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My kids would love that form of archery, like paint ball but without the mess.  Or like dodgeball to another level.  Very cool.

Room update: touch ups done, floor washed, big bookcase placed to where it will be, vinyl wall cling words are up.  Tomorrow begins hauling day when I will start to haul all their stuff into there.  

I also managed to finish reading that library book AND took a cat nap and talked to all 4 of my kids a couple times today.  Pretty good Sunday if you ask me.  Now to switch the laundry, pop on another episode of supernatural and relax.  Tomorrow is a work day after all.  Kids home next weekend so have to make the most of the time alone I have left.

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So much for my relaxing night, beware rant with cursing to follow.

I feel sick to my stomach I am so upset right now. SO the teens phoned, Chris told them they have to call his wife mum from now on. Excuse me! *I* am their mom, not her. SHe told the kids it made her feel good because she can't have her own kids. I don't give a flying rats ass if she can have kids or not. Those are MY kids, not hers. The pure selfish insensitivity those 2 have, how dare they tell them to say that. If I had remarried you can sure as shit bet Chris would not want them calling that man dad, it would be disrespectful to him. And yet he has no problem disrespecting me that way. This is one of the most hurtful things he has done since our marriage ended.

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So much for my relaxing night, beware rant with cursing to follow.


I feel sick to my stomach I am so upset right now. SO the teens phoned, Chris told them they have to call his wife mum from now on. Excuse me! *I* am their mom, not her. SHe told the kids it made her feel good because she can't have her own kids. I don't give a flying rats ass if she can have kids or not. Those are MY kids, not hers. The pure selfish insensitivity those 2 have, how dare they tell them to say that. If I had remarried you can sure as shit bet Chris would not want them calling that man dad, it would be disrespectful to him. And yet he has no problem disrespecting me that way. This is one of the most hurtful things he has done since our marriage ended.


Brandy, I'm sorry he's hurting you that way. How did your children take it ?Did you tell them they don't have to call her that if they don't want to? Did you hold your tongue and not tell him off? That was really insensitive.

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Brandy, I'm sorry he's hurting you that way. How did your children take it?Did you tell them they don't have to call her that if they don't want to? That was really insensitive.

They told him it makes them uncomfortable, he doesn't care.  Of course now he is flipping back and forth between saying it was merely a suggestion to the kids and telling me it is all my fault because of what I told the psychiatrist during ds16's neuropsych testing.  He wants me to suffer because he is mad that I told the shrink what life was like back then and he is in complete denial.  


Nothing like going from my nearly asleep contented relaxing time to now being wide awake, nauseous and fighting with him on fb about this.  I just want my kids home where they belong but I am not going to punish them for his insensitivities and asshole nature.

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They told him it makes them uncomfortable, he doesn't care.  Of course now he is flipping back and forth between saying it was merely a suggestion to the kids and telling me it is all my fault because of what I told the psychiatrist during ds16's neuropsych testing.  He wants me to suffer because he is mad that I told the shrink what life was like back then and he is in complete denial.  


Nothing like going from my nearly asleep contented relaxing time to now being wide awake, nauseous and fighting with him on fb about this.  I just want my kids home where they belong but I am not going to punish them for his insensitivities and asshole nature.


Ok, close fb for now (if you haven't already) and take a long bubble bath. How in the world it is your fault that he wants them to call another woman their mom doesn't even make sense. Walk away from that foolishness. It's online, after all, you've already done the hard part in "real life", no?


Too bad ya'll don't speak Spanish. We just call anyone in our circle that isn't family tia/tio, which is aunt/uncle. Your teens could be like, "Yo, tia..." and it is a casual friendly term without it being as personal as mom. The brat.

