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Also, now that I am apparently here, though late... I'm Ashley. 


I'm suppose to be planning the 1st semester today and tomorrow BUT I just got 2 more boxes of book orders in so that'll distract me for a good hour AND I have spent all morning drinking exorbitant amounts of green tea as my back is killing me which means in turn I have been running to the bathroom constantly to pee.




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Also, now that I am apparently here, though late... I'm Ashley.


I'm suppose to be planning the 1st semester today and tomorrow BUT I just got 2 more boxes of book orders in so that'll distract me for a good hour AND I have spent all morning drinking exorbitant amounts of green tea as my back is killing me which means in turn I have been running to the bathroom constantly to pee.



I think exorbitant amounts of something else would be better for your back.

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I'm confused. Green tea helps with pain?


It has for the past 5 years. Most of my back issues stem from pregnancies, etc so its' chronic pain. It flares up badly when I'm sick or such. Increasing my green tea intake always seems to do well in back pain relief. Exercising helps, so does the chiropractor... but those don't suit me well...  :glare:

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It has for the past 5 years. Most of my back issues stem from pregnancies, etc so its' chronic pain. It flares up badly when I'm sick or such. Increasing my green tea intake always seems to do well in back pain relief. Exercising helps, so does the chiropractor... but those don't suit me well...  :glare:

I'd never heard that before. I'm not a green tea drinker. 


It depends on the popularity of the site. It will tell you how many shares are left for each site.

Cool. Apparently there are 91 available. We'll be able to get one in a few hours. Thanks for the recommendation. This will be the first Saturday my husband hasn't worked in three years, but it will be a normal thing now. 


I am going to go eat lunch.  (You totally needed to know that.)

I'm hanging on to every word. 

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Oh, yeah, now I remember, and stand corrected. I forget titles that are too long and self-important.


:toetap05:   I believe it was moi who came up with the whole "Icon Queen" thing, too.  You know, moi of the "too long, self-important" title.

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I laugh so loud that people remark on it, not always favorably.  I say that if I have to be known for something, being a loud laugher.


MIL and BIL (the bad one) are pushing to settle Nan's estate, close bank accounts, etc.  But we have things outstanding.  MIL will blow through what little money is there immediately.  Also, Nan's rental tenants are delinquent on the rent due to cancer.  UGH.  We received a certified letter today from the nursing home that neglected Nan saying it would be turned over to colletions.  Also, when the respite care allowed her to fall, she incurred a hospital bill, for some reason, so we received a bill for $1600.  So  no, MIL, you cannot have your money unless you are willing to deal with all of these people with their hands out for a piece of it.  



((Tex))   Need some ninja elephants sent your way?  


Ninja elephants are insufficient.  This is why I need a bazooka.

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:toetap05: I believe it was moi who came up with the whole "Icon Queen" thing, too. You know, moi of the "too long, self-important" title.

No. You may have had name suggestions, but I've always been Icon Queen. Check my history. It goes way back. I just officially added the name in this thread. Just so you know.

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No. You may have had name suggestions, but I've always been Icon Queen. Check my history. It goes way back. I just officially added the name in this thread. Just so you know.


No. Previously, you were the Icon Dabbler.  Your regency was conferred by moi.  It's what I do; it's who I am.  (Well, in addition to be a big-butted stick figure, that is.)

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No. Previously, you were the Icon Dabbler. Your regency was conferred by moi. It's what I do; it's who I am. (Well, in addition to be a big-butted stick figure, that is.)

Wrong again big-buttypoo. The honor was conferred long ago, prior to this thread. Your importance comes in at the actual official dubbing- kinda like how a queen dubs a knight. Once the dubbing was done, I could officially change the title. So thanks for that. :D

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((((Jean's liver)))))


((((Slache's missing pen)))))


((((someone else....I'm sure I'll remember in a minute...)



NB - In spite of the mass hugging, each and every hug is sincere, and comes with Gift Card Good For One Elephant Ninja Attack On Your Victim Of Choice.



ETA:  oh, yes!!!!  ((((ashley's back))))) 

         and because she's clearly become another ITT addict ((((ashley))))

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I refuse to like this. Pshah. Is that all you got?










This one is even religious - a group for young adult Catholics. You'll have to click it.











Soooooo photoshopped.  Really, Renai.  

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Quackers, the turtle post is actually a secret code and we won't be letting you in on it. The sign is suggesting that booyah is something available for purchase and does not belong in this thread. I like the excellent wife.



Watch out, little turtle. You are forgetting that  I AM A SHARK.





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Why, yes, that you did. I guess you get a pass then.


However, the final word on that is up to the thread matriarch, AMJ. I think. Or, it could be the Queen, Ellie. Or perhaps the thread granny, Jean. I am only the Icon Queen; and the Original Booya Babe - Slache - has no word on that. I don't remember who JoJosMom is supposed to be, but I'm pretty sure she has no power or say in the matter. :D Anyone else without titles are ninja elephant minions. Minions, I say.


Yeah, but I'm a ninja elephant minion with nunchucks.  Beware the nunchucks!

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My husband and I both had horribly violent dreams the other night. My dreams involved rape, a woman slicing herself open and filling her insides with feathers, and things involving babies. My husband didn't tell me everything because he said I didn't want to know, but a woman ripped her face off and microwaved it. We realized it was because of the new a/c in our bedroom. The sounds of certain electronics can cause nightmares according to some, especially people who have had wind turbines installed near their homes. I think I might believe them now. We switched our a/c with the one in the living room just in case.


Were you the one who also mentioned sleepwalking?


Note to self:  Never sleep at Slash's house.

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Also, now that I am apparently here, though late... I'm Ashley. 


I'm suppose to be planning the 1st semester today and tomorrow BUT I just got 2 more boxes of book orders in so that'll distract me for a good hour AND I have spent all morning drinking exorbitant amounts of green tea as my back is killing me which means in turn I have been running to the bathroom constantly to pee.




Welcome, Ashley who constantly pees.  Book orders and this thread are my favorite distractions!

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I tried to read the "Waaaaa!  Why no peanut butter at schools?" thread (I don't think that was really the name of thread...) earlier and it made me mad so I stopped and decided not to aggravate myself further by posting.  Maybe later.



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Forget that thing. I just need this little boy, :lol:



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What do you do when you are engaged in a water gun battle in the pool with a bunch of 8yo (+/- a ear or two) boys, drenched to the bone, and you come up for air and find yourself face to face with a guy you work with but only vaguely know and he smiles and says "Hi!" ?


Well, I'll tell you what I did.


I looked down quick to make sure my b00ks weren't hanging out and then turned around quickly to nail the brat who nailed me right in the ear as I was trying to decide if I should be embarrassed to be seen by a co-worker in my swimsuit. :eek:

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