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Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I'm not calling back until tomorrow. She said it would be a waste.


See, you could have driven the 50 minutes to Walmart, got the 88 cent test, drove back, peed, and had the results before you're getting the results from that clinic.

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I missed the almostBaby announcement AND the big CC debate???????


All for a movie that was a snoozer.  (Well actually it wasn't boring, just really waaaaaay too dark for my taste).  




Well, we are CC folks officially this year -- did it at home the past two years and joined when a group opened near us this year.  The at-home variety was great because of spreading it out however we wanted, but while I was uncertain about joining a group, I must confess we puffy-heart it this year and are learning tons even though it isn't ALL we do.  College would have been a breeze for me if I'd done this myself as a kid.  


Texie - If time allows this weekend, I'll text you Little Duck doing the timeline.  You'll puffy heart CC too, I promise. She's adorable and totally cool. I bet you'll be in your basement uploading your own original hand motions by Monday morning.  Eighties hair is optional but always welcome.  :001_wub:



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Quacker's, what movie did you see?


Black Sea.  Jude Law.  



Which incidentally is part of the Assyrian Empire. I can sing about it.   :D  (the Sea, not Jude Law.)


Criminals on a submarine attempting to steal gold from a sunken Nazi vessel, but killing each other in the process.  Let's just say I'm not in charge of setting up the movie queue at the library.  Thankfully, we also have Sherlock season 1 this weekend.  

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Is it just me, or does someone have to be seriously, deeply, and incorrigibly in denial to even consider teaching a class with one's own child in it?!?!


Or are my kids just little son-of-a-guns?


I accept the appeal of co-op. I accept the appeal of public school. I accept the appeal of CC. I accept the appeal of teaching. I accept the appeal of homeschooling.


But I feel I would have to have been blind and deaf and unconscious besides to entertain, even for a moment, the notion of teaching a classroom full of children, while my own children were there.


They would destroy the learning environment in trying to get to me. It doesn't matter if I wouldn't give in. One other kid would look shocked and their horrid behavior and that would egg them on.


I wish I had the capacity for denial that some parents have, I really do.

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Good Morning!!!!! It's Saturday!!! And for some reason my alarm went off just like it was a weekday. Boooooooooo!


I don't think we have any special plans today. Dh may have to work tonight. There are no band competitions until next Saturday which is also Halloween. So my children won't get to have trick or treating this year. However I think we will go to a Halloween party on Friday the 30th. So that is good enough.:)

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Instead of me researching for my literature review, I started looking up racial differences in blood pressure control. I just finished reading a study that showed that AAs (African American) have less of a dip in pressure at night than whites. It is being considered a factor in the higher rates of cardiovascular diseases among blacks. It's like, the heart isn't getting as much rest at night ( explained for the layperson).


I remember when I was on a beta blocker when pregnant with the youngest, my bp would dip so low at night it freaked me out. But, it also gave me asthma attacks so my doc changed my med to the calcium blocker in week 11. Funny enough, my bp stabilized on its own during pregnancy and I didn't have to take meds from 12 weeks through 39. I restarted it in week 39 when bp started creeping back up (doc said when it hit 140/90. It never got that high, but the persistent climb I started taking the med so it wouldn't get that high).


The studies also talk about high nonadherence rates of AAs in taking medications. One study mentioned the high side effects of meds in AAs. I know I stopped my one med when it began giving me severe migraines. It seems my current med is keeping me in the pre-bp range, but it's not going any further down.

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I wish that bottom number was a bit lower. Is this before meds or after?

Thanks for reporting. :)


This is before meds. My bottom number is usually indicative of my need for more water, though. And this new med I'm on stated I'd need even more water. I found out yesterday that it is just a little constipating.  :huh:

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Good Morning!


Little children are watching cartoons, oldest dd is getting ready to leave for mid-state choir audition, and I need to take a shower before going to a theater parents' meeting. At some point I need to buy some groceries.


ETA: I teach classes that my own kids are in - sometimes it works well, sometimes not. It is particularly helpful for ds10 who has auditory processing disorder because he can "hear and understand" me and it prevents a lot of frustration (and the resulting behavior) that he sometimes has with other teachers. He is getting better, though. He is currently in 3 various classes with different teachers he has known for a couple of years now, and things are going OK.

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