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I told him they could call her something else but that is MY title.  Of course he then tried to claim I was preventing a bond between him and kids (the same kids that are even at his house this week because I pushed him to keep them for the second week, he wanted them to come home on the 10th).  He finally conceded he should have spoken to me first.  but still thinks step kids call their step parent mom and dad all the time and it is fine.  I told him this was a hill I was willing to die on.  He turned off fb at that point and so did I.  Still furious and nauseous but no longer ready to drive the 5 hours and go door to door searching for my kids (I know what town he lives in, but they just moved so I don't know the address)

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I told him they could call her something else but that is MY title.  Of course he then tried to claim I was preventing a bond between him and kids (the same kids that are even at his house this week because I pushed him to keep them for the second week, he wanted them to come home on the 10th).  He finally conceded he should have spoken to me first.  but still thinks step kids call their step parent mom and dad all the time and it is fine.  I told him this was a hill I was willing to die on.  He turned off fb at that point and so did I.  Still furious and nauseous but no longer ready to drive the 5 hours and go door to door searching for my kids (I know what town he lives in, but they just moved so I don't know the address)


Like AMJ told me, we can suit up the ITT ninja elephants and go find them for you if need be.

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I'm going to bed early tonight. I have to get up at 5:30am because Slash told me to get up early to exercise and to start tomorrow. Well, now it's today. I have a work shift (from home) starting at 6:30am. So, there's that.


Thanks a lot, Slash. Jillian will be waiting for me in about 5.5 hours.

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I get to sleep in until 8, if I can ever fall asleep that is.  That will give me 90 minutes to exercise and get ready for work.  Have to be in for 10am.  I hope my little one is there tomorrow, I need me some baby rocking time to calm the stress in me.

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I was 3 when they got married and I didn't remember my dad. I do think that was a huge part of it. Either way them telling the children that was completely inappropriate. If she wants kids she can adopt her own. Those are spoken for.

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So much for my relaxing night, beware rant with cursing to follow.


I feel sick to my stomach I am so upset right now. SO the teens phoned, Chris told them they have to call his wife mum from now on. Excuse me! *I* am their mom, not her. SHe told the kids it made her feel good because she can't have her own kids. I don't give a flying rats ass if she can have kids or not. Those are MY kids, not hers. The pure selfish insensitivity those 2 have, how dare they tell them to say that. If I had remarried you can sure as shit bet Chris would not want them calling that man dad, it would be disrespectful to him. And yet he has no problem disrespecting me that way. This is one of the most hurtful things he has done since our marriage ended.


Oh. my!


I have a few choice words for that guy.



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Any of you have extreme patience when it comes to tweens and their quiet hatred of and refusal to complete their math lessons? 'Cause I have one otherwise very sweet 12yodd who is headed to your house for the foreseeable future.


She is very good at taking care of animals and tidying up living rooms and bathrooms. Also, she loves babies and toddlers.

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Hey, hey, hey. I made it here. 


Why, yes, that you did. I guess you get a pass then.


However, the final word on that is up to the thread matriarch, AMJ. I think. Or, it could be the Queen, Ellie. Or perhaps the thread granny, Jean. I am only the Icon Queen; and the Original Booya Babe - Slache - has no word on that. I don't remember who JoJosMom is supposed to be, but I'm pretty sure she has no power or say in the matter. :D Anyone else without titles are ninja elephant minions. Minions, I say.

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Why, yes, that you did. I guess you get a pass then.


However, the final word on that is up to the thread matriarch, AMJ. I think. Or, it could be the Queen, Ellie. Or perhaps the thread granny, Jean. I am only the Icon Queen; and the Original Booya Babe - Slache - has no word on that. I don't remember who JoJosMom is supposed to be, but I'm pretty sure she has no power or say in the matter. :D Anyone else without titles are ninja elephant minions. Minions, I say.


Wrongo-Dongo.  Please look at my avatar.  I am the Official Declarer of Universe Regency.  Queen Ellie didn't get declared Queen by her own self, dearie.

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Wrongo-Dongo.  Please look at my avatar.  I am the Official Declarer of Universe Regency.  Queen Ellie didn't get declared Queen by her own self, dearie.


