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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


 I know some of you just went to bed a short while ago, but I'm up to get ready to take one to the pool for dive conference meet.  Y'all were busy last night! 


Jean, hope you didn't throw up; hope you are feeling better!


Renai, hope you finished homework and got lots of good sleep.


Ikslo, hope your eyes and head feel fresh when you wake.


Tex, glad that's your name, because that's what I call you, lol.


Brandy, WAY to go on the room remodel!


Slache, so you were telling your dh you wanted pizza.  (I'm a little slow.)


JoJosmom, congrats to your dd for making herself do hard stuff.  You have reached parenting nirvana.



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First coat of paint done.  Timer set for 1 hour to let it dry.  Think I am going to go sit in front of the fan to cool down and read for a bit.  I still have to do my normal housework today but will leave that for after lunch.  It is 10am now, so at 11am do the 2nd coat, then have lunch and then I can tackle the rest of my day.  

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We were rain/storm delayed for a couple hours.  Oldest had to leave before it started because he was also in a chess tournament today.  I'm home for a quick breather before I take another one back for his age group dive meet.  (More rain predicted, lol.) 


JoJosMom, thanks for your concern, lol!


Jean, I remember the agony of morning sickness; I am so sorry you have nausea like that!


Brandy, Happy Painting!



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 I know some of you just went to bed a short while ago, but I'm up to get ready to take one to the pool for dive conference meet.  Y'all were busy last night! 


Jean, hope you didn't throw up; hope you are feeling better!


Renai, hope you finished homework and got lots of good sleep.


Ikslo, hope your eyes and head feel fresh when you wake.


Tex, glad that's your name, because that's what I call you, lol.


Brandy, WAY to go on the room remodel!


Slache, so you were telling your dh you wanted pizza.  (I'm a little slow.)


JoJosmom, congrats to your dd for making herself do hard stuff.  You have reached parenting nirvana.


Thank you, Lynn, for summarizing all my catch-up replies so very nicely!  Though bullets would have been a nice touch.   Next time I need to plagiarize your catch-up post, PLEASE give your very best effort.  


(((( everyone who needs one )))))


(((( especially Jean.  I also thought the nausea post was a witty reply to Slache.  I will go unlike it.  Be better soon! ))))

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I took typing in high school.  On, you know, a typewriter.  (That's actually a thing, for you youngsters.)




Our 9th grade "nanny" for the week was stunned to walk into our living room and see a VCR.  Her jaw dropped, and she thought it was the coolest thing.  (Especially when I told her it had been our wedding gift from HER parents.)


I am really that old???  Surely y'all still have and use VCRs, right??  

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Our 9th grade "nanny" for the week was stunned to walk into our living room and see a VCR. Her jaw dropped, and she thought it was the coolest thing. (Especially when I told her it had been our wedding gift from HER parents.)


I am really that old??? Surely y'all still have and use VCRs, right??

I have a dvd/vcr player. Yes, we use the vcr. :D

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Um. What type of support are they giving? ??




Married couples getting together for marriage improvement books and dvds.   It can get interesting.


Things got a little less exciting when several couples decided to do whole30. 




They are off it now, so there were nachos and chocolate raspberry torte again last night.  :coolgleamA:

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Married couples getting together for marriage improvement books and dvds.   It can get interesting.


Things got a little less exciting when several couples decided to do whole30. 




They are off it now, so there were nachos and chocolate raspberry torte again last night.  :coolgleamA:


So, sort of like a play date for married couples?

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Our 9th grade "nanny" for the week was stunned to walk into our living room and see a VCR.  Her jaw dropped, and she thought it was the coolest thing.  (Especially when I told her it had been our wedding gift from HER parents.)


I am really that old???  Surely y'all still have and use VCRs, right??  


DH has a record player.  You know, that plays those round, black, flat things with grooves on them?

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We had a 12 year old visitor that asked why our stove looks the way it does. I explained that my husband is a sloppy cook and I put tin foil on the metal parts so that I can replace the foil instead of replacing the metal parts when food gets burned into them. She replied with further confusion and I realized she had never seen a stove that wasn't flat.

