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Some friends of mine were attacked by a tapir. The story was horrible. Dad was in the jungle without his machete when he was attacked. He was in his pajamas and barefoot. Mom couldn't find the machete but ran out and they beat him off with a flashlight but he chased them home and got into their house. They have four children 7 and under. The kids are okay but mom and dad are beat up really really badly from getting it out of the house and the attack in the jungle. It was hard to read. They need medical attention, but it's a 3 days walk to the doctor. They're missionaries in Brazil, but she was my maid of honor. I will never see her again, but thanks to technology they email us regularly from the middle of absolutely nowhere. They eat very strange things.

Oh my god!


So sorry. I never realized tapirs were violent!

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New YouTube put up (which is what pulls me over to the computer and thus the ITT thread)

The dishwasher is emptied!  (Look at that - one thing got done!)

Started filling the dishwasher.

Recycling taken out though there was so much I really need to take more out.

Newspaper brought in

Ds took all the dirty clothes from the hamper down for me and scolded me for not sorting correctly.  

A bit more laundry folded but it hurts my back to stand and do that so I am not as motivated to this for very long.

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Tex was here.


I thought I was Jean's bestie.  


I am so sorry to hear of everyone's friends' truly tragic problems.  We are very fortunate here.


I was going to say something but then someone sat next to me and jabbered in my ear about some stuff, and now it is gone.



Edited by texasmama
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Tex was here.


I thought I was Jean's bestie.  


I am so sorry to hear of everyone's friends' truly tragic problems.  We are very fortunate here.


I was going to say something but then someone sat next to me and jabbered in my ear about some stuff, and now it is gone.


Well, off to the grocery store with ds12 now.  He lives for that stuff.

I can multi-task besties too.

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I need gift ideas for Mooies. She's extremely girly and not good at anything except being adorable. She likes high quality things like silk, velvet, diamonds, expensive chocolate and Van Gogh. Her favorite things are her playsilk, velvet Minnie, and picture books.


Eta: We actually got her a velvety bedspread because she's always petting Minnie.


Eta2: And she doesn't like animals because she's a psychopath.

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Slache - you owe me. . . something.


I got the dishwasher loaded.

I got the laundry folded (though I really had to force myself at the end because it hurts to stand and do that.)

Talked to my 90 year old mom and had a discussion on politics and heard all the dirt on my sisters (not really dirt - just news).

Got laundry put away in bits and pieces

Wandered into the kitchen and realized that I hadn't started the dishwasher yet so I did that.

Anything else?


No dinner planned or put in the crockpot yet.  No dirty laundry sorted and put in the washer yet.  But I'm tired.   And achey.  And hungry.  

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Slache - you owe me. . . something.


I got the dishwasher loaded.

I got the laundry folded (though I really had to force myself at the end because it hurts to stand and do that.)

Talked to my 90 year old mom and had a discussion on politics and heard all the dirt on my sisters (not really dirt - just news).

Got laundry put away in bits and pieces

Wandered into the kitchen and realized that I hadn't started the dishwasher yet so I did that.

Anything else?


No dinner planned or put in the crockpot yet.  No dirty laundry sorted and put in the washer yet.  But I'm tired.   And achey.  And hungry.  

How about a big wet smooch?

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School is still not completely done. I think I may call it quits though. We just need to do some of the literature guide. I will do it next week. :)


I'm not even a quarter of the way packed. The vehicle needs cleaned out.


There is more laundry to do, ugh.


Ds20 went to buy himself an air mattress earlier. They should be leaving the high school soon.

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I need gift ideas for Mooies. She's extremely girly and not good at anything except being adorable. She likes high quality things like silk, velvet, diamonds, expensive chocolate and Van Gogh. Her favorite things are her playsilk, velvet Minnie, and picture books.


Eta: We actually got her a velvety bedspread because she's always petting Minnie.


Eta2: And she doesn't like animals because she's a psychopath.

Ok I'll multi-task in answering this for you.


