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Hemingway - we read Old Man and the Sea (maybe 10th grade ?) and For Whom the Bell Tolls in 11th grade.  Not a fan. 


But when I think of Hemingway, I think of the old joke that used to get passed around the internet that gave famous people's answers to the question "Why did the chicken cross the road?"


ERNEST HEMINGWAY:  To die in the rain, alone.






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I got a birthday card once that said "Why did the chicken cross the road?" When you opened it there was a picture of a dead chicken on the side of the road and it said "Because chickens are really, really stupid." It was a really funny card. I tried to Google it, but couldn't find and now it doesn't seem very funny. Sorry

I tried.

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Ug. Just found out the Cincinnati convention bumped up their usual dates by two weeks. Which means I can't go:-(


A friend of mine and I like to go for an escape. We stay at a nice hotel, eat at all the trendy restaurants, and hit a tasteful bar or two for cocktails. Spend way too much money, eat too much, and sometimes run into SWB at a restaurant. Everyone, of course, knows I am her bff.




Nephew's wedding trumps homeschool convention. At least he is a good nephew.

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Ug. Just found out the Cincinnati convention bumped up their usual dates by two weeks. Which means I can't go:-(


A friend of mine and I like to go for an escape. We stay at a nice hotel, eat at all the trendy restaurants, and hit a tasteful bar or two for cocktails. Spend way too much money, eat too much, and sometimes run into SWB at a restaurant. Everyone, of course, knows I am her bff.




Nephew's wedding trumps homeschool convention. At least he is a good nephew.


They just changed it?  Or do you mean its different from last year?


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They just changed it? Or do you mean its different from last year?


Different from last year. Most years, it runs right around mid April. This year, I believe it is Mar 31- Apr 2 or something like that. It was nice weather too, coming from the frozen tundra. Cincinnati felt like Florida to me. But I am sure 2 weeks won't make a difference in the weather. It just means I have to miss:-(

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Some friends of mine were attacked by a tapir. The story was horrible. Dad was in the jungle without his machete when he was attacked. He was in his pajamas and barefoot. Mom couldn't find the machete but ran out and they beat him off with a flashlight but he chased them home and got into their house. They have four children 7 and under. The kids are okay but mom and dad are beat up really really badly from getting it out of the house and the attack in the jungle. It was hard to read. They need medical attention, but it's a 3 days walk to the doctor. They're missionaries in Brazil, but she was my maid of honor. I will never see her again, but thanks to technology they email us regularly from the middle of absolutely nowhere. They eat very strange things.

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I am taking the ADD approach to chores this morning.  


"Oh.  I have to fold this laundry."  Fold some laundry.  
"Oh, before I forget I better call Mom."  Try to call mom but find out that she's out partying or something at age 90 since she's not answering.

"Oh, look.  I need to unload the dishwasher."  Unload some of the dishes.  

"I need socks.  I'd better fold some more laundry."  

"Oh the YouTube video has ended.  I'll put on another one."

"Oooh.  WTM."


Do you think that eventually I'll get everything done?  

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I am taking the ADD approach to chores this morning.


"Oh. I have to fold this laundry." Fold some laundry.

"Oh, before I forget I better call Mom." Try to call mom but find out that she's out partying or something at age 90 since she's not answering.

"Oh, look. I need to unload the dishwasher." Unload some of the dishes.

"I need socks. I'd better fold some more laundry."

"Oh the YouTube video has ended. I'll put on another one."

"Oooh. WTM."


Do you think that eventually I'll get everything done?


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Different from last year. Most years, it runs right around mid April. This year, I believe it is Mar 31- Apr 2 or something like that. It was nice weather too, coming from the frozen tundra. Cincinnati felt like Florida to me. But I am sure 2 weeks won't make a difference in the weather. It just means I have to miss:-(


Okay, that's what I have marked on my calendar.  I usually go with friends too and have a great weekend.  I'm so sorry you won't be there this year!  It would have been fun to meet up. 


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Some friends of mine were attacked by a tapir. The story was horrible. Dad was in the jungle without his machete when he was attacked. He was in his pajamas and barefoot. Mom couldn't find the machete but ran out and they beat him off with a flashlight but he chased them home and got into their house. They have four children 7 and under. The kids are okay but mom and dad are beat up really really badly from getting it out of the house and the attack in the jungle. It was hard to read. They need medical attention, but it's a 3 days walk to the doctor. They're missionaries in Brazil, but she was my maid of honor. I will never see her again, but thanks to technology they email us regularly from the middle of absolutely nowhere. They eat very strange things.




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I am taking the ADD approach to chores this morning.  


"Oh.  I have to fold this laundry."  Fold some laundry.  

"Oh, before I forget I better call Mom."  Try to call mom but find out that she's out partying or something at age 90 since she's not answering.

"Oh, look.  I need to unload the dishwasher."  Unload some of the dishes.  

"I need socks.  I'd better fold some more laundry."  

"Oh the YouTube video has ended.  I'll put on another one."

"Oooh.  WTM."


Do you think that eventually I'll get everything done?  



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I am taking the ADD approach to chores this morning.


"Oh. I have to fold this laundry." Fold some laundry.

"Oh, before I forget I better call Mom." Try to call mom but find out that she's out partying or something at age 90 since she's not answering.

"Oh, look. I need to unload the dishwasher." Unload some of the dishes.

"I need socks. I'd better fold some more laundry."

"Oh the YouTube video has ended. I'll put on another one."

"Oooh. WTM."


Do you think that eventually I'll get everything done?

You will be glad to know that this is my everyday, lol.

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Yeah, but you can't change methods.  :lol:


3/4 of the bottom of the dishwasher is put away.

Half of the laundry that is upstairs for folding is folded.

A tiny bit has been put away.

I dealt with the compost - sort of.

I gave up on calling my mom for now.

I've changed YouTube videos.

I've answered 3 posts on the ITT thread.



Yeah. . . I think my method is the same!  

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I just finished reading that blog post. That was a different attack to another missionary family not too far away. Too far to be the same tapir, but this was days apart. Very strange.


:huh:   Okay.  I knew-generally-what a tapir is, but I had no idea that they were dangerous.  Holy.Guac.a.mole.

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The bottom of the dishwasher is empty.

About 3/4 of the laundry is folded.

About 1/10 of the laundry is put away.

The handtowel in the bathroom has been replaced with a fresh one.

I put away the very last of the breakfast stuff that I had left out from before.

I played one game of Candy Crush Saga.


If Ellie doesn't come home soon, I will be crowning another Queen.  Her Majesty,  Queen Jean, Regent of Multi-Tasking.


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I seriously attempted to read Hemmingway. For the life of me, I couldn't understand his writing. I'd read a couple pages and had no idea what he was talking about. And then I'd read it again. And I still didn't know what he was talking about. So I put it down and went away. And then tried again later. Still had no idea. So I quit. I think I was trying to read "A Farewell to Arms". Maybe there's something wrong with me.

There's not that much to get. That's why I don't like Hemingway. It's very navel gazing.

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The bottom of the dishwasher is empty.

About 3/4 of the laundry is folded.

About 1/10 of the laundry is put away.

The handtowel in the bathroom has been replaced with a fresh one.

I put away the very last of the breakfast stuff that I had left out from before.

I played one game of Candy Crush Saga.

I'm working this way too, today.


Three different trips to the dryer to get the clothes folded.


School is almost done.

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 I agree.  What a day.


ETA:  Ack!  A Booya(h)!  I wasn't prepared!!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

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