on Monday, and someone bought it today. Money for the Disneyland vacation. :-)


Tomorrow I go for an ultrasound on my legs, 'cuz I have varicose veins. Then I guess I'll have the procedure to, get rid of them, or whatever.


Mr. Ellie and I are singing in a concert this Saturday at my church: Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" and "Gloria." I had to buy a black dress, or skirt and top. I've been looking since the beginning of October; I finally found a skirt and top yesterday at Dillards.


Friday  I'll go to my hula class. It's at a "senior" center (it bugs me to call people of a certain age "seniors." That's what people are who going to graduate from high school or college.  Anyway.). I started going there a month or so ago, and in all modesty, I must say that I'm a rock star among them. o_0 But it's hula, and I have missed dancing, and they're actually going to let me teach, and they're nice women, so it's all good. A friend in California is going to help me choreograph a couple of songs to teach. This is one of them:


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Things happening in my life:


I sold a dining room table today. I tried to give it away last month, to an organization that was helping flood victims. The man I talked to never showed up. Multiple times. So the table and six chairs have been parked in the family room and entry way for two weeks? three weeks? So I put an ad in craigslist on Monday, and someone bought it today. Money for the Disneyland vacation. :-)


Tomorrow I go for an ultrasound on my legs, 'cuz I have varicose veins. Then I guess I'll have the procedure to, get rid of them, or whatever.


Mr. Ellie and I are singing in a concert this Saturday at my church: Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" and "Gloria." I had to buy a black dress, or skirt and top. I've been looking since the beginning of October; I finally found a skirt and top yesterday at Dillards.


Friday  I'll go to my hula class. It's at a "senior" center (it bugs me to call people of a certain age "seniors." That's what people are who going to graduate from high school or college.  Anyway.). I started going there a month or so ago, and in all modesty, I must say that I'm a rock star among them. o_0 But it's hula, and I have missed dancing, and they're actually going to let me teach, and they're nice women, so it's all good. A friend in California is going to help me choreograph a couple of songs to teach. This is one of them:



Your Majesty!  You were deeply missed.   All is right in the world now.


Go Dillards Go!  

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Some day I'll tell you the long, tragic story about how two women who had nothing better to do in their lives messed up the homeschool community where I used to live, and how I fell from grace with our statewide group. :crying:


In the meantime, I'll say good night and take myself to bed. I'm trying to keep [slightly] earlier bedtimes because I seem to sleep better. Also I promise not to stay away so long. :001_wub:

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Aaaaaand.... I'm caught up again.  Here, I mean.  Not any-single-bleeping-where else in life, but HERE I AM CAUGHT UP.   



Happy belated Veteran's Day everyone!



In case you didn't already know, Lynn is awesome. I am making her my new life coach.  Well, and Tex too.  Because guns.  



Also, I am gratified to learn that we have a fan base.  And that the Queen is not strung up in some Chico's dressing room somewhere.   And that Mark is in with the in-crowd.  (Welcome, Mark! Your booyah brought tears to my eyes.  A masterpiece.)



My children threw dh a Scare Daddy Party when he got home this afternoon from work.  It was dd6's idea. So the house is decorated with flaming monsters and falling eyeballs and headless men and ghostly viking creatures.  They turned off every light and made him walk through with a flashlight.



That is all.








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Sounds like you shouldn't do it.  :grouphug: ?



The problem is, we can't rent forever. We have NO idea when she plans to sell this house and as it's her retirement income, I'll be honest: she's old. I hope she has many more years in her, not just for our sake, but there's no reason to believe she won't decide it's time to liquidate in a year, you know? And the market and interest rates are going up ever month, literally, thousands every month. :(


Is it just me that lives in an area in which the Silent Generation is just kind of keeling over left and right? People are old. Those are the homes that are selling. When they run out, the market's going to go through the roof since there isn't a lot of space to build in city limits, and outside city limits, it's just going to be sprawl. I mean, this is sprawl already but every mile out is 5 minutes in traffic.


They are building homes but they are BUTT UGLY homes that are (a) even bigger than a family with four kids could ever want, (b) full of granite and other types of rock, why do I need granite? I don't want to buy your rock, I just want a roof and a floor, ( c) have a huge-ass garage in front just to show off how many cars we have (we have two cars, one beater and one on a lease).  Also, no yards. Because people want square footage. Who is demanding this? Who wants no trees, no grass, and no yard? Is it just me or is that something that nobody wants? But they are selling for like, over a million!


How can you have a fire pit or a baby pool without a yard?