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Our 9th grade "nanny" for the week was stunned to walk into our living room and see a VCR.  Her jaw dropped, and she thought it was the coolest thing.  (Especially when I told her it had been our wedding gift from HER parents.)


I am really that old???  Surely y'all still have and use VCRs, right??  

We got rid of our VCR quite a few years back and had to give away all of our VHS tapes.


I beg to differ.






I am a booyah with an h person.


We went to see the Minions movie, and I thought it was boring and not very funny.  Dh took a nap in the theatre.


I am having the children clean the junk off the floor (the stuff that drips from them and all of the leftover contents of little dd's room from the painting last week) so I can sweep and vacuum.  I really need to vacuum.

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Thank you, Lynn, for summarizing all my catch-up replies so very nicely!  Though bullets would have been a nice touch.   Next time I need to plagiarize your catch-up post, PLEASE give your very best effort.  


(((( everyone who needs one )))))


(((( especially Jean.  I also thought the nausea post was a witty reply to Slache.  I will go unlike it.  Be better soon! ))))


Bullet points?  Do I have to learn Prezi for that?  Like Renai?  :D   I don't think I'm cool enough. 


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DH has a record player.  You know, that plays those round, black, flat things with grooves on them?


I have one of these too. I'm actually planning on buying a better one. I bought several records that I remember from my youth, like Magic Media talking books - anyone remember those?

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I refuse to like this. Pshah. Is that all you got?










This one is even religious - a group for young adult Catholics. You'll have to click it.












Aaaaaaaaand, once again, it's Renai for the win!


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OMW!  I looked them up.  I totally had those!


I still have a portion of The Fairy Princess memorized. I would sing the opening song, do the MM intro, sing the FP song, and start in on the story with all the voices. Then, around page 4 or so (I didn't have the book at the time), I ran out of memory and just told the story to her. Oldest dd loved it! Fairy Princess was my favorite story for some reason, and I wasn't even a girly girl. I finally bought several of them from ebay a while back, and also the record "Songs that tickle your funny bone." I have a bunch of those memorized as well.

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I grew up with an album of pirate songs I wish I could find again. 


Post lyrics in google and there is a chance they'll be found. That's how I found this  one cd of songs from my childhood. I only remembered a few words from a couple of songs, and looking up lyrics to each helped me find the album.

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I hardly ever look at the Top Posters of the day list, but did just now. How in the world did I post 45 (now 46) times today??? Is that right??? Did I really post that much just today? I don't even remember being on that much. Anyway, it showed me as #3. Is that an honor? Or ridiculousness??

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Post lyrics in google and there is a chance they'll be found. That's how I found this  one cd of songs from my childhood. I only remembered a few words from a couple of songs, and looking up lyrics to each helped me find the album.


I think most of the songs were not original, like Yo Ho Blow the Man Down, or What Do We Do With a Drunken Sailor.  (The last I found on a more recently recorded CD of Folksongs of the British Isles and bought it since I couldn't find the one I grew up with.  It's great!)


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I hardly ever look at the Top Posters of the day list, but did just now. How in the world did I post 45 (now 46) times today??? Is that right??? Did I really post that much just today? I don't even remember being on that much. Anyway, it showed me as #3. Is that an honor? Or ridiculousness??


It's a testament to your overflowing wisdom and how generously you share it with us!


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What? No. I would never ever respond to any comment like that - esp. on my happy place thread. (But really on any thread.)


The nausea is probably my liver. My liver is not a nice liver.

I assumed you were being sarcastic. :) I've had chronic nausea for about 4 1/2 years. I'm ready for it to go away. I just want to be able to eat eggs. I don't think that's asking much. And if I could stop waking up at 3 AM with vomit in my mouth that would be nice too.

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touch ups definitely needed in the room.  TOok off th tape and screwed up the paint in a couple places.  Still have more to do later this week, need to buy white paint for the trim around door and window, want to buy new outlet and lightswitch plate covers, and I need to remember where I put the white spray paint I bought so I can do the closet doors...I may need to buy more, it seems to be in one of those really safe places.  But once the touch ups are done, I can at least scrub the floor and start moving stuff into the room.

ETA: with an h :P

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