First things first:  Minnie is a mouse.  Mouse = animal.  Mooies is not a psychopath.


Gift ideas:


No one can have too many books.  How about a book about Olivia the pig who loves things like silk, velvet, diamonds, expensive chocolate and Van Gogh?  

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Nobody has gift ideas for my very strange child.


What about a princess dress up? 


When you said she doesn't like animals, do you mean she doesn't like stuffed animals?  What about a very soft baby doll?  She might really like that after you have yours!  (Several of my kids were known to "nurse" their baby or stuffed animal next to me while I nursed mine.  So sweet!)


Would she like a special coloring book or coloring supplies?


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Chicken adobo is now in the crockpot.  Because I am awesome.  And ds helped me.  


I have to leave in an hour to see a man about an amp.  I really don't want to.  But. . . mom of teenage boy.  A nice mom of a teenage boy who will drive him a whole hour away to see a man about an amp.  (But who still complains about it to her ITT peeps.)

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Oh! Oh! We only have 62 cents in our account! I want them now! She loves mini books! I'm supposed to figure out something my dad can get now, but apparently we're ordering these in a week too. Thanks!

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Ack.  What do I do?  Ds and I have to leave in 3 minutes to see the man about an amp.  Dd wants to go with us.  She is babysitting two doors down.  She was supposed to get off around 1:45 and then wanted to leave with us at 2 pm.  She isn't home yet.  I have no problem leaving her home if she wants to stay home but don't want to really abandon her either when she wants to go.  Grrr.  Flakey neighbors.  

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I've never heard of Olivia. I shall Google.


I like the dress up idea. There should be stuffs on sale right now too.


I didn't know there were artist board books. I imagine many babies would like that. I think we need them.

One of my girls' favorite gifts was fabric - big remnants from the fabric store or even from the local thrift store (window curtains, etc.) As they got older, they began to use it for sewing projects.

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Slache - you owe me. . . something.


I got the dishwasher loaded.

I got the laundry folded (though I really had to force myself at the end because it hurts to stand and do that.)

Talked to my 90 year old mom and had a discussion on politics and heard all the dirt on my sisters (not really dirt - just news).

Got laundry put away in bits and pieces

Wandered into the kitchen and realized that I hadn't started the dishwasher yet so I did that.

Anything else?


No dinner planned or put in the crockpot yet.  No dirty laundry sorted and put in the washer yet.  But I'm tired.   And achey.  And hungry.  


I knew you could do it!



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For Mooies:  I second the dress-up idea.  When DD was little, Nana went the thrift stores and 1) found a fabric lined laundry basket and 2) filled it with all sorts of dressy dresses, gloves, boas, and fake jewelry.  (She also filled a separate hat box with crazy hats.)  That was a well-loved gift that wasn't retired until this past spring.

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Bring the kids?


Joking. Of course you can't. That sucks.

I support this idea.


For Mooies:  I second the dress-up idea.  When DD was little, Nana went the thrift stores and 1) found a fabric lined laundry basket and 2) filled it with all sorts of dressy dresses, gloves, boas, and fake jewelry.  (She also filled a separate hat box with crazy hats.)  That was a well-loved gift that wasn't retired until this past spring.

I love this. We can't pull it off today, but that would look great under the tree. ;)

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Dh took everyone with him to pick up oldest at school. They are grabbing fast food and then going to see a movie. They are supposed to bring me home buttered popcorn! :001_tt1:


I might bake something while they are gone. :svengo: (I know that would be quite the shock. Don't tell anyone.)

Your secret is safe with me;-)

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The van is as clean as it is going to get. I don't care if we do have an extra parent riding with us. Done.


The buses got a police escort out of the county. And people standing along the road clapping and waving. When I told dh, he said he could cry that he has had to hold back two or three times already. Awwww! I had no idea! What a sweet man I married!


I am mostly packed I think. I have to set an alarm for 4:45 a.m.


Lynn, I may need a wake-up call.

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