Oh, yeah, now I remember, and stand corrected. I forget titles that are too long and self-important.

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Good morning folks.  Thank you for putting up with my cursing rant.  Still nauseous today but it seems I have gotten through to them and they will not request the kids call her that anymore.  The nausea will last a few days.  WHen my cortisol levels spike due to stress I get physically ill or a couple days (which sucks because I used to thrive on conflict, now I try my best to avoid it so that I don't get sick).  Have to leave for work in about 10 minutes, and my head is not fully in the game.  I need some baby cuddles, and thank goodness I am in the kitchen cooking today for the first half of the day.  That will help me get out of this funk and be a good teacher to my crew this afternoon.  

It is finally raining here, that is a good thing.  We need it.  I hope you all have a good day today, though don't have too much fun without me :P

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Any of you have extreme patience when it comes to tweens and their quiet hatred of and refusal to complete their math lessons? 'Cause I have one otherwise very sweet 12yodd who is headed to your house for the foreseeable future.


She is very good at taking care of animals and tidying up living rooms and bathrooms. Also, she loves babies and toddlers.


This sounds so much like my dd! She loves animals and isn't in love with math (unlike the rest of us in the family).  I've had some really good fun with her in math by having her pick 5 questions from her lesson and then we'll do a "Math Challenge." We'll each do the questions and see who gets more correct. We keep score, and over a week see who is ahead. It is a VERY humbling experience for me, as I can see very clearly how easy it is to make silly, simple errors. She beats me more times than not, which is very motivating for her. I've never been asked to give out prizes to the winner, but that's a possibility, if you want.

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Any of you have extreme patience when it comes to tweens and their quiet hatred of and refusal to complete their math lessons? 'Cause I have one otherwise very sweet 12yodd who is headed to your house for the foreseeable future.


She is very good at taking care of animals and tidying up living rooms and bathrooms. Also, she loves babies and toddlers.

She is a clone of dd13.  Send her on over!  

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I had a dream where I did something really stupid and started giggling and couldn't stop.  I woke up for real and I was actually convulsed in laughter!  


This story is nice but I *need* a description of your laughter to really visualize... is it a snorting laugh? One that everyone in the movie theater turns around at to see who laughs like that? Or one of those high pitched squeaky laughs? Or is it more, truly, of an exaggerated chuckle?


I *need* to know. Please......  :crying:  

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My husband and I both had horribly violent dreams the other night. My dreams involved rape, a woman slicing herself open and filling her insides with feathers, and things involving babies. My husband didn't tell me everything because he said I didn't want to know, but a woman ripped her face off and microwaved it. We realized it was because of the new a/c in our bedroom. The sounds of certain electronics can cause nightmares according to some, especially people who have had wind turbines installed near their homes. I think I might believe them now. We switched our a/c with the one in the living room just in case.

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This story is nice but I *need* a description of your laughter to really visualize... is it a snorting laugh? One that everyone in the movie theater turns around at to see who laughs like that? Or one of those high pitched squeaky laughs? Or is it more, truly, of an exaggerated chuckle?


I *need* to know. Please......  :crying:  

This kind of laughter has no sound.  I'm doubled over, shaking,  gasping for breath, unable to talk and sometimes (but not this time) with tears streaming down my face.  I am truly "convulsed".  

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My husband and I both had horribly violent dreams the other night. My dreams involved rape, a woman slicing herself open and filling her insides with feathers, and things involving babies. My husband didn't tell me everything because he said I didn't want to know, but a woman ripped her face off and microwaved it. We realized it was because of the new a/c in our bedroom. The sounds of certain electronics can cause nightmares according to some, especially people who have had wind turbines installed near their homes. I think I might believe them now. We switched our a/c with the one in the living room just in case.

Wow. I've never heard of that.

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Wow. I've never heard of that.

I've had it before with a new electronic. A sound machine I think. When I heard of the reports of wind turbines causing nightmares I remembered that and believed it. Now this. I believe there's something to it.

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