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I have ate. The roast wasn't as good as usual. I am blaming the cut of beef. So now I'm going to bed. All children are home safe for the last night this week. Another reason I'm glad ds20 is an instructor, he watches out for Dd16. It just makes me feel a bit better about them being away from home.


Good night ITTers. Sweet dreams.

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Good Morning!  It's raining hard here, which is effecting my internet connection, so I can't like anything unless I want to sit and watch it "think" for a couple minutes.


Like Dawn's perserverence with the trailer.


Like Renai's homework progress.


LIke Jean, Rusty, Rocky, and Neko.  (I can almost keep her animals straight in my head.  almost.)


LIke Susan's future concert.  (I want to go.)


Like that Ducklings need til noon to recover.  (I could never have done anything so crazy in the first place.  You're amazing!)


Do not like Ducklings larva trauma.  I'm wiping that one from memory.  


Like that Tex was here.  Come back.   




I took ds to his basketball game last night since he was feeling better, but still a little sniffy.  Hope he didn't infect the whole team.  He slept on the couch again, but I slept in bed so I got much better sleep!

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Sounds like we all had storms last night.


Today feels like my last day of freedom before "show week" - dd17's daily dress rehearsals and performances for the next week. Plus I have a dress rehearsal and concert and it is ds10's and my birthdays. And co-op and regular lessons. And more dentist appointments. And the doctor for dd9 and dd6 if they are still sick.


At least I have PANTS! :D

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I'm off to homeschool. Alone. In the rain.


(channeling Hemingway. ugh. How depressing!)

Wow. I just read some of a Wikipedia article about Hemingway. What a life! He reminds me of Forrest Gump by being in important places at the wrong/right time. Also by escaping death several times. Did you know his father committed suicide hours before receiving a letter from his son (Ernest) saying that he would not need to worry about money anymore? How awful!


This is your educational post for the day. Although many of you probably know this already.


I have so many other things I need to be doing. I just don't feel like doing it.

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likety like like like.



Good morning to everyone, and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY (next week?) to Susan and ds!!  


Susan, I am dreaming your concert in my head.  That, and a stroll by myself through the Container Store with a cuppa joe in my hand, would so soothe my spirit.



Peace out, friends.   Reality is calling.   :rolleyes:

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I seriously attempted to read Hemmingway. For the life of me, I couldn't understand his writing. I'd read a couple pages and had no idea what he was talking about. And then I'd read it again. And I still didn't know what he was talking about. So I put it down and went away. And then tried again later. Still had no idea. So I quit. I think I was trying to read "A Farewell to Arms". Maybe there's something wrong with me.

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I seriously attempted to read Hemmingway. For the life of me, I couldn't understand his writing. I'd read a couple pages and had no idea what he was talking about. And then I'd read it again. And I still didn't know what he was talking about. So I put it down and went away. And then tried again later. Still had no idea. So I quit. I think I was trying to read "A Farewell to Arms". Maybe there's something wrong with me.

The timing on this post is hilarious to me. Just yesterday, I stuck "A Farewell to Arms" on my nightstand to read this weekend. I may just have to stick it back on the bookshelf :lol:

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I am back. Man, you ladies have stamina. When I don't feel well, I tend to disappear from life for a while and then pop back in. My IRL friends understand this and love me anyway. I hope you all do too:-)


I got to watch a friend's toddler yesterday. At one point, I had their cat purring in my lap, the baby tucked in next to me (she is adorable and smiley and sucks her thumb in the cutest way) and ds11 on the other side of her reading to her. He would have been an awesome big bro. My cup runneth over.


We are behind in our work this week, but I am about halfway through writing an AP Human Geography syllabus for my soon-to-be freshman. :svengo: I wonder if I will get approved right away or if the College Board will reject me :crying:


I am sad this morning. One of my dear friends found out that her boys have a genetic disease and they will likely have a large percentage of sight loss by the time they are late teens. They are just devastated. But the little guys are so lucky to have their parents who have already shown them so much of God's love. I know He will draw them close. It is just a sad day.

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I have not been reading much lately. Because when I read, if I love the book, I don't want to do anything but read. This summer I REALLY got into Poldark, thanks to the series on Masterpiece and Aidan Turner. (He is soooooo good lookin'. H.O.T.) There are 12 books in the series, and I read them all in June. I didn't accomplish much at all.


If I don't love it. I just can't read it. It took me about 75 pages to get into Pride & Prejudice. I finished it, but I forced myself in the beginning.


All of this to say, I am intrigued by Hemingway. I think I may have tried to read something by him in high school, but that has been 20ish years ago. I believe I will try again.

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I am back. Man, you ladies have stamina. When I don't feel well, I tend to disappear from life for a while and then pop back in. My IRL friends understand this and love me anyway. I hope you all do too:-)


I got to watch a friend's toddler yesterday. At one point, I had their cat purring in my lap, the baby tucked in next to me (she is adorable and smiley and sucks her thumb in the cutest way) and ds11 on the other side of her reading to her. He would have been an awesome big bro. My cup runneth over.


We are behind in our work this week, but I am about halfway through writing an AP Human Geography syllabus for my soon-to-be freshman. :svengo: I wonder if I will get approved right away or if the College Board will reject me :crying:


I am sad this morning. One of my dear friends found out that her boys have a genetic disease and they will likely have a large percentage of sight loss by the time they are late teens. They are just devastated. But the little guys are so lucky to have their parents who have already shown them so much of God's love. I know He will draw them close. It is just a sad day.