Also, we are apparently the only people in Generation X who are buying a house but not disgustingly rich. Seriously, it feels that way when we look at the new houses. We don't want a tiny house. We don't want a McMansion. We don't care if it's old or new. We don't need all hardwood floors or granite countertops or skylights. We do not have cable and therefore have never seen and house hunting shows. We literally are just looking for a place with bedrooms for most of us and a garage, attic or basement to convert for the other one. That's it. We don't need a nice fridge. It can be 100% Ikea.


We make over the median income in a high-income area, nearly twice the national income, and oddly, we are far from the most casual people at the grocery store.


It's all so confusing to me. 


Who are these people driving this market?


Anyway. :)


We don't want to move but we also want to make a good long-term investment with our housing money. The house we saw is a good long-term investment and it's not too far from where we are at all (a mile as the crow flies, 1.9 miles on the street, but you can walk across the parking lot if you want to get to the next neighborhood, ours, in about 1.5 miles). The house is nicer than the one we live in now.

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Aaaaaand.... I'm caught up again.  Here, I mean.  Not any-single-bleeping-where else in life, but HERE I AM CAUGHT UP.   



Happy belated Veteran's Day everyone!



In case you didn't already know, Lynn is awesome. I am making her my new life coach.  Well, and Tex too.  Because guns.  



Also, I am gratified to learn that we have a fan base.  And that the Queen is not strung up in some Chico's dressing room somewhere.   And that Mark is in with the in-crowd.  (Welcome, Mark! Your booyah brought tears to my eyes.  A masterpiece.)



My children threw dh a Scare Daddy Party when he got home this afternoon from work.  It was dd6's idea. So the house is decorated with flaming monsters and falling eyeballs and headless men and ghostly viking creatures.  They turned off every light and made him walk through with a flashlight.



That is all.



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Tsuga, I get it. I'll take a smaller house with a yard anytime. We rent the cheapest place in town, it's not a dump, and has front AND back yards. That seems to be a luxury. We'd have to buy an older house to get that anywhere else. Alas, we are not in the market, because poor. The really rich that move in have priced out even generational families that have lived here over 200-300 years. Really rich as in actors, singers, folks I hear are around and are confirmed, but I've never actually personally seen in the past 17 years. (I have, however, met other rich folks who earned their money, because dh works construction and they often want their houses remodeled - or completely torn down and rebuilt.) We don't want to buy a McHouse either.

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Just sayin'.


But, I like her. I just can't stand her. She brings out a side in me that is rarely seen. So rare, it's like, zombie. We got into it so bad yesterday, I think we were both on the verge of tears. All I told her is to actually listen to the words coming out of my mouth and stop treating me like a moron. I have no idea why she brings out that side of me. I try to smile and nod, but can't. I refuse to have my intelligence insulted. The last job that did that to me, about 12 years ago, I quit. I know she doesn't try to insult me, she is actually really nice and wants to help, but she goes about it the wrong way and doesn't listen to where I could actually use help. Witch.

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Tsuga, I get it. I'll take a smaller house with a yard anytime. We rent the cheapest place in town, it's not a dump, and has front AND back yards. That seems to be a luxury. We'd have to buy an older house to get that anywhere else. Alas, we are not in the market, because poor. The really rich that move in have priced out even generational families that have lived here over 200-300 years. Really rich as in actors, singers, folks I hear are around and are confirmed, but I've never actually personally seen in the past 17 years. (I have, however, met other rich folks who earned their money, because dh works construction and they often want their houses remodeled - or completely torn down and rebuilt.) We don't want to buy a McHouse either.


Another reason we want to stay. SOMEONE has to stay to keep it nice. All these people who move from place to place, they just think lower taxes. They don't understand why we still have trees here. They complain when the power goes out. They cut the trees down. People. People. It's nice because of the trees. We need the trees! Trees + commute <1 hour = heaven. So invest in transport an don't cut down trees. Not that complicated.


Not complicated, but hard. Hence, California.

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In other news, Gymnast wants to read so bad. About 2-3 weeks ago, I got a set of beginner Bob books from Scholastic. She picked a couple out for me to read to her. She started trying to sound out words, even though the only sounds she has down are Y, M, S, and O. The first book has A, P, and T. So I read it through with her several times, sounding out words, etc., then move on to my own homework. She kept trying to go over the book herself. When she couldn't consistently remember the new sounds, she threw the book across the bed and exclaimed "I'll never learn how to read!" and cried. It was so sad.  :crying:  Thankfully, my school is over, and I can now start teaching her how to read. But in Spanish first. Probably.

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