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I separate night training and day training. My kids were night-dry from like... literally three months they'd wake up dry and I'd pee them over the potty.




I'd take a bedwetter over a non-sleeper any day of the week. Literally. Take my insomniac children.


I feel that pain. My 2nd potty trained long before she slept through the night.  :zombie:

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Rain here, too. All day, tonight and tomorrow.....Rain. I think maybe 2 inches.


It is a good thing the neighbor got his soybeans harvested.


Halloween party today. We are supposed to bring a holiday related craft, snack or game. I think I am going to bring bat brownies and some juice pouches, and call it good.

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It's raining here too, and the wind is fierce.  My biggest problem with the rain right now is it rained through the night and froze, so the roads are very icy and I have to leave for work in 10 minutes.  Bad enough driving them at the best of times but I have my spare on the car due to the flat I got last week which means less traction.  Not going to be a fun drive in this morning.  Good thing I was already scheduled to get my winter tires put on on Sunday, looks like winter is fast approaching


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It's raining here too, and the wind is fierce. My biggest problem with the rain right now is it rained through the night and froze, so the roads are very icy and I have to leave for work in 10 minutes. Bad enough driving them at the best of times but I have my spare on the car due to the flat I got last week which means less traction. Not going to be a fun drive in this morning. Good thing I was already scheduled to get my winter tires put on on Sunday, looks like winter is fast approaching

Be safe, Brandy. Nothing goes well on ice.

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I'm still not happy with my in between hair stage. It's so bad, I dread washing it because of the effort of drying with disappointing results. #pathetic Either need to get it cut or get over it.

I wish I had some hair advice for you. I could use some myself. On a bad day I wear a bandana, and call it good enough.

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Holy cow I got a Booya/Booyah!

Yay on the Booyah!!!


Renai, good bp:-)


Tex, give little dd a high five for the Prof!


Lynn, I second that we need pix.


Piano and tennis (aka frantically running around town) day. I am in that place where I feel like I am half- ___ing everything and doing nothing really well. But I made really good veggie soup last night... And I have been eating really healthy. So :cheers:


We desperately need a new mattress. Dh and I both have our separate holes, lol. It's like climbing a mountain to meet in the middle. And flipping over requires Herculean effort :Svengo: We have one picked out. We just have to find some time to go get it. I am looking forward to a lovely night's sleep:-)

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I just got an email from the education company I did contract work with. So, the curriculum I helped write was not ready for sale for the 2015-16 school year. They are moving on to phase 2, whatever that means, but could mean another contract and more work until the 2016-17 year when they hope to sell it. It is already being marketed and, it seems, piloted (they are making revisions based on feedback). Hopefully, they sell millions of dollars worth so I can get lots and lots of royalties and won't have to work outside the home anymore.

This. Your brilliance deserves to be known throughout the land... And may your wallet be ever full.


May your beard grow ever longer is a general blessing in this house... I have to remind the boys that I am not a boy and I do not want a beard... Ever. Although that isn't likely because I am completely unhairy.


We need a "rambling" emoticon.

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My work here is done. :hat:


Are you well hydrated?


(Puts on ignore everyone who does not find Brad Pitt attractive.)


This is your final chance, people who do not find BP attractive...do you find this man attractive? (If not, abandon all hope, ye who enter here.)


(Google Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn but do not post because of bad people who got SWB, my BFF, in trouble for nothing.))

Ah, Viggo as Aragorn. You have good taste, mi Amiga. And Viggo IRL is NOT the same as Aragorn.


As far as BP goes, I find his characters attractive. It's more his mannerisms, wit, etc, coupled with the look that makes him attractive. IRL, he is ok. Sorry. But he is getting better as he gets older. Dh is 10 years older than I am... I prefer men with some seasoning :lol:

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Yeah, I think she just didn't do as good a job shaping it last time. (I can hardly stand to post it - if you have a magic cure for fat face, double chins, and old necks let me know that too. Though I'm sure I'll have some reason why I can't do it.)



Oh my gosh, be quiet:-) you are very lovely. And I actually think your hair looks nice. So no advice. But pretty:-)

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I like the hair. I've heard great things about face yoga, whatever the heck that is, and yes ditch the sweat shirt. Get some nice sun dresses this spring. I love sun dresses. You don't to have to wear makeup or jewelry with them. They're basically pretty t shirts that you don't have to wear pants with.



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I have often said that a woman is someone that spends the first 21 years of her life wanting to look different and the rest of her life looking like she did for the first 21 years.

Love this. Too funny, Slachey.


I am in my 40s and am still uncertain at what age that shift happens. But it is subtle and sneaky and mean.

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I also concur on the sweatshirt thing. I can't wear things that hit up high on my neck without my face looking far more moon-shaped than I like. I will wear cowl necks but not true turtles. I have spent the last couple of years analyzing what flatters me. I need an lower neckline (but not too low because the girls.) I can't wear boxy things because they make me look bigger instead of camouflaging. No skinny jeans or leggings unless they are worn with boots or my athletic legs look even more short and stocky. I also used to wear bulky sweaters because they feel cozy to me, and I like their texture. Nopity nope nope. I need fine gauge sweaters made out of drapey fabric.


Yoga pants, of course, are better than sweats even if I no longer sport the rockin' booty I used to have.


I also know which makeup is flattering to my coloring and am brutally honest about how I would look in "cute, short" hair styles. Can't pull them off. I need length.


I wear long necklaces or scarves for color, but much of my wardrobe is higher end neutrals. Earrings are diamond studs, unless I am in evening wear. My watch goes with everything.


I tend to uniform more now, and it. Makes looking good (or at least presentable) on a daily basis so much easier. And my closet it a pleasure to look at :lol:


Again, rambling.

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Yeah, I think she just didn't do as good a job shaping it last time.  (I can hardly stand to post it - if you have a magic cure for fat face, double chins, and old necks let me know that too.  Though I'm sure I'll have some reason why I can't do it.)


Is Lynn HOT, or what???




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Thank you.  You all are very kind.  I agree with ditching the sweatshirt but this cold, but not cold enough for heat, weather has it calling to me, lol. 


Slache - ha!  We knew that about you and pants.  I think that's how you got this way, lol. 


(Note to self - get anti aging cream for neck.)

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Same here with the uniform. Pink and red tops, plain or embellished, flowing skirts and yoga pants. Everything goes with everything. Baby pink lip gloss and a bob, usually with feathers. My gypsy style lets me vary my look without much effort. It's easy to shop.



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Just realized that I should have added why.  I like where the bangs are hitting; you have great cheekbones and they are accentuated.  I also like the layering at the ends.  It seems to work with your natural waves and is framing your jawline.  The only thing that might need a teeny bit of help is styling the bangs (styling, as in blowing in a little more curl.)  IMO. (Unless I am wrong.  And I am never wrong.)

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Thank you. You all are very kind. I agree with ditching the sweatshirt but this cold, but not cold enough for heat, weather has it calling to me, lol.


Slache - ha! We knew that about you and pants. I think that's how you got this way, lol.


(Note to self - get anti aging cream for neck.)

I use the same cream on my neck as my face. Simplicity is really key with me. If you over complicate something I just won't do it. That's why I have a water bottle. I would never drink enough water without it.

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