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Every time I walk into the bathroom, I feel like I'm in a miniature version of "The Birds". They are all perched on the mirror, just watching and waiting.



I am crazy good at catching bugs. I'd totally come over for 10 minutes and deal with that for you. I always did for the neighbors as a kid.



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That's super easy to do. Fix it, but take a little solace in the fact that doctors and pharmacists won't even tell you about some subtle interactions of your stuff that would make you nuts to track.


That said, you should take them separated still.


Medication is ridiculous to keep track of and changing insurance rules, generics, prices, coverage, availability, etc, just makes it all worse. In the 1800s we had to worry about infection from surgeons with dirty hands. Now we have to worry about insurance companies and drug corporations killing us with a never ending shell game. Bleh. :p


This reminds me: I still haven't received one of the meds the doc at the ER prescribed. Something about needing preauthorization. It's been 1.5 weeks now.

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Well, yeah.  We told you to drink it many pages ago, and you pooh-poohed us.  Next time you will listen!


I'm pretty sure I'm the one that pooh-poohed you. Because it didn't work for me. Lemonade on the way back up is not good. But, then I mentioned she should try it and report back.

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It is 6 pm.  I finally feel like I have a brain again.  

For the record, my pain level is much better.  So the pain reset was good.  I will take my meds tonight.  But I will not take an additional dose again in the morning.  Hopefully I won't need a reset for a long time.  Esp. since I discovered the drug interaction.  

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So if you are into solving mysteries, feel free to tackle the Mystery of the Fruit Fly Swarm in My Bathroom.


I have a funnel trap going which works quite well (mason jar, vinegar, banana peels, topped with a paper funnel) but they just keep coming. I have put tape "traps" over the sink and bathtub drains and looked/cleaned everything in the vicinity that may harbor attractants, but I am stumped. They seem to like the mirror best. 'Course, it could be narcissism.


Stupid red-eyed buggers.


No one has even solved the Mystery of the Pantry Moths that are Found Everywhere, Except the Pantry. Wait, I did find a few in there yesterday. This is after vacuuming and cleaning it out. But the majority of them are everywhere else.

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Oooo, oooo, oooo!!!  Pick me!  Pick me!!  I have a bazooka!  boxing.gif


Look. This worries me. My child is already wild, with a streak of aggressive behavior (she feels sorry afterward, though), and you want me to send her to YOU? Ms. Bazooka Woman?? Are you CRAZY???

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Look. This worries me. My child is already wild, with a streak of aggressive behavior (she feels sorry afterward, though), and you want me to send her to YOU? Ms. Bazooka Woman?? Are you CRAZY???


(secret.gifBelieve it or not, I have managed to raise a gentle-spirited child.  I don't quite know how, but apparently I sufficiently frighten God that He sends angelic reinforcements. Shhhhh....)

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