Yes, we love you bunches, your story was very sweet, and I'm so very sorry about your friends sons. It sounds like everything will be okay. Sometimes His plans are greater than ours, even when we don't understand.

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I have not been reading much lately. Because when I read, if I love the book, I don't want to do anything but read. This summer I REALLY got into Poldark, thanks to the series on Masterpiece and Aidan Turner. (He is soooooo good lookin'. H.O.T.) There are 12 books in the series, and I read them all in June. I didn't accomplish much at all.


If I don't love it. I just can't read it. It took me about 75 pages to get into Pride & Prejudice. I finished it, but I forced myself in the beginning.


All of this to say, I am intrigued by Hemingway. I think I may have tried to read something by him in high school, but that has been 20ish years ago. I believe I will try again.

I thought The Old Man and the Sea was tolerable, and short.


I have read many Jane Austen novels, but only when "assigned" for a book club. :) Except for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies which was beyond horrible but intriguing.


I am going to the library again today, and if I have room on my card, I will check out a Poldark book.

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I am back. Man, you ladies have stamina. When I don't feel well, I tend to disappear from life for a while and then pop back in. My IRL friends understand this and love me anyway. I hope you all do too:-)


I got to watch a friend's toddler yesterday. At one point, I had their cat purring in my lap, the baby tucked in next to me (she is adorable and smiley and sucks her thumb in the cutest way) and ds11 on the other side of her reading to her. He would have been an awesome big bro. My cup runneth over.


We are behind in our work this week, but I am about halfway through writing an AP Human Geography syllabus for my soon-to-be freshman. :svengo: I wonder if I will get approved right away or if the College Board will reject me :crying:


I am sad this morning. One of my dear friends found out that her boys have a genetic disease and they will likely have a large percentage of sight loss by the time they are late teens. They are just devastated. But the little guys are so lucky to have their parents who have already shown them so much of God's love. I know He will draw them close. It is just a sad day.



Yes, we love you bunches, your story was very sweet, and I'm so very sorry about your friends sons. It sounds like everything will be okay. Sometimes His plans are greater than ours, even when we don't understand.



I was going to reply, Heather, but Slash said it best.  :grouphug:

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The timing on this post is hilarious to me. Just yesterday, I stuck "A Farewell to Arms" on my nightstand to read this weekend. I may just have to stick it back on the bookshelf :lol:

Well, don't let my experience put you off. His writing must be wonderful or else he wouldn't be so famous and widely read. I just felt like he was talking about things that you needed to have prior information to understand and I didn't have that prior information. I am not very good at reading between the lines. I need things explicitly spelled out. But some people are able to "get things" with minimal information. That's why I was so frustrated.
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Good luck, Renai. Sitting at the dr stinks.


"Radioactive" made me giggle. Hopefully, you can get out of there and do something fun. I would say more fun that talking to us on ITT, but I realized there is NOTHING more fun than that, lol.


I had better go lay the smack down. Kids have been a bit slackerish this week.

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Well, don't let my experience put you off. His writing must be wonderful or else he wouldn't be so famous and widely read. I just felt like he was talking about things that you needed to have prior information to understand and I didn't have that prior information. I am not very good at reading between the lines. I need things explicitly spelled out. But some people are able to "get things" with minimal information. That's why I was so frustrated.

I totally get that. I will let you know.


I remember reading "A Tale of Two Cities" in my 20s. It was a revelation. After all of my years in school and college, I had never really "gotten" why a classic was a classic. (Which either reflects very poorly on me or very poorly on my education, lol. That books opened my eyes for some weird reason. It was awesome.

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I thought The Old Man and the Sea was tolerable, and short.


I have read many Jane Austen novels, but only when "assigned" for a book club. :) Except for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies which was beyond horrible but intriguing.


I am going to the library again today, and if I have room on my card, I will check out a Poldark book.


Winston Graham is the author. I feel in love with his writing at least this series.

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Radioactive is dd3s favoritest song ever.  Well, that and Sail.   :huh:


I'm not sure how I feel about that.  

Because of this, I just listened to Sail.  I like the song - it has a strong beat and catchy tune.  I can't make heads or tails of the lyrics though and I even read them!  The YouTube video seemed to suggest it was about an alien abduction or something.  The guy was paranoid anyway.  He had an illuminati sticker up on the wall.  Is he saying that his ADD meds make him paranoid and high?  

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I've heard the song many many times but had never seen the video before. The video sure had a different image than what I had in my head! And wasn't the villian Lou Diamond Phillips?

Yes, the muppets were rather unexpected.




Happy Booya to y'all!


(This booya is dedicated to Radioactive Renai.)


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

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Good morning all. I slept like crap, but I don't feel like crap so I'll take it.


Lynn doesn't love me. :(


I'm off to see if the KJV thread is locked yet. And then maybe take a nap.


Lynn, I'm glad your son is feeling better.


I think I was avoiding the "h" controversy.  But I can get behind ice cream with you and Ducklings for sure. 


I love your old/new avatar too!  So pretty!


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I think I was avoiding the "h" controversy. But I can get behind ice cream with you and Ducklings for sure.


I love your old/new avatar too! So pretty!


I meant that you mentioned everybody but me in your post. You can come for ice cream. With your iPhone. But you both have to come to Oregon. Because pregnant.

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